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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 109

Kiana took the note.

(Ugh~~~Isn’t this that damn expensive hotel? Can a cheap guy like me afford to stay in a place like that?)

Kiana had heard of the address written on the note. It was the best hotel in Changkong City, and the floor was on the top floor, which meant that she, a cheap guy, lived in the best and most expensive room in Changkong City.

It was in sharp contrast to poor students like her who worked hard to earn living expenses.

(Damn rich people!)

For a moment, Kiana suddenly no longer wanted to recognize this brother.

“Ah, that’s right!”

As if she remembered something, Kiana asked after putting away the note: “Since you said you are my…brother, do you know where my dad is?”


11. Father, childhood sweetheart, sister-in-law

Alexia didn’t expect Kiana to mention this matter.

No, to be precise, I didn’t expect her to mention [Father] at this time.

“You mean…our father, Siegfried Kaslana?”


Kiana nodded.

“You can find me, so you should also know about my dad, right? That stinky dad disappeared two or three years ago, and I have been looking for him.”

(Father, he is missing? No, wait, listen to Kiana’s tone… She had been living with her father before he disappeared? After I failed to protect her, my father saved her. ?)

Alexia frowned, then shook her head: “No, I don’t know. All I know is about you. I know nothing about our father now – I’m even a little surprised. , have you been living with your father all these years?”


“Then…can you tell me something about your father?”

After a pause, Exia asked.

He has no memory of Siegfried Kaslana. This memory was forgotten along with other memories. What he knows about Siegfried Kaslana now comes from the treatment of him by the elders of the Kaslana family. description, as well as records obtained from the Tianming database.

Only those who have lived with him know what kind of person he is.

“Dad…he’s just a stinky dad and uncle.”

Kiana leaned against the passenger door, looking at the sea and thinking about her father in her mind.

“I have an unkempt beard. I have a bad sleeping posture. I’m not very good at cooking. I’m very picky about putting cheese on pizza. I go to the pub and get drunk every now and then. I still have to do all the housework…”

As if complaining, Kiana listed her father’s faults one by one.

And listening to her words, Exia also compared the Siegfried she portrayed with the Siegfried she knew.

If the Siegfried Kiana described was a slovenly uncle, then the Siegfried Alexia knew was… yes, it should be said that he was a hero full of rebellious spirit.

When he was young, he was dissatisfied with being bound by his family’s mission, so he ran away from home and traveled around for four years. Later, because he met his mother Cecilia Shaniat during his travels, he returned to the family because he wanted to see her again. In just two years, he became a warrior comparable to an S-class Valkyrie. , reunited with his mother.

In the following years, as the head of the Kaslana family, he was active in solving Honkai incidents around the world. During the second Honkai Impact, he became the key to defeating the Second Herrscher, delivering the final fatal blow. .

[Although he doesn’t want to admit it, he is indeed a Kaslana and a hero].

These were the exact words that the elders of the Kaslana family said to him.

As for Bikiana’s description…are they really acquainted with the same person?

“However, dad also has advantages.”

As if she had finished vomiting all her bitterness, Kiana changed the subject: “Dad actually likes to show off his strength. Sometimes he will go out to deal with Honkaiju beasts even though he is tired to death. He won’t tell me when he is injured. It all depends on him. Bear it yourself. Even if my family doesn’t have much money, they will still buy me cakes and gifts for my birthday, and he will basically listen to my requests…”

“——Not serious at all, but I still like my smelly dad.”

“…….Is it.”

Listening to Kiana’s last words, Alexia couldn’t help but smile: “That’s good…it seems that the father you know and the father I know should still be the same person.”

“What are you talking about?” Kiana frowned, “If you are really my brother, then our dads are the same person, right? Don’t make it sound like our dads are not the same person.”

“No, that’s not what I meant… I just think it’s great that what you said about [the real Siegfried] is consistent with what I know about [Siegfried’s impression]. After all, I don’t Remember what kind of person your father is.”

“Eh… Then how did you live without your father for so many years?”

“I have a guardian.”

Aixia explained: “Didn’t I say before that I lived in an orphanage for a period of time, and the doctor who was responsible for treating me at that time later became my guardian. He is the bishop of the Destiny Organization, and I have been my guardian over the years. All living under his hands with my childhood sweetheart.”

“His name is Otto Apocalypse. He is my guardian, doctor and teacher… You can also say that he is [father] in another sense. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will take him with me.” You get to know him. Of course, so is my childhood sweetheart.”

Childhood sweethearts.

Hearing Alexia mention this person, Kiana was keenly aware that his tone became much more relaxed for a moment.

“My childhood sweetheart…is here. Is she a girl?”


“That means…if you are really my brother, then your childhood sweetheart is my sister-in-law?”


Alexia’s eyes suddenly widened, her mouth opened and closed several times before she sighed with a slight blush: “Not yet… I have never told her that I like her. “

“Eh? Why?”

“I’ve lost more than three hundred times in a row with her before, so how can I have the nerve to say it? At least I can’t speak until I catch up… no, actually beat her once.”

Lost more than three hundred times in a row?

Kiana couldn’t help but ask: “Is your childhood sweetheart so powerful? You are also Kaslana, right?”

“Yes, she is very powerful. How can the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny not be powerful?” Alexia smiled, “Ah, by the way, don’t say anything about this when I take you to meet her after this. come out!”

According to Alexia’s judgment, Rita has probably figured it out now. She is difficult to deal with in the first place. If Kiana doesn’t know how to deal with it and just throws it out, then he will definitely not be able to stay in front of Bianca on the spot!

“Uh-huh~~~~~” The expression on Kiana’s face changed, and then she showed a slightly evil smile, “Keep it secret~~~ Then don’t-“


Suddenly, before Kiana could finish her words, a burst of extremely loud thunder suddenly resounded through the sky!

12.Maximum Drive

The sudden thunder made Exia look up to the sky.

“Thunder? Such loud thunder…is it going to be a thunderstorm?”

Before going out, Alexia checked today’s weather. Although it could not be called cloudless, it should be sunny to cloudy today and it would not rain. And now, it was obviously thundering, but there was no sign of rain in the sky. At most, the clouds were moving faster.

If it’s raining…it doesn’t seem to be a problem?


Another sound of thunder echoed across the sky.

Unlike last time, although the thunder this time was much weaker, it was clearer. Along with the thunder, Ixia could vaguely see some purple in the urban area not far away. The light flashes.

“That is–“

Alexia narrowed her eyes, but before he could make any move, Kiana, who was leaning against the passenger door, seemed to realize something. Her face suddenly changed, and she rushed over without saying a word. go out!

“Hey! Kiana, wait!”

Upon seeing this, Alexia quickly chased after her and held her hand: “Where are you going?”

“Go back to school! Those two thunders just now came from the school!” Kiana shouted, “I have to go back to find Mei!”

“Are you planning to run back alone? It’s more than half an hour’s drive from Senba Academy.”

“if not?”

Alexia pointed to the car: “Did you forget that we still have a car here? Get in the car, and I will take you back -“

“Boom, boom, boom, boom!!!”

The thunder sounded for the third time!

But this time it was not just one sound. Countless thunders were like waves, one after another erupting in the direction of Qianyu Academy. Every time the thunder sounded, the originally clear sky would become darker.

At the same time, countless white clouds seemed to be pulled, forming a huge whirlpool in the sky, and quickly drifted towards the airspace where Qianyu Academy was located!


An extremely thick purple thunder suddenly rose into the sky at the same time as the cloud vortex arrived! He rushed straight into the center of the whirlpool!

This is definitely not a normal situation!

Alexia gritted her teeth: “Kiana, can you drive?”

“Eh? Ah… No, why?”

“Then it seems I can only take you there.”

“Take me there? Are you driving?”


Turning around and opening the trunk, Alexia put forward a box and opened it, and took out the contents under Kiana’s surprised eyes.

Kiana stared at the thing with wide eyes: “…Sword? How come you have such a thing?”


Without paying attention to Kiana’s question, Ixia gave the order, and the Soaring Holy Sword in her hand suddenly emitted a burst of golden flames. The sword body and even the hilt, like folded wings, immediately decomposed into countless pieces. The fragments, then seemed to be strung together by countless invisible threads, gathered and condensed on Ixia’s back——


A pair of steel light wings full of mechanical texture suddenly unfolded behind Ixia, and golden fireworks continued to spray out from the overlap of the fragments, as if dragging out two long flame tails behind him.


Kiana immediately froze on the spot.

(W-what is this? The sword… turned into an aircraft?)

Kiana is not ignorant about Honkai Impact, and she has seen a lot of special weapons used to fight Honkai Impact. The best example is the pair of twin guns in her father’s hands, which can be used without any bullets. The fire cannon is much more powerful than the small pistols used by Kiana.

However, a sword that can turn into wings… has she never heard of such a weapon? Is it the latest weapon developed by [Destiny] that dad said?

“Sorry, Kiana, what follows is a little offensive.”

But when Kiana was stunned, Alexia leaned down, put one hand around the back of her thigh, put the other hand around her shoulder, and hugged her horizontally with one force!

“Ugh——! What are you doing!”

The sudden close contact made Kiana struggle immediately: “Taking advantage of Miss Ben? You pervert!”

“Is now the time to talk about this kind of thing?” Alexia explained while trying to avoid Kiana’s waving hands, “It’s obvious that something big happened at Qianyu Academy. It would be too slow to drive back. There’s no telling what big event will happen in more than an hour, so we fly back directly. If the Holy Sword is at its maximum power, we should be able to arrive within a minute.”

“If you can drive, then I plan to fly there first and you drive here by yourself. But since you can’t drive, I have to fly there with you. And if you want to fly back, I will also I can only take you in this posture.”

After all, the only empty space on Alexia’s body is the front. It’s not necessarily necessary to carry Kiana behind her back and let her be burned by the flames, right?

“Wow… indeed…”

(Then you couldn’t have told me first! You scared me!)

This is the first time that Kiana has been touched by a man other than her father, not to mention it is held in this way of a princess. She is wearing a short skirt now. In this position, her thighs can’t help but be touched all over. The wind is still All got under the skirt! Now her butt was freezing.

“Hold my neck and don’t let go, otherwise you may fall if you go too fast.” Alexia reminded.

“…I think this lady will give you an advantage!”

After closing her eyes, Kiana stretched out her arms and hugged Alexia.




Following Exia’s second command, the fireworks ejected by the light wings suddenly increased to their maximum power. Like a rocket taking off, the huge flames sent the two of them directly into the sky on the spot!

The strong vibration made Kiana close her eyes tighter, and the roar of the wind in her ears made her heart beat violently!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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