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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 104

Although Azazel took a lot of photos at that time, and Irina and the other three also asked to take a few photos with Alexia alone, in the end he brought this one back, and the others were all stored in Irina They’re over there.

[Do you need to check the latest data on God’s Favor? 】

Such words appeared in his eyes again, and being mentioned in this way, Ixia also remembered that the words of God on her back must have changed a lot now, right? After all, he had never checked it since he left the world of the dungeon.

And now, he not only fought with the demon Phoenix, but also fought to the death with the mythical ten-winged fallen angel. Later, another self also fought on his behalf with the White Dragon Emperor. Although he did not think that this would be an upgrade, but The ability value must have been greatly improved.

“Let me have a look.”


Alexia Kaslana


Strength: i(0)→s(986)

Durability: i(0)→s(983)

Smart: i(0)→s(999)

Agility: i(0)→s(999)

Magic: i(0)→e(470)



【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting ■■ and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——Given by Frost

——Super-speed regeneration and invalidation of abnormal mental state

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?


Except for magic power, all abilities are worth S level, and magic power has also changed for the first time, reaching E level – however, counting the time it was triggered in the simulation training before, and the time it was forcibly triggered by another person. , in fact, it has triggered magic twice. It is not surprising that the magic power has increased, and the proficiency of more than 400 is also very reasonable.

(However, with this ability value, it means that I have met the upgrade requirements again, right?)

To upgrade God’s favor, you only need to have the ability value reach D level and complete enough great achievements. The last time Exia was upgraded from lv.1 to lv.2, the great achievements achieved were [return from the depths], [defeat Udaios alone], [defeat Zaganat alone] – roughly speaking. These three pieces.

Therefore, if you want to upgrade to lv.3 now, you have to do something even more amazing than these three things combined.

[The great achievements required to upgrade: 1/3]

[Great achievements so far: Defeat the ten-winged fallen angels]

His eyes showed the great achievements that Exia had achieved now. Although Kokbol was actually defeated by another Exia, he seemed to be included in it now. After all, he is a figure in mythology, so there is no problem in saying that he has made great achievements.

(In other words, do you have to defeat at least two people of the same level as Kirkbol?)

In terms of difficulty, it’s really a bit big. Now Ixia’s multiplication limit is thirty-two times, and the duration is still one minute. Although it has been extended by a few seconds in the past month, it is definitely not enough in reality.

“Oh, it seems I’m still far away…” Alexia sighed, but soon he put these things behind him for the time being. After all, he would be able to start again after four months. When I met Bianca and Rita, even though they had been on the phone before, the actual meeting and the video call were completely different.

To be honest, Alexia is feeling a little excited now.

However, just before the countdown in the field of vision was about to reach zero——


The time suddenly changed back to one minute.

Alexia couldn’t help but be stunned: “What’s going on?”

[Sorry to have delayed you for a minute]

Burning words appeared in my eyes.

[I will inform you of the updated content next]


Alexia frowned: “Is it… similar to a system upgrade?”


[This update adds the following content]

[The upper limit of the number of people that can be carried has been increased – the number of people that can be carried at the same time is currently: 2 people]

[Limited display time extended – currently: 14 hours/day]

[Expanded limited display range – currently: 300 meters]

[God’s Destruction Gear: Sekiryuutei’s Cage Hand, Soaring Holy Sword, Demonic Chess Piece – All material assimilation and transformation completed, simulation law analysis completed, simulation law substitution loading completed]

Looking at the large list of content that appeared in his eyes, Exia couldn’t bear it for a while.



[World transfer completed]

[Please be careful about falling from high altitude]


Looking at the last words in his eyes and the suddenly disappearing dark space around him, Exia couldn’t help but take a deep breath——

“So I said you can’t fall from high altitude!”

2. Superhero style landing is not

Destiny Headquarters.

Valkyrie training room.

“Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang bang!”

Bianca kept beating the sandbag in front of her with movements that were so flexible and swift that it was almost invisible. Amidst the crisp beating sounds, Bianca’s golden figure kept flashing back and forth.

This is not training to improve strength, just to keep your body active. Even though she is now Destiny’s S-class Valkyrie, if she neglects her training, her combat effectiveness will decline, which will lead to Destiny’s counterattack against Honkai weakening.

This was not what Bianca wanted.

Of course, in addition to this, there is actually another reason why Bianca keeps training like this.

“Lord Bianca.”

Suddenly, the adjutant’s call came to my ears.


Kicking the whole sandbag out with a clean roundhouse kick, and then raising her hand to stop the sandbag that bounced back hard, Bianca quickly adjusted her breathing and took the towel from her hand habitually: “Thanks, Rita, I trouble you like this every time.”

“It doesn’t matter, Lady Bianca, this is my duty as your adjutant and maid.” Rita said with a smile, “But… with the intensity of your training, it seems like sandbags It’s time to change another one.”

“Yeah, this one is almost unusable.”

Although it is not completely broken, the sandbag in front of Bianca has been deformed to a certain extent, and there are even signs of being cracked in some places. At a glance, it is obvious that Bianca hit it with all his strength. from.

This is the third sandbag Bianca has used in the past month. The first two were similar to this one. They were badly damaged after enduring a period of high-intensity training.

The reason why Bianca started such intense training was simple – her childhood sweetheart had grown up again at an incredible speed in the past six months.

Bianca is of course very happy about this incident. The most important person in her life can get back on her feet and make progress and become stronger with her as before. She is definitely the happiest person in the world.

But a month ago, Aixia’s report after a month’s lapse made her feel a little bit of a crisis.

A character that only exists in myths, the ten-winged fallen angel, Exia defeated him head-on. Even though he said that he was in a state of rage at that time, it still meant that his power had increased enough to fight with mythical characters. situation.

He had really become very strong. While she was just continuing with ordinary exercises, he experienced extremely intense battles and became stronger as quickly as possible.

【I will catch up with you】

This is what Alexia said to Bianca four months ago when she left.

He has indeed fulfilled his promise. In this case, Bianca herself can never stand still. If she does not increase her training intensity, she will soon be far behind by Exia. ——She had this hunch.

(Not enough… If you train, you will get too little improvement.)

Bianca pursed her lips, then looked at Rita: “Speaking of which, Rita, did you call me for something just now?”

“Yes. The Bishop asked me to inform you that according to calculations, it is almost time for Lord Exia to return from another world.”

“Return…yes, it’s today.”

Because Bianca and Rita just talked to Alexia on the phone the night before, she didn’t care about the time now.

“Then let me take a shower, Rita. It’s hard to go see Ixia if you’re covered in sweat.”

“I have prepared the bath supplies for you. Conditioner, facial cleanser, rose-scented shower gel, fresh shampoo… they are all here.”

Rita lifted a small basket.

Looking at the bottles and cans inside, Bianca couldn’t help but ask: “I don’t like using these very much, Rita, why don’t I bring them?”

“Please be sure to bring it and use it, Master Bianca.” Rita’s smile remained on her face, but her words were a little tougher. “After four months of seeing Master Alexia again, I think you are most welcome.” So you can greet him with the most energetic appearance, and I will put on light makeup for you later.”

“Do you still need to put on makeup?”

Bianca has never liked to dress herself up too much. After all, she is a warrior. Warriors do not need to dress themselves up too beautifully, and Honkaimon will not commit suicide just because she looks beautiful.

But looking at Rita’s eyes full of a certain will, Bianca hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted the basket handed to her as if she had accepted her fate.

“See you later, Rita.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you at the door.”

After watching Bianca walk towards the shower room, Rita cleaned up the [tragic situation] in the training room, packed up all Bianca’s personal belongings and left the training room with her.

(There is still an hour left, so I should be able to make it in time. I just don’t know when Lord Exia will come back.)

After glancing at the watch on her wrist, Rita leaned against the door and looked at the sky.


(Huh? That is?)

Not sure if it was an illusion, Rita felt that a small black spot appeared in her field of vision, and as time passed, the black spot continued to enlarge, and seemed to be rushing towards her.


(There is a voice, is it a person?)

Rita narrowed her eyes, hoping that others would see more clearly in the future.

And the next moment——

“Get out of the way! I can’t control it!”

A familiar shout reached Rita’s ears, and then a boy with white hair and blue eyes appeared in her eyes.

“Lord Alexia? You——”

“Rita?! Catch me! I can’t control myself here!”

Seeing Rita appearing on the road he must pass, Alexia quickly shouted!

When he said this, Rita immediately noticed the pair of steel-like [Light Wings] worn on his back. It’s just that this pair of light wings seems to have lost control, and is now releasing extremely powerful flames, like a rampaging jetpack.

Without thinking too much, Rita immediately put down what she was holding and prepared to catch Alexia who was rushing toward her.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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