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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 73 The Embryonic Form Of The Media Empire [Second Update, Please Subscribe! 】

Beautiful TV?

Hearing Su Shaoze’s condition, both Shen Congee and Bao Chuanwang were a little surprised. They never thought that Su Shaoze would actually like the television industry.

You must know that on Hong Kong Island, the most profitable industries are real estate, manufacturing, construction, and financial industries, but TV stations are different.

The investment is large, the effect is slow, and it is relatively easy to lose money!

Among the three major TV stations on Hong Kong Island, only TVB can maintain a basic profit, while Lidi and Jiayi’s earnings are very unstable, and they have been suppressed by TVB.

The money earned by the TV station every year is not enough for an outcrop of real estate!

“HSBC Bank does have 20% of the shares of Li TV Station, and it can be transferred to you.” Shen Congee said softly.

But he was still curious, why did Su Shaoze fall in love with the TV station?

You know, it is not easy to run a TV station well. Five years ago, several consortiums in Hong Kong Island jointly established Jiayi TV Station.

The background cannot be said to be strong, and the funds cannot be said to be insufficient.

But how is it now? Jiayi is not yet 10 and still half dead!

Unlike movies, TV stations can charge tickets, and the programs they broadcast are completely free, and can only be supported by advertising revenue.

And if you want others to advertise on your radio station, you must have high ratings, high ratings require good programs, good programs require large investment, and large investment requires a lot of money.

You have to develop before no one advertises. It is estimated that ordinary people really cannot support this initial investment.

Su Shaoze naturally understands these reasons, but what he values ​​is not only whether the TV station can make money, but also the influence of the TV station.

Su Shaoze can earn money from other places, and Shaoze has already begun to get involved in the financial industry and real estate.

But influence cannot be bought with money!

Being on Hong Kong Island, especially Su Shaoze has a black background, he understands the importance of the right to speak.

It is an extremely sharp blade that scares many people.

Seeing that a certain company is unhappy, send someone to investigate him, find out his problems and expose him, maybe a single exposure can sink that company.

Seeing that a certain congressman is unhappy, he can also secretly investigate whether there is any corruption. With solid evidence, he can directly show his face on the TV station.

Of course, the premise is that the influence of the TV station is huge enough!

And now among the three major TV stations in Hong Kong Island, only TVB is in the best condition, crushing Li’s and Jiayi’s ratings. shares.

As for Jiayi, it is a big pitfall. In order to establish the third TV station on Hong Kong Island, they were forced to allow the Hong Kong Island authorities to broadcast eight hours of educational programs every day. No wonder the ratings are so good!

Even if Su Shaoze bought Jiayi, as long as the restriction is not abolished, there will be no improvement at all.

Therefore, the only one that Su Shaoze can choose is Li’s TV station!

Most of the shares of Li’s TV Station are in the hands of its former parent company, Li’s Voice, which occupies 70%.

HSBC holds 20%, and the remaining 10% is irrelevant in the hands of some small shareholders.

It can be said that as long as they can win 20% of HSBC and 70% of Li’s voice, Li’s TV station will become Su Shaoze’s.

Relying on Li’s TV station, and then buying some newspapers, plus film companies and theaters, Su Shaoze will become a new generation of media tycoons in Hong Kong Island.

Like News Corporation, he wants to build a media empire!

“Lai Husheng, please contact Shen Dapan for help!” Su Shaoze said politely.

“Of course there is no problem. Speaking of which, Li’s TV station has been losing money continuously over the years. Our HSBC family has a big business, but it’s okay to say, but Li’s voice may have long wanted to find a good price to sell it!”

“I believe that as long as the price is right, Li’s Husheng will agree!” Shen Congee nodded and said, for Li’s Husheng, it was just getting rid of a burden.

However, he is only in charge of helping to make contact, and it is up to Su Shaoze to talk to Li Husheng for details.

After the business negotiation was over, Shen Porridge asked someone to prepare the contract.

After the Bao family’s lawyer and Ye Yingwen finished the inspections, Su Shaoze signed contracts with Shen Porridge and Bao Chuanwang respectively.

Among them, the 2.5 million Wharf shares held by Su Shaoze were sold to Bao Chuanwang at a price of 120 Hong Kong dollars per share, a total of 300 million Hong Kong dollars!

After repaying the 60 million loan from HSBC and redeeming the Butterfly Bay land, Su Shaoze is left with 240 million!

At this time, Li TV’s total assets are about 120 million, and 20% of the shares are priced at 24 million.

Therefore, Su Shaoze got 216 million in the end, and the money was transferred in HSBC, and it immediately went to Su Shaoze’s account.

Su Shaoze has made a profit of 240 million in almost five months from buying Wharf stocks to selling them today.

Compared with robbing, kidnapping and blackmailing the rich, this speed is simply weak!

But 240 million is Su Shaoze’s legal assets!

You can spend it openly!

After leaving HSBC, I took Ye Yingwen to a restaurant for dinner. For the whole afternoon, Ye Yingwen accompanied her almost all the way, but she couldn’t say anything.

But in his heart, he admired Su Shaoze even more. Although Su Shaoze is young, the speed of making money is not slow. At this time, his net worth is more than 300 million.

Bao Chuanwang and Shen Congee are both the most famous bigwigs in Hong Kong Island. Su Shaoze does business with them, chats and laughs happily, without pressure, and has an extraordinary bearing.

That moment hit Ye Yingwen’s g-spot.

Her man is really outstanding, no matter what aspect it is!

The only thing that made Ye Yingwen dissatisfied was that this guy was a bit too attractive to women, he was so handsome and rich, so there would definitely be some shameless bitch posting him.

Ye Yingwen thought to herself, “We have to be more careful in the future.”

But she still has to go to school, so it is impossible to follow Su Shaoze every day!

At this time, Su Shaoze didn’t know what his woman was thinking, anyway, he felt a little tired.

After the excitement of earning 300 million was over, he was thinking about whether to find a professional manager?

In the future, his property will increase, but the rebirth knowledge he can use will become less and less, and sooner or later he will be unable to take care of it.

“You have to prepare a think tank!”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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