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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 86 Sniping The Kowloon Bus [Fourth Update, Please Subscribe! 】

Kowloon Bus Headquarters, Chairman’s Office!

Lei Juekun hung up the phone, walked slowly to the window, frowning.

Just now Noble called him and said that he was invited to meet and talk about the Lisheng Cinemas in three days.

And also told him a bad news.

Two more forces participated in the competition for the Lisheng theater chain. In this way, even if Lei Juekun can win the theater chain in the end, the cost will inevitably exceed expectations.

But he is still ready to give it a go, because he is very optimistic about the future of Hong Kong films, and in the film industry, theaters are very important.

So this time, as long as the price of Lisheng Cinemas is not too outrageous, Lei Juekun intends to win it.

“Bang bang bang!”

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door, and Li Ziming, the deputy general manager, walked in hastily.

“Chairman, I just discovered that our company’s stock price is a bit abnormal!” Li Ziming said.

“What’s wrong?” Lei Juekun asked unhurriedly.

“Chairman, this is the stock price of our Jiulong Bus for the past four days. The highest prices are two yuan one, two yuan two, two yuan four, and two yuan five!”

Lei Juekun came from a reckless background and doesn’t know much about these financial data. He only knows that his company’s stock price has risen again. Isn’t this a good thing?

But Li Ziming is different, he is a financial talent, explained quickly.

“Chairman, our company is mainly engaged in the bus business in Kowloon, the New Territories and other places. A public service industry like this with a large consumer base basically won’t make big profits or lose big.”

“So all along, the share price of our Kowloon Bus has been very stable, neither will it fall sharply nor rise sharply.”

“However, as it is now, there are only two situations where there are consecutive rises for several days. First, there is good news in our company, which stimulates the stock price to rise!”

But this is obviously impossible!

Lei Juekun is the chairman of Kowloon Bus, so he doesn’t know any good news.

“The second possibility is that someone is secretly buying a large amount of our company’s stock.”

After hearing the second possibility, Lei Juekun’s face changed. Even though he doesn’t know much about financial knowledge, he understands that the situation is a bit serious now.

Apparently the big dealers have taken their company as a target. Is it a sniper attack or really want to annex Kowloon Bus?

Sniping is to raise the company’s stock price in a short period of time through the sudden influx of a large amount of funds, and then withdraw and leave the market at the highest point, leaving a mess.

And the annexation is even more serious, someone wants to take over Lei Juekun’s company!

You must know that although Lei Juekun is the chairman of Kowloon Bus, the shares of Kowloon Bus are quite scattered.

It is mainly concentrated in the stock market and in the hands of a large number of small shareholders. Lei Juekun himself only has 26% of the shares, which is already the largest shareholder.

And once the shares held by the dark hand surpassed him, Lei Juekun’s position as chairman would be in danger.

“What should we do now?” Lei Juekun was no longer calm, walking up and down in the office.

Although he is very optimistic about the film industry in Hong Kong Island, it is only regarded as a secondary industry. The Kowloon Bus is his foundation, and there can be no problems.

“Chairman, now we can only buy back the company’s shares!”

Lei Juekun knew that as long as he had enough shares, his position would be safe.

But that costs a lot of money!

There is no other way, Lei Juekun can only take out the money he was going to buy the Lisheng Cinemas, and first settle down on the Kowloon bus.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Galaxy Fund, Su Shaoze and Ye Tianci sat on the sofa together, looking at the broken lines in the computer.

The Galaxy Fund has just been established, and after recruiting a few traders, they started their first mission.

Snipe Kowloon Bus!

“Boss, the share price of Kowloon Bus is 2.8 yuan today, an increase of 0.3 yuan from yesterday. Do you want to continue the acquisition?”

“How much stock do we have?” Su Shaoze asked.

“About 26 million shares!” Ye Tianci said.

When Galaxy Fund first started to buy, the stock price was two yuan. After a few days of secret purchases, the stock price began to rise slowly.

Now it has reached 2.8 yuan, so the 26 million shares in Su Shaoze’s hands are now worth more than 7,200 yuan.

He bought these stocks for about 56 million.

In just a few days, he made 16 million!

No wonder many people want to speculate in stocks, no wonder it is said that only after becoming a banker can they make a lot of money.

“Continue to buy, and start selling at 40 million shares!” Su Shaoze said.

“Okay, boss!” Ye Tianci nodded and ordered to go on [continue to buy shares of Kowloon Bus.

Forty million shares, already occupying more than 20% of the shares of Kowloon Bus.

ask for flowers

It can completely threaten the status of Lei Juekun’s major shareholder, but in order to keep his company, Lei Juekun can only spend money to buy back shares.

As a result, the share price of Jiulong Bus is getting higher and higher, and Lei Juekun will spend a lot more than usual.

What Su Shaoze has to do is to resell the stocks in his hand at the right time to make a fortune.

This is the financial sniper war!

In his previous life, the big Liu who claimed to have slept in half of Hong Kong Island’s entertainment industry made his fortune by relying on financial sniping.

But doing this is too easy to make people hate, no one likes to be sniped.

For this sniper battle, Su Shaoze was fully prepared. After mortgaging Butterfly Bay, he got 80 million yuan, plus the original 40 million yuan.

A full 120 million is enough to dig out a piece of fat from the Kowloon bus.


With the opening of the market today, Kowloon Bus has risen again, and more stockholders are not calm.

In just five days, it rose by nearly one yuan, and it jumped like a rocket suddenly.

Those experienced stockholders soon understood that this was a big banker who was buying the shares of Kowloon Bus.

Very familiar feeling!

Because just a few months ago, Bao Chuanwang fought against Wharf, directly pushing the stock price of Wharf from more than ten yuan per share to a sky-high price of one hundred and ten yuan.

Nearly ten times the profit, the stockholders who bought Wharf shares at that time all made crazy money.

Even the stockholders who entered the market later were full.

But more people are regretting why they didn’t buy Wharf earlier.

But now, they see hope from the Kowloon bus.

There are also big dealers who have taken over the acquisition. Is Kowloon Bus trying to replicate the miracle of Wharf?

For such a good opportunity, Hong Kong Islanders who are old stockholders certainly cannot miss it. They are going to buy shares of Kowloon Bus one after another to catch the wind.

Following the trend is blind and terrifying. Once it becomes a trend, you can’t stop it.

Ever since, under the looting of countless people, Kowloon Bus finally took off its unusual coat.

On the next Monday, after the market opened, the price soared to a high price of 3.5 yuan, and it hasn’t stopped yet.

Three six, three nine, four one

The Kowloon bus is going crazy~

Faced with such a high price, Su Shaoze finally stopped the acquisition, and now he has 40 million Sichuan shares in his hands. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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