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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 643 Hero, Let Out A Yell When You See Injustice On The Road【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Month

“What? The escort vehicle was robbed?”

The news quickly spread to the Police Headquarters, and a chief superintendent slapped the table and was furious.

“How’s our buddy?”

“Our guys are all right, although the robbers are all holding AK47, but they don’t seem to want to make things difficult for us, except for the two people who were in the car accident~, everything else is fine.

Hearing that there were no police casualties, the chief superintendent was also relieved, and then he became even more angry: “Who did it? How dare you rob a prison car in broad daylight? It’s lawless.”

“Sir, the two guys driving the escort car said that they overheard the personal conversation between the robber and Zhang Xinminger.

“They said someone wanted to kill Zhang Xinming and the others, and it was Commissioner Zhang who sent them to save people.”

Hearing this statement, the chief superintendent subconsciously didn’t believe it.

Zhang Xinming and the others are basically fine, and they will be able to go home soon. There is no need for the legislator surnamed Zhang to do such a thing.

But if he got the news that someone secretly wanted his son’s life, it would be hard to say.

Thinking of this, the superintendent also felt that it was very likely that the chief commissioner did this.

On the other side, Committee Member Zhang, Liu Fengqiang and the others also got the news.

“My son was robbed?”

“Did I have someone do it?”


Committee member Zhang laughed back angrily. If he had asked someone to do it, how could he not know.

Moreover, he used so many methods and connections before, and managed to secure Zhang Xinming, why bother to rob the prison car!

As a result, Zhang Xinming became a fugitive, and he will no longer be able to live a bright and aboveboard life.

“According to eyewitnesses, the robber said that someone wanted to assassinate the young master, so you had no choice but to make such a plan, sir.”

Hearing this, Commissioner Zhang’s face turned green.

“Fart, idiot, those cops are falling for the robbers’ tricks.

“There is no conspiracy at all, and I have never sent anyone.”

Now that everyone’s eyes are on him, how dare he act rashly!

“My son was kidnapped and told the police that they had to get my son out.”

Commissioner Zhang roared angrily, panting heavily, out of breath, and sat on the sofa holding his chest in a short while.

But he can’t explain this matter unless he catches the robber.

On the other side, Yang Guangcheng drove a large truck to an abandoned rural courtyard, opened the rear door, and knocked on the iron door.

“Here we are, let the guests get off the bus.”

The two masked robbers with guns didn’t say much, they directly grabbed a few people and threw them from the car.

“Oh, please, bastard, you want to throw me to death?”

“My arm is broken, get me a doctor.”

“Where is this place?”

The five people looked different, and they all looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

It seems that I have left the urban area and come to a certain place in the countryside. The yard is very dilapidated, as if no one has lived in it for many years.

Dirty, messy and smelly.

They actually let noble young masters like them come to this kind of place.

feeling bad.

“Where is this place? Where is my dad?” Zhang Xinming asked quickly.

He already felt something was wrong when he was on the road, and this feeling became even stronger after getting off the car.

These four masked robbers were very fierce, and their attitude towards them was very bad. They didn’t look like the people his father was looking for at all.

Yang Guangcheng laughed, and took off his hood, revealing a face of about 30 years old, with a vicissitudes of life, his actual age was younger.

“Your father, Commissioner Zhang?”

“Hehe, he will come to accompany you soon.”

Yang Guangcheng said in an inexplicable tone, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Zhang Xinming with this expression and eyes, he felt chills, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that these people were not his father at all.

“You, who are you guys? Why did you bring us here? What do you want to do?”

“My father is a legislator, he will not let you go.”

Zhang Xinming said threateningly.

It’s over, and I was deceived by these people. They didn’t come to save me, but were planning to plot evil against me.

Looking at the AKs in their hands and remembering how fiercely they shot at the police, Zhang Xinming knew that he couldn’t run away.

This is a group of very fierce bandits.

Hearing Zhang Xinming’s threat, Yang Guangcheng suddenly laughed out loud, very heartily.

“Are you scared?”

“What are you afraid of? Wasn’t it great when you bullied my sister two months ago?”

“Oh, by the way, your father is a legislator with a Tongtian wrist, but he can’t save you now!”

Yang Guangcheng was very happy, but Zhang Xinming and the others were confused.

His sister?

They have bullied so many girls, who knows who his sister is!

“Hehe, let me introduce myself. My name is Yang Guangcheng. These three are my life and death brothers.”

After Yang Guangcheng finished speaking, the other three also took off their hoods, revealing three ordinary faces.

“And my younger sister, her name is Yang Lijun!”

Yang Lijun?

These three words exploded in their minds like a thunderbolt.

Zhang Xinming suddenly turned pale with shock, and everyone else was also horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

“You, you, are you, Yang Lijun’s big brother?”

“How is it possible? Didn’t she only have one poisonous daddy? Didn’t her big brother die a long time ago?”

Zhang Xinming and the others all changed their faces in shock, and Liu Zhidong squatted on the ground, his face pale.

I thought things were over and they could go home soon.

With that stinking woman and her father, they even signed the agreement of understanding and collected the money.

But I didn’t expect another big brother to come out, and he was so fierce.

“You, we have already given money to your family, and your father has forgiven us, why are you still looking for us?” The man with glasses shouted in horror.

“Money? Can money get my sister’s life back?” Yang Guangcheng said in a cold voice.

“If money can buy your life, then I will buy your life.”

Hearing Yang Guangcheng’s cold and stern voice, he looked at the murderous looks of the three guys with assault rifles around him.

These people collapsed more and more. Liu Zhidong, who was usually the most arrogant and domineering, actually peed his pants at this time.

Kneeling down in front of Yang Guangcheng, he slapped his face and said, “Brother, I was wrong, I’m not human, please forgive me!”

ask for flowers……

“I was also forced, they forced me to do it.”

At this moment of life and death, Liu Zhidong decisively chose to sell his brother to save his life.

This behavior immediately aroused the anger of others.

“Fart, Liu Zhidong, you bastard, you were the one who suggested it first.”

“We all listen to you.”

In the Prisoner’s Dilemma, these people began to bite each other, and they almost got into a fight.

Seeing this picture of a dog biting a dog, Yang Guangcheng laughed happily.

“Don’t kill us, you can ask us to do anything, call my father, he will give you a lot of money, don’t kill me.” Liu Zhidong begged for mercy.

Yang Guangcheng walked in front of him, condescending, showing a cruel smile like a devil:

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die easily, I will return to you ten times and a hundred times the pain my sister has endured.

The reason why Yang Guangcheng brought them back instead of killing them directly in the prison car was for revenge.

You can’t let them die so happily.


Tonight, Commissioner Zhang’s house!

The whole family is restless, the son was taken away, there is no news so far, it must be the gangsters.

what do they want to do

Want money or what?

Is it a kidnapper or a knight.

If the former one is okay, for the sake of money, maybe they will call soon.

But if the latter one, because of the unevenness of the road, is going to stand up for the heavens, and encountering this kind of duress, it will be the most troublesome.

“Oh, my son! What kind of evil did this do! Just out of the wolf’s den and into the intersection, the cruel God! My poor son!”

Commissioner Zhang’s wife burst into tears, just like the one who cried her soul, it was very scary.

Committee member Zhang, who was crying, was upset and said angrily, “Crying, crying, what’s the use of crying?”

“On weekdays, you know that you are used to him, but now you have finally caused a big disaster.”

“I’m used to my son, why are you throwing your temper at me, hurry up and save my son~”

“Oh, my poor son~”

“Are you annoying? Don’t cry~”

Just as they were arguing, the phone in the living room rang suddenly.

Commissioner Zhang immediately told the woman to shut up and picked up the phone.


A deep voice of a strange man came from the phone: “Mr. Zhang~”

“Who are you? Did you kidnap my son? What do you want? Money? How much? As long as you can release my son~” Commissioner Zhang said eagerly.

But the man on the phone was not in a hurry, but instead said: “I’m calling to tell you.

“Mr. Zhang is right outside your house, but he doesn’t seem to be in a good condition, you’d better send him to the hospital quickly.

After speaking, the man hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Commissioner Zhang was shocked.

His wife said urgently: “What’s the matter with you? What did the person on the phone say? Where is my son? Talk to me!”

Committee member Zhang jumped up immediately and ran out of the house.

The man said that his son is now dead outside his home.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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