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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 119

The compensation for reverse entropy is divided into two parts.

First of all, as an organization to fight against Honkai, compensation for Cocolia’s folly, science and technology, follow-up assistance in Changkong City, etc., various cooperation treaties were densely written on several pieces of paper.

(It should all be fought for by Bishop Otto…The bishop really fights for the interests of destiny.)

Alexia couldn’t help laughing as she looked at it, and just when her finger reached the bottom——


The last two lines of the treaty that came into view, that is, the second part of the treaty, made Exia stunned.

[The ownership of the Conquering Gem is transferred to Tianming]

[Bronya Zaicek went to Destiny Headquarters for long-term study as an exchange student against entropy]

“Bishop, this…”

“Literally speaking, spoils of war – as the organization that caused the Third Collapse, it is not enough to just carry out post-war revival. They have to let them shed some blood, right? But that being said, in fact, reverse entropy is also This is the only choice, after all, the loot itself is already in our hands, and they have to accept it.”

As Otto spoke, he stood up and came to the window: “And… regarding the ownership of these two trophies, I hope you can accept them, Exia.”

“I accept it? Do you mean…conquer the gem?”

“That’s right.” Otto nodded, “In fact, I am going to hand over the Conquest Gem to Chang Guang, and let her use the Conquest Gem as the core to join in the production of your exclusive Gods Throne – or to put it another way, I am going to make a God Key for you.”

God’s key!

In the last era of civilization, the God-killing equipment created based on the Herrscher core was the most powerful weapon for mankind to resist Honkai.

Alexia’s eyes suddenly widened a bit: “Bishop, is this a bit… The God Key is an equipment that can only be held by S-class Valkyrie? Give it to me, maybe it’s too——”

“Hehehe, you underestimate yourself too much, Ixia, I think this is a very suitable reward and gift for you.”

Otto turned to look at him: “You showed me a power that surprised me. You defeated the Third Herrscher alone. Due to emotions and reasons, the core of the Herrscher should belong to you. And… With the Heavenly Fire Saint being homeless, the Kaslana family must have a brand new God Key.”

The Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire, the Divine Key passed down from generation to generation in the Kaslana family, is known as the Key of Destruction with the strongest attack power and destructive power. A few years ago, Siegfried Kaslana disappeared along with her whereabouts, and she is still missing to this day.

“Originally, the Gods’ Throne series was a weapon I made by imitating the God’s Key. Now that there is a Herrscher core, you don’t need to use the God’s Throne anymore. You can just use the God’s Key.”

“…….I see.”

After pondering for a while, Exia nodded: “It’s just that, if possible, I hope that the new God’s Key can be made… similar to the appearance of the Skyfire Holy Judgment.”

“Hahaha, I knew you would say that.” Otto smiled, “I will try my best to let Changguang bring the design of the God’s Key closer to the Skyfire Holy Seal.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Then another piece of loot…come on in.”

Otto shouted towards the door.

And soon, as the door opened, the bishop’s secretary Amber walked in pushing a wheelchair. In the wheelchair sat the girl Alexia had met before.

“This is the [hostage] that Anti-Entropy gave us as destiny, Bronya Zaicek.”

“Exia, from today on, she is yours.”

“Do with her as you like.”

29. Kiana: I don’t want to study!



Tens of minutes later.

Leaving Otto’s office and on the way back to Exia’s own home.

Sitting in the car and looking at the girl named Bronya in the passenger seat, Alexia couldn’t help but have a headache.

(What do you mean by leaving it to me… Really, Anti-Entropy and the Bishop are really good at passing the blame.)

Exia can understand Bronya’s current situation after thinking about it for a moment.

First of all, she is a child adopted into the orphanage by Cocolia and is also an assister of this Cocolia operation. Regardless of her attitude towards this operation, her identity determines that she cannot stay out of it.

And now that Cocolia was killed by Exia, both sides need a [step] that can allow them to reach a consensus.

That’s Bronya.

To put it simply, the “scapegoat” on the surface is just like the unlucky guy in a class who was pushed out to be punished by the teacher after everyone did something wrong.

The second is her previous situation – she was a prisoner held captive by destiny.

It would be impossible to release a prisoner to Anti-Entropy, let alone an accomplice of Cocolia. But it’s definitely not possible to keep her locked up all the time. It would be like raising a freeloader. You can’t ignore her either. As for letting her do manual labor… Her physical age is only fourteen years old. Child labor is illegal.

Therefore, after considering various situations, Tianming and Anti-Entropy reached a consensus-leave her to Exia.

After all, it was Exia who knocked her down, and it was Exia who killed her adoptive mother… Considering multiple perspectives, the most suitable person to deal with her can only be Exia. .

“…Don’t you say a word?”

After a long silence, Alexia stopped at a traffic light and asked Bronya.

“I thought you would show obvious anger and hostility when facing your mother-killing enemy.”

“Bronya’s emotional circuits have been burned out and she can’t feel any emotion now.”

The expressionless Bronya responded coldly.

In the report just provided by Anti-Entropy, Exia remembered that there was indeed a mention of a girl who lost her feelings because of Cocolia’s experiment.

(Is it her…)

“Why did you assist Cocolia?” Alexia asked while waiting for the traffic light. “You should have known that her actions would cause a large number of casualties. Did you assist her just because she was your adoptive mother? Or did you? Are you saying that because you have lost your feelings, you can’t judge whether things are right or wrong?”

“…Bronya doesn’t know.”

The gray-haired girl shook her head.

“Bronya just wants to save Xi’er. Other than that, Bronya doesn’t care.”


Is it the other experimental body that was transformed into a quantum state and left in the quantum space forever?


The green light ahead turned on.

Alexia stepped on the accelerator and said at the same time: “I agree with your idea of ​​​​saving your children and friends, but…if I were your friend, I would never agree with your approach. .”

“You have sacrificed an entire city in exchange for your life – do you think the Xier you are talking about would like you to do this? Would you want you to do this?”


Bronya: “…”

(Xieer… was it Bronya… did she do something wrong?)


In the next two minutes, Ixia never said a word to Bronya again, and just drove towards her home.

And the moment I arrived at my home and opened the door——

“Brother!? Help!”

The first thing that sounded was the cry for help from his idiot sister!

After picking her ears, Alexia looked towards the dining table in the living room, and saw Kiana lying there with a sad face beside the dining table, as if someone was pointing a gun at her. In addition, on the dining table in front of her were stacks of various textbooks compiled by Tianming.

From all the basic knowledge related to Honkai, down to the basic knowledge that a student needs to master… in total, there are more than twenty books, and now they are piled up like several hills in Qi In front of Yana.

Listening to Kiana’s plea for help, Alexia ignored it and looked opposite her: “How is it going, Rita?”

“It’s going on smoothly, Lord Axia.” Rita replied with a smile, “Based on the current progress, Miss Kiana will be able to meet the basic conditions for joining the Valkyrie Training School in three months at the earliest. By the way – by the way, please don’t be distracted, Miss Kiana, in the question you are doing now, x forgot to change the item.”

Yes, what Kiana is receiving now is Rita’s specially customized version of one-on-one knowledge theory teaching.

Based on the investigation of Kiana’s past life during this period, it can be determined that Kiana basically has no serious knowledge, and her knowledge level is not much better than that of a junior high school student.

Even though she transferred schools so many times, she spent a lot of time dealing with the Honkai incident, working part-time, and looking for Siegfried. She didn’t have much time to study seriously.

Therefore, in order to prevent her sister from becoming illiterate, and to prevent her from doing the idiotic behavior of hindering others from fighting against Honkai like she did before, Alexia asked Rita to give Kiana one-on-one of counseling.

“Well…but Rita, I really can’t learn anymore…”

Kiana lay on the table and complained with her mouth open as if she was spitting out her soul.

“Questions, questions…I spend fourteen hours a day doing questions and reading. When I sleep, I dream about the contents of the book! Just give me a day off!”

“Of course, Miss Kiana.” Rita smiled and nodded, “But please note that today is Monday. If you want to rest, please wait until Saturday and the weekend. In addition, in addition to the knowledge theory I have prepared for you In addition to the lessons, Lady Bianca is also preparing to conduct one-on-one combat training for you, which is expected to start next week, so please be mentally prepared.”

One-on-one combat training with Destiny’s strongest active Valkyrie! ?

Hearing what Rita said, Kiana was immediately scared out of her mind! Originally, having Rita murmuring all kinds of knowledge in her ears every day made her have a big head. Starting next week, she will be beaten every day…

“elder brother–!”

Kiana looked at her last hope!

“help me!”

“Only by enduring hardship can one become a master. Just grit your teeth and accept it.”

Alexia quite ruthlessly ignored her sister’s request, and then continued to say to Rita: “By the way, Rita, if you are free, you can help me take care of this one. There is no need to treat Qi like me.” Yana is so attentive and can handle it appropriately.”

The person who said this was naturally Bronya.

“The bishop gave her to me to deal with, but to be honest, I don’t know what to do. You should be better at this than me.”

“…You really know how to call me, Lady Alexia.” Rita smiled helplessly, “I understand, then I will treat her as an immature maid. The commanding one.”

“Bronya is not a maid.”

Hearing Rita’s arrangements for her, Bronya protested softly.

But Rita just kept smiling, stood up and came to Bronya: “No, from now on, you will be the maid, Miss Bronya – please pay attention to your identity and position with us.”


“Then, let’s go make a cup of coffee for Miss Kiana and me first.”

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30. Bianca’s expectations

Just when Ixia decided to settle Bronya.

Inside the St. 1504 Institute.

“It’s really rare that you will suddenly come to my side.”

Putting down the latest research report in his hand, Changguang Seventeenth looked at the person who came to him.

“What’s the matter? Miss Bianca.”

Bianca nodded slightly: “Yes. I’m sorry to come to visit you suddenly, Ms. Changguang. Actually, I wanted to ask how the research on [Sacred Blood] and [Stigma Transformation Project] is going.”

“Oh? Are you interested in these two studies?”

Changguang Seventeenth couldn’t help laughing when he heard Bianca mention this.

Divine blood naturally refers to the blood that Exia brought back from the dungeon world more than four months ago. It can give it the grace of a human and a god, allowing ordinary people without any power to fight monsters. A special substance for warriors.

In the four months since Ixia left, Tianming’s research on divine blood has made great progress. Although according to the current situation, it is not possible to copy the divine blood, or even create a pseudo-blood. Similar substances do not have the technical strength at all.

But when it comes to how to use the divine blood, Tianming does have some clues.

[Stigma Transformation Plan] is one of them.

The divine blood itself will explosively and endlessly tap out all the potential in a living thing, until the creature itself dies due to exhaustion of potential in a short period of time – this is the conclusion reached by Tianming after studying the divine blood. If you want to be safe and Stable use of divine blood requires the [God’s Favor] from Exia anyway.

If God’s Grace can be thoroughly researched and a simulation framework created, and then the divine blood can be diluted and simultaneously integrated into the artificial stigmata that is now spread across all Valkyries, theoretically speaking, although the effect will be somewhat poor, all The Valkyries can all be improved to varying degrees, and all are given an artificial version of [God’s Favor].

This is the so-called stigma transformation plan.

A plan that theoretically has the potential to significantly increase the average combat power of all Valkyries.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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