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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 1

Paladin on the Infinite Tour Author: Let me tell you that Souji is super cute


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That’s fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.

Until one day——

[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】

Such a sudden appearance in Exia’s field of vision eventually pushed him onto a path of no return as a world-saving professional in countless worlds.

“It’s not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it.”

Alexia Kaslana said.

(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)

1. Do you desire power?

Alexia had a rather distant dream.

The content of the dream was not very clear. Even though it had been repeated countless times, Alexia could not remember many details in the dream, and could only vaguely understand some things.

In the dream, I seemed to be on an aircraft with my father and sister. My father was saying something to me, and then handed my sister into my hands. Exia has no memory of what her father said, nor does she remember what her father looked like or his expression at that time.

Of course, the same goes for my sister.

Then, the scene in the dream was the same as every time he had this dream, changing from the same environment as the interior space of the aircraft to a vast white snowfield, and he was lying alone in the empty snowfield.

This is the full picture of Alexia’s dream, and it is also his first memory.


“Well…it’s this dream again.”

early morning.

After waking up in her room, Alexia raised her hand to block the sunlight that shone on her face through the gap in the curtains. She turned off the mobile phone that had been ringing the alarm on the bedside and walked out of bed in a daze. sat up.

It’s that dream again.

Standing up and going to the mirror to look at herself in the mirror, Alexia took a deep breath.

“It’s been…seven years?”

The scene in the dream happened about seven years ago.

Seven years ago, Exia, her father and sister boarded an aircraft for unknown reasons and were attacked by unknown persons on the way to a certain place.

The aircraft crashed, and the whereabouts of her father and sister are unknown. Although Ixia saved her life due to various luck, she also lost almost all the memories before that, including her own name, the names of her father and sister, and Regardless of his appearance, he has forgotten everything about his life experience.

The name [Exia] was given with the help of the doctor who treated him later.

After being rescued from the snowy mountain, Alexia once lived in an orphanage. At that time, he met a teacher and doctor who took great care of him.

——Axia Kaslana.

That was the full name the doctor gave him.

A name that made him feel a little real, but also a little unreal.

“Dong dong dong…”

At this moment, a knock on the door came from outside, waking up Alexia who was staring at the mirror in a daze.


“Exia, are you awake?”

A girl’s voice came from outside the door.

As soon as she heard this voice, Alexia’s expression couldn’t help but fall. She glanced at the time on the phone in her hand and sighed helplessly: “That’s right, she is here today… …Oh, trouble.”

When he came to the door and opened his door, he looked at the bright blond hair that caught his eyes for the first time and the face that was so familiar that he felt close to him. Alexia said: “I just woke up. Is something wrong? Bi An Card.”

Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina.

This was the name of the blond girl who appeared outside Exia’s room.

Looking at Alexia who was a little indifferent to her, Bianca frowned slightly: “Can’t I come to you if nothing happens? We have been childhood sweethearts for seven years after all. Is there anything wrong with waking you up?”

Childhood sweethearts.

This is indeed the relationship between Alexia and Bianca. The two met seven years ago, shortly after Alexia moved into the orphanage, and Bianca also moved in. I don’t know why, but the two of them felt a little friendly the moment they met, so they immediately started chatting together.

In addition, the attending physician of the two people was still the same person. Later, the attending physician told them that they were both amnesiac children who had been rescued from the snowy mountain. This coincidence that was too similar made the two of them even children at the time. The two became close.

As a result, after that, the two became a pair of childhood sweethearts and have been living together until now. Although after joining Destiny later and even after Bianca became an official Valkyrie, the two became more or less different. But the relationship didn’t fade much. It was Bianca’s daily behavior to wake Alexia up in the morning like this.

It has been formed since the orphanage period.

“I’m talking about you…you were still out dealing with the Honkai disaster yesterday, right? I remember you came back to rest at two o’clock in the morning? Why don’t you sleep in and have a good rest today? It’s only half past seven in the morning. ah.”

“Five hours of sleep is enough for me. As a warrior, exercising every morning is a must and cannot be slacked off. In my opinion, you usually slack off too much, Ixia. This is not a The habits that a warrior of the Kaslana family should have.”

“I’m not a serious Kaslana. Besides, I’m not even a warrior. Now I’m just an ordinary member of the Destiny Organization. I just go to the gym to exercise for a while every afternoon.”

Unlike Bianca, a fierce Valkyrie, Exia is not a warrior. Although he bears the surname of the Kaslana family, which is known as the “Knight of Destiny”, he himself knows that this surname is not It’s not true, it’s just what the doctor gave to me. I don’t have the fighting talent of the Kaslana family members.

Now it’s enough to be an ordinary data clerk in Tianming.

Seeing her childhood sweetheart acting like a loser with no pursuit of power, Bianca couldn’t help but sigh slightly: “You… I still remember when you were young, you said you would become the strongest warrior with me. I went to fight against Honkai, wielding a wooden stick as a sword on the bed.”

“Hey! Forget about what happened when I was a kid! What’s more, I gave up on that dream after being defeated by you three hundred times in a row. Didn’t I tell you at that time!”

Alexia shouted with a blushing face in embarrassment.

“You forgot to remember, three hundred and twenty-eight times to be exact.”

“Can you please not remember such details so clearly? Can you save some face for me? Sigh…” Alexia sighed slightly, “Anyway, if your purpose of waking me up is… If I want to go to morning exercise with you, then forget it, just go find Rita, I have to go to Bishop Otto next.”

Organizing documents for the Supreme Bishop of the Church of Destiny, Otto Apokalis, this is Exia’s current job. A job that is not very important and is suitable for people like him who cannot go to the battlefield.

Although I don’t want to dampen my childhood sweetheart’s interest.

“Really…I understand, then I won’t force you.” Bianca said helplessly, “Then in exchange, will you accompany me for breakfast?”

“Well, this is okay…eh?”

Alexia suddenly let out a strange cry.

Not because he hurt himself while getting dressed, but because of the changes in his field of vision at this moment.

Just like words written with a special liquid that gradually appeared under the burning of flames, the scene in Ixia’s eyes burned without warning, and then the burning flames formed each character bit by bit. , forming two complete lines of text.

[Do you desire power? 】

【yesorno? 】

2. Bishop Otto, I didn’t lie

The sudden changes that appeared in her field of vision made Exia stunned for a moment.

【Do you crave power? 】

What kind of no-brainer question is this?

Seeing him standing there staring at her, Bianca couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong? Exia, is there something on my face?”

“No, Bianca, can’t you see it?”

“what did you see?”

Alexia pointed to the place where the two lines of words were floating in front of her eyes: “It’s this piece. Suddenly, a line of words appeared in front of my eyes. Can’t you see it?”

Bianca frowned slightly: “What are you talking about? How could words suddenly appear in the air? There is nothing between us. Are you not awake yet?”

(Can’t Bianca see it? Is this something only I can see?)

Alexia thought for a while, walked into the house, picked up her phone, took a picture of her face in the mirror, and then took a selfie of herself.

The content of the displayed photo was just like what Bianca said. There was nothing in front of him, and the line of words seemed to not exist at all. However, in Alexia’s eyes, the words still existed in real terms. .

(Does not exist in reality, only exists in my eyes… hallucination? Or is it an abnormal reaction based on some unknown mental illness?)

Possibilities flashed through Exia’s mind.

In any case, it was too weird to suddenly see a line of words in front of me that only I could see. Even if there is a disaster called Honkai in this world, and the magical energy of Honkai energy, but——

(Could it be the influence of Honkai energy?)

Such thoughts flashed through Alexia’s mind.

Speaking of which, when she was learning about Honkaimon in school, Exia once read that some high-level Honkaimon would affect people’s minds through Honkai energy and create various kinds of monsters. hallucination.

Could it be that he was killed by Honkaimon… No, this is the headquarters of Destiny, a floating island above the clouds. Not to mention Honkaimon, the concentration of Honkai energy here is impossible for even the dead to produce. .

(However, it is at least certain that it is some kind of mental interference… No, it may also be interference from the five senses.)

Thinking of this, Alexia put away her phone and looked at Bianca, who was standing at the door with a confused look on her face since just now: “Sorry, Bianca, I can’t have breakfast with you. Now I have to make one right away. Body checkup.”

“Physical examination? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

“I may have some kind of mental illness, or I may have been attacked by some unknown Honkai beast. Now there is a strange line of text floating in my eyes – maybe something can be investigated through physical examination.”

Mental illness, Honkaimon—when Bianca heard Exia mention these two key parts, her expression immediately became serious.

Aixia would not make a mistake. Since he said this, it means that what he said did indeed happen to him.

Regarding the safety of her childhood sweetheart, Bianca immediately said: “Then I’ll go with you. Should we go directly to the Bishop’s office? Or should we go directly to the hospital?”

“Let’s go to the hospital. I want to explain the situation clearly and the bishop will come over.”



Tens of minutes later.

The hospital at Tianming Headquarters.

Arriving here in a car, Otto Apokalis, the greatest bishop of the Destiny Organization, walked out of the car.

“Your Majesty, we are here.”

As his secretary, Kohaku said while taking out the message he had just received.

“According to the information transmitted by Lord Ixia and Lady Hollander, the two of them should have started physical examinations now. This can also be confirmed from the hospital’s work records.”

“Physical examination… How credible do you think it is, Amber?”

Otto asked with a smile.

“Exia is a pure bloodline of the Kaslana family. Although he has never shown any characteristics of the Kaslana family, his resistance to Honkai energy has always been there. Now it is said that he has it. Maybe it was affected by Honkai energy…”

“Does the Bishop think that Lord Exia is lying to you?”

Amber’s statement made Otto keep shaking his head: “No, no, no, Amber, Exia will not lie to me. He has only told me one lie in the past seven years, and he is still an insignificant little kid.” Lies, in fact he has always been a very honest child, and he had no reason to lie to me in this regard.”

Otto began to take care of Alexia seven years ago. Ever since he was rescued from the snowy mountain, he has been taking care of him as the attending physician. After he grew up, he also arranged for him to be by his side and serve as his own The data organizer under my command.

This is exactly how much he trusts Aixia.

At the same time, it is also his trust in his own abilities. He believes that Alexia, who was trained by him, will not betray him.

“Then what the bishop means is…”

“What did Exia and Hollander say?”

“Unknown words that only he can see appeared in Lord Alexia’s field of vision. For safety reasons, Lord Alexia has taken the initiative to request a physical examination and hopes that you can come for follow-up research.”

This is what Amber had already reported to Otto a few minutes ago.

After thinking about the content again, Otto smiled slightly: “Well, it is indeed the style of Ixia and Hollander. They have been like this since they were children. After encountering things that they cannot understand with their own knowledge, They always come to ask me questions immediately… They almost use me as an encyclopedia.”

(Although this is good, it can effectively ensure that the knowledge and information they possess are within my expectations, but…)

It should be said that this is an idea that everyone who has raised children will have.

Otto occasionally felt that he was being too spoiled to the two of them, and perhaps he should gradually start to let them do some research and investigation on their own, especially for Exia.

What happened this time was probably Exia’s suggestion.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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