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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 113

Unlike Kiana, even though she had saved Raiden Mei in the past, Exia was not a close person to Raiden Mei. From his perspective, Raiden Mei was still just a somewhat familiar stranger whom she had met once or twice.

Now that she has become the Herrscher, she must be defeated and eliminated.

Therefore, Kiana can be sure that her cheap brother will never show mercy – just now he directly used a blow that can change the weather, completely split the clouds, and at a glance, it seems to tear the sky apart. !

(If we don’t hurry up, Mei Yi will really——)


Just when Kiana rushed to an intersection and was about to turn the corner, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and immediately made a small hole in the ground in front of her!

The cold air emanating from it made Kiana shiver, and when she took a few steps closer to see what fell –

“Ya, Meiyi?”

The figure lying in the pothole made Kiana stunned.

Who else could this person falling from the sky be if he wasn’t [Thunder and Lightning Mei]? But compared with before, she now seemed to have been stuffed in a freezing chamber and frozen for several hours. Her whole body was covered with scattered flakes of frost, and her school uniform had become tattered. It was rotten, exposing a large area of ​​scarred white body.

If it were normal times, Kiana would definitely rush to take advantage of him, but now she just felt flustered.

And the next moment——


The figure of Alexia carrying the Light Wings of Steel then came into Kiana’s field of vision.

Looking at the giant ice sword in his hand, Kiana swallowed: “…Cheap brother…”

“Huh? Kiana? Why are you here?”

Alexia frowned and looked at Kiana: “Didn’t I tell you to find a place to hide? It’s very dangerous outside.”

“I…I don’t need you to worry! I’m armed!”

As if to cheer herself up, Kiana waved the baseball bat hard and shouted: “Besides, if I don’t come back, won’t you have to give Mei Yi…”


Before Kiana could finish her sentence, a violent burst of lightning suddenly erupted from the pit!

[Thunder Mei], whose whole body was frozen, staggered to his feet and glared at Exia with his scarlet eyes: “Damn human… don’t think you won just like this!”


The lightning lingering at the fingertips turned into an electromagnetic pulse cannon and shot out! Kiana’s vision was instantly covered by infinite lightning!


“I told you, it’s dangerous here.”

A cold voice came into the panicked Kiana’s ears.

At some point, Exia stood in front of Kiana, holding an ice sword in one hand to resist the electromagnetic pulse cannon fired at herself and Kiana, splitting it into two parts in the middle.


“You should pay attention to yourself and don’t run around again. I will take care of it soon.”

As if giving reassurance to Kiana, Alexia waved the ice sword vigorously as he spoke. The thunder that filled the two people’s entire field of vision was immediately offset and wiped out by one sword! It’s like it never appeared!

And then——


The heart-stopping ice-blue light gathered on the sword again, and [Thunder and Lightning Meiyi]’s expression instantly became panicked!

(Here it comes again! Can he use the move just now continuously?)

[Thunder Mei] didn’t know that the only energy needed for this move [Messiah Kaslana] was Honkai Energy. If it were in a different world, then Exia would have to rely on this move to use it. Own.

But if it is in Changkong City where the super large-scale Honkai Impact is happening now, the large amount of Honkai Energy everywhere will become a substitute for what he needs to consume when using this move, and he can use it at will without any restrictions – if he has to In other words, the cooling time is equal to his charging time.

“[Oath (messiah)————]”

The light on the ice sword became more and more dazzling, and Exia’s eyes were locked on [Thunder Mei]. No matter what move she takes next, he will surely capture her.

This next blow must knock down this Herrscher!

“Stop! Brother!”

However, a sudden shout from behind made Exia suddenly startled, and it was this surprise that made him completely lose his accuracy——


The giant ice sword released completely missed the location of [Thunder Mei], and instead slashed directly towards a building in the distance, completely freezing and shattering it and even the surrounding fan-shaped city area on the spot!


The sudden change made [Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] stunned on the spot.

Alexia’s eyes widened slightly, and she turned her head to look at Kiana behind her in disbelief.

“Kiana, you…”


The sound of thunder coming from not far away made Exia quickly focus her attention on [Thunder Mei] again, but it was too late. Thunder light wings had already spread out behind [Thunder Mei], and it turned into lightning in the blink of an eye. Disappeared in Exia’s eyes.

“Damn it, [code——]…ugh!”

Exia was just about to spread her wings of steel and catch up, but a strong feeling of exhaustion suddenly surged out from deep within her body!

(This feeling is…abominable, the mental drain caused by magic…)

The use of [It Will Save the World] requires a lot of mental energy, and it has been triggered for almost three minutes since facing [Thunder Mei].

“Um…Qi, Qia…”

After using her last strength to glance at Kiana, Exia was completely exhausted and lost consciousness before she could even say a word.

Kiana quickly stretched out her hand to hold Alexia’s fallen body: “Hey! Are you, are you okay? Old…brother!”

[My partner is fine, he just passed out from being too tired. Just take a nap and he’ll be fine]

Ddraig’s voice sounded from the caged jade.

“Who are you…….”

[The dragon that lives in him, his partner. We’ll talk about the details later. In short, let’s find a place for my partner, my partner’s sister, to rest first. 】

“…….I see.”

19.What is this idiot doing?

“——So, what is this idiot doing?”

field of consciousness.

We are always on the snowfield with heavy snowflakes.

Sitting on the throne under the Ice Tree, [Exia] crossed her legs and looked at the red dragon that landed in front of her, and the other self held by it in its palm.

Ddraig said: “Aren’t your memories shared? You should also know what he did.”

“Of course I know, that’s why I asked this idiot what he was doing?”

[Exia] said angrily.

To be honest, from his standpoint, apart from the previous battles with Ota, Udaios and even Zaganat, Exia’s performance this time was the most satisfactory to him.

Show no mercy to Herrscher, show no mercy to Honkai, and use absolute power to defeat Herrscher as an enemy and destroy him.

Exia has done a good job. As long as he can keep doing this, [Exia] will not have any dissatisfaction with him, and will give him the use of power as much as possible – but this idiot’s last That behavior made [Exia] disappointed again.

“Because it was the first time I heard my sister call me [brother] and I couldn’t calm down… Is this guy so stupid?”

“You are the same person, are you talking about yourself?” Ddraig asked, “I can understand my partner.”

“Nonsense, I can understand it, but being able to understand and being able to accept it are two different things!”

[Exia] stared at Exia in Ddraig’s hand.

He knew very well why Ixia missed the target in the end. It was obvious that he had completed the aiming and charging of the attack. As long as he released it, even if the Third Herrscher escaped, he would not be able to escape the attack range.

But it was just because of Kiana’s unexpected shout that Alexia finally missed the target – he never thought that Kiana would shout out at that time, and he never thought that Kiana would To say something like that at that time.

——[Stop, brother]

This sentence was the biggest reason why Exia finally let Herrscher go.

Why did his sister ask him to stop?

The only and strong doubt that flashed through her mind at that time made Exia miss.

“You can wait until your partner wakes up and ask his sister about this matter.”

“Tsk, or I can go.” [Axia] curled her lips, “Anyway, he is in a coma now, and no one cares about his body. I will control the body to ask that stinky girl, if she can’t give me a reasonable answer explanation of……”

Even if that was her sister, [Exia] would freeze her into an ice sculpture!

Seeing his eagerness to try, Ddraig sighed slightly and was about to say something-


A weak voice sounded from its palm.

After struggling to open her eyes, Exia grabbed Ddraig’s paw and sat up.

“Oh, wake up, partner. It’s pretty fast this time.”

“Thank you for having the nerve to wake up, idiot.”

Ddraig and [Exia] each said hello.

Holding her head and walking away from Ddraig, Alexia took a few breaths and sat down on the snow: “This is the third time…I’m almost used to the aftereffects of magic. …”

“Tch, let’s see how proud you are. You’ve been so exhausted in less than three minutes, and you’ve been fine for a whole day and a whole night.” [Axia] mocked, “You can’t even use magic. , so you are an idiot.”

You said it as if you can use it well – Ixia was about to retort, but she immediately remembered that her other self seemed to be really good at using magic. When he fought against Kirkbolt and even the White Dragon Emperor, he also relied on it. His own will forcibly triggered the magic, and then it seemed that he also forcibly ended the magic’s effect.

He is more familiar with his own power than he is.

“… Putting aside this, you were just planning to attack Kiana…”

“Ah? Do you have any objections?” [Axia] came to Axia in an instant and grabbed him by the collar, “Let me understand the seriousness of the matter, Axia. You don’t know about us. Did my sister do something stupid?”

Yes, Kiana did something stupid.

Letting go of the Herrscher who should have been defeated – Ixia can fully imagine how serious the consequences this will cause, and in the end, if it is to be investigated, almost all the responsibility will be attributed to Kiana. .

“So I will go and ask about the specific situation. It’s not your turn.”

“Ha! That’s the best! I don’t want to see my sister look stupid!” [Exia] let go of her hand, “However, our father is really not capable of teaching such an idiot with an abnormal mind. You know how to teach people, how do you do ideological education?”

“That’s it for now, [Exia].”

Ddraig interjected: “Now is not the time to investigate whether your sister and father did the right thing. What is important is the destroyer you call the Herrscher.”

“I will deal with it.” Ixia said, “I won’t miss it this time. I will definitely kill the Third Herrscher.”

“Ha, it’s just you?” [Exia] mocked, “You’re an idiot who doesn’t even understand his own physical condition.”

“What did you say?”

Exia frowned, and Ddraig also explained: “He’s right, partner. In your second battle with the Third Herrscher, you probably won’t be able to exert the same power as before – that It’s best not to use magic in the short term.”

“…[Will it save the world]?”

“That magic can certainly give you power beyond common sense. In terms of the extent of the improvement, it is almost equivalent to directly giving you power that is equal to or even surpasses the Demon King. But the price is that your mental power is greatly consumed. Although This magic seems to stop automatically when your mental power is exhausted, forcing you to retain a bit of mental power, but it recovers very slowly.”

“It will take at least a day to fully recover. If it is triggered uncontrollably again before then… ten seconds.”

Ddraig named a time.

“In ten seconds at most, your mental power will be drained again. Do you have the confidence to kill that Herrscher within ten seconds?”

“Ten seconds…” Ixia muttered the time limit, and after calculating the power of the Third Herrscher, nodded uncertainly, “If it is at zero distance, I have absolute grasp.”

“I think so, but after the battle just now, I don’t think the other side will fight you with that arrogant and undefended attitude – the other side should be ready for the second battle. And once you are forced to trigger magic again Then you run out of mental energy and you’re dead.”


One’s own magic is a double-edged sword – Exia clearly realizes this. But if you want to fight the Third Herrscher, the use of magic will definitely happen, and it will be forced to trigger…

“Hey, another me.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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