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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 101

“Lord, please forgive me for having dirty thoughts…”

“Please forgive us for our fallenness, Lord Almighty and Good…”

Unlike Irina’s retort, Jenova and Aisha started praying directly on the spot. It was obvious that Azazel’s words had a strong spiritual impact on them.

Azazel touched his chin and showed a strange smile: “I see, repaying a favor… Hey, Sekiryuutei, did you know? In Japan, when a woman apologizes or repays a favor, she has to show her face——”


Before Azazel could finish what he said, Alexia realized that this old pervert was about to say something inappropriate again and swatted him up and covered his mouth! At the same time, he said to the three of Irina: “Sorry, Irina, you can go play in the sea first. I have to have a good communication with this old guy!”

“Oh…Oh, then let’s go to the sea and wait for you.”

“Well, I’ll be there soon.”

Covering Azazel’s mouth with force, until she saw Irina and the others walking away, Ixia breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Azazel: “You really speak freely, Governor.”

“What does it matter? Am I creating opportunities for you?” Azazel smiled, “When a man takes three women on a trip, every man knows what will happen -“


Alexia punched the old pervert again without mercy, but this time he took it.

“Don’t be so angry. You are really boring.”

“I don’t think it’s interesting to discuss such a taboo topic with you – by the way, the reason why you became a fallen angel is because of your behavior, right?”

“So be it.”

Azazel lay down on the chair next to Alexia: “I… no, it should be said that almost all fallen angels fell for the same reason, that is, they simply lost to desire and wanted to It’s just a matter of having sex with a woman. Then I become addicted to it, and I can’t help but tell the secrets of the heaven one after another.”


In other words, the Fallen Angel Group, one of the three major forces, is actually a group of old perverted organizations headed by Azazel? !

Are you considered a mythical figure? !

Looking at Alexia’s somewhat dumbfounded expression, Azazel couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Hahaha! Looking at you like that, don’t you think that I fell into heaven because of some serious sin, right?”


Azazel has twelve wings, the same as Michael, one of the four Seraphs, which means that before he fell into heaven, he was actually one of the archangels with the same status as Michael – but it turned out that Did you fall because you wanted to have sex with a woman?

Exia once again realized how crooked the governor in front of her was. Her previous thought that he was a reliable and mature senior was really a misjudgment.

“So, don’t think too great, sir. To put it bluntly, we are just another kind of human beings with some power – By the way, Sekiryuutei, there is something I have always wanted to ask you… ..You’re not actually x-cold, are you?”


Alexia didn’t know how to answer for a while. To be honest, he had very little contact with this area, and he didn’t know what his specific situation was. Maybe his other self would know better.

“…I guess I don’t count.”

After thinking for a while, Aixia gave this answer.

Azazel continued to ask: “Then which part of a woman’s body do you prefer?”

Alexia: “???”

What’s the problem? !

“Uh… I think… Well… I think the overall curve is perfect, but I have to talk about which part… the legs… ..Bar?”

What Alexia said was quite uncertain, but if Bianca and Rita were used as reference objects, then he felt that he would pay more attention to their legs.

“You mean Leg Dragon Emperor?”


[Hey, partner, did you accidentally smear the name of our Sekiryuutei? 】

“I didn’t! Azazel, what nonsense are you talking about-“

Faced with Ddraig’s question, Exia immediately retorted, but before he could finish speaking, Azazel took out another pair of sunglasses from somewhere and put it on his face.

“What, what is this?”

“My special effort for this seaside vacation can perfectly analyze the approximate body shape data of the human body – only for women! How about it, now you should be able to see the three-dimensional figures of the women in front of you, right?”


Looking at the numbers that kept appearing in his field of vision, Exia took a deep breath, took off her glasses, and then——


Just crush it!

Azazel immediately roared: “You boy————! I spent two nights working on it! Look what good things you have done!”

“Shut up, can’t you use these two nights to do something else useful?”

Taking this kind of thing as hard work, Ixia didn’t know what to say.

When he heard what he said, Azazel was silent for a while, and then took out a bottle of something that looked like sunscreen: “What about this?”

“What’s this?”

“Sleep-aid sunscreen, as long as you apply this, you will not wake up for at least one night. It is very suitable for your situation. Do you want one, sir?”

Alexia couldn’t listen anymore.

Who will take care of this fallen angel governor!

81. A young man should step onto the ladder of becoming a man as soon as possible

As a result, during the whole day after that, Exia was completely unable to play with Irina and the others, and spent all her energy on preventing the governor in front of her from harming ordinary women.

When dusk fell, Irina and others came back from the sea, changed their clothes and found Alexia——


What the three of them saw was Alexia, who seemed to be burned out, and her whole face was full of fatigue.

“What’s wrong with you? Alexia, you look listless.” Irina asked worriedly, “By the way, we have been playing at the beach all day, and we haven’t seen you coming. What have you been doing? ?”

“Ah…you are back?”

Alexia weakly sat up from the recliner: “It’s nothing, I just feel… fighting against a demon king-level guy is really physically and mentally exhausting.”

Words of unclear meaning.

Irina and others looked at each other, and then Xenovia sat down and patted his shoulder: “…I don’t quite understand, but it feels like you have worked hard all day. Aisha, Let’s help him get some treatment.”

“I understand…please cheer up, Mr. Exia.”

Elsa’s hands lit up with green healing light.

Fortunately, there are no tourists around now, otherwise they would be curious and come over to watch.

Alexia signaled Aisha to stop: “No need for treatment, I am not injured – compared to this, are you going to the hotel now that you are back?”

“Yeah. I’ve already booked the room. Just drive there and pack your bags and check in.”

“That’s good.”

As long as he has a place to rest, to be honest, Exia really wants to take a good bath and sleep now. He really spent too much energy trying to stop Azazel. Finally, he can have a fallen companion with him. It was really nice of the angel to drag him away.

“Then let’s go, I’ll take you to the parking place.”



The hotel Irina booked was not far away, it only took ten minutes to drive there.

There is nothing special about the hotel itself, it is just an ordinary seaside hotel that only opened in the summer.

However, when Alexia and others carried their luggage to the room Irina had booked, the first thing that came into view was an extra-large bed that was huge enough to accommodate four people sleeping together.

Alexia: “……Irina? You just booked a room?”

“Yes, because it was too expensive to book four rooms, so I just booked a four-person room. Is there any problem?”


I can’t say there’s a problem, but I can’t say there’s no problem either. Normally, when it comes to a quadruple room, shouldn’t it mean there are four beds? Why is the quadruple room here a big bed that can sleep four people?

“You guys wait here, I’ll go to the front desk and ask.”

After putting down her luggage, Alexia quickly ran back to the front desk on the first floor and asked the staff behind her: “Excuse me, are there any four-bed rooms here?”

“Four-bed room? We don’t have such a big room here, sir.”

What reached my ears was a familiar sound.

Looking at the face of Azazel who slowly turned around and came into view, Exia suddenly froze on the spot!

Why, why does this governor appear here! ?

“Hmm… Judging from your expression, you seem to be curious about why I’m here, right?” Azazel sneered, “Actually, this store is under the name of the fallen angel and is used to collect funds. It is a folk industry and is also a place used by fallen angels for group trips.”


Alexia was speechless for a moment.

(Speaking of which, it seems that when we met during the day, this guy said he had a store here… did he mean this store!)

“Hahaha, I was really hindered by you during the day, Sekiryuutei. But please don’t hinder me at night.”


Alexia quickly looked around and found a wooden sign standing at the door not far away. He had also seen it when he came in just now – [This store has a hot spring].

Turning back to look at Azazel, Exia frowned: “I said… shouldn’t you be prepared-“

“Shh~~~~ Seeing through things but not telling them is a tacit understanding between us men. I’m not going to drag you into my gang, but I also hope you won’t come in my way.”

“…I said to you, you have lived for so many years, do you really find it interesting to do this kind of thing?”

“What do you know? This is called reliving memories! Young people who have never seen Pig Run will not understand!”

(No, I didn’t try to understand either…)

Alexia rubbed his forehead tiredly and reasoned. After the battle of wits and courage with Azazel during the day, he could no longer muster the energy to continue making trouble with the governor: “Is there a four-bed room? Or just give me another room.”

“What, don’t you want to sleep with them? You want to refuse such a good thing as sleeping with them? Don’t worry, that room is very soundproofed, so you don’t have to worry about the sound coming out at night–“


Exia directly showed the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand!

“Get me a new room.”

“…Oh, you really don’t understand at all.”

After a moment of silence, Azazel suddenly said in a pitiful tone: “I feel a little sorry for that girl. It’s really unlucky that the target is a guy like you who doesn’t understand the charm. “

“what are you talking about?”

Putting away the artifact, Exia asked with a puzzled look on her face: “What are you regretting?”

“So, you really don’t know anything about girls’ thoughts. I’m going to give you a brief introduction – usually girls will invite boys to travel and spend the night together. Except for some special circumstances, the most common situation is The woman is interested in the man.”


Alexia was slightly stunned.

“you mean……”

“It seems that you are not stupid enough, so I am creating opportunities for you by giving you such a big room. If you move out, how will you make any substantial progress?”

Azazel pressed Alexia’s shoulders and said with a stern expression: “Sekiryuutei, listen to a famous saying said by a certain celebrity – a boy must step on the ladder of becoming a man early! “

“Where did such a famous saying come from? Which famous person said it?”



Alexia suddenly wanted to freeze the bastard fallen angel governor in front of her into a block of ice to clear his mind!

82. Gentle and decisive approach

In the end, Alexia used force to get Azazel to open a separate room for herself, and after talking to Irina and the other three, they moved in.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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