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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 107

“I met Kiana Kaslana by chance on December 28. The earlier events were learned through investigation. In addition, we also investigated some traces of her before she entered Changkong City, but the truth is Sex cannot be confirmed.”

With that said, Rita came to Alexia’s side and stretched out her finger to scroll up the report a few times.

[2008, studied at L’Aquila Primary School in Italy]

[2009, studied at the Middle School of Port-au-Prince, Haiti]

[In 2011, transferred to Cagayan High School in the Philippines]

Unlike in Changkong City, the previous information about Kiana did not have too many details. There were only records of her studying in different countries and schools. In just a few years, she had traveled all the way from the Mediterranean region. I transferred to another school and studied in the Far East.

Looking at this information, Exia suddenly raised her head and took several deep breaths!


The sister I thought I couldn’t save, the sister I thought was long gone, is still alive!

“It’s really… great…”

Alexia’s voice was trembling a little, and sharp-eyed Rita and Bianca also saw some flashes of light in the corners of his eyes.

Putting her hand gently on Alexia’s hand, Bianca smiled: “Well, that’s great, Alexia. In this way, you can be reunited with your family, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Now that he knows where his sister is, the next thing Exia has to do is very clear, that is to meet her, and then if possible, take her back to the floating island to live with him.

From the intelligence point of view, she has been wandering alone for several years, and now that Exia knows her whereabouts, there is no reason for her to continue to wander outside.

He can’t leave his sister alone——

“…Wait, Rita.”

Alexia suddenly thought of something wrong. She quickly scrolled through the observation report several times and asked: “Why…only my sister’s? My father——Siegfried Kaslana , haven’t you been with her for so many years?”

7. Raiden Mei and Kiana

Alexia’s father, Siegfried Kaslana.

There was no mention of him in the report Rita gave.

This seems to be no problem, after all, this is an observation report on Kiana, but it shouldn’t be without any information about Siegfried, right? If Kiana has been alone for so many years, how has she lived? It’s impossible to go to school, right?

“Unfortunately, according to our investigation, Miss Kiana has indeed been living alone in the past few years.”

Rita replied.

“Your father is still missing. Judging from the actual situation, maybe some kind people adopted Miss Kiana back then and allowed her to live and go to school normally.”

“However, as I said just now, we still have many mysteries about Miss Kiana’s situation in the past few years, such as why she transfers to a new country every year, and why she has been traveling alone since she was a child—— We still don’t know these things.”

“……I see.”

After being silent for a while, Alexia saved the photo of Kiana to her personal terminal: “Rita, can you please ask those who are observing Kiana to leave? Their mission is over At this point, Kiana no longer needs to be observed.”

“You are going to see her in person, aren’t you?”


“I understand. I will prepare a special plane for you right now. Do you want Bianca and I to go with you?”

Alexia shook her head: “No, I think… I want to go alone.”

This is the meeting between him and his sister. No matter how close Rita and Bianca are to him, at this time they are still… [outsiders].

“Okay. It will be ready for you in ten minutes at the earliest. Please wait a moment before then.”

“Well, please. Rita.”


at the same time.

Far east, Changkong City, Changkong Wall.

On an observation deck on the side facing the sea, Raiden Meiyi was leaning on the fence with her hands, looking at the distant ocean that was gradually dimming in the dim dusk.

This has been her habit for the past few months.

Whenever she has free time, such as after finishing her homework, or on vacation, and has nothing to do, she will come here and look at the sea. Although this was the place where she once wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building, it was also a place that she could never forget.

After all, in this place, she met——

“Ah, Mei! You are indeed here!”

Suddenly there was a voice behind him that was full of energy.

Raiden Meiyi came back from her memories and turned to look down the stairs. On the corner platform below, a white-haired girl wearing the same school uniform as herself and tied with two braids was standing with a schoolbag. There, smiling and waving to her.

Taking three steps at a time, she came to Raiden Meiyi. The girl smiled and said, “You really like coming here. Is this the fifth time this week?”

“That many?”

“Of course! I remember everything about Mei Yi clearly!” The girl lay on the railing, “Although the scenery here is indeed beautiful, but you come here so many times every week, Mei Yi, you really You won’t get tired of it.”

“Well, no.”

Leiden Meiyi held back her hair that was blown by the wind: “Because every time I come here, I will think of the past. So, rather than saying that I came to see the scenery, it is better to say that I came to reminisce.”

“Memories…ah~~~~Are you thinking about that member of my tribe again?” The white-haired girl – Kiana Kaslana – half of the smile on her face disappeared in an instant, as if As if he was sulking, his cheeks were plump and round.

Kaslana – When Kiana was a child, she heard from her bastard father who had disappeared long ago. It was a family that used to have a lot of people, but now probably has only a few people. However, after traveling for so many years, Kiana has never seen a [Kaslana] except herself and her father.

But after coming to Changkong City and meeting Raiden Meiyi for the first time, Kiana learned about the other Kaslana from her mouth – that happened not long before she came to Changkong City. , Raiden Meiyi was saved by Kaslana when she wanted to commit suicide.

【Axia Kaslana】

Even now, more than four months later, Raiden Meiyi still remembers this name very clearly.

“Really, I don’t understand Mei Yi, why do you care so much about that guy? I’m obviously around you.”

“I don’t pay much attention to him, Kiana.” Raiden Mei smiled and stroked Kiana’s head, as if to comfort her, “It’s just that it was him who saved me, and he gave me My courage to pick myself up and keep living… I hope I can keep that gratitude in my heart.”

“Then there’s no need to come several times a week…”

Kiana pouted and complained: “Compared with this, how are you going to spend this weekend, Mei?”

“Weekend? What are you talking about, Kiana.” Raiden Meiyi frowned, “Although tomorrow is Saturday, we still have to go to school. Because there are activities next week, we will take this week off – you Did you fall asleep again while the teacher was talking about something?”

Kiana smiled sheepishly after being exposed the truth: “Hey hehe~~~ Because I really can’t listen…Hey, wait, take a break? Then why did the teacher give us so many assignments today? Homework! I have to go to work later, so I won’t have time to write it!”

Unlike other students, Kiana often needs to work part-time in order to support her daily life, which often results in her not getting enough sleep. This is mostly why she dozes off at school during the day.

Looking at Kiana who was getting anxious, Leiden Mei smiled and said, “Go to my house later. We will have a study meeting and try to help you finish your homework before you start working.”

“Eh? Going to Mei’s house? Then will I have food to eat!”


Leiden Mei could not help but reach out and poke Kiana on the forehead: “I won’t cook for you, how can you cook for me?”

“Hey hehe… I’d better forget it. Mei’s cooking is much better than mine. My appetite has been nourished by you and has become your shape!” Kiana said thickly. Shaanpi said, “Then let’s go back quickly. My working hours today are from 7:30 to 11pm, so we have to hurry up!”

“Okay, okay, eh, Kiana, run slower, don’t fall!”

Seeing Kiana jumping down the stairs in a hurry, Raiden Meiyi shouted quickly, and then hurriedly took one last look at the sea and chased after her.

8.I am your brother

The next day, early morning.

On the road leading to the high school of Senba Academy.


Raiden Meiyi yawned as she walked.

The study meeting with Kiana last night did not end in time before Kiana went to work. The homework assigned by the teacher was a normal two days, and it had to be completed in one night. It was indeed a bit rushed, and then Plus Kiana usually likes to sleep during class…

As a result, before Kiana went to work, only two-thirds of the homework was completed, and the remaining one-third was completed by the two of them staying up late together later.

By the time I finished helping Kiana finish her homework, it was already close to one o’clock in the morning. For Raiden Mei, who was used to going to bed early and getting up early, it was not a good feeling to stay up late once in a while, and she was still a little groggy now.

And next to Raiden Mei——


Kiana, who was also sleep deprived, was even sleeping while walking. The students around her were all surprised – would her body that shook from time to time really not fall down?

By the way, because it was too late last night, Kiana spent the night directly at Raiden Mei’s house, which is why the two of them go to school together now.

Raiden Meiyi shook Kiana gently: “Wake up, Kiana, we are almost going to school.”

“Ugh…Mei Yi, I’m so sleepy…”

Kiana said drowsily.

“I want to eat rice balls made by Mei Yi…and I want Mei Yi to feed it to me…”

“Just bear with it, if you eat now, you won’t have lunch at noon.” Leiden Meiyi said helplessly, “If you are really sleepy, go to class and sleep. If you fall asleep on the way, something will happen.” .”

“Well…I…let me work harder!”

Bang bang bang!

After patting her face several times to cheer herself up, Kiana shook her braids and opened her eyes wide to try to be as energetic as possible.

As Kiana did this, the two of them arrived at the school gate unknowingly.


“Eh? Why are there so many people?”

I don’t know why, but there are many students standing at the school gate, gathering together as if they are watching something, and some sounds can be vaguely heard from inside.

Leiden Meiyi frowned: “Is it because of the event? But is it too early to come to visit now?”

Next week, Senba Academy is preparing to hold an event similar to the Academy Festival. It will be prepared starting today, and I heard that people will come to visit before then.

After all, Senba Academy is an aristocratic academy. The students who go to school here are from rich or noble families. They are either the children of presidents of large companies, or the children of congressmen or high-ranking officials. There are almost no students with no background like Kiana. .

“Maybe they are sending materials here, right?” Kiana asked, “But if we are blocked here, we won’t be able to go to school at all, can’t we give way?”

“Huh? Is this voice Kaslana-classmate?”

Suddenly, a female student standing in front turned around and looked at Kiana, and then shouted around: “Everyone, Kaslana is here, give way!”

“Eh? Is she here?”

“After all, when it comes to Kaslana, there is only one person in our school.”

“Why would a prince-like person come to see that sleepy man?”

Listening to the discussions around her, Kiana couldn’t help but have a few question marks popping up in her head.

Someone is looking for me? Who? She probably didn’t know anyone else in this city. You should know that she didn’t even know anyone in her class, and the only one she knew well was Raiden Mei.

Who would come here specifically to find me?

And from what the girls around him said, it seemed like the one who came to see me was a handsome guy?

(You are not here to chase me, are you?)

With this thought in mind, Kiana held her schoolbag upside down and walked into the path that the students had made for her. Upon seeing this, Raiden Meiyi immediately followed.

Then, after passing through the circle of students, the two saw a black limousine leaning at the entrance of Qianba Academy, and a figure leaning next to the driver’s door, tapping on a somewhat special mobile phone.

Just as those girls said, at first glance, he was indeed a very handsome man. He should be the so-called “serious handsome guy”, right? It gives people a somewhat cold and cool feeling.

It’s just that Kiana and Raiden Mei didn’t pay attention to his appearance at all the moment they saw him.

“White hair, blue eyes…”

Kiana looked at the young man leaning outside the car door in astonishment.

This kind of feature is almost impossible to appear in Japan, and she has never seen it even in her many years of traveling around the world, and a person with this kind of appearance——

“Are you… Alexia?”

At this time, Raiden Mei’s equally unexpected voice sounded in Kiana’s ears.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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