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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 673 Power Of Power, Bow To Reality 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Su Shaoze came to Japan for a business visit, and the cabinet minister personally greeted him at the airport!

Although Su Shaoze’s itinerary was kept secret, the local paparazzi in Japan also had great powers, and the news was quickly dug out by them.

Not only are there photos of Su Shaoze’s private plane docking at Renton Airport, but even the photos of Su Shaoze shaking hands with Andre and the two of them riding in the same car have appeared in newspapers.

It is said that this is a masterpiece of a paparazzi pretending to be an airport cleaning staff.

Therefore, the news of Su Shaoze’s appearance in Japan soon attracted a lot of attention.

Now Japan’s economy is bad, and everyone in Japan is very clear. If it is true that Mr. Su Shaoze, the world’s richest man, was invited by the Prime Minister to invest in Japan, as the rumors say.

That is undoubtedly good news for all Japanese.

And these paparazzi also used their imagination to their heart’s content, guessing which companies Su Shaoze is planning to invest in and acquire.

Real estate industry? Financial industry? Machinery manufacturing industry?

However, according to reliable sources, the Galaxy Group’s acquisition team has already started contacting Jaguar and Rover, two major automakers.

Luofu has fallen, and there is only one brand left, but Jie’s is still the top luxury car in the world.

If all goes well and the government agrees, then Jaguar, the largest car manufacturer in the world, will fall into the hands of the Galaxy Group.

This is a big business worth at least one billion dollars.

You must know that the current “130” is in the 1980s. In terms of purchasing power, one billion US dollars is equivalent to 10 to 20 billion US dollars thirty years later.

And this may only be one of Su Shaoze’s acquisition plans, and more projects still need to be discussed.

The amount involved is at least billions of dollars.

How many people can be restored to employment with such a large sum of money?

It will inject new vitality into Japan’s economy, which is of great benefit to Japan.

But at the same time, the citizens of the British Empire at sunset are still proud, thinking that a century-old enterprise in their own country will fall into the hands of a rich man in an overseas colony.

Many people feel uncomfortable in their hearts, but in front of the present, personal will and day-to-day arrogance are nothing.

The sensation caused by the arrival of Su Shaoze is not limited to the fields of economy and people’s livelihood, and even many people who are not in the music circle pay more attention to Su Shaolong.

While Su Shaoze is the richest man in the world, he is also a Hollywood super giant and the biggest boss of Universal Pictures.

The Seven Big Hollywood is the highest stage of the world film industry.

No one can refuse the temptation of Hollywood, no one does not want to become a big star, attracting attention and earning countless money.

For becoming a popular star, actresses on Hong Kong Island are scrambling for it, while western actresses are even more crazy.

At this time, in the North District of Lunton, the king of the Dudong apartment in the Japanese family.

A blond girl in her early twenties is curling up on the sofa. Her upper body is wearing short-sleeves that expose her navel and her lower body is wearing simple jeans, showing off her hot figure.

One arm hugs the legs, and the other hand holds the remote control.

The TV is broadcasting the news that Su Shaoze will not come to Japan for a commercial visit.

Although there were only a few photos of shaking hands with Andre at the airport, the host still talked about this topic back and forth.

“Oh, audience friends, you can never imagine what kind of experience this man has.”

“Ten years ago, he was a poor boy with nothing. He went to the battlefield, joined the club, and even served plates in restaurants.”

“But now, he is the richest man in the world, with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars~”

“The Coca-Cola we drink belongs to him, the Wal-Mart we shop in already belongs to him, the Standard Chartered Bank where we save money belongs to him, and the Universal Pictures movies we watch belong to him.”

“Now, he has come to Japan again, ready to buy our country’s enterprises~”

“I buy Karma, such an achievement is beyond my lifetime, but he is not yet thirty years old this year + he is simply too crazy~”

On the TV, a white host was talking endlessly.

And the blond girl also listened in a daze, as if she was thinking about something.

At this moment, the door of the apartment was opened, and the girl stood up suddenly.

Unsurprisingly, another woman walked in, in her thirties, and looked a little fat.

The woman walked in excitedly, and said to the girl, “Hurley, I have heard that tomorrow night, Madam Prime Minister will hold a special banquet to invite Mr. Su Shaoze to attend. 17

“The location is at the Connaught Hotel.”

Elizabeth Hurley, that’s the name of the blonde.

She is an actress and a singer.

He learned ballet at the age of twelve, formed a band at the age of sixteen, set foot in the film industry at the age of eighteen, and was already well-known in Japan at the age of twenty.

Twenty-two years old this year, he has already starred in two movies.

And the fat woman who walked in later was her manager, Sierra!

The agent continued: “Tomorrow I will try to get two invitations to the reception, and if there is a chance, I will create an opportunity for people to get to know the newly promoted richest man in the world.

Tomorrow’s reception is just a business reception, so the rules are not so strict. Some celebrities can participate as long as they can get invitations.

But Elizabeth Hurley hesitated: “Serra, do we really want to do this? But~”

She understood what her agent wanted her to do, to meet a super rich man, not just a new Hollywood tycoon, but also the richest man in the world.

She is more aware that this kind of acquaintance is not simply just getting to know each other.

“Hurley, what are you still hesitating about?”

“Didn’t you always want to go to Hollywood? Now is your chance!”

“As long as the man from Hong Kong Island says a word, you will have the opportunity to participate in a Universal Pictures movie.” Seeing that Elizabeth Hurley flinched, the agent hurriedly said.

“Hurley, you are already twenty-two years old this year, you should understand that things in the world have never been obtained for no reason.

“Hollywood is a worldwide stage, but it’s also a fairly exclusive market.”

“The achievements you made in Japan are completely worthless in Hollywood. If you go to Hollywood, you have to start all over again.”

“Hurley, do you think it’s over like that? You can climb up and become a big star with your own efforts? Hehe!”

“Among the women who are active in Hollywood now, which one has not knelt down in front of a man?”

The agent said bluntly, brainwashing this young beauty again.

In his opinion, Elizabeth Hurley has no lack of hard work, no lack of talent, and her appearance conditions are closer to full marks.

But she just lacked a ruthlessness.

People who are not cruel to themselves and who are reluctant to give will not be able to survive in Hollywood.

“So, I’m the next woman to kneel?” Elizabeth Hurley sneered.

The agent said indifferently: “At least you have to face a handsome young man, not those bald old men in their fifties and sixties who are in the Seventh Hollywood.”

Elizabeth Hurley’s family conditions are good, although not a wealthy family, but also middle class.

Her parents provided her with shelter and all the conditions for her to sing and act.

But now, the towering tree that has been sheltering her is no longer tall enough. Elizabeth Hurley has become the highest earner in her family, and her parents’ ability is no longer enough to help her continue on.

Therefore, at this time, if Elizabeth Hurley wants to go further to Hollywood, she must accept the rules of this industry.

As the manager said, if she seizes this opportunity, at least she will face a young, strong and handsome guy, and he is also the richest man in the world.

Although she is of yellow race, Su Shaoze’s facial features are more three-dimensional and her face is sharper, which is in line with Elizabeth Hurley’s aesthetics..

So, at this time, Elizabeth Hurley had actually been persuaded by her agent.

Seeing the girl sitting on the sofa with a resigned expression, the manager smiled with satisfaction, and sat beside her to comfort her.

Continue to talk about the cruelty of reality.

In her opinion, Elizabeth Hurley actually felt a little spoiled. She was so well protected before that she didn’t know the dangers of the world, let alone the hardships of success.

Now, her family is no longer sufficient to continue to provide her with shelter.

The rest of the way can only be walked by herself.

This night, after a brief meeting with Andre, Su Shaoze returned to his manor in the outskirts of Lundon in his motorcade.

Lan Yinghao’s beautiful eyes widened instantly when he saw this medieval-style castle.

“Wow~ so beautiful~”

“Mr. Su, I didn’t expect you to have such a beautiful manor in Lunton!” Lan Yingjie said in amazement.

Su Shaoze got out of the car wearing a neat and neat suit, said with a slight smile: “I still have two small islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the scenery and buildings on them are even more beautiful than this manor.

“Go down and take you to see!”

“Really?” Lan Yingjie said happily.

For this one-day trip, she was full of curiosity about everything she met along the way.

Su Shaoze’s private jet is large and comfortable, with all kinds of facilities in it, and he doesn’t even feel the fatigue of the journey at all.

What shocked her the most was that when she arrived at the airport, it turned out that the chancellor, who was just a day old, came to pick her up in person.

The attitude towards Su Shaoze is still so gentle, everything shows Su Shaoze’s status and power.

Now, seeing this medieval castle that appeared on TV made her even more novel.

“Go, go in and have a look, we will rest in the castle tonight.”

Su Shaoze stretched out his hand and motioned to Lan Yingjie.

The girl’s face turned red for a moment, she lowered her head slightly, and put her arms in Su Shaoze’s with some embarrassment.

And the news has already been received in the manor.

A day passed but the housekeeper brought a group of servants and saw Su Shaoze with Lan Yingjie on his shoulders. When this handsome couple appeared, they immediately bowed like court etiquette.

“Sir, madam, please come in~”

Seeing this foreign devil being so polite in front of her, and calling herself his wife, Lan Yingjie was a little flustered.

But my heart was filled with inexplicable excitement and anticipation.


This 0.0 is a title only for Su Shaoze’s real woman. What is yourself?

But this didn’t stop Lan Yingjie from dreaming that she could become the real mistress of this manor.

Dinner is held in the old castle, candlelight dinner, full of western style.

Lan Yingjie drank a lot of wine, her face was slightly drunk, as attractive as a ripe apple.

At night, lying on a strange bed, looking at the darkness around her, Lan Yingjie was so upset that she couldn’t fall asleep.

Not only because of the things that might happen, but also because of the ghost stories that Su Shaoze told her before.

What are you talking about in the medieval castle, because of family struggles or various reasons, many people died, and their ghosts wandered in the castle after death.

They also told some stories, but I don’t know if they are true or not, but Lan Yingjie was scared.

The moonlight was shining through the window, and the leaves were rustling outside. At this moment, she suddenly heard the handle of her door ringing.

Lan Yingjie’s body trembled instantly, she closed her eyes tightly, and pretended to be sleeping.

Immediately, she felt a shadow appear on her bedside.

Then he slowly lay down beside her and hugged her from behind.

Smelling the familiar smell behind her, Lan Yingjie’s body became incomparably stiff, her heart was very nervous, her hands were tightly clutching the quilt.

Then, a wave of heat slowly hit her cheeks.

“Uh uh uh~”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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