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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 674: I’M Here To Save The People Who Can’T Live In Japan【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly

This place in London is foggy and rainy. Even though the weather has turned cold, there was still a drizzle last night.

How many safflowers have been blown down, and how many tender grasses have been wet.

The sky outside was foggy, and it was raining lightly all the time.

The air with just the right temperature is filled with a leisurely taste, which relieves the tense rhythm of Londoners.

Lan Yingjie, who was wearing a nightdress with suspenders, scratched her somewhat messy hair, and lifted the sheet cautiously, and felt a little tingling when she moved lightly.

Stepping on the carpet with white and tender feet, he walked to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and saw the cloudy sky outside and the rain falling on the glass, he couldn’t help pouting his lips slightly.


“Are you awake?”

At this time, Su Shaoze stood up, walked behind her, and hugged her in his arms, which was very fitting.

Feeling the strength of those arms, Lan Yingjie blushed a little. Thinking of what happened last night, she wanted to plunge into the seam 11 even more.

At the beginning, it was half push and half give, but then it became my best to cater to.

It’s so embarrassing.

“How do you plan to arrange me in the future?”

Lan Yingjie raised her head, her black eyes looked at Su Shaoze expectantly.

Looking at those alluring red lips, Su Shaoze was about to bow his head and kiss gently, but suddenly, as if thinking of something, he kissed Lan Yingjie’s cheek without a trace.

He smiled and said, “Of course I will be my woman in the future, I, Su Shaoze’s woman.”

“Just like Li Jiaxin?” Lan Yingjie asked.


Su Shaoze nodded without hesitation.

Lan Yingjie is a girl with a sweet appearance, gentle personality, and cleanliness, which is exactly the type Su Shaoze likes.

Su Shaoze is very greedy, so naturally he will not let go of such a girl.

Whether it’s a lover or a canary, just keep it by your side with peace of mind!

“In the future, you can do whatever you want. If you want to film, I will give you the best resources. If you want to travel, you will have enough time. You don’t have to worry about money anymore.”

“You just need to take care of yourself to be healthy, look good, and do what you like.”

Su Shaoze hugged Lan Yingjie from behind, and whispered in her ear.

Lan Yingjie’s cheeks were itchy from the hot air, and the base of her ears were a little red.

“Then, in the future, will I

It’s just that she was halfway through speaking when the door suddenly rang.

Su Shaoze’s security captain Wang Qingjun’s voice came: “Boss, Mr. David Locke Filler wants to talk to you.”

David Locke Filler, this guy is really a coincidence.

“Okay, I’ll go down now.” Su Shaoze said.

Then he kissed Lan Yingjie lightly on the cheek and said: “I’m going to get busy now, you have breakfast first, and someone will take you around London today.

“The scenery here is still good, you can buy whatever you want, of course, bring more bodyguards, the security here is not good.

After speaking, Su Shaoze put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

The corner of Lan Yingjie’s mouth pouted at the back, and she stomped her feet on the spot unwillingly, but it seemed that she had touched the wound, and she made a hissing sound in pain.

In fact, she just wanted to take this opportunity to ask Su Shaoze if she would have the opportunity to enter Su’s manor like Zhou Huimin in the future and obtain an official status.

But at this time, the uninterested bodyguard knocked on the door and interrupted her. I don’t know if it was really a coincidence.

When night fell, all the outdoor spotlights of the Connaught Hotel were lit up, and all the spaces in front of the hotel gate were as bright as day.

The red carpet stretches from the arch of the banquet hall to the edge of the road, and guests can step on the red carpet when they get off the car and land.

The Connaught Hotel had been notified a long time ago, and naturally knew how high-end the banquet tonight was.

Not just some day-to-day business tycoons, but also some members of the cabinet.

Not only the richest man in the world from Hong Kong Island, but also some super family members from the United States.

Money, power, business, and interests are the themes tonight.

For this reason, the hotel can be said to be extremely energetic, absolutely not allowing those paparazzi to mix into this high-end banquet.

When Su Shaoze’s convoy appeared outside the hotel, flashing lights immediately illuminated the night.

I kept thinking of the sound of ‘click’ and ‘click’.

At this time, Andre, the chancellor of finance, came to greet him, and the reporters on both sides rushed up, and were quickly stopped by a wall of bodyguards in suits.

“Mr. Su, welcome to come.” The handsome old man smiled and shook hands with Su Shaoze.

“Thank you, it’s a great honor.” Su Shaoze nodded slightly, with a slight smile on his face.

“Madam Prime Minister will arrive later.”

“it does not matter.”

“There will be a few friends from the United States today, let me introduce you.”

Su Shaoze said with a smile: “I have spoken with David on the phone, and he is already on his way.


At this time, the voices of the surrounding reporters are also getting louder, they are eager to get more news from Su Shaoze.

After all, the financial crisis lasted for too long. If Su Shaoze really decides to invest in Japan, it will be a great thing to stimulate the recovery of the Japanese economy.

“Mr. Su, Japan is just ready to invest, really?” a reporter shouted loudly.

Su Shaoze didn’t evade either, nodded and said to 823: “That’s right.”

“I came to Japan this time because I was invited by Madam Prime Minister to help Japan recover its economy.

“As we all know, not long ago, a terrible financial storm broke out in the world, and countless people lived in dire straits because of it.”

“A lot of people were evicted from their houses and onto the streets.”

“They need bread, they need potatoes, they need jobs.”

“And I am here to help these helpless and poor people.”

The front of the hotel seemed to be a small conference site, and Su Shaoze was talking in front of many flashing lights.

It’s just that what makes people a little confused is that Su Shaoze told everyone bluntly that he came to invest in Daybuy [but he also came to save Daybuy’s people in dire straits.

He will bear a halo, and come to the British Isles as the savior who will never die.

That’s a lot of pretense.

In the distance, agent Sierra said to Elizabeth Hurley, who was dressed in a splendid attire: “He is the richest man in the world. Later, you must create opportunities as much as possible. If you can win the favor of this person, it will be great for your future.” There are great benefits.”

Elizabeth Hurley looked at the man in front of the hotel, with inexplicable fluctuations in his eyes. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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