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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 665 Offending Mr. Su, I'm In Big Trouble [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

It was a pair of black eyes, as deep as an abyss, indifferent, calm, and calm, staring at the person in front of him quietly, without saying a word.

But exudes a palpitating power.

At this moment, Shen Rong felt that his breathing was about to stagnate.

His whole body was stiff, and he couldn’t make a sound. Under Su Shaoze’s gaze, he seemed to be facing an abyss king in the darkness.

Terrifying, powerful, exuding a depressing and frightening atmosphere.


Shen Rong felt his teeth were shaking, resisting his fear, showing a humble smile on his face, wanting to explain to Su Shaoze.

But at the next moment, Su Shaoze’s gaze passed him lightly, and landed on Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei who were behind him.

He knew these two.

These two are big brothers in the film industry, and they have some relationship with the people on the road. Some people say that they are righteous and help people solve a lot of troubles.

Su Shaoze can ignore all these things, so what if he has done bad things? Su Shaoze is not a righteous virgin whore, punishing rape and eradicating evil is not what he should do, and he himself has done many things that are not moral and legal.

These are nothing, Hong Kong Island is the environment.

But the point is, these two guys messed with Su Shaoze.

Seeing Su Shaoze staring at him, both of their bodies trembled in unison.

“Mr. Su, this is really a misunderstanding, we didn’t know that Miss Lan belonged to you!”

“Mr. Su, I would like to pay two million to Miss Lan as an apology.”

The first time they saw Su Shaoze at 11, they had no luck. This woman named Lan Yingjie is really Su Shaoze’s lover!

Damn luck.

Therefore, the two of them were even more afraid.

Some ordinary people don’t have much idea of ​​Su Shaoze’s position of power.

Simply knowing that he is the richest man in the world, worth tens of billions of dollars, the chairman of the Galaxy Group, the head of the Hong Kong Island consortium, etc.

As for the specific aspects, what these identities specifically represent, and what impact they have, ordinary people don’t know, and this is far away from their lives.

However, the taller you stand, the more you can feel Su Shaoze’s terrifying power and his influence in all aspects of Hong Kong Island.

In the film and television industry, he can easily block a person or a company with just one sentence.

In the business world, the huge size of the Galaxy Group is enough to suppress and annex any company, and it is easy to bankrupt the owner of a company.

In Washington, Su Shaoze has a wide range of contacts, even the Governor of Hong Kong has to seek Su Shaoze’s opinion when implementing some major policies [Seeking Su Shaolong’s cooperation.

On the road, not to mention, the overlord Zhongyixin of Tuen Mun is Su Shaoze’s black glove, and the four major associations are almost becoming Su Shaoze’s thugs.

Many things can be settled with just one phone call, and Liansheng Longgen and Hong Xing Jiang Tiansheng are all rushing to save face for Su Shaoze.

Therefore, Su Shaoze’s influence and power are reflected in all aspects, ordinary people can’t feel it, but people in the circle like Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei can really understand what the three words Su Shaoze represent.

Hong Kong Island is no longer the Hong Kong Island it used to be. The power of people has been greatly weakened, and the power of capital has gradually controlled the world.

No one can bear the consequences of offending Su Shaoze.

Facing Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei’s begging for mercy, Su Shaoze didn’t say a word, but gave them a deep look.

It was just such a glance that made them feel even more stressed, trembling all over, and breaking out in cold sweat.

The window glass was slowly raised to isolate all sounds, and the car slowly left, but the pressure Su Shaoze left them was still there from the beginning to the end.

“Su, Mr. Su~”

Shen Rong looked at the back of the car, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end only left a mouthful of bitterness.

Why is it that I am so unlucky, I am running the restaurant well, how did this unreasonable disaster fall on my head!

He had to ask his brother-in-law, Zheng Yuyin, to help him settle this matter. I believe that Mr. Su would also give Zheng Yuyin some face.

On the other hand, Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei, who were at the side, were a little confused in their panic.

Because when Su Shaoze left, Han Hongbing and the others also left, and the bodyguards in black who caught them all left.

Now, they are free!

Zheng Wei stood in front of the restaurant in a daze, and said in disbelief: “Here, Mr. Su let us go?”

He thought that the two of them would be caught and repaired in a place where no one was around!

Seeing Zheng Wei’s somewhat happy expression, Chen Shitong was furious, and kicked him directly: “You idiot~”

Will Mr. Su let them go so easily?

It would be fine if they could be punished on the spot.

Chen Shitong also admitted to paying several million.

But Su Shaoze didn’t say anything, and asked people to let them go. This is the worst result.

Chen Shitong asked himself, his woman was almost bullied by someone, would he let that person go?

Will not!

By analogy, people with Su Shaoze’s status are even more incompetent.

It’s not just a woman’s problem anymore, it’s about face.

My own woman was almost bullied, if I don’t take revenge back, how can other people think highly of me behind my back?

So this is not over yet!

“It’s a big trouble~” Chen Shitong said with an ugly face.

At this time, Shen Rong rushed over and scolded angrily: “I’m in a lot of trouble.

“You two bastards, who is not good to provoke, and you are looking for death to provoke Mr. Su?”

“Even if Mr. Su spared you, I will not let you go.”

Shen Rong yelled at the two of them, then hurried back to the restaurant, he wanted to call his brother-in-law immediately.

Zheng Yuyin must have scolded him first.

Left the restaurant on the way back.

On Hong Kong Island at night, countless neon lights shine on both sides of the street, shining on Su Shaoze’s face through the window glass.

The sharp and resolute face flickered from light to dark, and there was no wave in the deep eyes, and it was hard to see what he was thinking.

It was quiet in the car, and Lan Yingjie sat very cautiously, with her body huddled, far away from Su Shaoze.

Suddenly, Su Shaoze’s voice sounded: “I don’t want to see any reports about this matter tomorrow.”

What report?

Lan Yingjie didn’t realize it, but soon realized that Su Shaoze wasn’t talking to herself.

The bodyguard captain Wang Qingjun, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, nodded lightly: “Understood.”

Then he took out his phone and called Lin Mengmeng!

Wang Qingjun’s main task is to be in charge of Su Shaoze’s safety and deal with some urgent matters.

But these administrative issues are all arranged through Lin Mengmeng, Su Shaoze’s real secretary.

There was a lot of trouble tonight.

There was a fight in a high-end restaurant, and guns were used. At the last moment, Su Shaoze appeared in person.

There are a lot of melon-eaters at the scene. If you don’t prepare, you will definitely read the newspapers on Hong Kong Island tomorrow.

This is not what Su Shaoze wants to see.

It is not good for ordinary citizens to know too much about the inside story of the struggles of some big figures, as long as they live their lives honestly.

And as long as Su Shaoze speaks, the huge machine of the Su Media Group will act, and the events of tonight will basically be airtight.

How far can it spread just by relying on the melon-eating crowd at the scene?

After giving simple instructions, Su Shaoze looked at Lan Yingjie who was at the side, and smiled slightly.

“Why do you sit so far away? Am I that scary?”

Lan Yingjie panicked, and quickly shook her head: “No, no~”


“Mr. Su, thank you for saving me today~” 233

Lan Yingjie lowered her head, her face was reddish, she said nonchalantly, a little afraid to look at Shaoguai’s face.

“It’s okay, you are an actor of ATV, protecting you from harm is what my boss should do.” Su Shaoze shook his head slightly and said.

Lan Yingjie was slightly taken aback after hearing this: “So it’s because of this, just because I’m an actor of ATV?”

At this moment, Lan Yingjie suddenly felt a little lost in her heart.

I don’t know why.

Speaking of it, this is only the second time she and Su Shaoze have officially met, and the relationship between the two is not very close.

However, Su Shaoze’s handsomeness, demeanor, and personal charm were imprinted in Lan Yingjie’s heart early and inadvertently.

Coupled with the plot of the hero saving the beauty in today’s novels, Lan Yingjie inevitably had some inexplicable thoughts.

I thought Su Shaoze liked me too, but now, Su Shaoze is acting like a gentleman.

Lan Yingjie was disappointed and suspicious.

Is it really just because I am his employee?

“By the way, how did you get involved with Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei?”

“Could it be that they want to poach you?” Su Shaoze said suddenly.

Hearing this, Lan Yingjie quickly shook her head: “No, no, Mr. Su, you misunderstood, it’s not like this~”

“It’s Zhou Qian~”

“She is my friend, and she was supposed to invite some sisters to have a meal and chat, but unexpectedly, those two people came over halfway, praised me for being beautiful, said they wanted to make me a big star, and even touched me foot.

“I don’t agree, they just~”

After Lan Yingjie finished speaking, Su Shaoze glanced at her and smiled slightly: “It is indeed very beautiful.

Hearing this, Lan Yingjie’s pretty face turned even redder, and her mind was full of thoughts: “Mr. Su said I’m pretty?”

If Chen Shitong said the same thing, Lan Yingjie would only be disgusted.

But when it came into Su Shaoze’s mouth, Lan Yingjie would only be delighted.

Man’s fate is predestined by the sky, if there is no way, don’t force it!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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