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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 671 Su Shaoze's New Toy, Football Club【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Inside the hotel, in a huge bathroom.

The hot water gushes continuously, and the rising heat, illuminated by the golden light, makes the bathroom look like a fairy garden.

The fact is true, the hotel claims that customers here can have a fairy-like enjoyment.

Amidst the boiling heat, a man lay quietly in the bath.

There is no such exaggerated to the extreme explosive muscles, but it is as streamlined and smooth, strong and powerful.

His face is as sharp as a knife, his eyes are deep, and there is no wave in the ancient well.

It was Su Shaoze.

At this time, the highest meeting of the Hong Kong Island Consortium has ended.

Li Chaoren and the others already knew that Su Shaoze was going to Japan for a business visit.

I know more about the news that Japan will sell a large number of state-owned enterprises.

Therefore, these people also began to sharpen their knives according to their needs.

A state-owned enterprise that cannot live up to the sun, good stuff!

Many of them are the essence left over after World War II. If they can win one or two, it will be enough for them to eat.

The only pity is that they are not as strong as Su Shaoze.

Most of their funds have been invested in the United States, so they can’t eat too much of the cake for Japan this time.

“Sometimes it feels like money is such a thing that you really can’t help but spend it~ No matter how much you earn, it will never be enough.

In the bath, Wu Kaiming shook his head and sighed.

The meeting of the Hong Kong Island Consortium is over, and those old guys have basically gone home. The water of night life is too deep, and their old bodies can’t handle it. Let Su Shaoze and Wu Kaiming, two young people, take care of it.

“Not long ago, our old man 363 followed you, how much money did he make in the US market? There are still more than 10 billion US dollars.

“But how long is it now? The rice vat at home is about to bottom out again.” Wu Kaiming said with a wry smile.

Only after becoming the chairman of the Jiulong Group can he feel the great cause of the pressure.

These days, Jiulong Group is also expanding rapidly, acquiring three large multinational companies in the United States, and setting foot in the three major fields of railways, health care products and finance.

The size of Jiulong Group has expanded several times, but at the same time, it is also spending money like water.

Although more than 10 billion U.S. dollars may seem like a lot, it is actually not worth it at all!

Su Shaoze lay in the pool, smiled softly and said: “Money is never enough to spend, this is the normal operating condition of a group company.”

Wu Kaiming asked back: “Is it the same with Yinhe Group?”

Su Shaoze shook his head and said, “I’ve been studying how to spend the money now.”


Others feel that their money is not enough, but Su Shaoze has too much money to spend.

Even after acquiring Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Bank of Mississippi, American Telecom, and many other large multinational companies, Su Shaoze still has a lot of cash flow in his hands.

Of course, it exists in the hands of Su Holdings in a secret form.

The Galaxy Group also has debts on its books, and it is possible to carry out a new round of financing and share expansion in the future.

Su Shaoze’s shareholding in Galaxy Group will be further reduced.

Only one purpose, low-key!

Even in a few years, Su Shaoze will take off his title of world’s richest man.

“So you started playing football?” Wu Kaiming hummed.

“It’s just a new interest of mine,” Su Shaoze said.

Su Shaoze is already tired of big toys like private jets, private islands and yachts, and now he is ready to play with some new things.

This trip to Japan is just a business visit, and he plans to buy a few clubs for fun.

Football, Basketball, Baseball, Football!

The audience of the latter three types of clubs is mainly in the United States, so they will definitely acquire a club in the United States.

But football is a worldwide sport, and it is the largest sport in the world. The highest competition is in Europe.

Therefore, Su Shaoze’s visit this time is actually an investigation.

In the five major competitions of later generations, Legalists ruled out first, and then the Bundesliga, unless it was possible to acquire Bayern Munich.

La Liga is similar, Real Madrid and Barcelona dominate La Liga, and other clubs have no sense of existence at all.

But it is impossible to acquire Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​because they adopt a membership system, and the equity of the club belongs to all fans.

If you want to buy a club, you need the consent of the vast majority of members, and given the current situation, it is simply impossible to do so.

Therefore, Su Shaoze set his sights on Serie A and League One.

The Premier League has not yet appeared, but the highest football competition in Japan is the League One.

In terms of long-term development, Su Shaoze is more inclined to acquire the League One, but the League One in this era is a pit!

After the Heysel tragedy and the Bradford fire, League One was banned by UEFA and was not allowed to participate in European competitions.

Without the Champions League, without the Europa League, League One can only play the league itself.

Being unable to appear in international competitions for several years in a row has a great impact on the major clubs in the League One.

On the other hand, Serie A, in the next few years, will be a glorious era for Italians, and this glory will run through the entire 1990s.

In the past ten years, the seven sisters of Serie A have been in full swing, and Italy’s domestic competition is known as the Little World Cup.

Now it is about to enter 1988, and Serie A will also usher in its most glorious seven years.

Acquiring a Serie A club at this time is definitely a good business. (bbdh) So, Su Shaoze has temporarily set his sights on Serie A.

And it must be one of the top three in the north, because they still firmly occupy the position of the top giants in the new century, under the environment of the rise of the Premier League and the invasion of capital.


It is in line with Su Shaoze’s vision.

The club he wants to acquire will become a symbol of the Su family in the sports world, and together with the Su family, they will achieve a hundred years of glory.

It is not just a business, but more like a sustenance of family spirit.

Listening to Su Shaoze talking there, talking about his interest and understanding of football, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of major European leagues and giants, which club he plans to acquire next, and so on.

“I plan to buy a club in Europe, and then set up a football club on Hong Kong Island, and second the players to Europe for actual combat.”

“Search for some football talents from Hong Kong Island and the mainland, build a youth training base, and train these talents.”

“Although the physique of our Chinese is worse than that of whites and blacks, as long as we ensure nutrition from an early age, train our physical fitness, and provide professional technical training, we will not be inferior to those European players in the future.

“After the strength is sufficient, these players will be sold or loaned to European competitions at a high price, and they may shine in the future.”

Su Shaoze said enthusiastically, the more he talked, the more he felt that the football club he was going to create on Hong Kong Island looked like a black shop.

Just like Ajax in the Netherlands, they specialize in training young talents and selling them to wealthy families at high prices.

If Su Shaoze establishes a club like this on Hong Kong Island, he can monopolize more young football talents in Hong Kong Island, the Mainland, Bay Island, Island Country, and Nanyang.

With a large base, even if the rate of high-quality products is low, it is still a profitable business.

Very speechless, the dignified richest man in the world has taken a fancy to such a business, and he is also very good at playing.

“I am thinking about the future football development of our Chinese. Regardless of whether it is a black shop or not, first build the foundation of football. As long as you see more Chinese faces in those top competitions, it will be a preliminary success.”

“By the way, you can also come and have fun together. You all contribute some money and each establish a football club. In the future, we will also have a Hong Kong Island League.”

“With the backing of the big giants, it can be regarded as an alternative game, so it will be more interesting!”

Su Shaoze said with a funny look.

After Wu Kaiming heard it, he thought about it and found it very interesting.

Football has always been popular on Hong Kong Island, and there are many clubs. Many citizens also like to watch football.

If the chaebols like them end up in person, the citizens will definitely like it even more.

And on the other hand, although the Hong Kong Island consortium is a whole, it is not harmonious internally, and there must be contradictions.

It’s just that they can’t make a big fuss, and they can’t hurt each other’s peace, it will only make outsiders laugh.

Therefore, sometimes it is a good way to solve conflicts through football, a literary method.

Wu Kaiming nodded lightly: “Your idea is very interesting. When the time comes, invite me to join you, and our Bao family will also have fun.”

Anyway, a club can’t spend a lot of money, and it’s not a European giant.

For the Bao family, it was just a matter of convenience.

When the time came, Wu Kaiming couldn’t help feeling: “I really envy you~ You have created a family business with your own ability, and you can do whatever you want~”

Wu Kaiming was very depressed, and Su Shaoze also sympathized.

It’s not easy to be a door-to-door son-in-law!

I feel that I am an outsider, and I can’t even use my surname with my son.

Patting Wu Kaiming on the shoulder, Su Shaoze said: “Brother, people have to look forward, and the future Jiulong Group will be handed over to you.”

With a sound of “哗啦~”, Su Shaoze stood up from the bath, naked, took the towel beside him, and wiped off the water droplets on his body.

He walked to the massage table beside him, and soon, two massage girls dressed in thin fabrics walked in. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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