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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 118

Directly opposite the building is an apartment building.

After following Alexia from the building to the apartment building, and taking the elevator to the fourth floor, Bianca and Rita were led to a room.

And once inside——

“Old… uh, brother! You’re back!”

A white-haired girl with an anxious face shouted and ran towards Exia.

Bianca and Rita were slightly startled.

(This girl…)

(I remember she was——)

“Rita should know, right? Bianca, I think you’ve met her before.”

Alexia pushed Kiana in front of Bianca and Rita.

“She’s Kiana Kaslana, my sister—and, Kiana, this is Bianca, and this is Rita. Friends and family I met at Destiny Headquarters.”

“This is our first meeting, Miss Kiana.” Rita took the lead and bowed to Kiana, “I am Rita Rossweisse, the destined S-class Valkyrie. Please give me your guidance in the future.”

“I am Bianca Hollandel Ataljina, you can call me Bianca or Hollandel.” Bianca also shook her long hair and introduced herself, “Well… …Also Alexia’s childhood sweetheart.”

Bianca? Childhood sweetheart?

Kiana looked at her brother, then at Bianca in front of her, her eyes rolled, and then she seemed to understand something, and clapped her hands together: “Oh, so you are my good ice—— ———!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Kiana suddenly screamed strangely! He clutched his neck and turned to look at Aixia angrily: “Brother, why are you icing me again!”

“Because you give me the feeling that you are going to start talking nonsense.” Alexia glared at her sister, “Rita, please take care of Kiana, Bianca, come here.”


After glancing at Kiana with some surprise, Bianca followed Alexia.

Looking at the two people walking past, Kiana breathed into her hands and covered her neck: “Ice me at every turn… Bad brother.”

“Have you accepted Lady Alexia’s identity? Miss Kiana.”


Hearing the sudden question, Kiana turned to look at the maid next to her: “Accept… I guess, no, it should be said… even if it’s just to thank you. Do you have to accept it?”


Rita looked at Kiana meaningfully, and then came to the center of the living room where Ixia and Bianca were. There was a huge ice coffin placed on the floor, and inside the ice coffin, There was a purple-haired girl with penetrating wounds on her arms, legs, and chest. Her eyes were now closed, as if she was dead.

“Exia, she is…”

“Yes, the remains of the Herrscher of Thunder.” Alexia nodded, “No, it cannot be said to be a corpse. According to what the bishop said, I managed to maintain her body at the moment of death. This ice coffin is equivalent to a simple sleeping cabin.”

“Bianca, I hope you can heal Leiden Meiyi’s injuries here, and then take her back to the Destiny Headquarters to take out the Herrscher core from her body. I think the bishop has a way, at least. It’s a safer way than just crushing it directly for me.”

At that time, Leiden Meiyi will no longer be the Herrscher of Thunder, and the Herrscher of Thunder will completely disappear with the Herrscher core being taken out.

“I’m going to unblock the ice, please, Bianca.”

“Leave it to me and I will cure her.”

27. Five days after the dust settled

What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling.

There was a soft pillow feel on the back of my head.

(Am I in…the ward?)

Through the slight smell that could be smelled in her nose, Raiden Meiyi, who had just slowly woke up from her sleep, thought so.

But why was he in the ward?

She ended up being…

“By the way, I was…”

What came to mind was himself with his chest and limbs penetrated, and Exia looking down at him with cold eyes, frozen in the cold frost.

He was killed.

It stands to reason that this should be the case.

“In other words, this is the world after death?”

Are there wards in the afterlife?

Raising his left hand, Raiden Meiyi looked at his smooth arm, then touched his chest, and then his feet touched each other.

There was no pain at all, nor were there any wounds.

(Am I alive or dead now?)


Just when Raiden Meiyi was thinking this, the sound of opening the door came from the side, just like those doors in science fiction movies that can only be opened by swiping a card or entering a password.

Leiden Meiyi turned to look in the direction of the sound——

“Ah, you’re awake?”

What came into view was Alexia holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand. When she saw Raiden Meiyi waking up on the hospital bed, Alexia couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Looking at the person who [killed] her in front of her, Raiden Meiyi was silent for a while, and then asked: “…I’m still alive, right?”


“Didn’t you kill me?”

“It depends on how you define the concept of killing.” Ixia put the bouquet in her hand into the water bottle on the bedside table next to Raiden Mei’s bed, went to the bathroom, changed the water in it, and put it back on the bedside table.

Sitting next to Raiden Meiyi, Ixia said: “I did kill you once, but it was not you who killed you, but another you – as the Herrscher, you should be gone now Is it inside your body?”

As a lawyer?

Leiden Meiyi touched his chest. Although he didn’t feel much, the [sense of presence] in his body that he could vaguely feel in the past was now only an empty response.

“……So what happened?”

Raiden Mei asked.

“Excuse me, what happened after I lost consciousness?”

“Well… let me tell you from the beginning.”

Exia organized her words.

“First of all, let me tell you about the time now – it is the fifth day after that.”

five days.

This was the time since the Third Herrscher was defeated.

Five days ago, after using the Black Abyss White Flower to heal Thunder Mei’s injuries in Changkong City, Bianca and Rita took her back to the Destiny Headquarters as quickly as possible on a special plane, accompanied by Qi Yana.

Exia did not return to the Destiny Headquarters until yesterday because she had to stay in Changkong City for the subsequent processing of the Honkaiju beasts and dead warriors, as well as the search and rescue of survivors.

After being brought to the headquarters of Tianming, under the direct order of Bishop Otto, Tianming immediately performed the stripping operation of the Herrscher core on Raiden Mei.

In the words of Bishop Otto, this was an unprecedented operation.

After all, Herrschers have always been enemies of mankind. The final outcome of all Herrschers is to be eliminated. There has never been such a thing as capturing Herrschers and then depriving them of their core, let alone artificial Herrschers.

Therefore, this operation had no reference, precedent or experience at all, and the operation had to be performed without any knowledge.

However, in fact, it is not completely unknown – just like Counter-Entropy, the Destiny Organization also possesses the Herrscher Core and has conducted a certain degree of research on it. There are even records of implanting it into the body of the Valkyrie for human experiments. of.

Although it was a darkness that could not be erased by destiny, with the help of those experimental records, various suggestions made by Bishop Otto, and Bianca’s round-the-clock assistance with the Black Abyss White Flower, the operation was successfully completed in the end. The Herrscher of Thunder The core of Herrscher was taken out from Leiden Meiyi’s body.

Perhaps it is precisely because this Herrscher core was originally implanted that it could be taken out the same way.

“After that, you were transferred to this ward. The removal of the Herrscher’s core caused some damage to your body, including damage to your body functions and a mental impact – although you are awake now , but I will definitely undergo a physical examination and further treatment.”

“But no matter what, you are no longer a Herrscher now.”

No longer a lawyer.

Exia’s words made Raiden Mei clenched her hands slightly.

To be honest, she didn’t quite understand the meaning of this sentence. Whether it was Herrscher or Honkaimon, she had some understanding of it. She heard Kiana mention it, but what did they mean specifically and what they meant to this world. What she was wearing, she still had no idea.

However, judging from the expression on Ixia’s face, becoming a Herrscher must not be a good thing, right? And the fact that she can transform from a Herrscher back to a human must be a very good thing in his opinion.

“So…did you save me again? Exia.” Raiden Mei asked again.

Did you save Raiden Mei?

Alexia shook her head: “No, I didn’t save you. In fact, if it weren’t for what happened next, I never thought of saving you from the beginning. I would regard you as a Herrscher. My enemies will be completely destroyed.”

“Part of the reason why I ended up doing something that was contrary to my intention was because of my sister, and part of it was because I understood the truth of the matter, and… the support of my teacher.”

Don’t doubt yourself, believe that everything you do is meaningful, and believe that everything you do is correct.

“You are a man-made Herrscher. You were artificially made into a Herrscher. You were forced to accept the power of the Herrscher, and you were forced to stand in the Herrscher’s position. From this perspective, you are also a victim. The perpetrator is the one who turns you into a herrist.”

“So, my enemy is not [Thunder Mei], but the [Herrscher of Thunder] and the mastermind behind turning you into the Herrscher. Now that both of them have been defeated, you, as the victim, have not Any reason to die.”

Destiny’s enemy is Honkai, not an innocent girl who doesn’t even know what happened to her.

“Beep beep beep beep!”

A voice came from Alexia’s trouser pocket. After taking out his personal terminal and taking a look, Alexia stood up and said, “I still have some things to deal with, so I’ll leave first. I’ll come see you again when I have time. Have a good rest, Raiden.” Meiyi.”

“Okay… By the way, Exia, Kiana, how is she doing now?”

Raiden Mei suddenly thought of her friend.

Alexia paused and smiled awkwardly: “She…should be undergoing hellish special training now, right?”

28.Results of negotiation

Inside Otto’s private office.

After leaving the ward where Raiden Meiyi was, Exia came directly here.

When he saw him coming, Otto, who was sitting behind the desk, also smiled and said, “He came very quickly, Alexia.”

“After all, you said the results of the negotiations with Anti-Entropy have come out.”

“Yes, what just ended was a very tiring negotiation, but it was also a very pleasant negotiation. At least after the third collapse, the Anti-Entropy side will be fighting against each other for a long time in the future. We are at the disadvantage in our dealings.”

Otto said as he sent the results of the negotiation to Exia through his personal terminal.

First up is an apology and report from Counter-Entropy.

The anti-entropy executive who attacked Exia was named Cocolia. According to the investigation, she is a survivor of the Second Collapse. She joined Anti-Entropy a few years ago and became an executive officer and the leader of the innovative faction within Anti-Entropy through decisive and radical methods.

According to Counter-Entropy, this action seems to be an arbitrary act by Cocolia, and its root lies in the failure of an experiment conducted by Cocolia in January this year.

The initial cause of the matter can be traced back to after the Second Collapse. Due to the influence of the Second Herrscher, Siberia became a ruin and a large number of children were displaced. In order to help those orphans, Cocolia, who was a soldier, got help from Anti-Entropy. An orphanage was established.

And I don’t know if it is a coincidence or necessity, but most of the adopted orphans are resistant to Honkai Energy, but the resistance is not very strong. Sooner or later, they will die from the erosion of Honkai Energy.

Therefore, as the only executive who supports human experimentation, Cocolia wants to sacrifice the majority for the sake of the minority and conduct human experiments on the children in the orphanage to find a way to fully adapt the body to honkai energy, so that the children in the orphanage can The children become new humans who can survive the collapse.

Of course, the experiment failed. One of the children in the orphanage turned into a quantum state and stayed in the quantum space forever. Another child’s emotional system was damaged.

Since then, Cocolia has been making various attempts to find a way to bring the child in the quantum state back to the real world, and the same goes for causing the third collapse.

“The reason for saving people… seems to be true.” Ixia looked at the report in her eyes, “But… this is not your unscrupulous method, Cocolia. “


Listening to Exia’s soliloquy, Otto was silent for a moment, and then smiled: “Regarding the orphanage run by Cocolia, Anti-Entropy said that it will take over and manage it in the future. At the same time, the quantum They will also try to save the subjects of the experiment – saying this may be disrespectful to the dead, but Cocolia’s behavior is quite stupid in my opinion.”

“She may think that other executives who are opposed to human experimentation will not pay attention to her request for help after knowing that her human experiment failed. Instead, she will fall into the wrong trap and eliminate herself from the executive ranks… ..As a soldier, there is no problem in thinking this way.”

“But she doesn’t know, or maybe she doesn’t understand, that the veteran executives of Anti-Entropy are all people who won’t stand by and watch this kind of thing happen.”

Anti-entropic… veteran executive?

Alexia frowned: “Bishop, do you know those senior executive officers?”

“Of course, they and I are old friends, but I think so unilaterally.” Otto smiled, “In addition to the apology and report of Anti-Entropy, their compensation for this incident is also written in it. Come on, keep reading.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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