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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 120

After staring at Bianca, Changguang XVII turned the pen in his hand: “Hmm~~~~Let me guess, this is probably not what Bishop Otto asked you to ask. If so, That should be Miss Kohaku. And it shouldn’t be someone from other departments who asked you to ask… Is it possible that our destined most powerful Valkyrie has also begun to desire strength?”

This is the only reason Chang Guang can think of.

“You’re wrong, Ms. Changguang. It’s not [at the beginning], but [always].” Bianca explained, “As a Valkyrie, in order to protect the world and mankind, I have always pursued the goal of being better. The power to fight Honkai, this has not changed since I became a Valkyrie.”

“It’s just now that I think my pursuit should become more intense.”

Get a little more intense?

Chang Guang lowered his head and pondered for a while, then smiled and said: “Oh~~ Could it be that Exia defeated the Third Herrscher alone, which gave you a sense of crisis?”

“…You really know everything.”

“Hahaha, it’s something you can understand with just a little thought. What’s more, whether it’s the headquarters or the branch, everyone is discussing it crazily on the Tianming internal forum these days. It’s impossible to think otherwise. “

Exia single-handedly defeated the Third Herrscher and made a huge contribution to mankind’s victory over Honkai – this is something everyone within Destiny now knows.

In the eyes of others, this is the situation where [Kaslana], who has been silent for a long time, finally wakes up. After all, everyone knows the situation of Alexia. The childhood sweetheart of Destiny’s most powerful Valkyrie, the heir of Kaslana’s bloodline, and the Bishop’s student, but until last year, she couldn’t even compare to an A-level Valkyrie.

Now he can become a hero who defeated the Herrscher. Coupled with Changkong City’s post-war observations at that time, combined with the information in the Destiny Database, it is not difficult to judge the fact that he has finally awakened until now.

But only Bianca, Rita, Otto, Amber, and Changguang knew that Exia was able to achieve such a huge improvement in a short period of time. On the one hand, the awakening of his own power was on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was in another world. The world has grown.

As a childhood sweetheart, Bianca is happy that Alexia has become so strong. The two grew up together and trained together. She had thought that the two would continue to fight side by side and become the best comrades, so she asked the former Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia… Same as Shaniyat.

And now——

“Exia has grown up and obtained artifacts by going to another world to awaken her power. Her power has increased to a level far beyond my imagination. Although he is still targeting me, I think he has actually reached the point where he can fight with me. To the point where I fight side by side, this battle with the Third Herrscher confirmed this for me.”

“However, compared with him who has been growing rapidly, my progress in the past six months has been slow. If this continues, I will become the one holding him back and unable to move forward with him.”

The positions and situations of the two people will become completely opposite to what they were before.

Bianca didn’t think that the relationship between the two would change after it became like that. After all, they had been childhood sweethearts for so many years. But she also wanted to save face. She couldn’t accept being surpassed like this and then having to watch Alexia go further and further from behind.

She hopes that she and Exia can always move forward together.

“Ms. Changguang, if the stigma transformation plan or the research on divine blood requires clinical trials, then please let me be the first subject.”

Bianca said.

“I have the Black Abyss White Flower. Even if I am injured during the experiment, I can heal myself. I don’t need to worry about the subsequent effects.”

“Well…I can understand how you feel. You don’t want to be left behind by someone important. Everyone should have this feeling.” Chang Guang smiled, “But, Bianca, for God Blood, we still have many unanswered questions, and the stigma transformation plan is currently only in the theoretical stage. In a short time – at least within one or two years, it will definitely not be able to meet your expectations.”

A year or two.

This time made Bianca frown. If there was such a time span, with Alexia’s current speed, she would have far surpassed her by then.

(I…do I have to wait another year or two?)

“Actually, Miss Bianca, I think based on your situation, you don’t need to refer to the plan we have prepared for [general people].” Changguang Seventeenth continued, “Let me mention another study to you, and Do you remember the reason why I was there when Ixia left more than four months ago?”

“The reason for your presence?”

Bianca thought about the last time Alexia left. Of course she remembered that Chang Guang went to see him off and watch, but the reason…

“After all, it is a technology that transfers a person from one world to another. I was quite interested in it, so in addition to seeing me off, I also had the purpose of on-site investigation. When Ixia left, I always Observe the changes in the surrounding space through instruments.”

Chang Guang explained.

“Then, what follows is my speculation – when Exia goes to another world, she can definitely take other people with her.”

Bianca: “!”

31.I ​​want to go with you

A few hours later.

Night falls.

Inside Alexia’s house.

“Eat, eat, eat! Rita~~~ Please hurry up! This lady is starving to death!”

Keeping her eyes on the clock on the wall, when the time steadily reached six o’clock, Kiana, who had been waiting for a long time, swept all the reference books and textbooks on the dining table to the sofa not far away at the speed of light. shouted from the kitchen.

And this was the first sound Bianca heard after returning.

Putting the door key on the shoe cabinet, Bianca looked at Kiana sitting at the dining table: “You are the only one, are everyone else in the kitchen? Kiana.”

“Ah, you’re back, Youlandel.” Kiana looked at her, “Rita and brother are cooking dinner in the kitchen, and I stay here to do the homework assigned by Rita. You listen to me, Youlan Dale, the homework assigned by Rita is so difficult!”

“It’s Kiana, you are too stupid. The questions assigned by Miss Rita are all very simple.”

Sitting opposite Kiana, hearing Kiana complain like this, Bronya immediately made a very objective evaluation.

Youlandel also heard the sound and looked at her: “Qiana, she is…”

“Oh, my brother brought it back. It was a trophy given by the bishop. Now Rita asked me to work as a maid in my brother’s house. She has changed into clothes.”

Just like Kiana said, Bronya is now wearing a maid outfit that has been obviously modified in size. After all, her figure is completely incomparable with Rita’s, and she can’t wear Rita’s style at all.

Especially the upper body, it will fall off the moment you put it on.

But even though she was a maid, looking at Bronya’s emotionless face and cold eyes, Bianca couldn’t associate her with Rita’s image of a perfect maid.

“Maid… Alexia is difficult to take care of. He will trouble you from now on, Bronya. My name is Bianca Hollandel Atalgina, call me Bi. Just Ankh.”

“Hello, Miss Hollandale, I am Bronya Zaicek. I am currently a trainee maid and I am still learning from Miss Rita.”

Bronya nodded gently to Bianca in front of her.


“Bianca, you have never taken care of me, how do you know that I am difficult to take care of?”

Walking out of the kitchen with two plates of food, Alexia smiled and said to Bianca: “These words coming from your mouth are not convincing at all. For Rita, they have weight.”

“I will accept your words as a compliment, Lord Exia.”

Rita, who also followed Alexia with dishes, said as she came to the dining table: “Welcome back, Lady Hollander. The dinner was a little late, there were a lot of people, and it took a little time to prepare. .”

“It doesn’t matter. By the way-“

Glancing at the apron on Alexia, Bianca frowned: “Exia, have you entered the kitchen?”

“I’m just going to help Rita, cutting vegetables and putting them on plates. I know my cooking skills well. I can make do with it myself, but I can’t cook it for you.”

I don’t know if it’s a hereditary thing. People in Kaslana’s family are generally not very good at cooking. Simple dishes are okay, but complicated dishes will definitely be messed up, so Ixia rarely cooks. In the kitchen, I just make some ordinary dishes such as scrambled eggs and fried rice.

Putting all the dishes on the table, Exia sat next to Kiana.

“Then, let’s all have a meal.”


Dinner time didn’t last long.

Except for Kiana, who ate a lot and even asked for more, everyone else finished their food quickly.

After watching Kiana run to the sofa to lie down after being completely exhausted, Alexia came to the kitchen with Bianca and Rita.

“Actually, I can just wash the dishes by myself, Lady Alexia, Lady Bianca.”

“Cleaning will be faster if there are more people.” Alexia smiled, “What’s more, I will have to trouble Rita to take care of Kiana for a long time, so just treat it as my courtesy.”

Hearing what Alexia said, Bianca and Rita looked at each other, and then Bianca asked: “Are you ready to leave again?”

“Well, it’s been almost a week since I came back, and it’s time to leave. There’s nothing to do if I stay at home all the time.”

“But you haven’t had a good rest this week, have you? Are you sure you don’t want to stay any longer?” Bianca said, “You experienced a war in the world over there, and after you came back, you went to the far east non-stop. Then we encountered the third Honkai Impact and fought against the Third Herrscher…should we rest for two more days?”

Rita also nodded in agreement and said: “You seem to be pushing yourself too hard, Master Axia. You have been away for three months at a time and more than four months at a time. The total time you have come back during this period is less than two weeks.” …”

“But I have nothing to do if I stay here, right?”

As I have said many times before, there is no place for Exia in this world for the time being. The Valkyrie troops at the headquarters and branches will handle the global collapse disasters. There will be no big storms and the third collapse will not happen. It has just passed, and the next collapse is still very early.

In addition, Alexia has been transferred from his original position by Otto. In the following days, he really has nothing to do except fish at home.

The most he could do was to accompany Kiana and make up for the brother-sister relationship between the two that had been separated for several years.

But… to be honest, looking at Kiana on the other side of the sofa who has completely regarded this place as her home, Alexia felt that there was no rush to make up for the relationship. Anyway, there would be plenty of opportunities and time in the future.

“However, I’m not planning to leave tomorrow.” Alexia smiled, “Why do I have to ask Rita to help me prepare my luggage… It will be around noon the day after tomorrow. Can I trouble you as before? , Rita?”

“We are happy to help.”

Knowing that persuasion was hopeless, Rita could only agree.

Bianca pursed her lips, thinking about what she had heard from Chang Guang before, and asked while washing the dishes: “So…are you planning to go alone this time?”


There were some strange questions and both Exia and Rita were startled.

“What you’re saying… makes it sound like I can still take people with me.”

“I went to Ms. Changguang’s place before I came back, and she told me that it was possible.” Bianca explained, “If you are going to leave, Alexia, you can take me with you this time.” Up?”

“I want to go to another world with you.”

32. Until death do us part

Go to another world with yourself?

Alexia always felt like she had heard this sentence somewhere.

(Uh… It seems that Ais told me the same thing before when she was preparing to leave Orario, right?)

Putting down the rag in his hand, Alexia asked with some confusion: “Why do you suddenly want to go with me?”

“Because there is some sense of crisis.”

Bianca turned around and leaned against the edge of the pool: “Exia, how long do you think… we can be together?”


This sudden sentence made Alexia’s thoughts and heart pause for a moment. When Bianca said this, Rita on one side and Kiana lying on the sofa immediately became energetic and stood up. ear!

“…Why do you ask so suddenly?”

“Because we have been separated for a long time in recent years, right? Ever since you felt that you couldn’t catch up with me, although our relationship is still the same as before, we must have become a little distant, right?”

“You think too much, how could I alienate you?” Alexia also turned around and leaned close to Bianca, “Well…if nothing else, I think we will always be together. Bar.”

(Lord Exia?!)


Rita and Kiana were suddenly shocked.

Bianca couldn’t help but smile after hearing this: “Haha, is that so? That’s really great. I also want to be with you all the time. We have been living together since we were children. If we can always be together in the future, It’s best if we do it together.”


“But, Alexia, you will keep moving forward, right?” Bianca looked at Alexia, “You will continue to go to one world after another, in places I don’t know, in a way that I can’t catch up with. The speed has become stronger…Now that you can defeat the Herrscher alone, it is definitely only a matter of time before you surpass me, and I don’t think it will be very slow.”

“And if you surpass me, I probably won’t be able to catch up with you. As long as I stay in this world and repeat monotonous training, I will never be able to catch up with you who will surpass me in the future.”

Alexia opened her mouth: “So, you want to leave with me? Want to become stronger with me? You think too much. I won’t ignore you just because I surpass you later. Didn’t you do the same before? ?You won’t ignore me just because I can’t catch up with you.”

“Yes, our relationship will definitely not change because of this kind of thing – but I don’t want to keep watching you move forward to a place where I can’t catch up and go. If possible, I still want to be with you. You go forward together.”

“Can you understand what I say?”

I understand, of course I can.

Because Bianca’s thoughts are exactly what Alexia thought before. In the past, when she saw Bianca making rapid progress every day, Alexia had the same idea to catch up with her, and of course, it is the same now.

There are two reasons why he wants to gain strength. One is to protect his important people, and the other is to catch up with Bianca.

(Did you…have the same idea as me?)

Looking at her childhood sweetheart beside her, Alexia bit her lower lip, then raised her hand and placed it on Bianca’s head.

Bianca: “!”

Rita: “!”

Kiana: “!”

The sudden touch shocked all the other three people, and then Alexia shook her head: “I can understand your mood and thoughts, but I’m sorry, Bianca, I can’t take you away with me – no, It should be said that I don’t want to take you away with me.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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