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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 108

Who else could the person leaning against the car be but Alexia?

(Exia? Is he Exia?)

Taking a few steps past Kiana and coming to the car, Raiden Mei waved to Aikexia: “Long time no see, Aikexia… It’s been more than four months, right? I didn’t expect to be here with you. Goodbye.”

“Who are you……”

Looking at Raiden Meiyi who suddenly greeted her, Exia was stunned for a moment. After searching in her mind for a while, she finally remembered: “Oh, Raiden Meiyi…right?”

“Yeah. Don’t you recognize me?”

“I’m sorry, there have been a lot of things lately, and I really didn’t remember you at the first moment.” Exia looked Raiden Meiyi up and down, “My complexion… seems to be much better than before. It seems It’s completely fine now.”

Leiden Meiyi smiled and nodded: “Yes, thanks to you. What you said to me that day gave me the strength to cheer up. I am really grateful to you for saving me at that time.”

“I didn’t do anything special, I just didn’t want to see anyone die in front of me – by the way, are you a student here?”

“Well. Are you here to find someone? I just heard that you are here to find [Kaslana]…”


Alexia looked past Raiden Mei and towards Kiana standing not far away.

“I’m looking for… my sister who has been separated for more than seven years.”

younger sister? !

Raiden Meiyi was stunned for a moment and looked at Kiana subconsciously. And Alexia also took the initiative to walk up to Kiana: “Hello… Kiana Kaslana, this may be the first time for us to meet each other.”

“I am Alexia Kaslana, your brother.”

9. I don’t recognize you as my brother!

I have an older brother.

This is something Kiana has known since she was a child. Before her stinky father’s whereabouts were unknown, Kiana often heard him mention her brother’s things.

She is frail and sick, but very talented. She is a qualified Kaslana at a young age. She is the biggest pride of her smelly dad… Kiana has heard similar statements too many times.

Therefore, Kiana has always been curious about what kind of person her brother is, and she has always been looking forward to meeting her brother – although this expectation has completely disappeared after her smelly father disappeared.

But now, looking at the man who claimed to be her brother suddenly appeared in front of her, Kiana couldn’t help being stunned for a moment.

“You are…my brother?”


“Who are you lying to?”

Kiana gritted her teeth and shouted back angrily!

“I don’t have any brothers! Although you look just like Kaslana, I won’t be fooled by you!”

“Hey, Kiana…”

Seeing Kiana’s retort, Raiden Meiyi couldn’t help but frown.

“I’m sorry, Alexia, Kiana has this kind of character…”

“It’s okay, I’ve thought about this situation.”

Alexia was not surprised by Kiana’s performance. After all, on the way here, he had already thought about almost all possible scenarios.

Even though in terms of blood relationship, Alexia and Kiana are indeed brothers and sisters, they separated when they were very young and lived completely different lives in completely different environments. There was no connection between them at all. No emotion at all.

In addition, Alexia has lost all the memories of his childhood and cannot remember it to this day, so he does not expect Kiana to still remember him.

After taking a look at the crowd around her, Alexia said: “This doesn’t seem to be the place to talk. Let’s do this. I will pick you up after school, Kiana. I hope we can have a good conversation by then.”

“Although I know you don’t trust me, I can assure you that I am indeed your brother. I came to see you this time in the hope that our brothers and sisters can live together again – I have no desire to meet you again. False, it’s really great to see you.”


(His eyes and tone…)

Kiana is not a fool. Although she usually looks carefree, she is actually very smart. Her years of wandering life have made her very sensitive to changes in things and she does not get close to too many people.

But now, from Alexia’s eyes and tone, Kiana felt an extremely strong [sense of reality] – he was really happy for himself from the bottom of his heart, and that he could still be so healthy. happy to be alive.

(He…could he really be…)

Looking at Alexia who was sitting in the driver’s seat and preparing to leave in the car, Kiana bit her lower lip slightly: “I’m sorry, Mei, please take a day off for me and the teacher! Take a day!”

“Eh? Kiana?”

Before Mei Raiden could react, Kiana ran directly to the passenger seat, opened the door and sat in!

Alexia was also slightly startled: “You…”

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe you yet.” Kiana put her hand into her schoolbag and took out a utility knife, “It’s just…I want to believe your tone and eyes just now, so I can Let’s have a good talk with you.”

This is an opportunity.

Since the other party’s surname is also Kaslana, she might know the news about her stinky father who is missing. About two years ago, Kiana’s father disappeared. In order to find him, Kiana went to this… It only takes a few years to travel back and forth to various countries.

And now that I have finally met Kaslana, maybe I can…

(Do you normally carry a knife with you when talking?)

Alexia glanced at the weapon in Kiana’s hand: “But aren’t you going to school now?”

“So didn’t I ask Meiyi to ask for leave for me just now?”

“…Okay, fasten your seatbelts.”

After a moment of silence, Alexia turned the key and started the car, then rolled down the window and looked at Raiden Mei: “Sorry, Raiden Mei, our brother and sister want to be alone for a while, I will bring her back later.”

“Don’t worry about me, Mei!” Kiana also comforted Raiden Meiyi who looked worried outside the window.

Listening to the words of the similar-looking brother and sister in front of him, Raiden Meiyi, who knew that he could no longer persuade Kiana, had no choice but to nod and agree: “I understand. I will help you ask for leave from the teacher and school, and Kiana will Sorry to trouble you, Exia.”

“Yeah. See you later.”

After saying that, Exia stepped on the accelerator, and the black car immediately sped along the road.

As Exia and Kiana left, the students living nearby dispersed and began to walk into the school in twos and threes.

After all, they originally gathered here because of Exia. Now that they are gone, of course they have to go to school and prepare for class.

After staring at the direction of the car for a while, Raiden Meiyi looked back and followed the flow of people into the school.


“I didn’t expect to meet the person of destiny here, and it’s also [Kaslana].”

On the roadside some distance from Senba Academy.

Lying on the steering wheel and looking at the leaving black car and the dispersed crowd, a blond woman sitting in the driver’s seat tapped the steering wheel gently.

“I came here at this juncture and came into contact with the mission target… Is it accidental? Or is Tianming aware of my plan?”

If it’s the former, then there’s no need to worry. But if it’s the latter…

“Do you need to change the combat goal? Mother Cocolia.”

A cold, emotionless voice came from the back seat.

The blond woman known as Cocolia shook her head: “No, no need, just follow the original plan. Before, I was thinking that it would be troublesome for the target to have Kaslana next to him, but now that he has been taken away, it will Just right.”

“The mission will begin in two hours. A large amount of Honkai energy will be released directly into Qianyu Academy to promote the target’s awakening. After that, it will be left to you, Bronya.”

Cocolia turned to look at the petite figure in the rear driver’s seat.

“——You go and recycle the thunder and lightning Mei Yi.”


10. We can stop being brothers and sisters first

Alexia drove Kiana all the way to the port.

Compared to the urban area, which has gradually become lively, the port is relatively quiet, making it a good place to talk business.

“Keep driving this far…”

Getting out of the car from the passenger seat, Kiana glanced at no one around her: “You are not really planning something evil against me, are you?”

“If I want to do that, you won’t even have a chance to resist.”

“Hmph, who knows? You can give it a try!”

Kiana shook the small utility knife in her hand – in the past few years of traveling, she has encountered dangers, and the Honkai incident has been solved several times. If it weren’t for the fact that she slept at Raiden Meiyi’s house last night , and now she can even pull out a gun from under her skirt.

However, Kiana just blinked, and the small utility knife in her hand was frozen into a piece of ice without warning.


“See? Did you react just now?” Alexia smiled, “So, you don’t have to be wary of me like this. I really don’t have any hostility or malice towards you, Kiana.”

“…Hmph, who can believe it.” Kiana threw the utility knife that could no longer be used into the sea. “Then, what are you going to talk to this lady about? Isn’t it like in the TV series? , my brother I’ve never met before wants to take me back to Kaslana’s house to inherit the family property, right?”

Alexia shook her head: “Of course not. I told you the reason for coming here at the beginning. I just came to see you. After all, this is the first time I know that my sister is still alive, so I couldn’t help coming over to recognize her.” Kissed.”

“Have you always thought I was dead?”

“Absolutely. After all, in my memory and the information I later learned from others, I was not able to protect you back then.”

Alexia leaned against the car door and began to talk about the past.

“Seven years ago… It will be eight years soon. We were sitting in the aircraft with my father, preparing to fly somewhere, but the aircraft malfunctioned. My father went to stabilize the aircraft and tried to make an emergency landing. I was asked to protect you – for me, this is the last memory I can have of you.”

“I don’t remember whether I protected you in the end. Maybe I lost consciousness in the middle. And when I woke up, I had lost all my memories before the age of nine and was lying alone on the bed in the orphanage. .”

“According to what I later learned from my guardian, I was the only one who was found at that time. You and your father were both missing. Although it is not certain, there is a high possibility that they were killed.”

After all, the aircraft crashed at a height of several thousand meters. Without any protective measures, a fall would definitely lead to death. Exiya was able to survive because of her own strength. Kiana, who did not have that kind of power at the time, had almost zero chance of surviving.

“So, I always thought that I had no relatives. Even though Bishop Otto told me that he has been searching for traces of you and my father, there has been no news for so many years. Maybe I have subconsciously thought that you No longer alive.”

“But yesterday, I was suddenly told that you were still alive.”

Alexia looked at Kiana.

“I can’t express my feelings at that moment very well. Whether it’s joy, surprise, excitement… there are many kinds of emotions mixed together, and I can’t quite figure it out myself. But after calming down a little, I made the decision to come see you.”

Because of the time difference, it was already last night when Exia came to Changkong City, so he did not go to Kiana immediately, but found a hotel to stay temporarily while thinking about meeting Kiana. What may happen next.

Although they are brother and sister, they have been separated for several years. Exia has completely lost the memory related to each other. The same may be true for Kiana. If he directly explains his identity to her, she will not accept it, let alone Said that Alexia wanted to bring her back to the Tianming headquarters to live together.


“I won’t ask you to accept me as your brother immediately. In fact, it’s a little difficult for me to really regard you as my sister now. In the end, we are just strangers with a blood relationship, and it is impossible to become a loving family immediately. “

“I agree with that.”

Kiana nodded immediately. No matter how informal she was, she didn’t want to suddenly have a strange family member. She felt a little uncomfortable just thinking about it.

“Then you came here this time just to see me?”

“I also want to repair the relationship between us.” Ixia said, “No matter how many years we have been separated, and whether we have forgotten each other, the blood relationship between us cannot be faked, and the same blood flows through us. of blood.”

“I am your brother and you are my sister. This established fact will not change. So I hope we can repair our relationship bit by bit. I will try to be a qualified brother , try to treat you as my sister. Likewise, I also hope that you can treat me as your brother.”

“-until we become a real brother and sister (family) again.”

Brothers and sisters, family.

Listening to Alexia’s sincere words, Kiana remained silent for a long time.

To be honest, she didn’t know how to react.

She still didn’t believe Alexia. A stranger suddenly said that he was her brother. No matter how she thought about it, it was very problematic. But Kiana could feel that he was not lying, and her intuition told her that everything the man in front of her said was true.

Kiana has always trusted her instincts – that’s why she didn’t know what to do.

“…Let me think about it, okay?”

In the end, Kiana could only give this answer.

“It’s really difficult for me to recognize a brother all of a sudden. I don’t know you at all, and I have to think about the things you said.”

“No problem. Anyway, I will be living in Changkong City recently. You can come to me anytime you want.” Ixia said as she got into the car and took out a note and wrote a string of numbers and an address. “This It’s my phone number, and the hotel I’m staying in. Well… about a week, I’ll be here within the week.”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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