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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 670 All The Poor Families Died, But Those With Backgrounds Survived [Seeking Flowers! Ask Fo

This morning, when Su Shaoze was having breakfast, Wang Qingjun came over and reported to him what happened last night.

“All dead?”

Wang Qingjun nodded lightly: “The car rolled off the cliff and exploded. After the fire was extinguished, both bodies were burnt.”

“It’s fine to die~”

Su Shaoze nodded lightly. To him, this was just a trivial matter, and he stopped paying attention after knowing the result.

“But that Liu Jianming is a talented person! You can pay more attention.” Su Shaoze said softly.


Wang Qingjun knew that this little policeman named Liu Jianming was about to hit his luck when he came into Su Shaoze’s sight.

The police force is a very important force on Hong Kong Island. If the Su family wants to maintain their influence on Hong Kong Island, they must first maintain their influence on the police force.

Now Zhuo Jingquan has become the Assistant Commissioner of Police and a strong contender for the first Chinese Commissioner in the future.

He is a representative of the Soviet Union.

And Liu Jianming’s status is still far away from Zhuo Jingquan, but in the future, he might not be able to become another Zhuo Jingquan.

After finishing a day’s work, Su Shaoze showed up at a hotel that night.

Zheng Yuyin was nominally the host tonight, and Shen Rong apologized to Lan Yingjie.

But actually at the banquet tonight, Shen Rong is just a supporting role.

Even he is not qualified to appear at the banquet for the first time, but has been waiting in another room!

“Mr. Shen, the boss invites you over.”

Finally, Shen Rong waited for the notification from Zheng Yuyin’s bodyguard, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then walked to another private room.

Although Zheng Yuyin had already told him who would appear tonight, even though he had already made preparations in his heart.

But when he walked into the banquet room, his heart stopped involuntarily.

Sitting on the first seat was a young man with a firm face, deep eyes, and a strong aura. It was Su Shaolong.

And beside him, sat a middle-aged man, wearing a suit, with eyes, and a refined temperament.

Shen Rong knew him, this is Bao Chuanwang’s second son-in-law, Wu Kaiming!

Now, due to physical reasons, Bao Chuanwang has completely stepped down as the chairman of the Kowloon Group.

His successor is the second son-in-law Wu Kaiming. Unless there is a major change, Bao Chuanwang will not bother with these trivial matters.

Therefore, Jiulong Group, a multinational group with assets exceeding 20 billion U.S. dollars and a considerable influence in the world, is now in control of Kaiming.

But the surname is not Wu, because Wu Kaiming has three sons, but except for the second, the other two are surnamed Bao.

On the other side of Su Shaoze, Zheng Yuyin, the organizer of tonight’s banquet, was sitting.

After that are Hu Donglai, Li Sanshu, and He Duwang.

Among them, there were a few chairs reserved, probably waiting for someone.

In the resplendent and resplendent banquet hall, a round table was surrounded by thirteen chairs.

Obviously, the person who will appear here tonight is the head of the thirteen major families of the current Hong Kong Island Consortium.

It’s just that due to time constraints, half of the people didn’t arrive.

But even the few people who arrived still made Shen Rong feel terrified.

Which of these people is worth tens of billions?

Which one is not the chairman of the well-known group on Hong Kong Island?

Their companies are expanding in the world, their products are sold all over the world, and their employees are tens of thousands. Their existence is related to the survival and development of the people of Hong Kong Island.

It is they who make waves in the international capital market, making countless people hate but fear.

They formed the most powerful consortium on Hong Kong Island and even in Asia.

Everyone is not ordinary.

And the leader of these thirteen people is the one Shen Rong will face tonight.

The young man sitting at the top.

The aura was strong, just looking at himself with that flat gaze, Shen Rong felt like he couldn’t move his legs.

It’s like waiting for the judgment of fate.

He scolded Chen Shitong a hundred times again in his heart.

“Bastard, die on the street, tired old mother “C”

If it wasn’t for this Shen Rong, how could he have suffered such an indiscriminate disaster, how could he appear here in fear.

It was all the trouble that guy caused him, but the point is, that guy is dead.

Inexplicably, a bag of white powder was found in his car, and then he resisted arrest with a gun, was chased by the police, and the car fell off a cliff and exploded to death.

All these things are normal in everyone’s eyes, approaching Chen Shitong has a criminal record.

But Shen Rong knew very well that this matter had absolutely nothing to do with Su.

Chen Shitong offended Su Shaoze with his first kick. In less than two hours, Chen Shitong was charged with irreversible crimes and died in the hands of the police for no reason.

On the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with Su Shaoze, but it makes Shen Rong extremely frightened.

This is really Hades wants you to die in the third watch, and will not keep you until the fifth watch.

Su Shaoze’s terrifying energy is simply frightening to the extreme.

Therefore, tonight, when Shen Rong apologized to Su Shaoze, it was entirely out of 12 intentions.

“Aze, this guy doesn’t have eyes, I asked him to make an apology for you tonight.” Zheng Yuyin called Shen Rong over and said.

Shen Rong hurriedly said: “Mr. Su, what happened last night was due to my mismanagement and my responsibility. I will beat and punish you today. I have absolutely no complaints.

The two sang together, and Su Shaoze waved his hand lightly: “Forget it, you old Shen runs a restaurant, with so many customers, it’s inevitable that there will be some negligence in management, so I don’t care about it.”

“Besides, Chen Shitong and those two guys have already been punished. I really didn’t expect that, as the owner of a film company, he would secretly engage in the prostitution business. He really went astray.”

Su Shaoze shook his head and said, what a shame.

But never thought, what good thing is he himself?

Although he didn’t engage in white fans directly, he actually affects the white fans market on Hong Kong Island all the time.

Today’s Jinshanjiao is no longer the Jinshanjiao it once was.

Are those boss generals disobedient?

Change one directly and wipe their hands up.

Su Shaoze has never been involved in the white powder business, but in fact has monopolized the white powder in Jinshanjiao.

Just like why the moxican white powder cannot be eradicated, the most fundamental reason is that the major financial groups in the United States need its existence.

In the same way, the white powder on Hong Kong Island cannot be eliminated, so try to control it in your hands as much as possible.

So, no matter how you look at it, Su Shaoze is definitely not a good person in the traditional sense.

Everyone here understands this, who is clean who can become a tycoon?

Shen Rong also understood, but he didn’t dare to say anything, he said yes with a smile on his face.

“Yeah~ I really didn’t expect Chen Shitong to be such a person, arrogant and domineering, he did all kinds of bad things, and his death was not wronged~” Shen Rong said without hesitation.

Then he took out the glass and poured himself three glasses of white wine.

“Mr. Su, I respect you for these three glasses of wine.”

“I did it!”

As he said that, Shen Rong took one cup and drank it down, then the second cup, and the third cup.

After three cups of wine, Shen Rong’s face flushed red, and his stomach was hot and uncomfortable, but he could only hold on.

The habit of the Chinese on the wine table is inevitable, as if the more you drink, the more face you give to the other party, and the happier the other party will be.

Although Su Shaoze didn’t care about this, he was even less prepared to trouble Shen Rong.

These three glasses of wine are considered a step.

Old Shen is a real person~” Su Shaoze laughed.

Zheng Yuyin also nodded in satisfaction, the matter is over.

The cruelty of reality can also be seen from here.

The poor families are all dead, but those with background can survive.

Chen Shitong and Zheng Wei are big figures in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Su Shaolong, they are just two mistresses.

So there is absolutely no pressure to attack them.

So what about Shengtian Banzi?

So what if you let go of your dignity and climb up at all costs?

Still can’t resist the cruelty of reality.

On the other hand, behind Shen Rong is Zheng Yuyin, with Zheng Yuyin’s face, Su Shaolong will not do anything to him too much.

Of course, the most important reason here is that Shen Rong was just implicated and suffered an innocent disaster.

Otherwise, Su Shaoze would not have passed so lightly.

Just as Shen Rong finished drinking three glasses of wine, footsteps sounded outside the room, Superman Li came, and there was an old man behind him.

It was Lin Baitao, the head of the Lin family on Hong Kong Island.

Seeing these two people, after they finished greeting Su Shaoze and the others, Shen Rong hurried over and said respectfully: “Mr. Li, Mr. Lin.

“Ou? Mr. Shen (good) board? You’re here too?” Li Chaoren said with a smile.

He knew Shen Rong, but not very well.

“It just so happens that so many people are having fun together today~ Others will arrive soon, and the banquet will start right away, let’s have a few drinks.”

Hearing this, Shen Rong, who was already blushing, turned even redder. He didn’t know if Li Chaoren was teasing him with this remark.

But certainly not sincerely wanting to invite him to sit down and eat.

Besides, Shen Rong himself really has no face to stay here.

See who these seats are for?

Su Shaoze, Wu Kaiming, Li Chaoren, He Duwang, Lin Baitao, etc., are all the heads of the major chaebols on Hong Kong Island, and they are members of the Hong Kong Island consortia.

Huge influence, worth tens of billions.

And which onion is Shen Rong?

Sitting and eating with these people, he doesn’t have such a big face.

Very self-aware, he quickly shook his head: “No, no, I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Li, and I still have important things to do today.”

“Next time, next time, I’ll buy you a drink.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Rong ran out in a panic.

Li Chaoren laughed from behind.

Lin Baitao shook his head and smiled, “You~”

Another ten minutes later, other members of the Hong Kong Island consortium also arrived.

Su Shaoze sat in the first place, and said in a deep voice: “Everyone~”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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