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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 121

“Eh? Why?”

“On the one hand, considering the overall situation, you are the most powerful Valkyrie in Destiny. If you leave Destiny, won’t you lose a lot of your combat effectiveness? What if some large-scale collapse occurs during this period? It’s not necessarily all lost. Let Rita handle it?”

Alexia’s words made Bianca and Rita look at each other immediately.

“In addition… what you just said is correct. I do have a way to take people away with me, but that method, to put it more harshly, is equivalent to turning you into my slave and my possessions – —I don’t want to turn you into that.”


Alexia explained the matter about taking people away to Bianca and Rita, and listening to Alexia’s explanation, Bianca and Rita also understood why Alexia could not take people away.

“It’s really an…unpleasant way.”

“Well, that’s why I’m not planning to leave with anyone. When I came back from Orario, there were actually people who wanted to come back with me, but I decisively refused.” Alexia looked at Bianca, ” So, I’m sorry, Bianca. No matter what, I didn’t want our relationship to end up like that.”

Slaves, subordinates, belongings, accessories, servants… If you want to leave with Exia, you will definitely become a similar existence. Although judging from the updates when I came back before, as Exia continues to travel to other worlds, the time for travelers to appear will gradually become longer, and the distance they can leave will gradually increase. Even thinking in the long run, maybe From now on, fellow travelers can always exist in the world.

But even so, Axia didn’t want her relationship with Bianca to become like that.

“Really…then there’s really nothing we can do about it.” Bianca was a little helpless and regretful, “It seems that I can only wait for a year, hoping that the research on divine blood will be able to There has been progress—I’m sorry, Exia, just treat what I just said as if I didn’t say it.”

“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if I tell you. I shouldn’t have kept it from you in the first place.”

(Well, that’ll do.)

“However, as an alternative…”

Bianca changed the subject.

“Can you give me the [Queen] in the chess piece you brought back before?”

“Eh? Ah…well, yes, yes, but hasn’t the analysis been completed yet?”

“So just wait until the analysis is completed and give it to me.” Bianca smiled, “Since I can’t leave with you, I can only use the existing methods to become stronger. The Queen’s chess pieces can improve me in all aspects. ability, isn’t it? And…”

Bianca pointed to Alexia’s nose.

“Haven’t you already used up the [King]? So, if I want to keep moving forward with you, I can only become the most suitable [Queen], right?”

King, Queen.

Indeed, only these two are the ones who can go forward side by side forever. The others, whether they are knights, bishops, castles, or soldiers, are just vassals and subordinates of the two.

“…Ha, there is such an explanation.” Alexia couldn’t help laughing after being silent for a moment, “Okay, I understand, I will talk to the bishop and Ms. Chang Guang later. , I will give you the [Queen’s] chess piece by default.”

“Well, that’s it, thank you.”

“Why should we say thank you? Didn’t we already say that we want to be together forever? Since we both have this idea, there is no need to say thank you.”

Alexia smiled.

(Yes, I want to be with Bianca all the time, whether moving forward, fighting, living, I want to be with her forever, until…)

(Until death do us part.)

33. Day before departure

“…To sum up, Ms. Changguang, could you please go and breathe some air? Bishop.”

[Yeah, of course no problem]

The next day, early morning.

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

Alexia was eating breakfast and talking on the phone with Otto.

[However, I didn’t expect that Youlandel would have such thoughts. It seems that I have neglected to take care of her recently. I should have thought of this possibility in time… Thank you for your hard work. She persuaded her, Alexia]

[If Youlandel leaves, to put it bluntly, the workload of all Tianming branches will double – it seems that that matter will also have to be put on the agenda]

“That thing? Which thing?”

[Something about her exclusive Valkyrie Armor]

Bianca’s exclusive Valkyrie armor?

Alexia raised a brow: “Is it similar to Rita’s Shadow Iron Armor and Moon Soul Armor?”

Shadow Iron – full name: Hunting Armor Shadow Iron, is a special Valkyrie armor provided to Rita by Heimdall Laboratory. Moon Soul is [Blue Knight·Moon Soul], one of the many trial works of the fourth generation Valkyrie God-killing Armor.

The Valkyrie God-Killing Armor is a series of research projects led by Bishop Otto. Its purpose is to develop armor powerful enough to allow the Valkyrie and the Herrscher to confront each other head-on. So far, it has been researched to the third generation, and has been carried out Popularized and promoted, it has become the standard equipment of the Valkyrie today.

[Yeah, but compared to the previous trial models, what I prepared for Hollandel will be the completed model, which is the most perfect fourth-generation God-killing armor that was finally formed – after all, she is the same as you. I can’t mess with my student who I’m proud of with defective products]

[If you need it, I can also design one for you]

(God-killing armor?)

Alexia looked at her left hand while thinking.

In fact, he has been asking Ddraig about the forbidden hand these days. Although he has not yet reached the point where he can use the forbidden hand, he knows all the specific details of the forbidden hand.

As for the forbidden hand of Sekiryuutei’s cage, according to Ddraig, even though it has changed slightly due to different hosts in the past generations, it is basically the same, an ocher-red armor covering the whole body.

“I won’t need it.”

Alexia refused.

“As for the armor, I can get it through further research on the Divine Destruction Gear later. If that doesn’t work, I can make myself one with frost. No need to bother you to worry about me, Bishop. Please concentrate on helping Bianca, she is now I need your help even more.”

【ok, I get it. Then that’s it]

“Okay, bye Bishop.”

After hanging up the call, Aixia put down her personal terminal and was just about to lower her head and continue talking about her breakfast——


A burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came down from the second floor!

Looking up to the second floor, what came into Alexia’s field of vision was Kiana running out of her room as if fleeing for her life. Her hair was messy and she was still wearing pajamas. It was obvious that she had just woken up.

And behind her——

“Reloaded bunny…”

“Bronya, you’ve gone too far! You just told me to get up. Do you need to hit me like this?”

Seeing Bronya in a maid uniform summoning the oversized robot again, Kiana quickly jumped over the railing and jumped from the second floor. She landed next to Alexia with great precision and hid behind him in a flash!

“Brother, save me! Bronya is going to kill me!”

“You don’t have anything, why can’t you sleep in?” Ixia took her sister out from behind, “Breakfast is in the kitchen, go and eat it by yourself. Bronya, please come down too, please call me Kiana is up, and your portion is also in the kitchen. We will set off after eating.”

Set off?

Kiana frowned: “Where are we going? Rita will come to teach me my homework later.”

“Rita probably won’t be free today. I asked her to prepare my luggage. She won’t be back until the afternoon. But before that – Kiana, I’ll take you to meet someone.”

“Meet someone? Who?”

Kiana looked puzzled.



Half an hour later, inside the only Valkyrie Hospital on the Destiny Floating Island.

“Mei! I miss you so much————————!!!!!”

“Wait, wait, wait, Kiana, don’t hug me all of a sudden…”

Looking at Kiana running towards him and wrapping herself up, Raiden Meiyi, who was still sitting on the hospital bed, shouted quickly.

And Alexia, who walked in with Kiana and Bronya, also came to the bedside.

“Sorry, I brought her here without saying hello to you. Because Kiana has always cared about you, and she asked me to save you before, so I think since you woke up, it’s best to bring her over to see you. It’s up to you.”

While Raiden Mei was hospitalized, Kiana never came even once.

But this is inevitable. In fact, from the end of the third Honkai Impact to now, today is the sixth day. During this period, Kiana has been being educated alone by Rita, and it was only yesterday that Raiden Mei woke up.

“Yes, yes… Well, Kiana, you hugged me too tightly, I can’t breathe…”

“Ah? I’m sorry! Mei Yi, I didn’t mean it! Are you okay?”

Hearing that Raiden Meiyi was feeling uncomfortable, Kiana quickly let go of her hand and asked with concern.

Alexia stretched out her hand to pull her sister back: “If you stay away from her, she will be fine. I told you that she is still in the hospital for observation – how is her body recovering? Is it better than yesterday?”

“Yes. After that, I underwent two more physical examinations. There was nothing abnormal. The doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.”

“Yeah, that’s good.” Alexia smiled and nodded, “By the way, have you thought about your arrangements and whereabouts after you are discharged from the hospital?”

Raiden Mei thought for a while: “Not yet. To be honest, I’m a little… confused right now.”

It is indeed a good thing to be able to transform from a Herrscher back to a human, but some things cannot be changed.

Changkong City has been destroyed, and Raiden Meiyi has lost her only home. What’s more, she is still in a foreign country. She has not yet thought about how to survive in the future.

“Then Mei, come and live with me!”

Kiana suddenly said this while Alexia was holding her neck.

“Anyway, my brother’s house is very big. Five or six people can live there. Once my brother leaves tomorrow, Bronya and I will be the only ones in the house. Having multiple Meiyi can be regarded as companionship!”

“That’s my home, don’t make the decision casually…” Alexia patted her sister on the head, “But it’s still a way. What do you think? Raiden Meiyi.”


Leiden Meiyi looked a little hesitant: “Will it cause you trouble? And I’m not very proficient in English. I live in a foreign country…”

“Then let me teach Mei Yi! I’m very good at speaking!”

“But weren’t you almost completely wrong in the English written test Rita gave you yesterday? Are you right or wrong?”

“Brother, don’t keep tearing me down!”

Staring at her brother angrily, Kiana looked at Raiden Mei: “Don’t worry, Mei. I will accompany you, and I have also met two good people here in the past few days, Rita and Yu. After you meet Randall, you will definitely be able to get along well with her. If not, just accept Rita’s education with me.”

“Is this… no problem? Alexia.”

After all, it is Alexia’s house. Even if Kiana agrees, if Alexia, the head of the family, does not agree…

“It’s okay, you just happen to help me keep an eye on Kiana.” Alexia smiled, “My sister is actually quite capable of making trouble. Rita and Bianca can hold her down, but they have to go out. Bronya is probably a little reluctant to go on a mission. If you can stay and watch her for me, it will be reassuring to me, after all, I will be on business trips often.”

“Oh, by the way, speaking of Bronya-“

Alexia pushed the little maid next to her in front of Raiden Mei: “Bronya, I think you should apologize to Raiden Mei.”

“Apologise?” Leiden Meiyi was a little confused.

After a moment of silence, Bronya lowered her head to Raiden Mei. “I’m sorry, Raiden Mei. What happened in Changkong City was caused by Bronya and Cocolia’s mother.”

34. I’m going out/be careful on the road

After Bronya said this, Alexia silently exited the ward.

Bronya, Raiden Mei, Kiana.

It is these three people who will live together in the future. After what happened in Changkong City, if the three of them want to live together, they must explain all the causes and consequences of the third collapse.

This was a frank meeting between the three of them, and Alexia, a person who would run out from time to time, did not need to interfere too much.

After leaving the ward, he was in the garden square behind the hospital.

“Oh, it’s indeed here.”

Alexia heard such a voice as soon as she walked over. After taking a glance, she immediately saw Bianca sitting on a bench not far away.

Arriving in front of her, Alexia was a little surprised: “Why are you here?”

“Originally, I was going to find you for morning training, but when I went to your house, I found that you were all out. I asked the bishop to check your travel route and stopped by.” Bianca explained, “Come here to visit Leiden. Is it from Mei?”

“Well, after she is discharged from the hospital, she will probably live at my place with Kiana and Bronya… Until a few days ago, I was the only one there, and now there are more people. Three girls—would it be better if I moved out?”

“Then you can come live with me and Rita.”

Bianca suggested: “You can sleep on the sofa or on the floor of my room. If it doesn’t work, just ask the bishop to help expand it.”

Alexia couldn’t help but laugh and said: “Don’t talk about the bishop as if he is a tool. Well, let’s talk about it next time. Anyway, I will leave tomorrow. If you really want to move, you should wait until I come back next time.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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