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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 102

Should it be said that it is an industry used by fallen angels to collect funds? Although Azazel didn’t look serious at all, he probably really wanted to run this hotel. The decoration in the room looked quite high-end at first glance.

After putting all the luggage in the corner of the room, Alexia came to the table and sat down: “Huh~~~ I’m really exhausted, it’s been a long day.”

【That’s right】

Ddraig spoke.

[Fortunately, there was no strange title about me in the end]

“This is what you focus on.”

[I don’t want to be called the Leg Dragon Emperor at all. That is your preference as a partner, not mine]

“I never thought Azazel would say that kind of thing.”

Who knows, he asked Exia what part she liked just to give her a nickname.

[But, what are you going to do in this case? partner】

“what do you mean?”

[What Azazel mentioned just now]

When Ddraig said this, Alexia couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

He thought that when he was with Azazel today, nine out of ten sentences Azazel said were complete nonsense, but for the sentence he said before, Axia thought he meant it seriously.

Except for some special circumstances, a girl will invite a boy to go on a trip and spend the night together. Basically, it means that she is interested in that boy.

As for Azazel’s view, Ixia couldn’t judge whether it was correct. After all, he knew nothing about this aspect, and his theoretical knowledge was limited to hearsay. And Azazel was an old guy who had lived for who knows how many years. He must have more experience than him.

Maybe there is some truth to what he said?

“…I’d better ask an expert in this field.”

【expert? 】

Ddraig was a little confused, but Alexia dug out his personal terminal from his luggage, sent a message to confirm that Rita and Bianca were free, and then dialed their numbers.

Since this is something related to women, it is natural to ask women.

【Hello? Alexia? What’s wrong? 】

As soon as the call was connected, Alexia saw Bianca, and Rita was standing behind her, seemingly blow-drying her hair.

“Did you just take a shower?”

[Well, I just finished training and took a shower with Rita. Is there something urgent? Call us suddenly]

“That’s right. Some emergencies happened here. As for a certain statement I heard about, I think you, as girls, should know better than me, so I want to verify the authenticity.”

A certain statement? Do girls know better than boys?

Bianca and Rita looked at each other in the video, and then Bianca stood up and replaced Rita.

[Can you tell me specifically what that statement is? Lady Alexia]

“Well… Rita, what I want to ask is, if you girls meet a boy you like, would you want to invite him to go on a trip and spend the night together in the same room?”

Rita: “!”

Bianca: “?”

The two of them showed different expression changes instantly. Rita was slightly surprised, while Bianca looked like she was thinking about something.

After a moment of silence, Rita asked.

[Before answering, I would like to ask why you would want to know this kind of thing? Lady Alexia]

“Oh. Wasn’t I invited by Irina and the others to come to Okinawa for a seaside trip this time? Then I met the Governor of the Fallen Angel there, and he told me what I just mentioned. I’m not very familiar with this aspect. I understand, so I wanted to ask you.”

[Very correct judgment, Lord Exia]

Rita didn’t know why, but she suddenly became more energetic.

[Then let me answer your question first. I think if it were me, I would do something similar, such as inviting my sweetheart to travel back to my hometown in the UK. I think this is a way for the other person to get to know me better, not to mention the two. Traveling together as individuals can also enhance each other’s feelings]

“I see…then sleeping in the same bed?”

【…….Where does this come from? 】

“Because when I just checked into the hotel, Irina did not book four rooms in order to save money, but booked a quadruple room. But when I went in and saw it, I found that there was only one big bed that could sleep four people together. “

[Then where are you still now? 】

“No, I moved out and opened a new room for myself.”

[You did a great job, Lord Exia. Although the other party is your friend, I think it is not appropriate to live with three women]

“Yeah, I think so too.”

Alexia nodded in approval. He doesn’t understand women’s minds, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand common sense.

[Let’s get back to the point. Lord Exia, now that you have confirmed what the Governor said, you must have some further guesses, right? 】


Girls will send out travel invitations to the boys they like. Since Rita also said that there is nothing wrong with this approach, it means that among the three people who invited Alexia to travel this time, someone was interested in him——

“But if you think about it carefully, it’s still impossible, right?” Alexia quickly denied, “After all, if it wasn’t for repaying the favor, I don’t think they would have invited me.”

[Repay a favor… Speaking of which, why would they want to repay a favor to you? We heard before that you saved their lives. Is it because of this? 】

“Yes. When I fought with Kokbol before, Kokbol released a large-scale attack. Although I could dodge it at that time, because there were Irina and Xenovia on the ground, I had to take it. “

【I see……】

Rita imagined the situation a little in her mind.

(Indeed, if this is the case, it is not impossible that the two girls will develop a favorable impression of Lord Axia, and the other one is also the target of being saved by Lord Axia…)

[So, if it is true, what are you going to do? Lady Alexia]

Rita asked.

[If the other person really loves you, how are you going to respond? 】

“Reject… right?” Aixia’s gaze shifted, “I have no idea of ​​falling in love with anyone right now. My feelings for them are just friends, so if any of them are really interested in me, , then I think I will refuse.”


“Exia, do you want to go out for dinner together?”

Irina’s voice from outside the door interrupted Rita’s words.

After indicating that she should leave first, Alexia came to the door and opened it, and found that Irina and the other three had already put on the bathrobes provided by the hotel: “What are you…”

“I just took a shower in the room and now I’m going to have dinner. Do you want to come with me?”

“You guys go ahead, I still need to pack my luggage here.”


After watching the three of Irina leave, Exia returned to her personal terminal: “That’s it. I have to go have dinner now. Can you continue talking later? Rita.”

[I don’t think so. Later, the bishop asked me to go to his place in advance, saying that he had important information to give to me]

Rita shook her head.

[However, I can give you some advice now – when rejecting, please try to use a gentle and decisive approach. This is the best response to a girl’s feelings. 】

“……I see.”

83. True gratitude

Dinner was held in the hotel restaurant.

Because it is a hotel run by fallen angels, of course, the people working here are also fallen angels. That is because Irina and the others don’t know it. Otherwise, as members of the church and the original saints of the church, if they knew After having a meal with the fallen angel, I’m afraid I have to start praying again, right?

Dinner time probably lasted tens of minutes.

“Ah~~~ I’m full. I’m full. The dinner here tastes really good. I really thank the Lord for allowing us to enjoy such a sumptuous dinner today. Amen.”

“Indeed, I haven’t had such a sumptuous dinner for a long time.”

Both Irina and Xenovia looked quite satisfied.

Alexia asked curiously: “Why, haven’t you had a good meal in the church this month?”

“Well… that’s right.” Irina smiled sheepishly, “Although the church said it provided us with funds, and we also saved a lot of remuneration when we went on missions, Jay and I Nova is actually not very good at cooking, so…”

Because I don’t know how to cook, I can only eat simply.

“Then it’s been quite hard for you guys over the past month or so. No, it should be more than two months, right?”

“Just get used to it. After all, we are warriors of the church. If we can’t bear this little pain, don’t talk about faith. I hope you can persevere in the future, Aisha.”

Hearing what the two said, Aisha also nodded: “I will try my best, Xenovia.”

(Yes, Elsa will live with Irina and Xenovia next.)

Aisha is living with Exia now, but Exia will leave this world tomorrow night, and the Gremory family members also went to the underworld as early as the beginning of the summer vacation, so the next one until the start of school For a month, Elsa was alone in the old school building.

Therefore, in order to prevent Aisha from living alone in the old school building, Irina and Xenovia had expressed on the way here that they could let her go to the church and live with them. For Elsa, a former saint, returning to the church was the best thing, so she did not refuse.

Alexia also thinks this is good.

“Then what are we going to do after dinner?” Alexia asked, “I’ve been to the beach during the day, so why don’t we go there at night?”

“Isn’t there a hot spring here? We’re going to take a dip later.”

Irina said.

“But before that, I want to go out and walk along the coastline first. Can you come with me? Exia.”


Faced with this invitation, Exia couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

“Then let’s leave now!”

“Okay – see you later, Jenova, Elsa.”

After saying this, Exia walked out with Irina who had already left the table.

Looking at the two people leaving, Aisha clenched her hands slightly, and Xenovia also stared at Exia meaningfully, not knowing what she was thinking.


It’s now past six o’clock in the evening.

The seaside, which was still extremely hot during the day, has now dropped to a very comfortable level. The sea breeze continues to blow along the coastline, adding a bit of coolness at night.

“Da, da, da, da…”

Wearing clogs and walking on the coastline, Irina inevitably made a tapping sound as she walked. She put her hands behind her back, and her chestnut hair tied into two ponytails kept moving around with the blowing of the night wind and her walking movements. Swinging.

It can be seen that she is in a good mood.

And behind her, Exia just walked quietly together.

“Exia, are you happy today?”

“…Sort of.”

Hearing Irina’s sudden inquiry, Alexia thought about what happened today, and replied with a slight wry smile: “But besides being happy, it’s more hard work. After all, Governor Azazel has been here all the time. Get me into trouble, I’m tired to death trying to hold him down.”

“Really… Then I’m really sorry. I obviously invited you here today to repay a favor, but in the end we just focused on ourselves.” Irina apologized.

Alexia shook her head: “It’s okay. You just have to have fun. What’s more, I also said that I am happy today. For me, as long as I can live in this peaceful situation, it is the best.” It’s a happy thing.”

Peaceful world, peaceful life.

Precisely because she had lived in a world full of collapse and experienced such battles before, Ixia knew how precious this life without any danger and just full of fun between acquaintances was.

In this sense, Exia was quite happy every day when she didn’t experience battles.

“Then what? What do you want to tell me?”

“…Why do you know that I have something to tell you?”

“You have a vague feeling like this, right? And since you asked me out alone, I think you don’t just want me to go for a walk with you. In that case, it would be more suitable for you to find Xenovia and Aisha.”

Alexia’s explanation made Irina couldn’t help but laugh: “Indeed… I really can’t hide anything from you. You are really keen, Alexia.”

“Because I have experienced various situations before, I was forced to exercise.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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