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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 114

Exia suddenly looked at [Exia].


“Do you… know how to suppress our magic?”

20.Opportunities and Questions

Ways to suppress magic.

Hearing Alexia’s question, [Exia] couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth: “Ah, of course I know.”

“Taught me.”

“You can’t do it.”

[Exia] rejected Exia’s request.

Alexia asked doubtfully: “Why?”

“Why? Before you asked this question, have you thought about the decisive difference between you and me?” [Axia] sneered, “Think about it, idiot. There are things I can do that you can’t do What I can’t do, why is there such a difference between us? I told you the reason very early, are you a fish with a memory of only seven seconds? “

The decisive gap between oneself and another self?

Alexia pondered for a while: “…the degree of…mastery of power?”

“That’s right.”

[Exia] pointed at himself: “I can exert and use 100% or even 200% of the power we have. You idiot can’t do this.”

“In the final analysis, magic is still our own power. How we use it is up to our own will. Only those who can completely control their own power can use it at will. But you can’t even fully control your own power. What are you talking about using magic at will?”



The prerequisite for using it at will is complete control. Exia has not yet reached that standard and threshold.

“Well…but I can help you.” [Exia] suddenly changed the topic.

“help me?”

“Well, it’s just for this time. I can help you suppress the use of magic, but just for this time, you can figure it out yourself later – but you have to think clearly, suppressing magic means you will lose The absolute suppression of Herrscher and Honkai relies solely on your left hand. Are you sure you can still kill that discharge girl?”

Alexia nodded: “I’m sure – right, Ddraig?”

“It is enough to increase the multiplied power to sixteen times, which is a matter of thirty seconds.” Ddraig replied.

“That’s good. Then when I wake up, I’ll leave the magic to you, my other self.”

“Tsk, stop ordering me!”

[Exia] waved her hand as if chasing someone away.

And Alexia’s body gradually floated up, and soon disappeared above the snowfield.

“I’m so anxious, it shouldn’t matter if I rest for a while.”

“Stupid dragon, if you rest for a while, what should you do if the Herrscher makes trouble outside? Just wake up and kill the Herrscher as soon as possible.”

“That’s right – then, how do you suppress magic?” Ddraig asked, “You could control it at will when you controlled your body, but you can’t do it now, right?”

“Yes, although I’m not willing to give in, I don’t have any control over his body when he’s awake – so I have to go directly to find the [culprit].”

[Axia] looked at the empty space in front of her and shouted at the top of her lungs: “Hey! Did you hear that? If you hear it, come out and give a reaction! Old guy!”



No response.

But for some reason, Ddraig could clearly feel that in this world where only three people should be able to enter and exit, and now it was only him and [Exia], a [fourth person] had quietly appeared.


There was the sound of being trampled in the snow not far away.

Followed by——

“Okay, I’ll give him a chance.”

A sound as cold as solid ice echoed across the snowfield.


real world.


The moment her consciousness returned to her body, Exia suddenly opened her eyes.

What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling, and at the same time, my nose vaguely smelled a burning smell.

“Hmm…what does this smell like?”

Holding her nose and sitting up, Alexia found that she was lying on a sofa. Judging from the surrounding environment, it should be in a certain apartment. Following the smell, she looked over to the kitchen not far away. …

“Hmm~~~ It should be right? Why is it burnt?”

A white-haired dumpling was standing over the stove, seeming to be tinkering with something.

“Kiana? What are you doing there?” Alexia asked with a frown.


Hearing the voice coming from behind, Kiana from the kitchen quickly turned around: “Are you awake? I-I’ll make you something to eat here. I think you must be hungry?”


Alexia walked off the sofa and came to the kitchen. Upon seeing this, Kiana quickly took a few steps inside, her eyes full of dodge.

Looking at the black coke-like thing in the pot, Ixia couldn’t help but look at her: “…is this…scrambled eggs?”



Being able to scramble a simple scrambled egg to this point, Aixia didn’t know what to say for a moment. Even if his own cooking skills were not very good, at least the scrambled egg would not overturn.

“H-wait a moment, I’ll make you something else.”

Seeing that Alexia was silent, Kiana quickly stretched out her hand to dump the garbage in the pot, but Alexia held her wrist and shook her head: “No need, I’m not hungry, and compared to eating, I have something to tell you.”


“It’s good that you know it yourself.”

Turning off the stove, Alexia leaned against the sink: “Let me ask you first, Kiana, father…Mr. Siegfried, has he taught you all kinds of knowledge about Honkai?”

“I taught you about Honkaimon’s weaknesses, combat methods, action patterns…etc.”

“Where’s the Herrscher?”

“…I mentioned it, but didn’t go into details.” Kiana shook her head, “I know what you want to ask, Mei Yi has become a Herrscher, and you want to kill Mei Yi… …That’s right.”

Alexia frowned: “Since you know, then why did you stop me? That was when the Third Herrscher was at her weakest. If she is killed, the Third Collapse will end as quickly as possible. , to control the scope of damage to the minimum limit.”

“Of course I know!”

Kiana suddenly shouted loudly, then gritted her teeth: “But Mei, she is definitely not a Herrscher!”

“Not the Herrscher?” Alexia looked confused, “What’s the basis for you to say that? You should have seen her look like that, so there is no doubt that she is the Herrscher.”

“No, Mei is not – because I have seen Mei like that before today!”

Have you seen the Third Herrscher before today?

“You’re talking about-“

“Beep beep beep beep!”

Just when Alexia wanted to continue pursuing the investigation, a rapid beep suddenly rang from the other side of the sofa – it was a personal terminal.

Alexia glanced at Kiana, then walked out of the kitchen and picked up the personal terminal placed on the coffee table: “This is Alexia.”

[Listening to your tone, you seem to be a little dissatisfied and confused now, with a little anger, right? 】

What came from the personal terminal was Bishop Otto’s voice.

“Bishop, how do you…”

[Because I have not received the news about the death of the Herrscher from the Far East Branch and you, I came to ask directly, but it seems that you have encountered some special circumstances that I did not expect? 】


Alexia adjusted her mentality and tone.

“In the previous encounter with the Third Herrscher, due to my momentary inattention and external influence, she escaped, and I also passed out due to exhaustion. But now that I have recovered, I will continue to track the Third Herrscher. Herrscher, kill him in the shortest possible time. I hope the headquarters can provide assistance.”

[Well, that’s a good realization. I will send you the current coordinates of the Third Herrscher directly – but before that, I hope you can explain carefully what happened to you before]

Otto asked on the other end.

[The influence that allows you to let the Herrscher run away shouldn’t be a trivial matter, right? Did anything special happen in Changkong City? 】


Turning to look at Kiana, Alexia took a deep breath: “Yes. In fact, it is something I have just been told now. At the same time, I also hope that you can answer me whether it is true or false. .”

【What’s up? 】

“Is it possible for the Herrscher to be born without triggering a major Honkai Impact event?”

21. Do what you think is right

Alexia’s inquiry made Otto on the other side of the phone silent for a while.

[Interesting statement…why do you think so? 】

“Because my sister was a friend of the Third Herrscher before he became a Herrscher. She told me that she had already met the Third Herrscher before this collapse occurred, so she had this question. .”

The birth of Herrscher was accompanied by the Great Honkai Impact, and the strong Honkai energy in the Great Collapse led to the emergence of Herrscher – this is something that has been confirmed through various data and research so far.

But if Kiana didn’t lie, she had met the Third Herrscher before this collapse…

(The Herrscher may not appear in the Great Collapse.)

Alexia had this idea.

And soon, Otto gave an answer.

[Theoretically speaking, it’s not impossible—just take the Second Herrscher we’re familiar with as an example, Ixia]

[The second law is the law of emptiness. According to the information we later collected about the Second Honkai Impact, she already possessed the personality of the Herrscher long before she caused the Great Collapse in Siberia]

[Do you still remember when the Second Herrscher first caused large-scale collapse? 】

“I remember it was…February 3, 2000, right?”

Alexia thought about the time.

On February 3, 2000, Herrscher of the Sky appeared near the Babylon Research Laboratory in Siberia, triggering the first large-scale collapse event.

[Then you should also remember that the Babylon Laboratory was attacked by the Herrscher of the Sky before that, right? 】

“Um…wait, that means…[Awakening], right?”

【That’s right】

Otto confirmed Exia’s guess.

[Based on current research, the birth of the Herrscher can be divided into two stages. First, he is given the core of the Herrscher, giving birth to another side that is different from his original personality, which is the Herrscher personality]

[The Herrscher at this stage does not have much power, and the power it can exercise is quite limited. It is only a semi-finished Herrscher]

[But with the passage of time and the absorption of Honkai energy, the Herrscher will gradually awaken, or awaken in one breath, and become a real Herrscher – what your sister said should be the first stage]

A Herrscher who has been given the core of the Herrscher but has not yet fully awakened.

Alexia looked at Kiana and found that she had raised a cardboard to him at some point, with a line of words written on it – [Then can Mei recover if I beat her down? 】


【Um? What’s wrong, Exia?]


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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