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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 12

“Goddess Loki?”

Feeling that Loki behind him had not spoken for a long time, Exia turned her head in confusion: “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with my magic?”

“Ah… well, there are some deviations from our expectations.”

Loki naturally pulled his thoughts back, printed Exia’s status bar on parchment and handed it to him: “Here, you can see for yourself, it’s an incredible magic, and it’s also just a matter of looking at it.” I just think magic is so troublesome.”

“My magic…[will save the world].”

Looking at the magic on the parchment, Alexia subconsciously thought of the scene she just saw.

The people who yearn for revenge against Honkai, and the person who made a promise to everyone on the burned earth.

“Whatever it takes…right?”

The fingertips traced the two places on the parchment where the magic was not shown. Ixia probably understood why she got this magic – just like its name, it was to let him, let [ Kaslana] The magic that saves the world.

Loki leaned on the bedside table: “How about it? It is indeed a powerful magic, right? We have never heard of magic that can be strengthened twice more. However, although it is a good thing to successfully awaken the magic But this is different from what we and Finn expected.”

Originally, the reason why Finn and others wanted Alexia to awaken his magic was so that he could improve all his abilities starting from lv.1 and surpass a large number of adventurers from the starting point. And with Exia’s growth rate, it is not impossible for her full ability value to reach A at lv.1.

If upgraded under such circumstances, Exia’s lv.2 will definitely be far stronger than other lv.2.

But now, [It Will Save the World] is a magic that cannot be used actively, which means that it is impossible to improve and exercise the magic ability value at ordinary times – after all, its activation conditions are too ambiguous!

Not to mention the vague unknown object, what does [Elite Enemy and above] mean?

“Taking into account the situation in the dungeon, the elite enemies should be regarded as enhanced species, and above that are the floor masters – after calculation, your magic bar should be zero every time you upgrade.”

If you want to increase your magic power, you have to use magic. In Exia’s case, if you want to use magic, you have to fight a powerful enemy, that is, the floor master. But in the case of the floor master, if you fight or even win with him alone, upgrading is almost inevitable.

This means that Loki and Finn’s ideas are completely ruined.

“Oh~~~~Forget it, after all, having magic is a good thing!”

After patting his face to clear away the depression in his heart, Loki turned and walked out of the room.

“Let’s go now. Remember to get up early tomorrow morning – having said that, Finn will probably call you by then. We’re starting to look forward to seeing how much improvement you can make if you stay in the dungeon all day tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is the day…”

After watching Loki leave, Ixia looked back at the parchment in her hand, staring straight at her magic.

[No matter what the cost, humanity will definitely defeat Honkai]

The words spoken by the man holding the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment echoed in his mind.

“Does this magic mean that I can defeat Honkai and save the world?”

21. When there are more people, I run; when there are fewer people, I fight!

the next day.

Underground city, sixteenth floor.

“Okay, Exia, there are eight more here. After you deal with the ones on your side, come over and deal with them.”

“Yes! In six seconds!”

After quickly responding to Finn’s call, Ixia swung her sword towards the tauren charging towards her. She deflected the sword at some angle and passed it by. Then she lowered the blade, then suddenly raised it and slashed it down. Its bull’s head.

The cow’s head and body immediately turned into black mist and exploded, leaving a magic stone on the ground.

But Alexia didn’t even look at this kind of material that could be used to exchange money. Instead, she turned around and ran directly in the direction of Finn. Seeing Exia coming, Finn also seized the time to move away from the Minotaurs he was blocking, and at the same time quickly left the place, allowing Exia to push forward.


The sword blade and the horns collided instantly, and eight Minotaurs quickly surrounded Ixia, and were fighting with him in the blink of an eye!

Standing not far away and watching the battle taking place over there, Tiona, who is also a first-level adventurer, couldn’t help but sigh: “Aren’t you ready to let him rest, captain? This is the ninth batch, right? ? You are really training him to death.”

Yes, training.

In order to maximize Alexia’s potential, Finn formulated a training plan for him that could be said to be [ruthless].

Specifically, let him fight monsters without interruption.

First, Finn attracts a certain number of monsters and lets Exia deal with them in one go. While he was dealing with the monsters, Finn went to attract the second batch of monsters. After Exia eliminated the first batch of monsters, he immediately changed positions and let him deal with the second batch… and so on. Go down.

In terms of the intensity of training, it was simply unreasonable, and Finn didn’t even give Alexia a single moment of rest. And the terrible thing is that the monster being trained is still the Minotaur.

Among the monsters on the dozens of floors above the dungeon, the Minotaur is considered the strongest type. Although it has the disadvantage of insufficient speed, it is very powerful and quite resistant to beatings. Even a lv.2 adventurer , it will also be a bit troublesome to deal with.

And now Finn has attracted eight of them in one breath for Exia to deal with alone – and this is already the ninth batch.

Any other adventurer would have died countless times!

“Really? But I think he’s still able to do it with ease.” Finn said with a smile, “Look at his breathing, there is no disorder at all, and his movements have always been standard, without any deviation.”


Tiona concentrated on observing Exia’s movements.


The sword deflected the collision of a Minotaur, disrupted its attack from the side, and knocked it to the other side with slashes and impacts, just in time to block another Minotaur that was about to attack. In front of Taunus, the two were forced to collide.

Then he turned sideways to avoid a heavy blow from the sky, rolled continuously to remove the impact, and then came to the back of the fourth Minotaur. The sword blade passed over its back, cutting a deep wound with bone visible.

Alexia’s figure is like a gust of wind, flashing back and forth between the eight tauren with incomparable flexibility, playing with them all in the palm of her hand, and the sword blade is also slashing one after another, making sure cuts. Holding the life of every tauren.

“He planned it.”

Ais, who also came to watch as a sparring group, suddenly said something.

Finn smiled and nodded: “That’s right. When Alexia performs an action, he often thinks about what he should do next. Although we can all do it, we have to remain calm like him. It’s not an easy thing to go down. You can tell he’s very good at one-on-one.”

This is something Finn discovered when he and Ixia came to the dungeon for the first time. It should be that his experience in the other world has made him accustomed to this kind of thing, and this time, his movements are actually better than It was more capable last time, but the stiffness is gone.

(Have you finished adapting? He said that he worked as a civilian there for several years and didn’t fight much, but now it seems that he has successfully regained that feeling.)

“Bang bang bang bang!”

When Finn was thinking this, four Minotaurs had already been defeated. After losing four enemies at once, Exia’s movements instantly became fierce. She had faced eight minotaurs before. It could only take defensive and guerrilla actions, but now it took the initiative to attack the remaining four.

I can’t defeat them when there are many people, but when there are few people, I won’t take the initiative?

“Bang bang bang bang!”

In just about ten seconds, all the remaining four were knocked down and eliminated – the eight in total only took about forty seconds.

Sheathing the sword, Ixia exhaled a long breath: “Huh~~~~~ Is this the last batch? Captain. I can actually continue to fight.”

Finn smiled bitterly: “I would like to continue training you if I could, but unfortunately we have to take a break for a while. Didn’t you notice that the dungeon is a lot quieter?”

“Eh? Speaking of which…”

Alexia looked around. Although some adventurers could be seen here and there, there were no monsters.

“You have killed them all, Alexia.” Tiona smiled, “It takes time to produce monsters in the dungeon, but the production speed cannot keep up with the speed of you and the leader killing monsters. The result is this area There are no monsters at the moment, and it will take a while before they appear again. But the upper level should have been reborn, do you want to go up?”

“No, just let Exia take a break for the time being. Proper rest is also necessary. And…”

Finn turned his head and looked at the passage on one side: “Compared to going up, I think it’s better to go down below. Judging from the situation just now, the level of the Minotaurs is still not enough. I want to make stronger monsters Come train Exia.”

If the Minotaur is divided by the level of adventurers, that is, the level of lv.1 to lv.2, if it is replaced by monsters at least level lv.2 in the lower level, the effect will definitely be better than that of the Minotaur. Good.

“What do you think, Alexia?”

“no problem.”

Listening to his decisive answer, Tiona couldn’t help but lean towards Ace: “Oh~~~ He really plans to break your record, Ace, I don’t even dare to think about him. How high will your ability value be when you go back today?”

“Isn’t this a good thing?”

“Ah…that’s right. Ais, you don’t care about this kind of thing…well, just pretend I didn’t say anything.” Tiona sighed, “Speaking of which, let’s do the math. Time, the floor master should be reborn soon, right? Captain, what should we do if we encounter it? Shall we solve it?”

“No, if you encounter it, let Alexia try it first.” Finn said, “Besides, Alexia’s magic also needs to be confirmed.”

22. Dish red huge conspicuous

As mentioned before, in addition to the floors where monsters naturally appear, there are several special floors in the dungeon.

For example, the 18th floor, which is the second closest, does not spawn monsters on this special floor. It is called a safe floor and is the first resting point for adventurers in the dungeon. There are several more underground floors. Same safe floor.

The nearest seventeenth floor is also a special floor – it is the first floor in the dungeon that will produce a floor master.

The floor master, whose official name is [monsterrex], is the same as the safe floor in the dungeon. There are multiple such special individuals. They are more powerful in different dimensions than ordinary monsters. Their strength is about The suitability level of the floor is increased by two.

The lone king of the maze on the seventeenth floor is a giant monster [Goliath]. It completes its rebirth about every two weeks and then stands guard at the entrance to the eighteenth floor.

Just like the end boss in the game.

In fact, from Exia’s point of view, the entire dungeon is like a real game. The adventurer is the character controlled by the player. He goes to the dungeon to fight monsters and gain experience points to upgrade himself… And The Maze King is equivalent to the elite boss in the game, and players need to work hard to defeat him.

The safe floor on the 18th floor seems to be a place arranged for adventurers who have conquered the Demon King to rest after the war.

After resting for a while and allowing her physical strength to fully recover, Exia followed the three first-level adventurers Finn, Ais and Tiona down from the deepest passage on the sixteenth floor and arrived at the third level. Seventeenth floor.

The overall environment in the dungeon is dark. Because it is underground, with layers of floors and ceilings, and the Tower of Babel covering the entire dungeon, sunlight cannot penetrate at all.

The same is true for the seventeenth floor, but it is not the case at the deepest level of the seventeenth floor.

After going all the way down and reaching the deepest point, what came into Exiya’s field of vision was an empty [hall] – a huge and empty space that was incompatible with the maze-like dungeon.

“Here is…”

“Well, this is where the Floor Master will be born, and the only way to the 18th floor.” Finn said, then stationed the gun and stood on the spot, “From here, Alexia, you can go down alone, and the three of us will Waiting for you here.”

[You go and deal with Goliath alone]

That’s what Finn meant.

“Of course, don’t force yourself. This time I don’t ask you to defeat Goliath. You just need to confirm the magic situation.”

The activation conditions for Alexia’s magic, [It Will Save the World] are quite ambiguous. Exia has not been triggered once in the previous battles, and Goliath is already the strongest monster on the upper level.

If this magic can be triggered when facing it, it can not kill Goliath at once, but beat it to half-death countless times to achieve repeated activation of the magic, thereby increasing Exia’s magic power. Ability value.

And if it cannot be triggered…

“If even the floor master can’t trigger it, then we can only rely on the floor master on the 37th floor.”

Finn joked: “After confirming the magic situation, return. If it’s too late, we will rescue you immediately. Don’t be forced and show off by yourself, Exia.”

“Yes, I know.”

(He is really a very reliable and considerate leader.)

Pulling out the long sword from the scabbard, Exia walked alone into the hall-like space. Like the entire seventeenth floor she just passed, there were no monsters in the passage, just two walls that seemed to have been polished. .

White, smooth, with no uneven spots or cracks, the two walls are integrated with the ceiling and floor.

Then, just as Exia stepped into the center of the hall——


A crack suddenly opened in the smooth wall!

This is a sign of the birth of monsters. Every monster in the dungeon is born from the wall in this way.

Only this time, the crack that opened was extremely huge, and then from inside the crack——


A huge figure burst out of the wall! Like a falling meteor, it landed extremely heavily in front of Alexia!

Alexia raised her head and looked at the existence in front of her that occupied her entire field of vision.

In a nutshell, this is a giant. An appearance similar to humans, a body similar to humans, an overly strong body and muscles – just such a gray-brown giant.


As if to boost morale, and as if to celebrate his own birth, the giant—Goliath—let out a deafening roar!

The sound wave caused a storm and caused an impact.

The clothes on Alexia’s body rustled in the wind.

(This is…Goliath, a monster equivalent to lv.4.)

It was not on the same level as all the monsters it had dealt with before. Exia could feel that the Minotaurs and the like were completely inferior to the single giant in front of them.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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