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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 117

Alexia yelled angrily!

Although there was no special investigation, there is no doubt that Changkong City today has been reduced to a [ruins], a [dead city].

The Great Honkai Impact caused by the birth of the Herrscher of Thunder, or the Great Honkai Impact that prompted the birth of the Herrscher of Thunder, filled the entire Changkong City with extremely strong Honkai energy! For ordinary people without honkai antibodies, there is only a dead end in this environment! He will only be killed instantly and become a dead soldier!

Even if you are lucky enough to survive with some antibodies, you will only be hunted down by countless Honkai beasts, crushed and trampled by countless Honkai beasts!

This is the city under the Great Collapse! Tragedy will definitely happen to every city attacked by Honkai Impact!

And the root of all this is just because of Cocolia’s words “I want to use the power of the Herrscher to save people”.

Just to save one person, she killed all the residents of Changkong City!

“At least, in my opinion, this is a necessary sacrifice.” Cocolia said calmly, “Anti-entropy will remember this sacrifice. On the road against Honkai, this level of sacrifice is inevitable—— “


Exia, who was not far away a second ago, has now rushed in front of Cocolia and cut off the ice sword in her hand with all her strength!

However, the ice sword could not touch Cocolia. The gray-haired girl arrived in front of Cocolia in time and controlled the giant robot to raise the shield to block the giant sword! And at the same time, five huge blue mechas also appeared next to Cocolia! He waved his metal mechanical arm and turned it into a shield to protect her!


The layer upon layer of shields forcibly stopped Exia’s blow! But as a price, the gray-haired girl and the giant robot were directly knocked away by this blow! The arms of those blue mechas were all cut off! Even the two mechas closest to Exia were frozen and shattered on the spot!

The calm expression on Cocolia’s face froze.

(Can’t even withstand five Titan mechas!? This guy——————)

Without any hesitation, Cocolia immediately wanted to retreat, but before that…

“Fuck your shit necessary sacrifice!”

Passing through all the mechas in an instant, Exia gritted her teeth and glared at Cocolia, and then——


The ice sword suddenly penetrated the heart!

25. Everything you do has meaning

What would it be like for a frail baby to face a truck that was out of control and running at full speed?

Cocolia had never thought about this problem before.

But now, she felt like she was that weak baby.


The body was extremely cold. It was obvious that he was vomiting blood, but he couldn’t even vomit out any blood. The blood, bones and internal organs all over his body were frozen. The cold air pouring into the body from the heart made Cocolia understand. I feel like my body is gradually losing consciousness.


This was Cocolia’s only thought at this moment.

Capturing the Herrscher was definitely not an easy task, she had known this for a long time, so she brought her most proud child and carried several mechas with her in quantum form.

The greatest contribution of the Herrscher of Thunder has long been determined during the many years that Counter-Entropy has held the core of the Herrscher. The power she brought was enough to knock down the Herrscher of Thunder when he was just born. .

But the appearance of Exia disrupted Cocolia’s plan – nothing more than a disruption.

After confirming that Exia had some kind of short-term burst of power, and that power was enough to completely crush the Herrscher, Cocolia changed her original thinking.

Since Tianming is willing to help, let Tianming help. Anyway, Exia will fall into a coma after bursting out that kind of power. At that time, all she needs to face is a knocked down and seriously injured Herrscher, and a comatose Just an unconscious warrior of destiny.

The Herrscher of Thunder would definitely be in her possession in that situation, and after that, with a fully awakened Herrscher core, she could—


Cocolia’s body hit a building.

Just like she had nailed the Herrscher of Thunder to the ground before, Ixia clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and nailed Cocolia to the load-bearing pillar of a building!

“Mother Cocolia.”

A girl’s shout came from outside the glass door that was directly smashed behind her. The girl named Bronya, who was knocked away by Aixia’s blow just tens of seconds ago, was dragged to Aixia quickly by a giant robot. Behind Kesia, for some reason, the thawed gun barrel aimed at Kesia and charged up a laser cannon!

“Let go of Mother Cocolia——”


Just as Bronya finished speaking, Alexia had already slashed out a frost blast with one hand, directly splitting the robot floating beside her in half!

Then the ice mist that burst out turned into a series of streaks, tying Bronya to another load-bearing pillar!

An emotionless voice.

Alexia couldn’t hear any emotion in Bronya’s voice. Since the title is “Mom”, does it mean that the two are mother and daughter? Judging from her hair color and appearance, she is probably related to her adopted daughter and her adoptive mother.

Adoptive mother, adopted daughter, emotionless… In addition, Bronya looks like she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, maybe even younger. This is an idea that makes Alexia even more annoyed. came to his mind.

(Adopt orphans, brainwash them and use them as tools…)

“Is this what counter-entropy does?”

A question so cold that one could not help but tremble came from Exia’s mouth, but unfortunately, neither Bronya nor Cocolia could answer his question now.

Bronya hit her head directly on the load-bearing pillar and lost consciousness, while Cocolia – the frost spread from her heart and froze most of her body, which also meant that all life in her body Activities are also frozen.

Don’t say anything, just leave her here for tens of seconds, and she will die directly, and her body will turn into countless ice dust, leaving not even a trace of her existence.

“Da da da da————!”

A burst of hurried footsteps came quickly from outside. Exia looked at the door again, and what came into view immediately was a red-haired woman wearing Valkyrie armor and holding a big sword.

Alexia remembers her as…

“The A-level Valkyrie of the Far East Branch, Wuliangta Jizi.”

“I’m honored that you still remember me, Mr. Alexia Kaslana.”

Wuliangta Jizi waved to the Valkyries behind her to stand by, and came to Exia alone: ​​”The Far East Branch now accepts direct orders from the headquarters to cooperate with you in the follow-up processing of the third Honkai Impact— —Do you need me to show you the relevant documents?”

“No need. You guys came quickly.”

Only more than an hour has passed since the third collapse. Considering the distance between the Far East Branch and Changkong City, as well as the time required to gather manpower, the speed of this operation can be said to be rapid.


Ixia pulled out the ice sword from Cocolia: “This person is one of the executives of Anti-Entropy. According to the speculations of the bishop and I, the third collapse was directly triggered by her.”

“The executive of Anti-Entropy actively caused the Honkai Impact?”

Wuliangta Jizi couldn’t believe this sentence, but it was Exia who said this sentence. He also mentioned that this was a speculation from the bishop…

“I guess the body can’t be kept. Let’s take a photo now. I think Tianming and Anti-Entropy will discuss this incident later and it should be useful.”


“In addition, the girl over there…the specific identity is unknown, but I think she may be an orphan adopted and brainwashed by the executive. She should be deprived of mobility and imprisoned – or it doesn’t matter if she is killed directly.”


Wuliangta Jizi was silent for a while, and then said to the Valkyries behind her: “Go put that girl down and imprison her in the room of the Helios.”


“…You are completely different from when we met before.”

After watching the Valkyries deal with Bronya, Wuliangta Himiko glanced at Exia: “You now… I feel like I’m facing an angry devil.”

“Miss Wuliangta Jizi, I think no one can stay calm.” Exia said, “The executive officer of Anti-Entropy killed everyone in Changkong City just to save one person, regardless of her starting point. Whether it’s good or bad, regardless of her thoughts and mood, her behavior… I can’t accept it no matter what.”

Why does Cocolia want to save people? Who does she want to save? Exia doesn’t want to delve into these complicated things at all. He only knows one thing.

No matter who the person is to be saved, one should never trample on other people’s lives for this purpose.


Wuliangta Jizi widened her eyes slightly and looked at the body of Cocolia behind her that had not completely collapsed.

If this is the case, then she can indeed understand Alexia’s current state.

“Major Wuliangta.”

A Valkyrie ran in from outside: “We found a girl who was completely frozen one kilometer away, and a personal terminal left next to it.”

“It’s mine, please bring it here.” Alexia took the personal terminal from Valkyrie’s hand, “Also…that girl, don’t touch it for now. After you finish handling the things here, Let’s start clearing out the Honkaimon and Death Soldiers in the nearby area. I will also help later.”

“…Okay – the first team stayed here to escort the girl. Qiyu’s team formed two teams and began to gradually eliminate the dead soldiers and Honkaiju. Each team must pay attention to safety. If they encounter Temple level and above Honkai beasts should retreat immediately and notify me.”

Without asking who the frozen girl was, Wuliangta Jizi picked up the sword and turned around to direct the work on site.

Standing there, Exia looked at the personal terminal in her hand, and after a moment of silence, she dialed Bishop Otto’s dedicated line again.

【…It’s safe and sound, I shouldn’t be able to tell you that, right? I heard something before disconnecting. Did I have a conflict with the executive of Anti-Entropy? 】


[So, what’s the result? 】

“…I think I did the right thing – kill the culprit who actively caused the Third Collapse.”

【Yeah——Well done, Exia. 】

[Thank you for your hard work, my dear child]

[Bianca has already set off and will arrive at Changkong City in about thirty minutes. Before then, please have a good rest]


[You don’t need to think too much, Ixia, let me reiterate to you again – believe in yourself, everything you do has meaning]

26. Disappearance of Herrscher of Thunder

Within half an hour after that, Exia and the Valkyrie of the Far East Branch began to form a group in Changkong City to deal with the dead warriors and Honkai Beasts, and at the same time, they tried their best to find survivors in Changkong City.

However, it is not quite right to say that they are forming a team. After all, Exia has no need to cooperate with other Valkyries. He can easily defeat the Death Warrior and Honkaimon alone. If it were not for Changkong City is really too big, so Ixia should be able to wipe out all the Honkaiju and Death Soldiers by herself.

The power of the Kaslana clan is so effective and powerful when fighting against Honkai.

Of course, wiping out all the Honkaimon and the Death Warriors was of no use. The city collapsed for the third time this time – the main reason was because of the battle between Exia and the Herrscher of Thunder, which caused the seawater to pour in. In addition, there is still huge Honkai energy here… It will definitely not be able to be used as a normal city in the future.

Like Berlin, Germany, and Siberia, this city has become the third [scar] in the world that will not be erased for a long time to come.

By the way, he also found time to thaw Kiana, who was frozen by Alexia.

And half an hour later, with the arrival of a super-fast special plane from Tianming Headquarters——

“Sorry, Alexia, I’m late.”

Wearing a Valkyrie uniform, Bianca jumped out of the plane holding a huge white lance, and said a little apologetically to Alexia, who was standing directly under the plane.

“It doesn’t matter, it hasn’t actually been long since the third Honkai Impact happened. What’s more, you didn’t receive the attack order at the beginning. It’s already very fast now.” Alexia said with a smile, “It’s too troublesome for Rita. You accompanied Bianca on this trip.”

“It’s not troublesome. As Lord Hollander’s adjutant, it’s my duty to accompany her on the attack.” Rita smiled slightly, then looked around, “But, look at this situation… you I really had a battle with the Third Herrscher here, Lord Exia.”

After Rita said this, Bianca also looked around – although the distance was a bit far away, she could clearly see many buildings that had collapsed due to the battle, and the gaps and holes in the sky wall were also clearly visible. , the frost that has not yet dissipated has become a rare “different color” in Changkong City.

(Are these…all done by Exia?)

Bianca looked at her childhood sweetheart in front of her.

Until more than seven months ago, Exia was still the person who was only at the level of a B-level Valkyrie. But now…

(During the seven months I repeated training and missions, has he become so strong in another world?)

“You’ve really…become very powerful, Exia.”

“Really? I don’t feel anything at all.”

Listening to Bianca’s praise, Ixia just raised her left hand indifferently: “Furthermore, a large part of the reason why I can fight the Herrscher is because of the dragon in my body and the fact that I am a card. Slanna’s power.”

“The real me is actually still far away, whether I want to defeat Honkai or catch up with you.”

(Catch me…)

Bianca stared at Exia, then sighed slightly, showing a somewhat helpless expression: “With a pursuer like you, I’m really a little stressed – then, I need to use the Black Abyss White Flower Where are the people?”

“Come with me.”


The pick-up location was at the top of a building in Changkong City that had not yet been destroyed.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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