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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 123

The seven selected magicians used catalysts and rituals to summon the souls of legendary heroes as servants, and fought with each other to compete for the only reward-the Holy Grail.

Known as the [Universal Cauldron] and [Universal Wishing Machine], it is the legendary golden cup that can grant any wish.

In the past, in the land now called Japan, wars surrounding the Holy Grail have been held four times. Magicians and magicians, heroic spirits and heroic spirits, magicians and heroic spirits. The participants fought each other with all their strength until the last person who was qualified to receive the Holy Grail was determined.

And now, the fifth Holy Grail War is about to begin.

“Hmm…that should be it, right?”

Fuyuki City, Japan.

It should be said that it is a corner of this city that is regarded as the origin of the Holy Grail War.

According to the theory of the magic world, in a corner of the city directly above the dragon vein, there is a bungalow that is not in line with the overall Japanese style. At this moment, in the garden outside the bungalow, a blond girl was squatting on the ground, drawing a complex magic circle on the ground bit by bit based on the book in her hand.

In the Holy Grail War, every magician participating in the war needs to summon a servant, whose body is a great hero who has left his name in history, myths, and legends. What the magician has to do is to provide magic power to the servants and make the servants fight with other servants.

So now, the girl is drawing the magic circle needed to summon the servant on the ground.

“No, no, Ayakashi, you’re a little off over there.”

However, behind the girl, a girl with the same blond hair but long hair reaching her waist was lying on the sofa, eating snacks and pointing out the world.

Hearing what she said, the girl named [Ayakashi] couldn’t help but turn her head: “Then you can draw it yourself, sister.”

“No, with Ayakashi doing it for you, I don’t have to do any work myself. It’s just a good opportunity to practice your drawing skills.”

“But the person who made the impromptu decision to participate in the Holy Grail War the day before yesterday was you, sister, right? My father also hurriedly prepared the holy relics for you. If our Shajo family didn’t have some connections, it would have been absolutely impossible in these two days. Got it.”

“So I am very grateful to Father.”

(Did you mean to thank me for sending your father to the hot springs?)

Ayaka—Sajo Ayaka—looked helplessly at her sister named [Sajo Aika].

As she said just now, the Shajo family had no plans to participate in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City.

Although there are no requirements to participate in the Holy Grail War, anyone who is selected by the Holy Grail and has a holy mark on the back of his hand can become a contestant, but the Sajo family did not participate, even though Sajo Ayaka did have a holy mark on the back of his hand.

The reason is simple, because there is no need.

The Sajo family moved to Fuyuki City almost ten years ago. As a magic family, the foundation in Fuyuki City is still shallow. In addition, as the elder sister, Sajo Aige gave up the inheritance rights of the family. If Sajo, as the second heir, Jiao Ayaka went to join the war, and if she wasn’t careful, her family would be wiped out.

The current Sajo family doesn’t need to take that kind of risk. They can continue to develop in Fuyuki City safely, and then wait for Sajo Ayaka or Sajo Aika to leave an heir with their beloved and continue the bloodline. If you have to say it, , you can participate in the next Holy Grail War.

This was the original intention of the father of the Shajo sisters, who was the current head of the Shajo family.

But just the day before yesterday, Sajo Aige suddenly wanted her sister to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Unlike Sajo Ayaka, who has been practicing magic since she was a child, Sajo Aika gave up the practice of magic very early. She bluntly stated that she did not want to be associated with magic and had no intention of becoming a magician in the future – so, for Sajo Ayaka and her father were both surprised by their sister’s sudden behavior.

Of course, Sajo Ayaka was prepared to refuse at first, but she couldn’t stand her sister’s insistence. In addition, Sajo Aika also offered a compromise, so she finally had to agree.

“Well…that’s good.”

After drawing the magic circle for summoning under her sister’s constant encouragement, Sajo Ayaka took out the holy relic that her father had spent a lot of money to buy in the past two days from the box on one side.

It was a fragment that looked like a broken part of something.

“Fragments of the [Round Table]?”

Shajo Aige glanced at it.

round table.

According to legend, the table used by King Arthur, the greatest knight in ancient Britain, held meetings with many of his knights. The father of Sajo Aige and Sajo Ayaka used the connections of the Sajo family in the past two days to obtain the sacred relic with great difficulty.

“Father said that if you use this to summon, you should be able to summon one of the Knights of the Round Table. It is even possible to summon King Arthur himself. As a servant, he will definitely be very powerful.”

“King Arthur… is here.”

Sajo Aige looked up at the sky, and then smiled at Sajo Ayaka: “Then please hurry up, Ayaka. Sister, I can’t wait to see my prince~~~”

“Prince…Sister, you haven’t given up on that wish yet?”

Shajo Aige has always had a dream, that is, to meet her beloved prince. To put it more exaggeratedly, she just has a little princess dream and likes the existence of Prince Charming.

Therefore, even though she is about to graduate from college this year, she still looks like an innocent and harmless young girl.

At the urging of her sister, Sajo Ayaka placed the fragments of the round table into the center of the magic circle, then raised her hand with the red stigmata (command spell) in front of her, closed her eyes slightly and spoke the summoning incantation. .


The magic circle lit up.

“Your body is entrusted to my command, and my destiny is attached to your sword.”

As Ayaka Sajo sang, the light of the magic circle became more and more dazzling, and the holy relics inside seemed to be wrapped in light, emitting some kind of strange fluctuations.

“Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, and those who obey this will and principle, respond to me. I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who brings together all the evil in the world.”

“I will entangle you with the three great spirit spirits for seven days.”

“Cross the Wheel of Inhibition and appear, Guardian of the Scales.”

At the same time as he announced his words, a strong wind blew up, and strong magic power was released from the summoning array itself, making the already dazzling light even more dazzling. Feeling the huge magic power up close that she might not be able to use in her lifetime, Sajo Ayaka frowned slightly.

(Successful, this way you can——)


Suddenly, as if a circuit breaker had tripped, the strong magic power and dazzling light disappeared immediately, as if it continued to jump and pulsate a few times before going completely silent.

Sajo Ayaka: “…Eh? W-what’s going on?”

The summoning failed?

Impossible. I drew the summoning circle under the guidance of my sister and then summoned it according to the regular procedures. It should be impossible for the summoning to fail.


“Don’t worry, Ayaka.”

Stepping down from the sofa, Shajo Aige patted the clothes on her body, used alchemy to improvise a new outfit for herself, and shook the ring on her ring finger.

“Sister, I do feel it. Your summoning was successful, but if you want to see him, it seems you have to play a little hide-and-seek.”

“hide and seek?”

“Leave the rest to me. Ayaka, you can go back to sleep. I will handle all the matters during the Holy Grail War.”

As Shajo Aige said this, she walked out of the garden with her hands behind her back and walked briskly.

Looking at her sister leaving, Sajo Ayaka sighed slightly and glanced at the command spell on the back of her hand, which had only one stroke left: “Sister…well, as long as my sister is in a good mood, I will It doesn’t matter.”

3. Attacks from strangers


Landing on a bridge that not many people passed by from the air, Exia put away the Soaring Holy Sword behind her and took a look around with her backpack on her back.

“I am… coming to a modern city.”

While flying in the air, he had already roughly seen the city he was in now.

Surrounded by mountains on both sides, the whole city is sandwiched. A river passes through the middle of the city, dividing the city into two parts, and finally flows into the sea.

I don’t know if it is because of this, but the urban conditions on both sides of the river are also somewhat different. The west side looks a bit old, while the east side is quite developed and highly modernized.

As for the bridge where Exia is landing now, it crosses the river and is the only road connecting the two sides of the river.

Because it was night time now, and probably already late at night, there were no pedestrians on the bridge, not even a car, so Exia landed directly in such a generous manner.

Immediately afterwards, burning words appeared in the field of vision.

[World transfer completed]

[Tentative stay time: 2189:00:00]

[You can extend your stay at any time]

(It’s still three months… Well, if the time is extended by then, let’s talk about it. Compared with this, what’s more important now is——)

Alexia touched her chest: “Is this the world where I can get the second source of magic power? How to do it specifically?”

[Please explore and research by yourself]

Existence x clearly clarifies the relationship.

And Ddraig on his left hand also made a voice: [That is to say, he is only responsible for sending people away, not guiding him. He is really a bit irresponsible behind the scenes – but anyway, you have at least one year in this world. Please take your time to find the stay time, don’t be in a hurry]

“makes sense.”

Alexia nodded.

“Then let’s find a place to stay first, but before that I have to exchange the gold bars Rita prepared for me into money.”

Just like last time, this time Rita also prepared some hard currency for Ixia. To survive in another world, start-up capital is very important. Fortunately, this time she landed in the city, and those camping equipment were probably It’s no longer useful.

However, just as Exia was about to walk towards the more developed side on the east side——


A slight feeling of weakness came from his body, but he couldn’t help but frown.

Ddraig: [What’s wrong, partner? 】

“My power… seems to be draining away?”

Alexia shook hands and said in disbelief.

Although it was not obvious, he could clearly feel that his strength was gradually weakening, and the feeling of weakness was getting stronger and stronger with the loss of strength. Now it was probably as if he had been hungry for two meals.

“What’s going on? There is x.”

[Please explore and research by yourself]

The burning text only revealed this sentence.

In other words, this situation is not an abnormal situation, but a normal reaction after he came into this world? Is it similar to physical discomfort caused by acclimatization?

Ddraig: [We have to find a way to stop this, partner]

“Well, I know, but I have absolutely no idea why it’s like this. If I know the reason, I can at least think of something to do… Anyway, I’ll try to hold it in first.”

As Alexia spoke, she seemed to be holding her breath, holding it in as hard as she could.

But after a few seconds, Exia gave up, and her power was still being lost and weakened.

(What exactly is going on? Why do I continue to be so weak?)


A little light star appeared in front of his eyes. Alexia looked at his body and found that these light spots were actually floating out from his body. Moreover, where those light spots floated up, his body actually disappeared and disappeared obviously. break down? !

(This, this is——)

【partner! 】

Ddraig’s voice was filled with anxiety.

This is undoubtedly a sign of Alexia’s body disappearing. Judging from the current situation, it should be that as Alexia’s power is lost and weakened, his body will disappear bit by bit!

(What is going on in this world?! Is it possible that there are no living people in this world! Have everyone disappeared like me?)

Alexia couldn’t help but think.

And at this moment——

“Oh my, I found it!”

A voice that sounded quite brisk came down from the sky. Ixia looked up at the sky and saw a golden stream of light coming to the top of his head from a distance very quickly, and then quickly landed in front of him!

What emerged from the stream of light was a black-haired girl.

(What a beautiful girl…)

Alexia thought subconsciously.

If you want to rate appearance, and the full score is one hundred points, then the girl in front of you can definitely score one thousand points! Although there is no doubt that Bianca is the most beautiful girl in Alexia’s heart, but at this moment, this girl is enough to compare with her, or even seem to be slightly better?

The night-like long hair was divided into three parts, two of which were tied into ponytails and hung down on both sides, while the other part hung down like a waterfall. On top of his head was a gold crown that looked priceless.

Like her beautiful face, the girl’s figure is also quite flawless, and she seems to not care about being seen by others. She wears quite bold clothes and shows her body generously – it can almost be said that she is just a figure. Wearing a pair of underwear.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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