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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 659: Mr. Su's Discerning Eyes Recognize Talents, Young Master Rong's Excitement [S

When Chen Fangsheng returned to Su Films, he immediately arranged for it.

Think of “My Sassy Girlfriend” as the most important project of Su Film Industry in the future.

Of course, Lin Qingxia’s [Charlie’s Angels] is also indispensable!

It’s just that Charlie’s Angels was co-produced with Universal Pictures, and the filming scene was set in the United States, and most of the actors were from the United States.

The shooting efficiency of Hollywood is far from being comparable to that of Hong Kong Island movies.

It’s okay to say that those American guys are lazy, or that their employees don’t know how to work overtime, or that they strive for excellence in their work.

But no matter what, the progress of this project of [Charlie’s Angels] is very slow, the American guys are procrastinating in doing things, and now even the actors have not been confirmed!

And where is Chen Fangsheng?

It’s just a bold move, and the first thing is to call a few main creators over to communicate.

“Arong, this is a script written by Mr. Su himself. You have been handpicked as the leading actor. You must prepare carefully!”

In Chen Fangsheng’s office, he put the script in front of Zhang Guorong.

With an imaginary glance, he really saw “Nine Three Three” Zhang Guorong’s shocked expression.

“Su, Mr. Su appointed me to be the leading actor?” Zhang Guorong said in shock.

Chen Fangsheng smiled and nodded: “That’s right, Mr. Su is very optimistic about you, let me tell you, stay at Su Films with peace of mind, you won’t be disappointed here.”

Chen Fangsheng was very firm in his words, but in fact, at the beginning, Su Shaoze had no idea that Zhang Guorong had already signed with Su Corporation.

The reason why he was able to get this role was largely due to Chen Fangsheng’s recommendation.

But Chen Fangsheng is an extremely smart person who is good at seizing every opportunity to flatter him.

If he told Zhang Guorong that he recommended him to Mr. Su, he would indeed be grateful to Zhang Guorong.

But the effect is only limited to this.

And what if we put all the credit on Su Shaoze, and become Su Shaoze who has a discerning eye for talent and personally chose Zhang Guorong as a pearl?

After the success of the movie, when Su Shaoze met Zhang Guorong in person, Zhang Guorong expressed his gratitude to Mr. Su for his promotion.

With that said, Su Shaoze understood everything.

I must be satisfied in my heart that Chen Fangsheng is ‘sensible’, he is a good subordinate, and has a future!

Therefore, compared with Mr. Su’s satisfaction with himself, Zhang Guorong’s gratitude is nothing at all.

It seems that he has made a decision that is not good for him, but in fact, no matter what, Chen Fangsheng is the most profitable.

This is the wise man.

Sure enough, at this time, Zhang Guorong was already full of gratitude to Su Shaoze, especially after learning about the investment scale, hair style channel, cast, etc. of this movie, he cherished this opportunity to lead the actor even more in his heart.

In this life, although Zhang Guorong dominated the music scene, his acting career was bumpy.

The best resources on Hong Kong Island are monopolized by Su Films.

In Huaxing’s small company, he couldn’t use his talents at all.

Now, come to the end of the hardship!

I didn’t expect to get such a big gift just after signing a contract with Su’s Films.

The male lead of Su’s film industry’s top project for the next year.

Very pleasantly surprised.

And the heroine is Zhou Huimin who is known as the “National Goddess”!

This time, the two will act as a couple, but Zhang Guorong dare not have the slightest thought for Zhou Huimin.

Even a little entangled, it would be fine if the heroine didn’t want Zhou Huimin.

The whole world knows that Zhou Huimin is the real third wife of the wealthy Su family, she gave birth to a son for Su Shaoze, she is Zhang Guorong’s proprietress!

Therefore, even if Zhou Huimin came down to earth as a fairy, he didn’t dare to take a second look.

He made up his mind that during the filming process, he must keep a distance. He didn’t want to cause trouble for himself.

But fortunately, although this movie is a love movie, there is no intimacy between the hero and heroine from the beginning to the end, not even holding hands.

This is naturally set by the screenwriters considering Zhou Huimin’s identity as the proprietress.

Of course, the same is true of the original plot, with the heroine violently beating the hero from beginning to end.

Holding the script, Zhang Guorong happily returned to his home. As expected, his teacher and manager, Li Xiaotian, was waiting for him.

“What’s the matter with Mr. Chen calling you?”

Seeing Zhang Guorong coming back, Li Xiaotian asked hurriedly.

Zhang Guorong gave him a reassuring expression: “Teacher, it’s a good thing.”

“Mr. Chen gave me a script, which is the company’s most important project for the next year, and I will be the leading actor.

Zhang Guorong briefly told Li Xiaotian about the movie.

After listening, Li Xiaotian was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guorong won such a heavyweight project just after signing with Su Films, Su Corporation attaches great importance to him!

“It seems that our move is right!” Li Xiaotian said happily.

He is Zhang Guorong’s teacher and has provided a lot of help during Zhang Guorong’s career development.

It was also Li Xiaotian’s decision to switch from the original China Star Records to Su’s Pictures.

And he also served as a producer in Su’s Records.

The purpose is to enable Zhang Guorong to achieve better development.

Now it seems that Wenyi’s purpose is right.

The music scene has not yet launched an impact on the world, but the film and television aspects are ready to double blossom.

Zhang Guorong’s career will usher in another take-off.

That evening, Guan Keqing returned home with the script, but her walking posture was a little weird, and her face twitched every time she walked.

I was so weak that I felt like my soul was going to fly.

But mentally it is very stimulating and satisfying.

After returning home, he took a look and found that Huang Shengqiu hadn’t come back yet. He breathed a sigh of relief, put down his bag, walked into the bathroom, and washed himself inside and out.

Instead of cooking as usual, I lay in bed and flipped through the script.

[My Sassy Girlfriend] This drama is mainly a rivalry between the male and female protagonists, and there are very few supporting actresses, but Guan Keqing still enjoys watching it..

Becoming an actress for so long, this is the first time she has won such a weighty role, and it is also a role second only to Zhou Huimin.

Not long after, Huang Shengqiu came back and found that Guan Keqing didn’t cook, and he was immediately angry.

This woman eats her own food, drinks her own food, lives in her own house, enjoys her own connections, and now she doesn’t even do basic things like cooking.

If Guan Keqing was not so beautiful, Huang Shengqiu would have kicked her already.

However, when he walked to the bedroom, he found that Guan Keqing was actually looking at something.

“What are you looking at?”


Guan Keqing said as a matter of course, as an actor, of course you have to read the script!

Hearing this, Huang Shengqiu was taken aback: “Script? Have you received the notice?”

Guan Keqing nodded lightly: “Yes.”

“【My Sassy Girlfriend】, second floor!”

Guan Keqing’s voice was flat, but Huang Shengqiu was not calm anymore, and said in disbelief:

“What? My sassy girlfriend? How is that possible?”

Huang Shengqiu’s expression was very shocked. When he was in the company today, he had already heard about this project.

It is the most important job of the company in the next year.

Many people wanted to participate in this project, and Huang Shengqiu was naturally among them.

In his imagination, it would be great if he could become the leading actor.

Unfortunately, this illusion was shattered at the very beginning.

The company directly determined the candidate, not Chow Yun Fat, nor Andy Lau, let alone Huang Shengqiu, but Zhang Guorong.

Huang Shengqiu was sulking all afternoon, how could this singer who had just signed a contract with the company win the leading role, what was wrong with him?

Back home, she was about to vent her anger on Guan Keqing, but she didn’t expect that she would win the role of the second female lead at 1.6.

How can this be?

“How is that impossible?”

Facing Huang Shengqiu’s questioning, Guan Keqing showed disdain.

If she continued to follow Huang Shengqiu, a useless man, she would naturally miss such a role.

But it’s different now.

Winning this role is not in vain for her to spend so much time and effort to please Mr. Su.


Huang Shengqiu’s face was tangled, and he was even more ashamed and angry.

Now my girlfriend is about to start to change luck, and he is half dead in the company.

People like Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau are suppressing the top, while the bottom has to face the chasing of the juniors.

A serious sense of crisis hangs over my heart.

“Perhaps, I really need to consider Zhou Wenhuai’s suggestion.” Huang Shengqiu said in his heart.

Glancing at Guan Keqing again, he felt that his dignity as a man had been challenged.

At the same time, Su Shaoze came to the Governor’s Mansion to meet with the Governor.

“Mr. Su, Madam Prime Minister hopes that you will go to Japan for a business visit if you have the opportunity in the near future.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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