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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 112

It was Exia who saved Raiden Mei, and now it is Exia who wants to kill [Thunder Mei]. The difference between the two is just because she became a Herrscher.

If it were Raiden Meiyi to face this situation, she would definitely be at a loss. After all, the person who saved her was going to kill her, and she could totally imagine what kind of reaction she would make [Thunderbolt Meiyi].

But she won’t be that cowardly.

“It just so happens that I have long been unhappy with a hypocritical man like you. It’s really best that you are willing to die yourself – but judging from your tone, do you really think that you are my opponent?”

[Thunder and Lightning Mei Yi] As soon as she finished speaking, the wisps of lightning lingering on her fingertips suddenly expanded and exploded, and instantly turned into a laser beam and shot toward the horizon!


The beam instantly fell apart wherever it passed! It was as if a crack had been torn open in the earth, and the damaged ravine extended thousands of meters away! It penetrated all the obstacles in front of it with great speed, and even the long sky wall at the end of it was directly blasted with a huge hole under this blow!

The smell of ozone filled the air, and intermittently flashes of lightning could be seen in the sky.

This is the Herrscher’s blow.

The most loyal destroyer of civilization controlled by Honkai can easily change the terrain of modern society and destroy the civilization built by mankind in an instant.

“The blow just now broke down everything on the path into atoms – if you have seen the demonstration once, you will be mentally prepared, right?”

[Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] sneered.

Her purpose in releasing the blow just now was just a simple demonstration. Just like a beast roaring when facing an enemy, this blow gives Exia a sense of despair in advance, and then crushes it with even greater despair.

This can be called [conquest].

Pointing her slender jade finger at Axia, [Thunder Mei Yi] gathered power for the second time——


However, before she could land the fatal blow, Alexia’s figure suddenly disappeared from her field of vision! Immediately afterwards, [Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] felt the severe pain coming from her abdomen!


[Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] immediately coughed violently! But she didn’t have time to react…


Aiming at the arched [Thunder Mei]’s chin, Alexia, who had already quickly bullied her into her arms, directly hit her with a rising dragon punch! It knocked her whole body into the sky instantly!

(So ​​fast! And…it hurts!)

[Thunder Mei] flying in the air only had time to think of this.

And the next moment, just when she was adjusting her body to fight back——


A hand suddenly grabbed her face!



Following Exia’s command, the Soaring Holy Sword, which had transformed into the Light Wings of Steel at some point, suddenly erupted with intense fireworks, sending Exia and [Thunder Mei Yi] flying out of the air at high speeds. ! The tail of flames dragged out almost formed a gradually dissipating road in the sky!

[Thunder Mei] felt that the scene around her was moving forward very fast, so fast that a series of afterimages even appeared in her eyes!


“Bilibili! Bilibili!”

The violent lightning suddenly exploded from [Thunder Mei Yi]’s whole body! The spherical super electric field spread out instantly! The feeling of electric shock and paralysis made Alexia quickly retract the hand that was holding her down and fly several meters away!

And quickly stabilized his body in the air, [Thunder Mei Yi] held his stomach and stared at Exia with eyes full of anger: “Damn ants… can actually hurt me, but don’t think-“

“Did you do your best just now?”

Alexia’s cold words interrupted [Thunder Mei]’s words.

After moving the hand that had just been shocked by the lightning, Ixia asked as if seeking confirmation: “The Herrschers I know are all monsters. They casually cause casualties in a city and throw meteorites at the earth from outer space.” , turning the whole of Siberia into scorched earth and ruins… It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a moving natural disaster.”

“I think that as the Third Herrscher, you should have the same or even greater destructive power than the First Herrscher and the Second Herrscher.”

The intensity of collapse is related to the prosperity of civilization. The more developed the civilization is, the stronger the force of collapse will be. The same goes for the Herrschers. The Herrschers who appear later must be more powerful than the Herrschers who appear earlier.

However, judging from the situation of the fight with [Thunder and Lightning Mei] just now, Exia should not have had a somewhat absurd idea – [Herrscher, that’s it? 】

“Are you…looking down on me? Ant.”

“No, I just want to confirm. After all, I didn’t have any confidence in defeating you at the beginning. This is why I brought you to this place far away from Qianyu Academy. It would be bad to involve Kiana.”

The giant sword of ice condensed in Exia’s hand lay beside her.

“It’s just that if your full strength is only as strong as it was just now, then I think I should be worrying in vain – the Third Herrscher, that’s all.”


The extremely cold ice-blue light converged and bloomed on the ice sword, and strong fluctuations were continuously released from Ixia’s body. The Sekiryuutei’s cage hand on her left hand also rose with ocher-red flames!

what happened?

This is the only question in [Thunder Mei]’s heart now. Originally, she wanted to be angry because of Alexia’s contempt, but she dared to be so arrogant in the face of her, the Herrscher. But the moment he felt the power fluctuation released from Exia, [Thunder Mei] fell into a sluggish state.

“What the hell is going on?”

“How could a human being…how could it be possible to control such a large amount of Honkai energy!?”

[Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] couldn’t help shouting in disbelief.

“[Oath (messiah)——]”

Alexia’s low moans reached her ears like a threat of death, and the light that was originally gathered on the ice sword suddenly expanded and instantly turned into a huge extremely cold lightsaber!

[Thunder and Lightning Mei] immediately wanted to fly away from the place!

“[——Sword of Salvation (kaslana)]!!!”

But for her, it was too late to react now. With Exia’s roar, the extremely cold lightsaber burning like a flame suddenly tore the sky apart! In an instant, it swallowed up the figure of [Thunder and Lightning Mei] and then shot straight through the sky!


The scene of Diamond Stardust once again appeared under the sky.

17. Otto: Well done, my student.

Go back in time a little.

Just when Alexia and Kiana rushed to Qianyu Academy.

The destiny headquarters far above Europe.

“Your Majesty Bishop!”

Running into Otto’s private office with a report in hand, Kohaku said anxiously: “Just now, an extremely high Honkai energy intensity reaction was detected in the Nagazora City area in the far east of Japan!”

“Oh? How high?”

“Same as fourteen years ago, the highest peak that has been confirmed is 1,000hw, and it should continue to increase.”

Amber said as he handed the report in his hand to Otto for review.

Glancing at the contents of the report, Otto couldn’t help but laugh: “The Honkai energy intensity reaction at the same level as fourteen years ago…has it finally arrived after fourteen years?”

“——The third collapse.”

Honkai Impact, a disaster that periodically breaks out with the development of civilization. With the efforts of the Destiny Organization and another organization called Anti-Entropy in North America, small and medium-sized Honkai Impact events are actually no longer something to be afraid of. , even a large-scale Honkai incident can be suppressed in a short time after investing in an S-class Valkyrie.

However, if the maximum instantaneous peak of Honkai energy intensity reaches 1000hw or more, it will not be a situation that can be solved by simply throwing in an S-class Valkyrie. Because under this intensity of Honkai energy, not only Honkaimon and Death Warriors will be born, but also another existence beyond common sense will be born.

That is the Herrscher.

The Great Collapse Event that occurred in Berlin, Germany, in 1952, and the Great Collapse Event that occurred in Siberia in 2000. The highest peak values ​​of the Honkai Impact Energy in these two events both exceeded 1000hw, and even exceeded 2000hw!

It was during these two great collapses that the First Herrscher and the Second Herrscher were born. The disaster caused by the former in Berlin, Germany, was not repaired until decades ago, and the disaster caused by the latter in Siberia has not been repaired to this day. It has never been effectively restored.

And now, the third Herrscher has arrived.

“Amber, help me connect to Theresa’s special line.” Otto said, “This time of the collapse incident, we don’t need to go to war. Inform the little guys of the Presbyterian Church and the branch ministers, and live and be stable as usual. Just focus on the stability of your own area.”

“I obey, Lord Bishop – but how should we handle the matter of the Third Herrscher? Although Lady Theresa is in charge of the Far East Branch, the effective combat power is not sufficient. I’m afraid…”

“Hehehe, have you forgotten? Amber.”

Otto laughed softly: “Didn’t we [the strongest warriors] just head to Changkong City less than twelve hours ago?”

The strongest warrior?

Amber’s first thought was Bianca, but if he was describing her, Otto would probably use the title Valkyrie, and twelve hours ago…

“Lord Exia?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“But Lord Exia does not have any combat experience against Honkai. Even from the theoretical data, he now has the power close to that of an S-class Valkyrie. Will it be possible to deal with Herrscher in his first official attack… …”

Even for someone as strong as Bianca, her first official attack was only to participate in a medium-sized Honkai Impact incident.

Otto stood up and came to the window, looking out at the sky.

“I think this is a good opportunity, Amber. So far, Ixia has never shown her power in a real sense in our world. Simulation training and competition with Hollander are just his power after all. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

“So, I really want to see what level of power he has achieved in another world now – and a newborn Herrscher is really a perfect test subject.”

If Exia can defeat the Herrscher alone, it will be a great thing. Otto will be very satisfied and happy about it. His student and [son] can grow to this point in just over half a year. This is for the whole world. It is a great blessing to mankind.

It doesn’t matter if he can’t defeat the Herrscher alone. At least it can be confirmed that he is still under his control. Anyway, he can get stronger power by going to another world. In the end, it is only a matter of time.

And time is exactly the only thing that Otto can give to Exia unconditionally now.

“Then, help me connect to Theresa’s line, Amber.” Otto repeated the order just now, “It’s time for the Far East Branch to come in handy, although it’s not expected to be effective in the Herrscher battle. But at least let the Far Eastern Branch work hard to clean up the remaining Honkai Beasts in Changkong City.”


Amber nodded slightly, and just when she was about to connect to the dedicated line, her personal terminal rang first.

Otto nodded for her to get through.

“It’s me, is something wrong?”

[Lord Kohaku, just now, we detected a brand new Honkai energy intensity reaction in the Changkong City area! The instantaneous peak value is 2000hw! 】


2000hw——This value is already equivalent to the intensity of Honkai energy that the Herrscher can release according to the database records!

“Did the Herrschers from Changkong City launch a large-scale attack?”

[No, judging from the satellite observation results, apart from the damage that has been caused, Changkong City itself did not show any signs of large-scale damage. On the contrary… there was an incredibly large-scale snowfall, affecting an area of Throughout Changkong City, the average temperature dropped by four degrees]

City-wide snowfall?

Isn’t it the end of March? How could it still be snowing? Spring has started early, not to mention the geographical location of Changkong City…

“It seems that Alexia did a good job.” Otto smiled with satisfaction, “Prepare a bottle of 1988 Chateau Latour red wine, amber, for me later. Today is a day worth celebrating, and I want to Here’s a toast to my proud students, and a toast to the fact that we have taken another big step towards defeating Honkai.”

Large-scale snowfall, coupled with the frost ability that Exia showed once…

Otto can already imagine what is happening in Changkong City now.

(After Glandel, you finally started to show me your power, Exia.)

(In just seven months, I have rapidly improved from a B-level Valkyrie to the current level. You have really surprised me again and again – I really look forward to when you can bring me… The surprise I want most.)

18. Stop! Brother!

Kiana felt like she was dreaming.

“Haah…haah…don’t block this lady’s way!”

Running wildly on the snowy streets of Changkong City, waving the baseball bat brought from the sports warehouse in her hand, Kiana knocked down the Honkai Beasts that were rushing towards her around her, while moving towards Exia and [Thunder Mei] Rush in the direction of flying away.

Mei became the Herrscher.

Although it is incredible, Kiana is not unable to accept it. Even if she becomes a Herrscher, Mei Yi will probably still be the same Mei Yi. She absolutely does not believe that Mei Yi will become her enemy so easily, and she definitely does not believe that Mei Yi will Being so easily destroyed can give you control over your mind!

But…but…she believed it was useless.

“Asshole…wait for me…”

Kiana’s eyes were extremely anxious as she looked at the sky where Ixia and [Thunder Mei] were before.

(Don’t kill Mei Yi…cheap brother!)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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