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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 111

“Super powers… don’t forget it. It’s more troublesome to explain it in detail.” Ixia picked up the holy sword and said, “More than this, you want to find Raiden Mei, right? I’ll go with you.”

“Eh? You want to go too?”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t go. I understand that you value Raiden Mei and that you are anxious knowing that she may be in danger, but can’t you be calmer and formulate a complete battle plan before taking action?”

Alexia advised.

Kiana gritted her teeth: “I, of course I know, it’s just…”

“If you act in a hurry, what should you do if you are trapped in a tight siege? The most important thing is to stay calm when encountering an emergency. I think my father should have taught you similar knowledge, right?”


Of course Kiana knows how to be calm.


After taking several deep breaths, Kiana patted her face: “Okay, I’m fine, uh…that…cheap guy.”

After struggling for a while, Kiana still said the title she didn’t want to say.

“Very good, then let’s set off.” Alexia nodded, “You only need to concentrate on finding Raiden Mei. I will kill all the enemies I encounter on the way.”

“I can fight too!”

“But you have no weapons. It’s too dangerous to let you fight like this. Just listen to me now, okay?”

If Kiana even has a handful of water fairies or fire fairies in her hands now, Exia won’t be too worried about her. After all, she is a child raised by her father. She also said just now that she can fight with Kaslana. In the art of gun fighting, accidents will inevitably happen if you use bare hands.

What’s more, he is still here, and no matter how many opponents like Death Soldier come, they will not pose a threat to him.


While talking, in the teaching building not far away, one after another, like zombies, like wild beasts that were released from their cages, they crawled out from the door or window one after another, heading straight towards Ixia Running wildly in the direction of Kiana!

And further outside the school wall——


Along with a strong trembling sound, Exia and Kiana immediately saw a Honkai beast dozens of meters high appearing on the other side of the wall!

Judging from the appearance, it should be a tank class.

“Has Honkaimon… been born?”

“After all, it is Honkai energy comparable to a super-large Honkai event. It is not surprising that Honkaimon was born so quickly. Compared to this-“

Alexia looked around.

There were Death Soldiers in front, and Honkaimon behind them—they were surrounded.

Kiana curled her lips: “Damn it, now we can only break out from the dead soldiers-“

“There’s no need to go to such trouble, I’ll take care of it.”


A low voice sounded on Alexia’s hand, and Kiana suddenly discovered that an ocher-red ferocious gauntlet had appeared on her brother’s hand. It looked like the paw of some animal. Similar.

“Let’s take care of it in one go, Ddraig.”

[Oh, come on, partner]


The power accumulated in the green gem was released, and Exia’s power doubled to twice its original value in an instant!

Glancing at the Death Soldiers and Honkai Beasts rushing towards him and Kiana, Exia curled her lips, raised her left foot and stepped on it hard!


A ring-shaped extremely cold storm immediately swept out in all directions like an avalanche!

Kiana, who was very close, quickly raised her hand to cover her eyes, while using her other hand to hold down her skirt that was blown up by the strong wind.

(That stupid brother! I’m still there!)


The sound of shattering suddenly sounded immediately.

Kiana slowly put down her hand, only to find that the Death Warriors and Honkai Beasts that had previously surrounded her were now frozen in a layer of ice-blue ice!


Alexia lightly snapped her fingers.


All the ice sculptures immediately shattered! The sky is full of diamond stardust falling like rain!

Kiana couldn’t help but froze in place for a moment.

“Let’s go, Kiana.”

Alexia stretched out her hand to her sister: “Go find Raiden Mei.”

Update later today

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15. I come and kill the Herrscher

Leiden Meiyi could feel two very annoying smells.

Standing on the rooftop of Qianha Academy, Raiden Mei…or [Rainden Mei], with her fingers clasped on the barbed wire fence, looked at the playground in the distance.

The moment Exia and Kiana arrived, she noticed their presence.

“Kiana, Exia…Kaslana.”

“It’s such a disgusting surname. Whether it’s the brother or the sister, they all look the same.”

——He looks like he thinks he can be saved by anyone.

[Raiden Mei] knows what she has experienced as a coward, the collapse of her family, the collapse of [the world], and spiritual despair…More than four months ago, at the moment she was about to jump, Hers is dead.

It is not death in the biological sense, but it means that as a person, she died at that moment, and it was her own active choice, or she had to choose death under the push and influence of others.

Raiden Mei was supposed to die on that day, and then [Thunder Mei] was supposed to be born on that day.

But she didn’t die.

Alexia Kaslana, this person broke into the realm of the dead on her own and brought the dead Raiden Mei back to the world of the living.

Therefore, he has become Raiden Meiyi’s current pillar of support. His words and only being together for less than half a day really gave Raiden Meiyi the courage to choose to survive.

But [Thunder and Lightning Mei] is very clear – he has never thought about any consequences at all, and has never thought about the impact his words will have on Raiden Mei. He is just wishful thinking and saying some beautiful words without even making any mental preparation. There is no mental state corresponding to one’s own behavior.

He is just an irresponsible man.

Saving others without authorization, but not looking at or caring about the people he saved.

The same goes for Kiana.

Those who talk to themselves intervene in other people’s world, and those who talk to themselves seize a place in other people’s world.

“It’s really…disgusting.”

Using a little force with his five fingers, [Thunder and Lightning Mei Yi] tore open the cracks in the barbed wire, and the section turned red as if it had been melted.

She will smash this irresponsible hypocrite’s behavior to pieces, along with the beautiful memories of her cowardly self in the past four months, so that she can completely understand that this world has changed. It’s her [enemy].

kindness? friend?

Don’t be ridiculous. Alexia has never appeared again since that meeting four months ago. Kiana will definitely leave one day. Raiden Mei will be empty again, and the only thing that will accompany her is endless loneliness. and persecution from [the world].

The alienation of her classmates, the differential treatment by her teachers, the condemnation of society, the rumors from passers-by…these things that she had finally forgotten will undoubtedly wrap her up again and crush that coward.

In fact, she was almost crushed right now.

In this case, let [Thunder and Lightning Mei] control this body. She is not as cowardly and incompetent as that coward. She will crush all factors that may cause despair!

Along with the world!


There was a sound of breaking in from the rooftop door not far behind him.


What followed was a cry full of anxiety and worry from Kiana.

[Thunder Mei] slowly turned around to look at her and Alexia who was standing with her: “Here you go, Kiana.”

“Well! I rushed back in a hurry! Fortunately, Mei, you’re okay!” Kiana sounded as if she was relieved, “Listen to me, a huge collapse has occurred here, and we have to leave here quickly. , now that…uh…my cheap guy is here, we can even fly out directly!”

As Kiana spoke, she was about to walk towards [Thunder Mei], but just like she had stopped Kiana from dealing with the dead warriors alone, Exia reached out to grab her again and pulled her behind her, with a serious look on her face. Looking at [Thunderbolt Meiyi].

There is a very obvious difference between the Alexia now and the Alexia before coming here, and he can feel it himself.

(My back feels so hot…it must be that the magic has been triggered.)

——[He will save the world]

A decisive battle magic that is only triggered when targeting Honkai and powerful enemies.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, as early as on the playground, this magic had a vague tendency to be triggered, but as if it felt that the opponent was not qualified, it never fully exploded.

However, now standing in front of [Thunder and Lightning Mei], this magic seemed to be stimulated, and it immediately exerted its full effect!

“…Thunder Mei Yi… No, I shouldn’t be able to call you Raiden Mei Yi now, right?”

Alexia stopped Kiana.

“Looking at you, you don’t seem to be a dead soldier. You are a human being who retains clear self-awareness in the super-large Honkai Impact event, and you can also let me trigger my magic… Should I call you [Chapter Three Herrschers] is better?”


The apostle of collapse, the enemy of civilization, the embodiment of destruction.

The [monster] caused 300,000 casualties in Berlin in the past and indirectly caused all of Siberia to be reduced to ruins!

(This time, did Honkai choose Raiden Mei to be its apostle? Is it really true…)

Taking a deep breath, Exia turned her back to Kiana and said: “You should leave here first, Kiana. Find a weapon in the school to defend yourself, and then leave the city as quickly as possible, or find a A place to hide. I’ll take care of it next.”

“You…what are you talking about? Cheap brother?”

Kiana couldn’t understand what Exia was saying.

Lawyer? She had heard her father say before that it was a much more dangerous existence than Honkaimon and was the eternal enemy of mankind.

And now that Exia calls Mei Yi this name, does that mean that… Mei has become a Herrscher?

How can this be! ?

“Leave here, Kiana.” Ixia repeated, “With the Herrscher as my opponent, I don’t believe in defeating him without affecting you. I will go there immediately after I finish dealing with it. Looking for you.”

“Deal…what are you going to do to Mei?”



Multiply once, strengthen twice.

Alexia held the Holy Sword of Soaring in her right hand, her whole body was filled with ocher-red arrogance, and she stared at [Thunder Mei Yi] with her cold eyes.

“——[Kill the Herrscher].”

16. The third Herrscher, nothing more than that

——Kill the Herrscher.

The moment Alexia said these words, the entire atmosphere on the rooftop suddenly became dead silent.

This is really a very natural statement. Any destiny warrior who stands in front of the Herrscher and has enough strength should say such a thing.

[Thunder Mei] stared at Alexia, and suddenly sneered: “It’s really the same situation as I imagined, Alexia Kaslana – the life she saved with her own hands, now she wants her own life Take it back with your own hands?”

“Saving others at will, and then killing others at will… You are really a hopeless hypocrite.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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