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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 10

For the thirty-fifth time, Aisia’s slash was deflected. Exia took two steps back. Then the blade turned. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or accident. The moment the blade was turned upside down, the hilt turned just right. It collided with the sword that Ais swung down again——

Ace: “!”

The girl’s eyes clearly flashed with surprise.

The knocked-away sword blade took Ais’ body slightly to the side.

The distance was less than a palm, and Aisi quickly reacted and regained her balance. However, the offensive she maintained broke down.

Focusing on attack means not caring about defense.

Aisi’s sword is indeed very fast, but this kind of swordsmanship, which is famous for its speed, often pays attention to a continuous attack, because the power of a single attack is not very great. In order to suppress the opponent, it is overwhelming with a continuous offensive. The most effective and simplest way.

Therefore, as long as there is a moment of stagnation, the entire offensive will be interrupted.

Although it is also a method to wait for the other party to be unable to follow up, but…

(If you defend for a long time, you will lose. If you are facing someone who is good at speed and you are at a disadvantage, you should stay on the defensive but also pay attention to the opponent’s movements, and then find the right opportunity to switch from defense to offense and win with one blow – that’s right ?master.)

Thinking about the teachings her master had given her back then, and always maintaining a calm heart, Ixia accurately seized the opportunity to counterattack, and then,

——Open the sword and shake the wind!

The moment the sword blade turned to a horizontal angle, Ixia grasped the hilt of the sword and thrust the sword towards Esna’s undefended chest!

The tip of the sword hit the armor on Ais’s chest, and a shock of shock immediately penetrated Ais’ body with the blow. Although it was not strong, it still deprived Ais of her ability to move in an instant, making her uncontrollable. He took a few steps back.

And when she regained her footing, the tip of the sword was already touching her eyebrows.

“It seems I won, Miss Ais.”

Sheathing the sword, Ixia hugged her right fist with her left hand and saluted: “Promise.”


Touching her chest where she was stabbed, Ais sighed slightly – even though she was relieved and did not use all her strength, she was simply competing with Alexia in swordsmanship, but she was still a little bit shocked by being defeated.

“Bah bang bang!”

At this moment, a burst of applause from not far away attracted the attention of both of them. Looking to the side, they saw a row of people standing unknowingly beside the wall of the training room, and there were even people inside. There is a presence of Finn.

He was also the one who took the lead in applauding.

“What a wonderful sparring match, Aisi, Aixia.” Finn stepped forward, “I originally wanted to find you, but I didn’t know you were sparring here until someone told me about it.”

“Because it was better with Miss Ais last night, even though I didn’t think I could win at the time.”

This is the truth. Alexia really has no confidence in his sword skills. After all, ever since he started learning swordsmanship and even boxing, he has been beaten violently by his teacher and Bianca. He has never won once since he was a child. This will make him confident enough to be a ghost.

He was surprised to win against Aisi.

“Your swordsmanship is very strong. Did you learn it in that other world?”

“Well, the name is Taixu Sword Qi. When I was a child, my doctor arranged for me to study under a famous teacher. However, I didn’t learn it well. The most important aspect is the entry-level level.”

This is not self-effacing, but fact. From the beginning, Alexia was told by her teacher that Taixu Sword Qi was a Kung Fu that was more suitable for women than for men, because women had natural advantages over men in learning its core parts.

The five aggregates of Taixu are heart, form, mind, soul, and spirit. Ixia has only mastered the form, and the heart is only in the initial state of water stillness. The other three aggregates have not been touched at all. After all, it is said that it is a beginner. The level is actually not bad.

(Taixu Sword Qi…)

Thinking of this name in her mind, Ais suddenly asked: “Can you teach me?”

“Uh…this…Miss Ais, to be honest, I’m not at the level where I can teach others.” Ixia said with a bitter smile, “I just have a little bit of knowledge, so I want to teach You are really misleading people, there is really nothing you can do about it.”

“Is it…..”


Looking at Ais who lowered her head, Exia could clearly feel the change in her mood. At the same time, she also felt the strong gazes from the surroundings. The members of the Loki Familia surrounding her were staring at them with angry eyes almost at the same time. Alexia.

(Miss Ais was actually disappointed!?)

(I’ll go and spar with him later and beat him if I miss, right?)

(Although you may not be able to defeat it, you still have to fight.)

(The lost Ais-senpai is so cute!!!)

After glancing at his family members helplessly, Finn said: “So, Exia, you will be free next, right? Come with me, I have something for you.”

“For me?”

“Well, something that can speed up your growth.”

18. Why does this method look familiar?

In the room of the leader on the top floor of the Loki Familia.

Alexia, who followed Finn here, was handed a thick book by Finn as soon as he entered the door.

“This is?”

“The Grimoire just arrived today.” Finn explained, “You should know magic, right?”

Alexia nodded.

Magic, unlike skills, is the ability to directly induce supernatural powers in the real world.

It is roughly divided into innate magic and acquired magic. Innate magic involves racial blood and personal qualifications and has fixed attributes. Magical races can acquire it through their own potential and practice. For example, everyone in the Elf tribe can All have magic.

Acquired magic is related to interest and identification with things, and is inspired by God’s grace – most of the adventurers with magic in Oraline obtained it this way.

The acquired magic is different from the innate magic. You can only have three at most.

“The book in your hand is a magic book that can force adventurers to learn magic.” Finn said, “You don’t have magic yet? You will master your own magic through this magic book in a while.”


It took Alexia a moment to react.

Let yourself learn magic? Is this grimoire now my own?

“By the way, the value of the magic book is 50 million Valis, and it has been recorded in your account.”


Alexia hit his head directly on the table, and the magic book in his hand flew out on the spot. He was so frightened that he quickly caught it for fear that something would happen to the fifty million in his hand: “Fifty, fifty million?! Why… …Why do you want to give me such a valuable thing all of a sudden? Captain!”

Exia did not think that giving herself a precious magic book worth 50 million Valis for no reason was a standard issue for the Loki Familia. Although she didn’t know much about the concept of money in this world, it didn’t matter what currency it was for 50 million. This is already a huge number!

The particular example of the Zimbabwe dollar does not count.

(You want to keep me by increasing your debt? Or are you planning to make me do something at the cost? For example, hand over the training method of Taixu Sword Qi?)

“No, no matter what, Captain, this magic book is too valuable, I can’t accept it.”

“It was originally prepared for you, so just accept it. As for the reason…well, I can tell you, it’s just an [investment].”

Finn was not prepared to hide anything: “Have you also seen the speed at which your abilities are growing? I can tell you straightforwardly that it is a speed that is unprecedented or even unprecedented. It only took one night to achieve this.” With your speed, there is no doubt about your value to our family.”

“You are a talent that has never been seen before, Exia.”

“So we hope that you can grow up as soon as possible, and after you grow up, you can use your strength to feed back the family and make the family stronger. I don’t think we don’t understand this approach.”

I understand, of course I understand.

It is a common thing to give talented people a chance to show their talents and bring more benefits. Ixia has seen Bishop Otto do this too many times.

But actually it’s my turn to be a client…

“I don’t think I have such great value, Captain. And even if it’s not the case, just for your kindness in taking me in, I will definitely repay the favor to the Familia, so please give me this magic book – “

“I bought everything, are you going to give it back?” Finn said with a smile, “Or do you have some unspeakable reason why you can’t accept this book? If you are worried that we have ulterior motives… “

Alexia shook her head: “No, I had already given up this idea when the leader explained the reason just now. It’s just… this came a bit suddenly, and I couldn’t accept it quickly. “

Accepting the magic book is equivalent to accepting a huge favor from the Loki Familia. This cannot be repaid by paying back the money, at least in Exia’s view. In this way, whenever something happens to the Loki family in the future, Exia cannot just sit idly by and ignore it, both emotionally and rationally.

He did not object to this. The Loki family was originally kind to him, and there was no problem in repaying the kindness.

But if you accept the magic book, it won’t end once or twice as a favor, and this will create a problem——

(I don’t have enough time.)

Exia can only stay in this world for three months, and now it is less than three months. This means that Exia cannot stay here forever to repay the Loki Familia. He still wants to go back to the world over there. There are places and people you want to meet.

Moreover, he was not sure whether he would be able to come back to the world over there. If he couldn’t come back, then Exia would have wasted a wave of good intentions from the Loki Familia in vain – he would feel bad about it.

(If I could come back again… By the way! That text should answer my question, right? Can I still come back?)


[But there is an interval. It takes three months to come to the same world again]

Burning words appeared in Exia’s eyes.

(Is there a cooldown time? God’s Favor and Dungeons just make me feel like a game. Are you coming too?)

But this also means that after Exia leaves this world, she only needs to wait three months to come back again.

(In this case…it’s not impossible.)

There is a chance to come back, which means that the kindness can be truly repaid.


(Originally, I wanted to pay off the debt before leaving. If I accept it… are I sure I can pay it off?)

Suddenly, it soared from 800,000 to 50.8 million. Alexia was about to burst into tears: “Speaking of the leader…could it be that you had planned this?”

From another perspective, Fenn’s behavior is quite similar to those of unscrupulous manufacturers. At first, he used various good conditions to lure people into the factory, and then used various reasons to cut the agreed wages. He made people work for free and tied his employees to death in the factory.

“How could it be? You’re overthinking it. It’s just a temporary decision made after confirming your growth rate.” Finn said with a bitter smile, “You only need to read the magic book once, and you will master the magic naturally. Just ask Loki to update your abilities.”

“Then, if possible, we will go to the dungeon in the afternoon to test your magic and also improve your abilities – this time we can go directly to the middle level, so be prepared.”

“okay, I get it.”

19. Magic born from instinct

In Alexia’s own room.

Looking at the grimoire in her hand, Alexia was silent for a long time, and then sighed helplessly: “I’ve really been given high hopes… I’m a little unaccustomed to it.”

When you open the magic book, what comes into view are lines of text written in the universal language of this world. Of course, Exia couldn’t understand it at all. After all, it was only his fourth day in this world, so there would be a problem if he could understand it.

Moreover, among the lines of text, there are also small characters whose fonts are several sizes smaller.

Is this…a formula?

Alexia subconsciously turned the page of the book. As expected, there were also the fonts that were a few sizes smaller between the lines, but this time it was not just calculations, but also more strange symbols, like ghost drawings.

Later, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Alexia felt that the words in the book seemed to come alive. They jumped out of the book one after another, and gradually formed a picture in front of his eyes.

No, no, not a painting, but a person.

A blank [person].

[What is magic to me? 】

Such a voice suddenly appeared in Alexia’s mind.

What is magic?

Alexia thought for a while: “The power that makes me stronger… right?”

[What is magic to me? 】

Another question.

“Is there a difference… No, there is a difference. Well, to be more specific… the answer is the same, right? The power that makes me stronger.”

[What does magic look like to me…sand…sssssss…things…sands…]

The third question was raised, but when it came to the latter point, it was like the announcer was broken. The voice in his mind suddenly became blurry and full of electric noise. Alexia even felt that she Faced with an old TV set that could only play a snowflake screen.

there is a problem?


Just when Ixia was thinking this, the things in front of him suddenly changed, and a scene appeared in his mind without warning, a scene that was so realistic that it even gave him a strong feeling of being there.

It was a deserted land.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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