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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 63: The Flying Tigers Are Wiped Out Please Subscribe! 】

“Hello, Mr. Guo, I don’t want to introduce myself anymore, I’m just an ordinary person, I just arrived in Hong Kong Island, and I hit it off with Master Guo, so I invite Master Guo to come to my humble house for a few days!”

“When you make this call, you are telling Mr. Guo that you don’t have to worry about it!”

A strange man’s voice came from the phone, very deep, as if he had installed a voice changer.

But Guo Hongtu’s face was gloomy, but he looked very calm, and said in a deep voice: “Where is my son, you didn’t hurt him, did you?”

Su Shaoze smiled faintly: “Let Mr. Guo listen to Master Guo’s voice.”


Immediately afterwards, Guo Shaoheng’s screams came from the phone, Guo Hongtu’s expression tightened, and his fingers holding the phone turned white.

“Stop~ stop!”

“Okay, stop fighting!” Su Shaoze ordered.

“Mr. Guo, did you hear that? Master Guo is indeed a guest in the humble house!”

“But! Young Master Guo is a distinguished guest, so I can’t neglect to entertain him. Everything is the best, but my money is a little tight recently.

“So I want to borrow some money from Mr. Guo to treat Young Master Guo well.”

On the sea, a fishing boat was just floating like this. Su Shaoze was lying on a sun lounger, holding a satellite phone in his hand, and glanced at Guo Shaoheng who was hoisted on the bow.

He was wearing a hood and a voice changer, so he was not afraid that Guo Shaoheng would recognize him.

In the past two days, Young Master Guo was tortured 10 times in a miserable state. His hands were hung upside down on the bow of the boat, and the sea surface was under his feet.

The whole person is exhausted!

And Guo Hongtu could also imagine that his son would suffer a great crime in the hands of the kidnappers, suppressed his anger, took a deep breath and said:

“Tell me! How much money do you want!”

“Okay, Mr. Guo is really straightforward, and I don’t want much. To Mr. Guo, it’s just a drop in the bucket!”

“Fifty million!”

“All old bills without consecutive numbers, I’ll call tomorrow.” Su Shaolong hung up the phone.

On the other side, technicians also found the location of Su Shaoze’s phone.

“I found it, in a wooden house by the sea in Yang Lin village.”

“Great, inform the Flying Tigers, take action!”


At sea, Su Shaoze glanced at Guo Shaoheng, and then said to Li Zhendong: “The show is about to begin, I’ll go back to Hong Kong Island first.”

“You take good care of Young Master Guo, give him some water, and keep him from dying!”

“Don’t worry! Boss!”

In Yang Lin Village, two Flying Tigers wearing black special combat uniforms approached a wooden house from two directions.

They are well-equipped and skilled, and each team has six people.

There are even snipers in the distance to provide them with fire support. It can be said that the Flying Tigers are quite mature at this time.

“Report sir, we have arrived at the scheduled location, waiting for your order!”

There was a burst of English on the walkie-talkie, Loren Keith nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, “How is the surrounding situation? Are there any kidnappers?”

“Make sure there is no ambush around, the kidnappers should be inside the house, and the hostages are gone!”

“Great, boys, take action, wipe out all those ignorant kidnappers, and rescue the hostages safely!” Loren ordered with a big laugh.

“yes, sir!”

Things were going smoothly, the kidnappers didn’t seem to be aware of the danger, they were just some big circle guys who had just arrived on Hong Kong Island.

Dude, I don’t know!

How could it be possible to imagine how advanced their police technology is, and they rely entirely on the phone to locate their location.

These kidnappers are dead!

“Mr. Guo, don’t worry, the Flying Tigers are the most elite police force on Hong Kong Island. They are the strongest young men in our day. They will definitely be able to rescue Mr. Ling safely!” Loren said confidently.

Guo Hongtu nodded worriedly. He didn’t worry about whether the Flying Tigers could eliminate the kidnappers. He only cared about whether his son could be rescued safely.

But now I can only resign myself to fate, nodded and said: “I will leave everything to the brothers of the Flying Tigers!”

“If my son can be rescued safely, I would like to donate two helicopters to the Flying Tigers as a thank you.”

Hearing this, Loren Keith’s eyes lit up, and he patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Guo, the young man is the best!”

The Flying Tigers have only been established for a few years, and the players are all over the top.

They don’t trust the Chinese at all. After all, even the weapons used by the police are only .38 with a range of only 30 meters and only six rounds of ammunition.

What’s more, it is impossible for the Hong Kong Island authorities to hand over such a powerful armed force with heavy weapons to the Chinese with confidence.

At least in the first few years, the Flying Tigers were full of people!

These days, however, the young man has started to attack, rushing to the door without being stopped.

Holding a big ram, he slammed the door open with a bang.

The expected shootout did not happen, and they found no trace of the kidnappers. There were only two people tied together in the house.

Their heads were covered with black cloth bags, and their bodies were constantly twisting and struggling, making whining noises.

And on the side table are two phones!

“Sir, we only found two hostages, not the kidnappers, and we also found two phones.”

“It can be concluded that one call is to Guo’s residence, while the other call is connected to the real kidnapper.”

“The kidnappers demanded the ransom through two phone calls, and they are not here.” Captain Feihu said into the walkie-talkie.

On the command vehicle not far away, Loren Keith was stunned, his face was ugly, and he began to curse.

“Fuck, cunning kidnappers, we were tricked by them!” Loren Keith hammered on the car door angrily.

I thought I had found the hiding place of the kidnappers, but I didn’t expect it to be an illusion set up by the kidnappers.

They were transferred through two phones, so that the police’s positioning equipment could not locate their true location.

Are all the gangsters from the mainland so smart now?


“Where’s my son? Is my son inside?” Guo Hongtu shouted anxiously next to him.

Loren Keith was still resentful that he was swayed by the kidnappers, but he could only say in an angry voice: “Rescue the hostages immediately! Confirm the identity of the hostages!”

“yes, sir!”

Captain Feihu 110 led people forward to rescue the hostages. After they took off the hostages’ hoods, they saw two terrified faces shaking their heads at him.

Not Guo Shaoheng, but his two bodyguards!

Looking further down, there is a small string tied to the headgear, and the other end is connected to the


There was a hurried and familiar sound, and a small indicator light was constantly flashing red.

Captain Feihu’s mouth grew wide, and his face instantly became extremely frightened, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying, he shouted:


“Boom boom boom~”

In the command car in the distance, Loren Keith and Guo Hongtu were bragging about how great they are as a Japanese boy and how strong the Flying Tigers are.

Although he was tricked by the robbers this time, at least he successfully rescued the hostages.

But the next moment, a violent explosion sounded, shaking their ears, and the command vehicle shook violently.

“What’s going on, what’s going on?”

“Quickly report what happened?”

Loren Keith yelled into the walkie-talkie, and it took a long time to get a response from the other side.

“I am the sniper team, I am the sniper team!”

“There was an ambush in the wooden house, a bomb was planted, and the entire commando team was wiped out!”


The commandos wiped out?

Loren Keith’s face was stiff, his eyes were dull, and the walkie-talkie fell to the ground without knowing it!

Flying Tigers, all over?


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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