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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 103

(After all, I am working next to Bishop Otto. If I don’t know what is going on and speculate on the situation, it will be difficult to do anything.)

Irina stopped and turned to look at the sea illuminated by the moonlight.

“Actually, I don’t have anything to say. I just…want to express my sincere thanks to you.”

“Thank you again?”

“It has happened many times, right? But no matter what, I want to thank you again.” Irina said seriously, “No matter when we first met, you treated me to a meal What happened, or what happened after you helped me clean up Issei’s house, and what you told me later that you avenged Issei, and how you tried your best to save me… Even though it was only two days time, but there are really too many things that I want to thank you for!”

It was true that only two days had passed from the time Ixia met Irina to the time she defeated Kokbol.

However, for Irina, these two days made her realize a strange person that she had never encountered before.

The first time I met him, I thought he was a good person. After having a meal together, I thought he was a little bit bad. However, when we met again that night, I realized that he was a person who was willing to feel angry for strangers. A good man who avenged the death of an unknown person.

This is the first time Irina has met someone like him. Normally, no one would do this, right?

The very next day, in order to protect her who was seriously injured, he even faced an enemy that he could not defeat and took the worst actions that he should not have taken – these are what Irina later learned from other people. Arrived.

“So, really… thank you, Alexia. I feel that I am very lucky to be able to return to Kuoh Town and get to know you here! Without your words , I probably don’t know many things, and I should be dead by now, right?”

“It won’t die.”

Alexia came to Irina and leaned against the railing: “Even if we didn’t meet on the first day, I think I would still fight with Kokbol on the second day after that, and if I had seen him at that time Even if you and Xenovia are seriously injured, I will definitely save you.”

“So, no matter what happens, you will not die. Even if the process is different, I will protect you in the end. Irina.”

it is as expected.

Irina felt this way, and she felt that Alexia should say this, because that’s the kind of person he is.

“Exia…I’m sorry, can you please close your eyes?”

“Eh? Oh.”

Alexia closed her eyes.

Then the next moment——


There was a light touch on the side of my cheek.

84. First place, and group photo


Quickly taking a step or two back, Alexia raised her hand to cover her cheek that had just been touched, and looked at Irina in disbelief.

The latter turned his head away with flushed cheeks, put his hands in front of his lips, then lowered his fingers and intertwined them, constantly opening and closing them.

“Irina, you…”

“That’s it! This is my thanks!”

Irina’s voice suddenly became louder.

“After all, you have helped me a lot, so… thank you like this… It’s really just a thank you! I don’t mean that at all! Don’t take it seriously!”

Don’t take it personally.

Listening to Irina’s quick supplementary explanation, Alexia’s slightly nervous heart immediately relaxed: “That’s right…that’s good.”

(It seems that it won’t turn into the situation that Rita told me. Azazel also thinks too much.)

It was Irina who invited Alexia to travel. According to the two people, she was the one who was most likely to be interested in him. But now she said not to take it seriously, which meant that it was really just her. Rita and Azazel might be over-speculating.

Of course, the same goes for Exia.

What’s more, Azazel himself said it – [Except for some special circumstances], now it should be the so-called special circumstances.

“But is this okay?”

“Huh?” Irina tilted her head in confusion, “What’s the problem?”

“I heard that Japanese girls attach great importance to…the kind of thing you just did, right? Is it really okay to do it to me?”

Unlike Europe, which is relatively open in this regard, although the girls Alexia has come into contact with after coming to Japan, whether in this world or the original world, seem to be a little too proactive and open-minded, in fact, Eastern women should take it very seriously. In this regard, I will not have close contact with boys casually.

So, Irina did this…

“Are you worried about this?” Irina, who understood, smiled and shook her head, “It’s no problem, not to mention it’s just a thank you, not my destiny. There is also this kind of thank you etiquette in Europe, right?”

“That’s true.”

Although Ixia had never seen it before, he had indeed heard of the practice of expressing gratitude with a kiss. Even though Irina is Japanese, she has lived in Europe for several years, so her thoughts should be closer to those in Europe, right?

Thinking of this, Aikexia was relieved: “Then I will accept your gratitude, Irina, thank you.”

“Really? That’s good – by the way, Alexia, I want to ask.” Irina pursed her lips as if hesitantly, “Is this the first time you have been kissed?”

“Hmm… I think it’s not the first time. It must have happened when I was a kid, right? But I don’t really remember what happened when I was a kid.”

Alexia still hasn’t remembered much about the memories before she was nine years old. Even though Bishop Otto and her other self have talked about it a lot, Alexia can still only recall the last bit of memories that really belong to her.

Maybe when I was a child, my parents should have kissed me, right?

“So that means I’m actually the first one to kiss you?”

“So be it.”


Hearing Alexia’s affirmation, a look of joy immediately appeared on Irina’s face: “Then I must keep this honor in mind. I am Alexia’s number one.”

“What an honor this is…”


Putting her hands behind her back, Irina continued to walk forward: “Okay, that’s all said and done, let’s continue walking for a while, Alexia. Digest your full stomach, and then go back to the hot springs!”



The walk with Irina lasted for more than an hour.

I don’t know if it was because she expressed her gratitude in a true sense, but Irina’s mood was extremely good after that, as if she had won a big prize. Even Alexia was infected by her good mood. I feel a lot more relaxed.


It was noon the next day.

“Then Alexia, please continue to look at the position!”

“Oh, you guys go have a good time.”

On the same beach as yesterday.

After watching Irina, Xenovia and Elsa run into the ocean again, Exia lay down directly on the lounge chair, and as he calmed down, a line of burning lines appeared in his field of vision. time.


Six and a half hours left.

A month ago, at the beginning of the summer vacation, Exia chose to postpone her return for a month, and now the time is almost up.

(After returning there, there won’t be much life like this anymore, right?)

Come to the beach with friends to spend a relaxing and happy travel life – whether in the original world or in this world, it should be a very precious time. After all, for Valkyrie, even if she is on vacation, if she has a mission, she must immediately return to the branch or headquarters to accept arrangements. Based on the current situation of Exia, Bishop Otto would not be polite if he asked.

(If possible, I’d like to take a group photo with Irina and the others afterwards. It’s impossible not to leave some memories during this time——)

“Oh, you are alone again today, Leg Dragon Emperor.”

“I told you not to call me that nickname!”

Alexia’s good mood suddenly fell to the bottom, and she complained angrily to the face that appeared in her field of vision: “Why are you here today? Azazel.”

“Why, you are allowed to come for two consecutive days, but I am not allowed to come for two consecutive days?” Azazel sat down next to Alexia unceremoniously, “So – what was the result of the battle last night? Sekiryuutei.”

“What result?”

“So… weren’t you asked out by that twin-tailed guy last night? Did you have sex? Did you go out or go back to the hotel?”

Hearing this, Alexia sighed helplessly: “You are overthinking, Your Majesty the Governor. Nothing happened between Irina and I. You just went out last night to simply thank me.”

“Eh? Really? Are you two so innocent?”

“Is it because you have too many bad thoughts in your mind?”

“What… boring.” The interest on Azazel’s face disappeared instantly, “I also want to hear your thoughts, and then I can give you some advice as someone who has experienced it. Don’t look at me like this. I used to be A man who has had several harems – then, when are you going to leave?”

The sudden change of topic made Alexia escape for a moment, and then asked: “How did you know I was leaving?”

“You are exuding that feeling of “I’m leaving soon” all over your body. I’ve experienced this feeling too many times, so I think it’s time for you to leave our world, right?”

“…Probably around seven o’clock. After Irina and the others get on the plane, I will leave immediately.”

“Will you come back?”

“Although I’m not sure when it will be, it will definitely happen – isn’t there someone waiting for me?” Exia raised her left hand.

It is true that he is not interested in the fateful battle between the red dragon and the white dragon, but since Vali made that declaration to him and he also responded, then even if it was just to cope with the so-called fate, he would Will be back.

After hearing these words, Azazel couldn’t help but stand up with a smile: “That’s good! Wait for me here, I’ll get the camera.”

“You want to take pictures?”

“Well, let’s take a photo of the four of you! It doesn’t make sense not to leave a souvenir of such a beautiful scenery! It just so happens that you might be able to use it tonight.”

Alexia opened her mouth, and then couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “…Forget it, I’ll just follow your wishes this time. Thank you, Governor.”

1. Settlement and Updates

dark world.

Just like the previous three times, after more than four months, when the time in the field of vision returned to zero, Exia came to such a world.

Countless star-like points of light spread across every corner of the dark world, slightly illuminating the world for Ixia.

“I’m back…”

In terms of Exia’s time, it was now around seven o’clock in the evening, shortly after bidding farewell to Irina and the other three.



[Welcome back to the transfer station, there is still one minute left before returning to the initial coordinates, please wait]

[Also, please confirm the settlement details]


Sure enough, it was the same this time.

(I don’t care about my own world, but when I leave other worlds, Existence

(Then, let me see what I have gained in these four months after passing through another different world.)


【Axia Kaslana】

[The second time traveling was successfully completed]

[Number of travels: 2]

【Number of persons to carry: 0】

[Items carried: Personal terminal, Soaring Holy Sword, Improved version of Demonic Chess Piece]

[Ability Growth: Sekiryuutei’s Cage·First Stage]

Alexia didn’t take many things with her before leaving, but there were also quite a few. In addition to the things listed now, there were actually various materials given by Sirzechs, as well as many daily necessities, such as the ones he just The big bag of things that she brought with her when she came was also taken with her when she left.

However, judging from the situation where x is listed, it should only count things that are actually useful to Exia.

“This won’t be recorded.”

Alexia looked at the photo in her hand – it was a photo of him, Irina, Jenova and Aisha standing together on a beach.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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