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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 68 Money Laundering [One More Update, Please Subscribe! 】

Everyone in Hong Kong Island is in danger, and newspapers and media report constantly. It can be said that during this period of time, there is nothing more popular in Hong Kong Island than the kidnapping of Guo Shaoheng.

As the unnamed protagonist of this matter, Su Shaoze is in a good mood, he has money, and the next thing to do is to wash the money.

No. 72 Baishawan, Shamen Building!

Five to seven floors belong to Su Shaoze’s film company.

Today’s Su Film Industry is no longer a pocket company, and a project with a large investment of 5 million is in operation.

Some employees were also recruited one after another, and the crew was also dug out from Shaw Brothers by Du Qifeng.

It can be said that although the current Su Film Industry is small in scale, it is developing rapidly and orderly!

On the seventh floor, in the office of Chairman Su Shaoze!

At this time, he was sitting at the desk looking at the documents, but he was a little absent-minded, looking at the door next to him from time to time.

That’s his lounge!

Not long after, the door opened, and a heroic figure appeared in front of Su Shaolong.

She was wearing a black tight vest on her upper body, which highlighted the astonishing curvature, and a pair of jeans on her lower body, her long legs were slender and long.

Wearing Maren leather boots under his feet, his hair is tied into a ponytail, and he is capable and agile.

Different from the gentle and charming Zhao Yazhi in the past, she now showed a wild charm.

Coupled with her height of 1.72 meters, a model figure that is rare among women, it makes people feel a cold and oppressive aura rushing towards them.

Su Shaoze’s eyes lit up, and he did not hesitate to praise: “It’s amazing, Ah Zhi, you are so beautiful!”

“Is it really beautiful? I’m not used to it!” Zhao Yazhi said with a slightly red face.

She has been a good girl since she was a child, and this is the first time she wears such clothes!

Feeling Su Shaoze’s gaze, Zhao Yazhi was a little shy, but even more proud.

The value presented by a woman’s beauty lies in conquering the man she loves.

She can feel the incomparable fascination with her!

This can’t help but make her secretly happy in her heart!

“Azhi, believe me, after the movie is released, you will definitely become the most beautiful woman on Hong Kong Island, and countless people will be crazy about you.”

Su Shaoze said encouragingly, this is the dress worn by the heroine Zhao Shasha in the movie Terminator, and it looks capable.

Coupled with many violent factors such as fiery excitement, bloody gun battles, ruthless fighting, etc., there are heroes and beauties, Su Shaoze can’t think of the possibility that the Terminator movie will hit the street!

Feeling Su Shaoze’s big hands constantly catching monsters, Zhao Yazhi struggled in a low voice: “Ah Ze, don’t~~ this is in the company!”

“It’s okay, no one will disturb us!”

But just after Su Shaoze finished speaking, he was slapped in the face.

“Bang bang bang!”

There was a knock on the office door, Su Shaoze’s face froze, and his movements stopped.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zhao Yazhi quickly escaped from his big hand, seeing Su Shaoze’s angry look, he smiled.

Consolation: “Okay, here is the company, wait to go home!”

“Go home and put on this dress~” Su Shaoze said indignantly.

“Come in!”

After speaking, the door of the office opened, and a woman in her thirties walked in.

Her name is Chen Yun, she is Su Shaoze’s secretary, and she is a graduate of Hong Kong Island University, so what they value is her ability.

But at this moment, do you feel that this woman is not winking?

“Boss, Director Du Qifeng is here!”

“Understood, let him in!” Su Shaoze said, his expression unchanged.

Du Qifeng walked in, and when he saw Su Shaoze, he respectfully said, “Boss!”

He wasn’t as unsophisticated as Chen Yun, when he glanced at the beautiful woman sitting on the sofa next to him from the corner of his eye, he felt that he came at the wrong time.

It may have ruined the good things of the boss, so I can’t help but feel flustered!

“This is Zhao Yazhi, the heroine of the Terminator. Director Du, can you take a look?”

In this way, Du Qifeng dared to look at Zhao Yazhi, but he had to say that the woman in front of him really surprised him.

At this time, Zhao Yazhi has already put on a denim jacket, and only Su Shaoze can see her sexy figure.

But still can highlight the perfect proportion of the body, slender legs, the face is the kind of majestic beauty, looks a kind of stern aggressiveness “cold and powerful temperament blows

But it’s not absolute, because there is a kind of pitiful and pitiful feeling in that perseverance.

This woman is very beautiful, even among the beauties of Hong Kong Island stars, she can be regarded as the top.

But even if this woman was a hundred times more beautiful, Du Qifeng didn’t dare to have the slightest thought for her.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that I don’t know how to die!

“Yes, of course, Ms. Zhao is naturally beautiful, glamorous and charming, and she couldn’t be more suitable for the role of Zhao Shasha!” Du Qifeng hurriedly said in praise.

It’s not entirely to please Su Shaoze, but I really think that Zhao Yazhi is too suitable for the heroine in the movie.

With this pretty face and sexy figure, it’s no problem that the box office of the movie will increase by at least several million.

“Well, since director Du is fine, then the heroine is Ah Zhi!” Su Shaoze is still very democratic, if Du Qifeng has any opinions, he can raise them!

But Du Qifeng shook his head hastily and said: “No problem, no problem!”

“Azhi, go home and rest first! Director Du and I have to talk about some movies.”

“All right!”

After Zhao Yazhi left, Su Shaoze and Du Qifeng discussed the movie.

Although Su Shaoze delegated the specific shooting issues to the director Du Qifeng, he couldn’t help paying attention.

“Is the special effects okay? I need that real feeling, especially the Terminator robot.”

“When he takes off his eyeballs, he should truly present the appearance of the robotic eyes inside, and be able to move flexibly.”

“After cutting the skin on the arm to reveal the metal skeleton, the audience must feel that it is a real robot.

“In short, try to be authentic!” Su Shaoze said.

“Boss don’t worry, we are researching the special effects, and we already have some preliminary ideas. It’s not too difficult to create that kind of real feeling.” Du Qifeng said.

There are not many special effects scenes in the movie Terminator, mainly focusing on the T800, which are basically physical special effects, that is, makeup. Hong Kong Island movies have been developed for more than 40 years, and they are no worse than Hollywood in this regard.

What can be filmed in Hollywood, Hong Kong Island can also be filmed, and it is cheaper.

Because in essence, the first Terminator is just a gunfight action movie with a sci-fi skin.

That’s why Su Shaoze dared to say that the Terminator was sold for five million Hong Kong dollars.

But if it is placed on the second part, the liquid robot, 50 million may not be enough to achieve that special effect!

And in today’s era without computer special effects, it is impossible to make that kind of effect at all.

“Then the second thing, I plan to continue this movie for another five million!” Shaosheng continued.

But Du Qifeng who heard this was shocked: “Boss, this, ten million?”

Du Qifeng couldn’t believe it. At this time, one or two million can make a good movie.

An investment of 5 million is considered a big project, but Hong Kong Island has never had a project of 10 million!

He really wanted to tell Su Shaoze that with the current capacity of the film market on Hong Kong Island, the cost of 10 million would definitely lose money.

Hong Kong Island has a population of 400,000. Even if half of the population goes to watch the movie, it will be difficult for this movie to pay off.

The market on Hong Kong Island is here, and the market is so big that it is not possible to earn more by investing more.

Du Qifeng was puzzled, in his opinion, this is definitely a very shrewd person, how could he be so unwise?

But slowly he noticed Su Shaoze’s eyes!

Suddenly, Du Qifeng’s heart trembled, as if he had thought of something, his face was a little pale, and he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After struggling for a while, he finally took a deep breath and said, “Boss, I understand, I will definitely spend this ten million!”

He knew that after he did this, he would be on Su Shaoze’s boat, but he had no choice.

“Okay, Ah Feng, come with me in the future, I, Su Shaoze, will not treat my own people badly!” Su Shaoze patted him on the shoulder with a light smile.

In just a short while, Du Qifeng became one of his own, and interests can form alliances!

This time, Su Shaoze will report an investment cost of 10 million yuan, but the real shooting cost is only 5 million yuan, and the remaining 5 million yuan will naturally go into Su Shaoze’s pocket reasonably and legally after going through several procedures.

For example, for a prop, it only costs 100 yuan to buy it in other places, but it costs 200 yuan in the store under Su Shaolong’s name.

And this kind of thing is difficult to check, my props are made of better materials, what are they made of, how many years can they be used, and they are worth the money!

In fact, it cost less than a hundred bucks!

What about the actors’ remuneration, Su Shaoze will also do some articles on the box office, this is money laundering!

Su Shaoze has 100 million Hong Kong dollars in his hand, so he must clean it up!

“Thank you boss!” Sensing the change in Su Shaoze’s attitude, Du Qi smiled bitterly.

But there are benefits, at least earning more than before?

After barely being Su Shaoze’s own person, To Qifeng also gained some courage, so he said bravely: “I don’t know if the boss has any candidates for the villain role of T800?”

Since Du Qifeng said this, it means that he has a candidate for recommendation. He has just become a “person of his own”, and Su Shaoze is willing to give him face.

“A Feng, if you have a suitable candidate, you can propose it. As long as it is suitable after the audition, I have no problem.”

“Well, I’ll ask him to audition tomorrow. His name is Wu Mengda, and he’s Wu Mengda’s actor!”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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