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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 100

“But it’s for you to see? Right, Xenovia?”

“Well, indeed.” Xenovia nodded seriously, “After all, the main purpose of this trip is to repay a favor. If the swimsuits we wear are not the style you like, then you won’t be happy, right? That’s it. It goes against our original intention, so you still have to wear something that suits your preferences.”


What nonsense is this?

“Then why don’t I just tell you the swimsuit style I like? Do you need me to go with you?”

“Well…it’s not unreasonable…”

Xenovia was obviously deep in thought, while Aisha had not yet recovered from Irina’s straightforward statement just now, and her face was still blushing.

Looking at the three people in front of her, Alexia suddenly had a premonition that this trip to the seaside would be quite uneventful.

And at this moment——

“Lord Bianca, Lord Exia, and Lord Bishop have received a reply.”

Rita’s voice came out.

“What did the bishop say?”

“The Bishop’s original words were [If Ixia thinks it’s okay, then of course it’s okay for me. Proper rest is necessary. Originally, I planned to find him a resort after he comes back. Since he wants to Let’s just forget about it and go on vacation with friends over there].”

Rita recounted Bishop Otto’s original words verbatim.

Bianca couldn’t help but smile when she heard this: “That’s great, Alexia. The bishop is very reasonable.”

“That’s right… Speaking of Rita, why do I think there’s something wrong with your eyes?”

“No, it’s nothing. I just didn’t sleep well last night. Don’t worry, Sir Alexia. I hope you can have a pleasant holiday with your friends over there.”

“Yeah, that’s good. Don’t be too tired at ordinary times. If you fall down, Bianca will have no one to take care of you, and I can’t fly back right away.”

“Don’t tell me, I can’t live without Rita, Alexia. Didn’t I live a good life without Rita before?”

“That’s because I was mostly taking care of you at that time. I forgot who gave you care when you were a kid——”


Before Alexia could finish speaking, Bianca hung up the phone.

Glancing at the personal terminal that had returned to calm, Exia sighed slightly, then looked at Irina and others: “So, how long are you going to stay here with me?”


Destiny Headquarters.

Inside Otto’s office.

Staring at the silent personal terminal in front of him, Otto held his face with one hand and looked solemn, as if he was thinking about something.

“Your Majesty Bishop.”

Amber’s voice came from behind.

“This is this month’s surveillance report on [Kiana Kaslana].”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.”

Taking the report from Amber’s hand, Otto gently brushed its surface with his fingers: “Amber, organize all the reports of the past few months and package them into one document – Ixia has prepared a perfect document for me. As a gift, I think I should prepare a return gift for him.”

“He misses his most important [sister], whose whereabouts are unknown until now… I think he will be very satisfied.”

79. Arrive in Okinawa

Japan, Okinawa.

When it comes to the sea in Japan, for people who are not familiar with Japan, this is the first place that comes to mind. Although Japan is surrounded by the sea and has countless beautiful beaches, even so, Okinawa is still the first choice for many foreign tourists to go to the beach.

And now, a month later, after passing the final exam with the same partial grades as before, and finishing all the summer homework except Chinese and history in three days, etc., after a series of tedious things——

“Exia, let’s go to the beach first!”

“I’ll trouble you if you park the car.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Exia…”

Listening to the voices of the three girls coming from behind, Alexia, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, leaned against the window and looked helplessly at the three people who ran out: “Oh, I really can’t wait… ..But this is Okinawa.”

It’s not like Alexia has never been to the beach. When he went to St. Freya College recently, he saw the port in Changkong City and the beach from a distance.

However, because it was already the end of November, there were no people on the beach, and now it was the end of July, the time when the midsummer atmosphere was strongest, so as far as I could see, the beach was full of people.

“This is the beach in the peak season. I feel like I can have a good time for two days.”

The final itinerary for this seaside trip is two days. Today and tomorrow we will have fun at the seaside for two days. After staying one night tonight, we will take a flight and transfer to the subway back to Kuoh Town tomorrow night.

At that time, Exia will also find an opportunity to leave this world and return directly to the Destiny Headquarters.

“Then it’s time for me to find a place to park the car.”

Looking away from the outside of the car, Alexia started to drive and looked for a parking place. By the way, Alexia didn’t have a driver’s license. The reason why she could drive now was purely because she made it convenient for Rias before coming here. Forged a driver’s license.


The parking spot was not difficult to find. It took a minute or two to park the car, and then put on beach shorts and a thin shirt in the car. Alexia got out of the car and walked to the beach, and started looking for Irina. The figures of the three of them.


“Hey! That little guy over there, do you want to play with us?”

“You see that guy is so handsome, why don’t you add a line?”

“The muscles are so good…!”

I don’t know why, but the moment Alexia walked onto the beach, women’s greetings began to ring out one after another around her, from hot girls dressed quite enthusiastically to shy and reserved students, to special ones who seemed to have special hobbies. Group… Almost everywhere Ixia goes, she will be greeted by these women.

And what also keeps coming are the super back-piercing looks from the men around him!

(Although this is not the first time I have encountered this situation, but… I really can’t get used to it!)

Exia had experienced a similar situation once in Changkong City before, but she didn’t expect that it would be the same in the world here. For the appearance she was born with, Exia just didn’t like it at this time.

So eye-catching!

Also, is Japan so open no matter where in the world it is? There are too many women who approach strange men to hook up with them just because they are handsome, right?

(Don’t tell me this is also the influence of dragon power, Ddraig.)


There was no response from his left hand, but judging from the vague feeling, Ddraig was probably gloating about his misfortune.

But soon, when more and more eyes were on Exia——

“Hey~~~~! This way, this way! Exia!”

Irina’s shout came from the front.

Alexia looked up and looked ahead. Under a parasol not far away, Irina, Xenovia and Aisha had already set up several beach chairs there, waving vigorously at him.

Seeing this scene, the gazes from many women that were originally focused on Ixia instantly receded like a tide, and there seemed to be a bit of regret on their faces. On the other hand, the gazes from the men instantly made people feel more like a ray of light on their backs.

“One man with three…”

“They are all lovely girls…”

“Die ten thousand times…”

“Charge now and die!”

Listening to the constant complaints from the men around him, Alexia sighed helplessly, and bravely came to the three of them: “I kept you waiting for a long time. It took a while to park the car.”

“It’s okay, we just have to make some preparations here.” Irina put her hands on her hips and smiled, “Compared to this – what do you think?”

“Feelings? What do you think?”

Alexia asked in confusion.

Irina pursed her lips: “Of course it’s our swimsuit – after all, this is to repay the favor. You have to express your feelings about the swimsuit we carefully selected, right?”

“Tell me this, all three of them are good-looking.”

“…so perfunctory.”

Seeing Alexia’s unresponsive expression, Irina’s expectant expression couldn’t help but drop a bit, but this was also the best evaluation that Alexia could say – after all, if different opinions were given, Evaluation will inevitably lead to mutual dissatisfaction with the evaluation, so we simply give a bowl of water and give an overall evaluation.

“We should have thought of this situation a long time ago, Irina.” Xenovia spread her hands, “But what should we do next? It is also my first time to come to the beach, and I don’t know what specific entertainment activities to do at the beach. “

“Me, I am the same…”

Elsa raised her hand timidly.

One of them is a former Holy Swordsman, and the other is a former Saint. They are both characters who have nothing to do with going to the beach for vacation. Irina is actually similar, except that she had some experience when she was a child in Japan.

“Well, let me think about it… cracking watermelons, beach volleyball, sea motorcycles, sunbathing, making sand sculptures…”

Irina thought about the things she could do at the beach: “What do you want to play, Alexia?”

“Ask me?”

“I already said that most of the reason for this is to repay you.”

“Even if you say so…”

This is actually the first time that Aixia has come to the beach for fun. He really doesn’t know exactly what he wants to play. If possible, he would like to lie under the umbrella all day.

And at this moment——

“In that case, do you want to come to my store and play?”


A familiar voice sounded from behind, and Alexia turned her head to look…


“Hey! I haven’t seen you for a while, Sekiryuutei. How have you been lately?”

The fallen angel governor, who was wearing a floral shirt, large floral pants, and a pair of sunglasses on his face, said this with a smile.

80. The fallen angel governor who went berserk

The last time Ixia saw Azazel was at a meeting of the three parties, and it had been a month since she last met.

Slapping his hand off her shoulder, Axia asked: “Why are you here, Azazel?”

“Of course I’m here for vacation.”

Azazel answered naturally.

“The three major forces finally signed a peace treaty, and I also spent a lot of time dealing with all the restless elements in the Son of God’s Monitor. Now that I’m finally free, I must give myself a holiday to have some fun. ?”

“And when it comes to summer, isn’t the best place to go on vacation is the beach?”

Asachel said while looking around: “After all, girls nowadays are very open-minded. It’s okay not to feast your eyes on such a good opportunity – Oh, is that D over there? The curvature and shape are good, one I’ll go and strike up a conversation.”


Looking at the man in front of him who looks like a bad uncle, no one would have thought that he was the boss of the fallen angels, a man with twelve black wings on his back who could stand on an equal footing with the Demon King and the Seraph.

As for Irina and the three people who had close contact with Azazel for the first time, they had already put away their previous relaxed expressions and became a little nervous.

Azazel looked away and waved his hand: “Don’t be so nervous, little girls, you have signed the peace treaty now, I won’t do anything to you, just have fun and have fun – but, say Really, you are really beyond appearances, Sekiryuutei.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Of course it’s a woman!” Azazel hooked Alexia’s neck, “Looking at you like that before, I thought you were a boring man who had no feelings for women and only had serious thoughts in his mind. But it turned out Now I unknowingly took the three girls out for a trip to the beach… Could it be that you are planning to have a party tonight?”

Irina: “!”

Jenova: “!”

Elsa: “!”

These words without any concealment directly made the three girls, who were still very innocent in a sense, blush instantly!

Seeing this, Alexia quickly shook her head: “Don’t talk nonsense, Azazel, Irina and Xenovia invited me here this time purely because they said they wanted to repay my kindness for saving them before!”

“No, that’s right! We won’t do that kind of unclean crime!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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