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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 639 Leisurely Time, Su Shaoze's Children【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

After leaving Lin Jiaojiao’s house, Su Shaoze didn’t go back to the company, but prepared to go home.

He has always paid attention to this aspect. Occasionally hunting wild food outside is no problem, but the focus must be on the family.

The women in the family must be comforted in time.

Whether it is mind or body, they must always be enriched.

Otherwise, Su Shaoze will get annoyed if he becomes jealous.

Although there are so many women who need to be appeased, but fortunately Su Shaoze has an iron body, able to endure and work hard.

Otherwise, I really can’t stand it!

Su Shaoze’s convoy was walking on the road, but it stopped slowly halfway.

The voice of the bodyguard on the first car in front came from the car’s communicator: “The police in front have blocked the road with a card and are checking the cars one by one.”

“April 17” Su Shaoze looked out of the car window and found that there were many policemen on the side of the road, blocking the intersection, with a serious face, and anxiously checking every passing vehicle.

The sirens kept sounding, and there were dozens of policemen, all of whom were armed with guns, creating a tense atmosphere.

It can be seen that something big must have happened.

Soon, the voice of the bodyguard in front sounded again: “A serious murder happened last night, and the police are chasing the criminal.

Sure enough, it was really a murder case, and it was not simple. The policemen are all equipped with guns, and the criminal looks quite fierce!

There was no touch on Su Shaoze’s face, and he didn’t care about these things at all.

This is a matter for the police on Hong Kong Island. As long as you don’t provoke yourself, you can easily find trouble with those criminals.

Of course, if you really meet, it is still possible to be brave.

Soon, the police blocking the road ahead also saw Su Shaoze’s convoy.

After all, there is only Su Shaoze on Hong Kong Island who can use five luxury Maybachs as a driving team.

Personal preferences are different. Other rich people like Rolls Royce, but Su Shaoze likes Maybach.

And remembering Su Shaoze’s license plate number is a compulsory course for every Hong Kong Island traffic policeman.

“Mr. Su’s convoy is behind, do you need to check?”

A middle-aged policeman with a police superintendent’s badge on his shoulder glared at the young man beside him, and immediately said, “Break the way and let Mr. Su go first.”

Although according to the rules and principles, they should indeed check Su Shaoze’s car, but he knew that if he really did this, there would definitely be no good results.

It will be difficult to get along in the police force in the future!

Two police officers were dispatched, riding motorcycles to clear a path for Su Shaoze’s convoy to let it go.

No matter how fair and just it is on the surface, privileges have always existed.

People with power and power enjoy absolutely different treatment than ordinary people.

It’s not fair to the hard-working drivers, but it’s the reality.

From the beginning to the end, Su Shaoze didn’t show up. His bodyguard captain got out of the car and thanked the superintendent.

This is the relationship between human beings. Even the smallest person may have a role that cannot be ignored at critical moments.

Su Shaoze returned to Langyushan Majestic. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw two small figures playing in the water by the small pool not far away, and they were having a great time.

It was Su Yifei and Su Tianqi, siblings.

The two of them were born on the same day, and they are almost two years old now. They are developing very fast, they can run, jump and talk, and they are much smarter than their peers.

Su Yifei stood in the pool that barely covered her thighs, her body was wet, but she didn’t care, her little hands slapped the surface of the water, splashing thumping waves.

Playing with her younger brother Su Tianqi, she laughed like a silver bell when she was happy.


But when she saw Su Shaoze getting out of the car, her attention was instantly drawn away.

He stepped straight out of the pool, stepped on the grass with his bare feet, and ran towards Su Shaoze with two long legs.

“Dad, Dad~”

While running, he shouted happily, smiled excitedly on his small face, opened his arms, and rushed towards Su Shaojin.

Su Shaoze immediately squatted on the ground and picked her up directly.

Gently let go of your hand when lifting it up, the force of inertia made Su Yifei seem to fly.

“Ah ah ah~ cluck~”

She knew that her father was playing with her, so she laughed even more happily.

“You little cat, your clothes are all soaked, your face is dirty, you’re an ugly girl.” Su Shaoze hugged her daughter in one hand, and tickled her pretty little nose with the other

Hearing that Su Shaoze said that she has become an ugly girl, she immediately gave up. She twisted her body in Su Shaoze’s arms and said proudly, “No, no, Feifei is not ugly!”

“Feifei is the most beautiful.”

Girls love beauty, even at a young age, Su Yifei is a little smug.

I pursed my lips, I didn’t want to, and my two beautiful big eyes rolled slightly, as if thinking of something.

Two small hands directly wiped Su Shaoze’s face.

“Hee hee hee, now my father has become a big face, big tabby cat.”

Seeing her daughter’s cheap and cute expression, Su Shaoze felt happy, pretending to be angry and said: “Oh, you bad girl.”

“Look at Daddy grabbing you~”

“Little cat, don’t run~”

Putting Su Yifei on the grass, the little girl screamed and ran forward with a smile.

Saint is chasing after him.

“Brother, save me, don’t let Dad catch us~”

Su Tianqi also joined the game, and three people, one big, two small, started to fight in the manor.

Su Shaoze has a lot of things to do, and it’s rare that he has time to play with his children, which is very happy.

Soon, several women also came out of the house, smiling and watching the father and son playing. Zhou Huimin and Liu Xiaoli, who were the liveliest, also joined the game.

1.3 They come and run, Su Shaoze catches them!

If there were no two little guys, Su Shaoze would really feel like an ancient fool.

After catching them, they must be whipped inside and out.

After playing in the yard for a long time, Su Shaoze returned to the house with two little guys in each hand.

At this time, it seemed that something was missing.

“Hey, where are those two brats? Why didn’t you see them?”

His eldest son, Su Tianyou, and second son, Su Tianyu, are the most mischievous and playful ages.

Why didn’t I see them come out?

Ye Yingwen rolled his eyes at him and snorted softly: “I just remembered that you have two sons?”

“They went to Bao’s house, and my grandson, Bao Ship King, played with them.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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