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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 110

(What is the difference between this and reverse high-altitude bungee jumping?!)

“Let’s go, Kiana.”

“Ah good!”


The angle of the flames of the wings of light was adjusted. The two people who were originally flying straight into the sky immediately changed their direction. They almost turned at a right angle in the air, and then turned into a meteor of light and flames, flying in the direction of Qianyu Academy at extremely fast speed!

13. Death of a Coward

Time goes back a few minutes.

Inside Qianyu Academy.

After going to the office to explain to the teacher that Kiana might need to take leave in the morning, Raiden Meii was walking back to her classroom.

It’s almost time for the first class to start. The bell will ring in about half a minute, right?

(I have to go back to the classroom quickly… I gave Kiana half a day off, I don’t know if it’s enough.)

Subconsciously, Raiden Mei was concerned about the situation on Kiana’s side – or in other words, she was concerned about the situation on Kiana and Exia’s side at the same time.

Brother and sister.

Those two are brother and sister.

Although he had thought about this possibility when he first met Kiana and got to know her, Raiden Mei did not expect it to be true. He can only say that there are really many coincidences in this world. ah.

(If they are brother and sister, then Alexia…will come to pick up Kiana?)

Leiden Meiyi couldn’t help but think of this.

Raiden Mei didn’t know anything about the [Kaslana] family. It sounded like a family from Europe. Ask Kiana and she couldn’t explain why. She seemed to have never been in Kaslana. The way the family lived.

However, judging from Alexia’s performance…it should be a very big and wealthy family, right?

Such a family would come looking for Kiana, and the only reason Raiden Mei could think of was to take Kiana home.

To be honest, Raiden Mei didn’t really want to lose Kiana as a friend.

The two met four months ago, shortly after Raiden Meiyi was saved and enlightened by Exia and regained her energy. At that time, she was still isolated in the class, and no one was willing to contact her. Kiana, who had just transferred to another school at that time, was the only one who took the initiative to talk to her.

If Alexia was the one who gave Raiden Mei the courage to walk out of the [autism] room, then Kiana was the first person she saw after walking out. Although at first he felt that this white-haired girl who slept in class every day was a little unruly and annoying, after more than four months of getting along with her, Raiden Mei had already gotten used to Kiana being by her side.

When she was gossiped about by her classmates, Kiana was the first person to stand up for her. When she was in trouble, Kiana was the first to help her… Raiden Mei really felt that being with Kiana would be a very happy thing.

And if Kiana wants to leave——

“No, no, you can’t think like that.”

Realizing that her thoughts were beginning to change, Raiden Mei quickly shook her head – Kiana had told her that she was alone, and her only relative, her father, was also missing. Now that she finally met her brother, as her friend, she should congratulate her.

(It’s just that if Kiana leaves… she will really feel a little lonely.)

After all, it was hard to make friends with him, and he didn’t care whether he was [Raiden Mei]’s friend or not.

And when Raiden Meiyi was thinking like this——


The sound of footsteps came from the front.

Leiden Meiyi looked forward and saw a man dressed strangely standing not far in front of her. The man was wearing a black hoodie dotted with green stripes. The face exposed from the hood seemed to be wearing a mask, and he could only barely see clearly, as if his right eye was exposed.

In addition, even though they were indoors, the other party was unusually holding a black umbrella.

(What a strange person.)

“You are Raiden Mei, right?”

The strange hooded man suddenly spoke.

Leiden Meiyi stopped and said, “Well, I am. May I ask who you are…”

“Oh, my identity doesn’t matter, you just need to know that I’m here to find you. I’m really lucky to find you so quickly.”

“Looking for me? What’s the matter?”

“Actually, I have a gift to give you.”


Leiden Meiyi frowned.

The hooded man put his hand into his pocket, and then under the horrified eyes of Raiden Mei——


Aiming a dark muzzle at her.

(Gun!? He is…could it be said that he is one of dad’s enemies!?)

Raiden Meiyi knew something about her father. Because of their rapid business development, Me Club and Raiden Ryoma had made many enemies. Although there had been no movement before, since her father was arrested, those enemies have Gradually it became active.

(He is here to kill me!)


Raiden Meiyi only had time to have this thought, and without giving her any more time to react, the hooded man pulled the trigger.

The penetrating feeling came from the chest instantly!


Like a deflated rubber ball, Leiden Meiyi immediately felt that all the strength in his body was flowing away uncontrollably, and his body fell down weakly on the spot.

Holding an umbrella and coming to Raiden Meiyi, the hooded man looked down at Raiden Meiyi: “Well, this way the deal between me and you is completed, Cocolia. I hope your next actions will go well and you can give me a copy.” Satisfactory experimental data.”

“But… maybe it will be another me who meets you by then, right?”

Before he lost consciousness, Raiden Meiyi’s vision had begun to blur and he saw the hooded man raising a gun and pointing it at his own temple——


There was another gunshot, and the hooded man’s body fell to the ground.

(What is he doing?)

Even though he had been shot through the chest, Raiden Meiyi still couldn’t help but think about it, kill himself first and then commit suicide? Why is this hooded man doing this—


(what sound?)

Suddenly, an unusual voice sounded in my mind.

I don’t know if it was because of the influence of this voice, but Raiden Meiyi suddenly felt that her consciousness was getting blurry. It was like a whirlpool appeared in her mind, swallowing, absorbing, and submerging her consciousness bit by bit. Go in.


[It’s time to give your body to me, coward]

It was as if another voice of his own sounded in Leiden Meiyi’s ears.

In the world that had turned into pitch black at some point, Leiden Meiyi could clearly see that another version of herself appeared in front of her at some point.



There was a penetrating feeling in my chest again.

Leiden Meiyi lowered her head and looked at her chest, only to see that her other self had already arrived in front of her and penetrated her heart!

[It’s so hard to say you’re a coward but there’s really nothing wrong with you at all]

(Coward, are you talking about me?)

[Who else could it be but you? A coward who can’t do anything]

Another Raiden Mei taunted in a cold voice.

[In the face of malice and hostility from the outside world, cowards who dare not even resist at all, cowards who even want to die and escape with death…you are really useless]

His hand twisted in his chest, and the heart-wrenching pain made Raiden Meiyi groan.


[It is really a waste to let you, who is so incompetent, continue to control your body. Give me your body.]

[It just so happened that that guy injected a large amount of Honkai Energy into your body, and there seemed to be a large number of Honkai Energy generators installed around you. It was enough as a condition for me to wake up]

[——Sorry, you will die from today on, coward]

14. My brother is Superman!

On the playground of Qianyu Academy.

“Boom boom boom boom~~~~”

Accompanied by the strong sound of fireworks, Exia landed on the ground with Kiana. After putting Kiana down, Exia changed the Soaring Holy Sword back to its holy sword form and turned her head to look around.

From the outside, there is nothing strange inside Qianyu Academy. Even though a huge beam of lightning was emitted directly from here and rushed into the sky, there is nothing special in the academy.

When everything seems abnormal, the only thing that is normal is the most abnormal.


“Such strong Honkai energy.”

Even without using a personal terminal for measurement, Exia could tell just by her own senses that the entire Senba Academy was filled with an extremely large amount of Honkai energy!

Medium, large… no, maybe it’s a super large collapse event.

but why? Why did Changkong City suddenly erupt with such huge Honkai energy? According to the laws summarized by Tianming, the more civilized and developed the area, the more frequent the occurrence of collapse events. However, the number of collapse events in the Far East is relatively low in the world. The number of collapse events that occur within a year is relatively low. No bad event takes more than two hands.

And even if it happened, it would be a medium-sized collapse event at best.

But this time, a Honkai energy that was comparable to a super-large Honkai event suddenly occurred…

“We may be a step too late, Kiana.”

Pursing her lips, Exia said to Kiana: “The Honkai that happened here can be strong enough to turn the entire school into dead soldiers in an instant. We are Kaslana, with almost absolute Honkai Can resist, so nothing will happen, but the average person here…”

“Mea Yi…”

Kiana couldn’t help but whisper Mei Raiden’s name, and then subconsciously wanted to leave the playground to find her. Considering the time, Raiden Mei should still be in the teaching building now.

Even if Exia said that, Kiana would never believe that Raiden Mei would become a death warrior until she saw it with her own eyes!



Feeling the pull on her shoulder, Kiana lifted Alexia’s hand away angrily: “Don’t stop me from finding Mei!”

“I didn’t tell you not to look for it, but are you sure you want to look for it with bare hands?” Ixia asked, “I just said that the school may be full of dead soldiers now, and with this Honkai Impact With the concentration of energy, it is only a matter of time before Honkaimon is born – are you planning to rush into the group of dead soldiers without bringing any weapons?”

“Well…I have practiced fighting skills with my father! Kaslana also learned the gun fighting skills! Don’t underestimate me!”

Kiana said stubbornly.

I don’t know if they were attracted by Kiana’s loud voice. In the sports equipment room not far from where the two of them were, several people dressed as cleaners staggered out of the building. They were covered in sweat. Obvious purple lines.

There is no doubt that they are all dead soldiers.


Kiana immediately assumed a battle stance.

There are five opponents. A conservative estimate… the fastest would be one minute, right?

(Damn it, if there were weapons, I could kill them all with one shot!)


Just when Kiana was complaining like this, a gust of extremely cold wind suddenly blew out from behind her. Then in her field of vision, the five dead soldiers were frozen all over and instantly turned into one. There are ice sculptures standing there stunned!

Walking out from behind Kiana, Alexia waved the holy sword and smashed the ice sculpture into pieces: “Look, I told you that all the dead soldiers here are here.”

“You…you have super powers!?” Kiana couldn’t help but exclaimed.

First he took out a shape-shifting sword, and now he shows off his super powers… Who is this cheap brother of hers! ?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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