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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 105

But at the moment when the two were about to collide——


I don’t know if it ran out of energy, but one of the two light wings suddenly lost its light, and the jet’s tail flame also suddenly went out!

Alexia’s body immediately turned to one side, and then she suddenly passed by Rita at an extremely tricky angle, and flew directly into the training room!

Rita: “…”

3. Otto: It’s the resurrection coin!

Tens of minutes later.

Inside Otto’s private office.

Alexia, who was wearing some bandages all over her body: “…”

Bianca blushed for some reason: “…”

Rita smiled with a meaningless smile: “…”

Looking at the three people showing different performances in front of him, Otto put down the report on the reconstruction and renovation of the training room and the capital expenditures that Amber had just uploaded in his hand, rested his chin with his hands, and finally focused on Exia.

“You really brought me a surprise gift as soon as you came back, Exia. Last time it was your own bedroom, this time it’s a training room – you need me to open up a special space for you on the floating island. A dedicated tarmac for you?”

“I really didn’t mean it, Lord Bishop, the main problem this time is this thing!”

With a look of grievance, Alexia took off the Soaring Holy Sword that had returned to its sword shape on her back: “I didn’t even know that this Holy Sword was malfunctioning as soon as it came back!”

Exia was not particularly surprised that he fell from a high altitude again. After the initial complaint, he activated the flight mode of the Soaring Holy Sword and prepared to fly back to the floating island safely and land.

Within a month of being in that world, he had basically mastered how to fly.

However, what he never expected was that because of the transformation and assimilation of the Soaring Holy Sword by x in the transfer station, the set of instructions originally used by Exia could not be fully adapted.

After all, the Holy Sword of Soaring was originally created by angels, and its basic operation and instructions follow the laws of that world. Although it has been transformed and can be used in this world, it also requires a brand new set. instruction.


(So ​​I have always been really curious about why existence x doesn’t tell everything!)

Listening to Alexia’s explanation, Otto kept smiling: “Okay, I accept this reason, and I can understand the wounds on your body – but why are there wounds on your face? It looks like it was still injured. Typed out.”

“Uh…this, this…”

Alexia glanced at Bianca subconsciously.


The latter snorted and turned away without giving face.

Rita sighed without trace: “Let me explain it, Lord Bishop. In fact, when Alexia crashed into the training room, Lord Bianca was taking a bath, so–“

“Oh~~~No wonder~~~”

Otto also understood immediately and showed a meaningful smile similar to Rita’s before. Exia and Bianca looked at a loss.

Although they were childhood sweethearts who grew up together, and it was not like they never took baths together when they were children, now that Alexia and Bianca have grown up in all aspects, it is still a bit awkward to bump into them directly at this time… ..

“I sympathize with your experience, Alexia.” Otto put away his smile, “But now I hope that the two of you can put aside the past and focus on Alexia’s return and his transformation from the alien. On the precious information brought back from the world, okay?”

“Understood, Lord Bishop.”


After looking at each other, Exia and Bianca immediately suppressed the surging emotions in their hearts. This was very easy for them. Even if they really wanted to continue talking about this matter, they would have to wait until they went home later. Let’s talk later.

Alexia took out her personal terminal and sent the research information on soul replication and the basic theoretical information on magic spells that Sirzechs had given to her before to Otto’s terminal.

“My Lord Bishop, the two pieces of information I am sending you now, one is related to the soul. It was given to you by Mr. Sirzechs. He thinks that you are interested in the soul and may need this information. The other piece is It is a basic theory called [Magic] in that world, and it was also given by Mr. Sirzechs. He expressed the hope that this information can become a new strength for us to defeat Honkai.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.”

Otto received the two pieces of information, but did not open them for reading and analysis on the spot. After this kind of thing, he would probably have to lock himself in his room and stay up late for several days or even dozens of days to study it. After all, it is very important. [Soul] information, compared to the so-called magic, the soul is more important to him!

“Then, this is the [Devil Chess Piece] given to me by Mr. Sirzechs. I will now send the relevant information to the three terminals.”

While Alexia placed sixteen silver chess pieces on the table, she sent out the information about the demon chess pieces that she had sorted out.

The characteristics of each chess piece, the power and enhancement it can give… There is actually not much information about the chess pieces, and after reading it, Otto immediately asked: “So, these are the sixteen It’s an item that can greatly increase the strength of the Valkyrie, right?”

“It’s fifteen, Lord Bishop.” Ixia picked up the king chess piece. “The king chess piece does not have any special effects. If anything, it is just a symbol. Although the world over there seems to have king chess pieces that can increase power. , but this one I have doesn’t have that kind of power.”

During the month there, it was not like Ixia had never messed with the devil chess piece. After using the king chess piece on himself, he did not feel that his power had been greatly improved. He only had a certain ability to control the other fifteen chess pieces. It’s just a degree of induction.

“I see… Then how are you going to use these chess pieces?” Otto continued to ask, “You need me to select outstanding candidates among all the Valkyries for you, and build a special force with you as the center. ?”

Exia is the [King], and those who are given chess pieces will become his [Dependents]. This is something that Exia actually wrote in the chess piece information. It is normal for Otto to ask this. After all, from a relationship perspective, the [Family] are equivalent to Exia’s private soldiers.

Bianca and Rita subconsciously looked at Alexia, while Alexia shook her head: “No need. First of all, I hope these chess pieces can be inspected by Ms. Changguang to ensure their safety. Although I have no problem using it, it is unknown whether it will have an effect on people in our world.”

“As for the candidates…if possible, I would like to choose them myself.”

The devil’s dependents are chosen by themselves, because for the devil, the dependents are not only subordinates, but also the people closest to them, and their loyalty to them is the most important. Alexia hopes that her dependents can be people she can trust, at least with the same level of trust as Bianca and Rita.

Looking into Exia’s eyes, Otto pondered for a while, then nodded with a smile: “I understand. This time I will hand over the entire task of forming a family to you. I hope you can form a team that can To the [troops] that play a key role. I think that in the near future, you will become the vanguard against Honkai.”

“I understand, Lord Bishop.”

4.Declaration of Sekiryuutei

Information on soul copying, information on magic spells, and the use of demon chess pieces.

After confirming the three things he knew before, Otto moved his eyes to Exia’s left hand.

“Exia, can you let me talk to the dragon in you?”


“Yes. I’m very interested in it. Please let me communicate with it. I think Hollander and Rita must be the same, right?”

Bianca and Rita both nodded and agreed with Otto’s statement.

According to Exia, the dragon that resides in Exia’s body is the biggest reason why he can defeat the mythical fallen angels. Its ability can even give Exia and others the possibility of killing gods.

And the four people present can understand what the existence of the Sekiryuutei represents, the ability to multiply and transfer infinitely – if Exia can be put into the frontal battlefield, then neither he nor his team will be able to Fear of the threat of collapse.

This may be the focus and core of fighting against Honkai in the future.

“Ddraig, are you there?”


no respond.


【……ah? Sorry, partner, I didn’t notice just now. 】

This time Ddraig’s voice sounded on his left hand.

“What’s wrong with you?”

[There seems to be some changes in the way the artifact and I exist. I was adapting to this change just now]

The artifact is from the hands of the deceased God of the Bible, and its operation method relies on the system that exists in the heaven and was also left by the God of the Bible – a device that can maintain the functions of the heaven and the church on its own.

The Sekiryuutei’s cage hand was originally the same.

But not long ago, Ddraig felt a special change, as if it and even the entire artifact had been modified by someone, and it was completely new from the inside out.

“Change? Specifically?”

[I haven’t figured out the details, but I do understand one thing – I will probably be with you forever from now on, partner. 】

Artifacts will be transferred.

When the holders of this generation of artifacts die, the artifacts will be randomly transferred to other people. This transfer has no rules at all, it is completely random, and there is no component that can be manipulated or affected.

This is the mechanism of the system left by the God of the Bible.

But now, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand will not be able to be transferred – no, the transfer can actually be carried out, but no matter how many times it is transferred, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand will only appear on Exia.

It is completely bound to Exia. If Exia dies, this god-killing device will disappear completely. And if Exia can live forever, it will always exist.

“In other words, will I be the last Sekiryuutei?”

【That’s it. Well, I have no complaints about you as my last partner. Being able to see a whole new world is also good for me. I feel like I should be able to move to a new realm through this – By the way, what do you want me to do? 】

“Oh, actually it’s my boss who wants to talk to you.”

[Then you show the sacred tool first, it feels like this will make communication easier]


Along with a burst of red light and a doubling sound, the ferocious ocher-red cage hand immediately appeared on Ixia’s left hand, and the green jade on the back of the hand shone slightly.

[Well, that’s good – who do you want to communicate with me? 】

“……it’s me.”

Otto responded: “It’s an honor to communicate with you like this, Your Excellency Sekiryuutei. I am Exia’s boss and guardian, and can also be said to be his half-father, Otto Apokalis. “

[My partner’s family… Tsk, although we can’t meet each other, but from the way you talk, I guess you are probably a man who is used to playing tricks, right? 】

“Hey, Ddraig!”

Hearing what Ddraig said, the expressions of the three people on Exia’s side suddenly changed slightly.

Otto’s smile remained unchanged: “Hahaha, your statement is really straightforward. I have heard about dragons from Mr. Sirzechs before. It is said that the more powerful the dragon, the simpler it is. It seems that What he said is true.”

【yes. So if you have anything to ask, just ask directly, I don’t like to go round and round]

“It seems that the way I speak has caused you displeasure. I’m very sorry. This is my habit.” Otto smiled, “I just want to ask you one thing – you will always give Alexia Power?”

This is the question that needs to be verified most now.

According to Exia’s report, the power of the Sekiryuutei has become an important part of his entire power, and this power all comes from the God Destruction Gear. Although the God-killing Gear has been providing power to Exia now, since there is consciousness inside, we have to consider whether this consciousness will hinder the possibility of Exia using the power of the dragon.

[There is something wrong with your statement, it’s Otto]

[I did not give power to my partner. My power stayed with me and lodged in him. Now I have given it all to him. It is just because he is not yet proficient in the use of artifacts, so he cannot exert more power]

[Therefore, as long as he remains firm in his inner beliefs and consistently maintains the purest pursuit, he will naturally be able to exert more power. And I am just a simple soul and consciousness, and I don’t have any ability to hinder him]

[To use an exaggerated statement – I will always stand by his side]

Ddraig’s statement caused Otto, Bianca and Rita to fall silent.

This statement is quite straightforward. It does not have any right to interfere with the power of the Red Dragon Emperor. How much dragon power can be exerted depends entirely on Exia’s own use of the artifact.

“I understand. Thank you very much for your answer, His Excellency Sekiryuutei.” Otto said, “So, Hollandel, Rita, do you have anything to say to His Excellency Sekiryuutei?”

“……nothing now.”

“Me too.”

Bianca and Rita are the closest people to Exia. If they want to communicate with the Sekiryuutei, there are plenty of opportunities, so there is no rush now.

Otto nodded: “Okay. That’s it for this report. Exia, you can compile a report on the activities in the other world in the past four months and send it to Kohaku. I probably won’t have time to receive it. .”


Alexia responded, and then prepared to leave with Bianca and Rita.

“Oh, that’s right – Rita, remember to give [that] to Exia later.”

However, when he was about to leave, Otto suddenly said this.

Rita: “I understand, Your Majesty.”

Alexia frowned.

([That]? What is [That]?)

5. Almost sent it

After leaving Otto’s office, Alexia returned to her home.

Compared with before he left, the home had not changed much. At first, Aixia thought that after four months of leaving, the home would be full of dust.

“Because Rita and I come to help you clean every week.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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