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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 106

In the living room.

Bianca, who came back with Exia, said this.

“Every week? Are you so diligent?”

“You are not someone who likes to clean your room. If Rita and I don’t clean it for you, won’t you have to sleep on a dusty bed when you come back?”

That’s true. If that were the case, Alexia would probably spend some time cleaning the room before sleeping. Now that Rita and Bianca could finish cleaning for him in advance, it really helped him a lot.

“Thanks, Rita, Bianca.”

“It’s okay. Rita and I have nothing to do anyway, right?”

Rita smiled and nodded: “Ms. Bianca is right. Mistress Axia does not need to thank you. This is what I should do.”

“Really… I always feel like with Rita here, I don’t have to worry about things here at all.”

Alexia sighed as she sat on the sofa.

When she heard what he said, an inexplicable light flashed in Rita’s eyes, and then she asked: “So, what are you going to do next, Sir Alexia? When you come back after four months, do you need to rest for a few days?” “

“Ah~~~That’s right.”

What should I do after returning to this world? Exia thought about it before coming back.

There is not much need to rest. He has been resting there for more than a month. He was even on vacation with Irina and the others at the beach a few hours ago. To be honest, he wants to find something to do now.

But when it comes to things that can be done in the world here… He definitely doesn’t have to worry about the Honkai incident. Since Bianca and Rita are both at the headquarters, it means that the Honkai Impact in the world is not serious now. It doesn’t take two people to act, it can be solved by the branch. Of course, there is no need for him.

“Anyway… let’s go to Ms. Changguang’s place first. We need to give this thing to her for analysis.”

Exia took out the demon chess piece she brought back.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Sirzechs, nor does he think that the devil will play tricks on these chess pieces, but as he said before, even if he can use it, it doesn’t mean that others can use it normally.

“After the analysis is complete, we can then start looking for a suitable partner…but before that, we have to ask the other party if they are willing to become my dependent.”

“The dependents… are here.”

Bianca picked up a chess piece and looked at it carefully: “Exia, have you chosen anyone?”

“…I guess so.” Alexia pursed her lips, “I have thought about giving it to you.”

To them?

Bianca and Rita couldn’t help but froze for a moment.

“Except for the king, the chess pieces can greatly improve the ability of the person they are given. I think if the target is you, you should be able to get a big improvement immediately. If the power of the S-class Valkyrie is improved, it will be even better. Did the confrontation collapse?”

“That’s right.” Bianca didn’t think too much. She was already worried about her inability to increase her strength. If she could accept the chess pieces to significantly increase their strength, then she would be happy with it.

But Rita smiled meaningfully: “Then what chess pieces are Master Alexia going to give to Master Bianca and me?”

“As for Rita, I think a knight is more suitable for you. You value speed, right? Or a soldier is fine. You can switch between knights, bishops and castles at will.”

In fact, in addition to the bishop, the knight and the castle are both suitable for Rita. The knight improves the flexibility that Rita is good at, while the castle can make up for Rita’s defense and attack power.

“As for Bianca… I want to give it to her [Queen].”

Queen – a chess piece that has the characteristics of knight, bishop and castle at the same time, which is perfect for Bianca, who is an all-rounder.


“I remember that Lady Alexia has already used the king chess pieces, right?” Rita asked with a smile, “Then you are going to give Lady Bianca the queen chess pieces… [King] and [Queen] 】, are you planning to——”

Alexia: “!”

Bianca: “!”

Rita didn’t finish what she said, but she didn’t need to finish. Alexia and Bianca had already understood what she meant. After looking at each other, their cheeks were slightly red and they looked away. They were even a little close to each other. The seats were immediately moved away!

(This is really an expected reaction.)

“A-Exia, you——”

“That’s the name of the chess piece. I have absolutely no other meaning. If you don’t like it, the castle and the knight are fine too!”

Bianca hesitated and said half a sentence, and Alexia explained as if she wanted to distance herself from the relationship.

Hearing this, Bianca immediately came to her senses: “Yes…that’s true.”

“Right? So don’t think too much.”

“I don’t. It’s Rita who thinks too much.” Bianca looked at Rita, “Speaking of which, Rita seems to be thinking about things by herself recently, and she also writes something in her notebook. , do you have any arrangements?”

“…No, just confirming the itinerary.”

Seeing with some regret that the normal atmosphere between the two had returned to normal, Rita explained helplessly: “Speaking of which, there is something I have forgotten to ask Sir Alexia – the previous consultation about a seaside vacation, and then Did something happen?”


Alexia shook her head, and then pointed to her cheek: “If you have to say what happened, it would be that I was kissed by Irina afterwards. She said this was her way of expressing her gratitude. The other thing is to come back I took a few photos with the three of them before—”

“A kiss?”

Rita interrupted Alexia’s words and took two steps forward to get in front of Alexia. Her burgundy eyes seemed to see through Alexia, staring at him very seriously.

“Did you…be kissed by Miss Irina? Lady Alexia.”

“Yes, yes, what’s wrong?”

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Alexia clearly felt some kind of [aura], or [coercion], or [sense of oppression] from Rita, which made him stutter a little.

On the side, seeing Rita suddenly acting abnormally, Bianca also asked: “What’s wrong, Rita, is there anything wrong with [Exia being kissed]?”

“…Do you think it’s okay? Lady Bianca?”

“Hmm… Although I do feel a little surprised, didn’t Alexia also say that the other party wanted to express her gratitude? Then it’s no problem, right?” Bianca thought for a while and said, “Ai Kesia won’t lie to us—by the way, Rita, do you think there’s something wrong?”

After a moment of silence, Rita looked away: “No, it’s nothing. I just feel that Lady Alexia is really popular in the other world.”

“I don’t want to either…” Alexia waved her left hand helplessly, “But I don’t know if it was taken over by a dragon. It seems that according to Ddraig, the Sekiryuutei of all dynasties were ten thousand people. Fascinated.”


Hearing what Alexia said, not only Rita, but also Bianca’s eyes also changed slightly.

“In other words, Alexia, you will be very popular with women wherever you go in the future?”

“Probably… By the way, why do you two look at me strangely? It feels like you are examining a prisoner.”

“Your illusion, Lord Axia.” Rita smiled, “It’s just a little bit unimaginable. After all, you have never expressed your needs in love, so it is not easy to imagine you hugging me.”

(Although judging from the situation in other worlds, there seems to be a trend in this regard.)

Alexia smiled bitterly: “Don’t talk about you, I can’t imagine it myself. After all, I almost never thought that I would have a girlfriend.”

“Almost…that means you have still thought about who you would become a lover with, right?”

Rita said as if nitpicking.

When Rita said this, Bianca immediately became interested: “Eh? Alexia, do you have someone you like? Who is it?”


Looking at Bianca who was coming towards her, Alexia quickly retreated a distance: “No, no! Don’t listen to Rita talking nonsense!”

“I’m not talking nonsense, Lord Alexia. You said you [almost] never thought about it.” Rita smiled, “I just made a reasonable guess. However, considering your interpersonal relationships, Could it be that the person you like is…”

The maid’s eyes began to drift towards Bianca.

Alexia’s heart immediately started beating twice as fast!



Alexia yelled suddenly.

“Then… uh… that… this… right! Didn’t the bishop say before that he wanted you to give me something? What is it?”

The rather blunt topic change gave the impression that Alexia didn’t want to continue talking about this aspect, so she urgently changed the topic.

Rita paused, then looked back at Bianca: “Oh, it’s an observation report.”

“Observation report, whose is it?”

“Your [sister].”


For an instant, the entire living room fell into deathly silence.

6. Traces of my sister

Alexia felt that her ears might have heard wrongly.

“Rita, what did you just…say?”

His sister’s… observation report?

The voice rose several levels uncontrollably. Alexia couldn’t control her body and stood up and pressed Rita’s shoulders: “You… do you know where my sister is? Rita !”

“Yes, Lord Axia.” Rita nodded, “But please calm down first. I will explain the matter to you clearly, so you don’t need to panic like this, okay?”

“I…sorry, I’m a little…”

Alexia then let go of her hand and sat back on the sofa.

You can’t blame him for being so excited for a moment. After all, Rita was talking about his sister – a sister who he failed to save a few years ago and who is extremely important to him!

After taking a few deep breaths to get her heartbeat back to normal as much as possible, Alexia looked at Rita: “Okay… I’m fine, Rita. Tell me the details. I remember the bishop and I before. I told you that Tianming couldn’t find any traces of my sister, so why now…”

“You are right. Destiny did not have any trace of your sister – Miss Kiana Kaslana – before. But not long after you left, because of a very chance, I was in the far east. Met her.”

Rita explained.

(In the Far East?!)

“what happened?”

“That time, as usual, I followed the order of the Bishop and went to the Far East Branch to visit Lady Theresa and conduct a work inspection in the name of the headquarters envoy. Lady Bianca should know this, right?”

Bianca nodded when she heard this: “Well, it was almost more than a month after you left, Alexia, right?”

One month after leaving…that was about the time of the battle with Phoenix?

“It was really a coincidence. I just finished my inspection work at that time. Because I wanted to bring some specialties from the Far East region back to improve Bianca’s diet, so I went to Changkong City. And there I happened to Passed by your sister.”

Rita continued to explain.

“However, I didn’t realize that she was your sister at the time. I just thought that white hair and blue eyes were relatively rare in the Far East, so I paid attention to it. After I came back, I asked the Bishop about it and investigated with the authority of the headquarters. After some time, I confirmed that she is your sister, Kiana Kaslana.”

“After that, the headquarters sent several personnel to observe her. Why did she appear in Changkong City a few years later, and why did she miraculously survive – she was not saved by destiny that year – these are all things that need to be investigated. thing.”

“This is an observation report over the past few months. I’m sorry, because you were living in a different world at the time. The Bishop believed that if you were informed, it would cause problems in your life in the different world, so he did not allow Bian and I to Mr. Ka will inform you.”

Rita said as she used her personal terminal to send a packaged document to Axia.

Alexia opened the file, and the first thing that caught his sight was a blue-eyed girl with two white braids, who looked somewhat similar to him.

(This is…my sister, Kiana Kaslana.)

Staring at such a photo that was obviously taken secretly, Alexia opened the observation report below with trembling fingers.

[On December 7, 2013, Kiana Kaslana enrolled in Senba Academy]

[On the night of the same day, he was involved in a series of student deaths that occurred in Senba Academy, resulting in the death of one student. According to the investigation, the deceased was finally confirmed to be the real murderer Miyuki Asakura, and Kiana Kaslana was deemed to have acted in self-defense and was not held accountable]

[On December 14, 2013, I met the president of me club, Qianjin Raiden Mei, and started to communicate with each other to a certain extent]

[On January 1, 2014, I spent the New Year with Raiden Mei and went to the shrine to pay homage]

[On February 14, 2014, Raiden Mei was given chocolate with unknown ingredients]

【March 17, 2014…】

This adds up to a total of more than four months. During this period, Kiana’s traces in Changkong City are now displayed in front of Ixia’s eyes in the form of words and pictures.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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