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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 653: Four Brothers Across The Ocean, In A Foreign Land 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly P

Led by the assistant, an ordinary man walked into Huang Xizhao’s office, holding a plastic box in his hand.

“Mr. Huang, everything is here. Aunt Xia Wei’s friend said, I hope it can be useful to you.” The man said.

Huang Xizhao nodded lightly: “Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

Then he ordered his assistant: “Awei, entertain this little brother.

The man shook his head lightly: “Mr. Huang, don’t bother, there are still things waiting for me at home, – let’s go~”

After saying goodbye, he left the office accompanied by his assistant.

The whole process was very short, and the two people’s words were also very vague, as if they were doing a joint underground.

And Huang Xizhao could guess the identity of this man.

Lone wolf man!

Although Lone Wolf and Galaxy Group belong to Su Shaoze, they are two independent systems, and no one can interfere with the other.

Even though the Galaxy Group has become a world-class comprehensive super group, it still has no influence on the lone wolf.

Lone Wolf is a security company that only accepts Su Shaoze’s private orders.

It only belongs to Su Shaoze and has no relationship with Galaxy Group.

Therefore, even though Huang Xizhao is the president of Galaxy America, he still has no jurisdiction over the lone wolf.

Unlike commercial companies, Lone Wolf is a paramilitary group, the last line of defense in Su Shaoze’s hands, and will never tolerate other people’s meddling.

Therefore, the members of Lone Wolf North America Branch will only report to Su Shaolong first if they get any news

After Su Shaoze allows, it will be transferred to Galaxy America.

like this time~

After the assistant and the messenger left, Huang Xizhao opened the box and found that there were a bunch of photos, some receipts, and video tapes inside.

Picking up the top photo, Huang Xizhao’s complexion suddenly changed, and he took a deep breath.


“Isn’t this Niyo Lieutenant Governor Michael Johnson?”

At the same time, this gentleman has another identity, a state congressman, and he is only in his forties, so he can be said to be the political star of this city.

The future is boundless, and it is definitely possible to enter the center in the future.

However, the deputy governor in the photo was naked and seemed to be communicating with a young girl.

Then, I picked up the next photo. It was still the deputy governor, but with a different room, a different angle, and a different girl.

Picking up the next stack of photos, it turned out to be the justice of Niuyue Court, Perus.

Then there are the director of the Niyo State Police Department, the Auditor General of the Niyo Appropriations Committee, etc., and there are more than a dozen people.

And next to it are some account receipts, audio and video recordings of these people.

Huang Xizhao’s eyes were stunned by this small box.

Unexpectedly, such a secret thing could be obtained by a lone wolf.

It was a pleasant surprise for him!

“No wonder the chairman told me to make good use of it. If I use it well, it will save a lot of trouble.” Huang Xizhao said pleasantly.

“However, you need to think carefully about how to use it.”

He also studied in the United States when he was young, and later came to the United States often, so he knows very well what kind of virtue these Americans are.

On the surface, he is fair and just, aboveboard, but he spends more money secretly than anyone else.

These high-ranking political stars are no exception.

If these photos are exposed, it will definitely be a huge scandal in the New York political arena, and it will have a great impact on the future of the political system of people like Michael Johnson, and they may even step down directly.

He doesn’t know where Lone Wolf got these things, but Huang Xizhao knows that he must not rely too much on these things for the expansion of his contacts in the United States and the development of the Galaxy America Group.

These photos, this evidence, are just the icing on the cake.

But if it is used to threaten those people, it is definitely an act of seeking death, and it will only arouse the hostility of the entire Pact government system.

Therefore, what Huang Xizhao has to consider is how to use these things as a stepping stone to make those people his ‘friends’ in a reasonable way

Friends with intersecting interests, wine and meat friends.

“Let’s start with this Mr. Police Commissioner!”

Huang Xizhao said with a light smile while holding a photo of Niuyue Police Chief Mosans.

The chief of police is a big man who manages all the police in Niyo.

And because of the independence of the states in the United States, the police systems are not affiliated with each other.

An application is required to handle cases across states, and even people in Washington, the United States, find it difficult to command the police in New York State.

Therefore, the Chief of Police, Niu Yue, is a key figure with great power.

And now the Galaxy America Group is indeed in a little trouble, and it has something to do with the Niuyue Police Department.

The Hong Kong Island consortium made a lot of money in this financial crisis, and used the money to enter the United States wantonly and buy American companies.

These actions have long been dissatisfied by some Americans.

Although they can’t change the overall situation, the Galaxy Group is still the Galaxy Group, and the Galaxy America is still capturing territory in North America.

This is determined by hard power, and those people are powerless to change.

But it can disgust the Galaxy Group.

In the past few days, Huang Xizhao has received three reports that employees of the Galaxy America Group encountered inexplicable star stalking, robbery, and beatings on their way to and from get off work.

And after reporting the case to the police station, Niu Yue’s policeman’s attitude was very perfunctory, telling them to go back and wait.

Then there was no news.

Although there are only three cases, they have already caused a bad influence within the Galaxy America Group.

The employees are starting to get a little nervous.

Continuing to let it go will only cause greater panic.

Therefore, this matter should be resolved as soon as possible.

Although lone wolves can be used to help, the number of lone wolves in North America is limited after all, and they cannot solve all problems, so they can only be used at critical times.

But what can really solve the fundamental problem is to see the girl make an appointment with the police.

At the same time, after half a month of crossing the ocean, a huge ocean-going ship of the Far East International Trading Company finally stopped at the port of New York.

Huge cranes unload the containers one by one, stack them at the port and leave by transportation.

‥‥Flowers 00

In the middle of the night, a car slowly drove into the port, and two men in leather jackets and black hats got out of the car and came to the cargo area of ​​the Far East International Trade Company today.

Then the moonlight shone, and they checked in countless containers.

After a while, they found the one they were looking for among the many containers.

“Found it, U-78463!”

A man said in a low voice.

The other person glanced at it and nodded lightly: “That’s it.”


The two men quickly opened the door of the box, and immediately, a bad smell rushed over.

Both of them are lone wolf soldiers who have endured actual combat in extreme environments, but the sudden stench was so thin that they almost vomited it out.


“Ugh, ah~”

The two men immediately collapsed, and they were so smoked that they could barely open their eyes. This is simply a biochemical weapon.

They thought that the smell in the container must be bad, but they didn’t expect it to be so smelly.


Just as they were trying not to spit it out, voices came from the container.

“The door is open?”

“Are we in America?”

“Great, we finally don’t have to stay in this crappy place.”

The voice is full of excitement, as if it has undergone a transformation and regained its new life.

For the four of Yang Guangcheng, this can be called a new life.

They traveled across the ocean and lived in such a small container for half a month.

Eating, drinking, and sleeping are all in it.

Who knows how they survived?


They feel like they have lost their sense of smell long ago.

When they saw four men with a foul smell coming out of the container, the two lone wolf soldiers who had experienced life and death couldn’t help but take two steps back.

“You stop.” A lone wolf soldier shouted immediately.

Hearing the familiar dialect of their hometown, the excited expressions of the four of Yang Guangcheng slowly eased. They knew that they should have arrived in the country of America.

These two should be the ones who came to meet him.

“My name is Yang Guangcheng. These three are my brothers. Are the two brothers here to pick us up?”

According to Sixth Brother’s order, after they came to the United States, someone would come to meet them, and they came to do business.

Although the four of them are all outlaws, Brother Six has become a mysterious and powerful representative in their hearts.

He has a wide network of contacts, unfathomable influence, and monstrous power.

The two in front of him are related to the sixth brother, so Yang Guangcheng dare not underestimate them.

“Brothers, can you tell us what Brother Six needs us to do?” Yang Guangcheng asked in a deep voice.

But the two lone wolf soldiers are inexplicable, brother six?

Who is the sixth brother?

But this is not important, these four people are not important, they are just a step of idleness laid down by the lone wolf in the country of America.

So he said in a deep voice: “Your task? I will tell you when I need you to do it.”

“Now, take off the clothes on your body, go to the sea to wash your body, and then get in the car with me.”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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