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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 116

Stomping on the gravel, Exia instantly came to the Herrscher of Thunder, and the ice sword in her hand suddenly shrank into a straight sword——


The ice blue blade immediately pierced the Thunder Herrscher’s chest! Taking her straight down to the ground!

at last…….


The sword blade that penetrated the Thunder Herrscher’s chest pinned her to the ground!

23. Counter entropy, prepare to collect vegetables

Ever since the previous battle with Exia, the Herrscher of Thunder has always had a question.

Is this guy really human?

It seems like he used some props to fly into the sky, so that’s fine, but why can he control such huge Honkai energy? This way of using all the Honkai energy around you at your fingertips is just like…

“Herrscher, is this the level?”

Nailing the Herrscher of Thunder’s chest with the sword, Ixia looked down at her: “The Herrschers I know are all destroyers who can cause great collapse and destroy vast lands at will – You don’t look like it.”

“You…are you here to insult me?” The Herrscher of Thunder glared at Ixia, “You think you are far stronger than me, so you come here to insult me ​​wantonly?”

“No, but if you want to think so, then so be it. I have no intention of arguing with a Herrscher.”

Alexia stood up and left the sword on the Herrscher of Thunder’s chest. At the same time, four ice swords were condensed in the air, which penetrated the Herrscher of Thunder’s limbs respectively, pinning her to the ground more firmly.

“Ugh——! You bastard!”

The anger in the eyes of the Herrscher of Thunder became even more intense.

Ignoring her glare, Exia took out the sixth sword and put it against the Herrscher of Thunder’s neck. She took out her personal terminal from her pocket, opened the dedicated line with Bishop Otto and said: “Bishop, here. It’s Exia, who has completed the suppression of the Herrscher of Thunder. In his current state, his limbs have been frozen by me, and there is a non-fatal penetrating wound on his chest.”

[The movements are really fast, Exia]

Otto’s voice came out.

[If you do this, it means you have made the decision to save her, right? 】

“……I have no idea.”

After a moment of silence, Ixia said with some confusion: “Bishop, you taught me that the Herrscher and Honkai are our enemies. The purpose of our training is to eliminate all Honkai from our Banished from the world.”


“So, I see no problem in killing the Herrscher – but…if our suspicions are true, then she’s just a knife.”


This is the position of the Herrscher of Thunder in Exia’s eyes now.

The core of Herrscher of Thunder has been in the hands of Anti-Entropy before. This is the information provided by Bishop Otto, which is definitely correct. Kiana also said that before the third collapse occurred, she had already seen the personality of the so-called Herrscher of Thunder.

In this case, it is tantamount to Anti-Entropy actively creating the Third Herrscher and actively triggering the Third Collapse.

“Bishop, is it really useful to break the knife left by the knife wielder?”

[This is not for me to answer your question, but for you to answer your own question – I said, you have to think that what you do is correct and everything you do is meaningful]


Exia looked at the Herrscher of Thunder beneath her who was suppressed by her.

Is this guy really worth saving? No…does it really make sense to save her?


In a daze, Exia suddenly heard a soft cry.

The expression of the Thunder Herrscher who was nailed to the ground had somehow softened at some point – that was the expression of Thunder Mei Yi that Ixia had seen not long ago.

“Are you… Raiden Mei?”

Alexia looked at her in shock.

“H-how…how could you…?”

The Herrscher…turned back into a human?

No, that’s not right. According to Bishop Otto, it should have changed from the Herrscher personality back to a normal personality? Is what Kiana said true?

[Exia, what happened? 】

Otto came asking.

Alexia took a deep breath: “The Bishop…the personality of the Herrscher of Thunder…has changed back to the normal personality of Raiden Mei. What Kiana said…maybe it is true.”

[…Really, the artificial Herrscher is indeed different from the natural Herrscher. At least the Second Herrscher has not shown a similar phenomenon]

[It seems that your sister’s idea is indeed feasible to a certain extent]

“…No, Bishop, maybe it’s a disguise.” Alexia gritted her teeth, “Pretending to switch personalities, tricking me into letting her go, and then sneaking up on me after she recovered – Herrscher’s words It should be possible to do such a thing…”

“The other me…has fallen asleep…”

Raiden Mei said softly.

Fell asleep?

“It seemed…that…there was something…in my body…that was…empty…so I…fell to sleep… ….”

“Empty things in the body – a large loss of Honkai energy?” Ixia frowned, “In other words, the Herrscher personality will only wake up after absorbing a large amount of Honkai energy?”

[Not quite accurate, Exia. A more correct term should be to be awakened. It can be understood that a large amount of Honkai energy stimulates the Herrscher core, making the Herrscher core active, thus awakening the Herrscher personality that is closely related to the Herrscher core]

[From your report, you caused a total of five penetrating injuries to her, one of which penetrated her chest. Considering your freezing ability, I am afraid that you forcibly froze the Herrscher core in her body and entered it. Dormant period]

(My power…can put the Herrscher to sleep?)

“That is to say, as long as Raiden Mei is not exposed to a large amount of Honkai energy, she will not become a Herrscher, right?”

【That’s right】

Alexia put down her personal terminal and held the sword stuck in Raiden Mei’s chest. When she saw the exposed half of her chest, a wound made Alexia frown.

“Thunder Meiyi, is this injury… a gunshot wound?”

“Yeah.” Leiden Meiyi nodded reluctantly, “There was… someone holding an umbrella… shot me… and then the other one… …..cough cough cough…”

(Shooting, Herrscher personality revealed, the Third Great Collapse…anti-entropy, artificial Herrscher, Herrscher core…that’s it.)

The clues in her mind were connected bit by bit, and Ixia put her hand on Leiden Meiyi’s chest: “Stop talking now. Also, I’m sorry, I can’t believe you yet, so I will freeze you next.” ——”


Before Alexia could finish her words, she suddenly felt like something was pressing on the back of her head.

at the same time—-

“Thank you for your hard work, warrior of destiny.”

A female voice sounded behind Ixia, and then a huge shadow appeared in Ixia’s eyes.


“Executor of Anti-Entropy—so you should understand.”

24. What do you think of human life?


Alexia subconsciously wanted to turn her head, but the back of her head was immediately pressed against by a hard object.

“Please don’t move, warrior of destiny. I can’t guarantee whether the gun in my hand will go off.”

The female voice behind reminded me.

“If possible, I hope you can stand up slowly and follow my instructions to leave here slowly.”

“…What are the anti-entropy people doing here?”

“In order to solve the third Honkai Impact. Unfortunately, facing the power of the Third Herrscher, the power of counter-entropy in this country is not enough to confront it head-on, so it can only be delayed. Please understand .”


Alexia glanced at the situation behind him through the reflection of the ice – a huge robot seemed to be floating in the air, pointing the muzzle of its gun at his head.

“That’s really thanks to Anti-Entropy for all its help.”

“It should.”

“But why are you putting the muzzle of the cannon against my head now?”

“…This is the latest Honkai Energy absorption device developed by Counter-Entropy. You have had extremely close contact with Herrscher, and there is a risk of being infected by Honkai Energy.”

“I am Kaslana.” Ixia said coldly, “I am not afraid of Honkai interference, the executive officer of Anti-Entropy – how about telling the truth? This is a real barrel, used to kill me. barrel.”


There was no response, but instead there was a sound——


The sound of the trigger being pulled!


“Do you think guns will be useful to me?”

Exia, who was feeling a strong chill all over her body, slowly stood up and turned to look at the person behind her.

There were only two people standing behind him.

A little girl with gray hair floated next to a giant robot with only the upper body. The two mechanical arms were equipped with metal shields and a frozen cannon barrel.

The other was a blond woman wearing a standard military uniform, with long wavy hair, wearing a green coat, and holding a frozen pistol in her hand.

Looking past the gray-haired girl, Exia looked at the blond woman: “Are you the executor of anti-entropy, the culprit of the third collapse?”

“Triggering the Third Collapse? What are you talking about?” The blond woman laughed, “Anti-entropy is here to fight against the Third Herrscher.”

“Confrontation?” Alexia couldn’t help but sneered, “Hahaha… You are the ones who obviously created the Third Herrscher, right? Stop beautifying your behavior!”

“The Herrscher core of the Herrscher of Thunder, which was originally in the hands of your anti-entropy, has appeared in the body of Leiden Meiyi – let alone you, the anti-entropy, don’t know anything about this matter? Not to mention the dignified executive officer!”


“Answer me, Executive Officer. What is your purpose in triggering the Third Collapse through reverse entropy!”

Anti-Entropy and Destiny are hostile organizations, but at least in the general direction of fighting against Honkai, the two organizations are still on the same front. However, Anti-Entropy actively triggered the third Honkai – this is definitely not aimless!

What is the purpose of reverse entropy?

“…Okay, now that you have realized this, I won’t hide it, although I didn’t think about hiding it.” The blond woman – Cocolia – —smiled, “What would you do if I said I was trying to save people?”


“Yes, save people. A very important person to me requires the power of a complete Herrscher to save him, so I triggered the third Honkai Impact and created the Third Herrscher – this Can you accept the reason?”



Alexia gritted her teeth.

“You are……”

How can I accept it!

“Are you kidding——————————!!!!!”


The extremely cold storm mixed with a bit of red suddenly broke out and turned into a raging ice tornado rising into the sky!

Staring at Cocolia with wide eyes, Exia clenched her fists, almost digging her nails into her palms!

“In order to save one person…you are going to cause a great collapse! Turn the entire Changkong City into ruins! Kill everyone in this city!”

“That’s right.”

“What do you think of human life!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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