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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 124

“You were the one flying around in the sky just now, right?”

When Ixia was sizing up the girl in front of her, the girl was the first to speak.

Alexia raised her eyebrows: “Indeed… Is there any problem with this?”

(It’s not necessarily about my airspace sovereignty, right?)

“You’re really brave. Don’t you know that from the moment I appear in this world, the sky in this city is already my property?”

(It’s true!)

Looking at the accusing girl, Alexia thought for a moment: “Uh… if possible, can you please let me explain? If the sovereignty of the sky in this city belongs to you, then trespassing is indeed It’s my fault, and I can compensate you if you need it. But I have my reasons, please understand this, after all, I was in heaven as soon as I came to this world.”


The black-haired girl was silent for a while after hearing this, and then she covered her face and laughed twice as if she heard some joke: “Hahaha~~~ It’s really interesting. We have actually met each other, and yet we are still talking to each other. I opened my eyes and told lies – lying openly in front of the goddess, how brave I am!”

(Eh? Goddess?)

“It’s commendable that you’re willing to compensate. You’re quite obedient, but you still have to settle the score for lying – Ma Anna!”

The black-haired girl raised her hand to the sky as she spoke, and then, an oversized golden bow flew to the girl’s side like a spaceship!

(That is–)

“Seeing that you have realized your mistake and have a good attitude towards admitting it, this goddess will show mercy and give you a painless shot as punishment. Just stand there obediently. Don’t move~~~”


Following the girl’s words, a strong wave of energy immediately gathered in the hollow in the center of the golden bow!

next moment–


An arrow of light suddenly shot out!

4.I finally see you, Prince.

very dangerous.

Turning her head back slightly, Ixia glanced at the arrow of light behind her that extended to the entrance at the other end of the bridge, and even shot further into the distance. She couldn’t help but feel a little surprised and surprised in her heart.

(It’s so fast, and…you can tell just by feeling it, it’s very powerful!)

“Why are you hiding?”

The black-haired girl looked dissatisfied at Alexia who dodged her shot.

“How can you hide when you are being punished? One more shot!”

“No, no, no, please wait, this is beyond the scope of punishment! Is it really okay to fight directly on the street? I have no enmity with you, so there is no need to attack me directly!”

“……what are you talking about?”

The black-haired girl looked confused.

“When you meet other [Servants] who are alone outside, isn’t it normal to take action directly?”

(Servant? What is that?)

Alexia was confused in her heart. Could it be that she had mistaken herself for her enemy?

“Um, are you mistaken? I’m not a Servant. After all, I just–“


Another arrow of light shot out from the golden bow, scaring Exia so much that she rolled away and at the same time, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand appeared on her left hand!


(Tsk, you don’t listen to others, so you can only fight first?)

“This feeling…is it a dragon?”

Looking at the cage on Exia’s left hand, the black-haired girl put her hands on her hips and smiled meaningfully: “Interesting, a servant with the power of the dragon? It seems that this Holy Grail War will not be too boring.”


The black-haired girl smiled slightly, her feet left the ground out of thin air, and flew into the air with the golden bow.

“Since you also want to fight, how about a formal war between us? I, the goddess, will start the opening battle of the Holy Grail War. As my dance partner, you can feel extremely proud and glorious. Unknown Servant.”

“So, I’m not a Servant! You’ve got the wrong person!” Exia explained, “Besides, I have no intention of fighting you. You were the one who made the first move! I just wanted to defend myself!”

“It’s useless to talk! It’s coming!”

As if she was very excited about the upcoming battle, the black-haired girl smiled and made an aiming motion with her hand, and the golden bow immediately condensed the arrow of light with it!

(coming soon!)

“call out–!”

Voiced by a black-haired girl, arrows of light fall from the sky! But compared with the single trajectory before, this time the shooting was while leaving the golden bow——

“Swish, swish, swish!”


Seeing the arrows of light suddenly splitting into dozens of arrows in his eyes, Exia directly took out the Soaring Holy Sword——



The power of the Sekiryuutei flows into the Soaring Holy Sword through [Transfer]!

“[code: slash]!”


Following Exia’s instructions, the golden flames on the holy sword immediately condensed into a thin line, and under Exia’s swing, the condensed flames immediately turned into a slash of light and exploded! In an instant, all the arrows of light were absorbed!


The Slash of Light and the Arrow of Light immediately erupted together, causing a loud explosion in mid-air.

Looking at the Holy Sword in Exia’s hand, the black-haired girl frowned slightly: “Is it the Holy Sword? It’s fairly sacred. It has the breath of a dragon and the Holy Sword… You Where did this follower come from?”

“I told you I’m not a Servant!”

“You’re still lying – it seems like you’re not going to suffer a little pain, aren’t you prepared to do it?”

(No, it is still said that he was given a command spell by his master to conceal his identity… However, judging from the spiritual base on his body that is about to be unable to maintain, he should be a loser who has lost his master. Single follower.)

(The Master was lost on the first day of the Holy Grail War. He was really a poor guy. At least let this goddess give him a grand burial.)

Being able to die in the hands of the goddess is a blessing and honor for anyone.

Thinking of this, the black-haired girl became a little more serious this time and poured more magic power into the golden bow. A thicker arrow of light than before was instantly formed!

[Be careful, partner]

Ddraig issued a reminder.

[The strength of the magic power has increased, and the holy sword may not be able to block it, so prepare to use ice]

The Holy Sword of Soaring is not a holy sword for combat. Although it has a certain combat mode, it is mostly used to assist flight, and its power is not much higher at all. In addition, Exia is still losing strength…

(…I know, it’s a big deal and I’ll spend some time dealing with the aftermath!)

Looking at the large arrow of light that was ready to go, ice slightly condensed in Alexia’s palm, and the temperature around her body began to slowly drop.

And at the moment when the black-haired girl and Exia were about to take action——

“Ah, has the fight started yet? Then it seems that I came at the right time.”

A sweet voice came from the other side of the bridge, followed by a burst of brisk footsteps.

Exia and the black-haired girl stopped what they were doing at the same time.

(Coming at this time… other Servants?)

(General people? No…)

As the footsteps approached, both Exia and the black-haired girl soon saw who was speaking.

She was a beautiful girl who was not inferior to the black-haired girl. Her long golden hair, like the sun, was floating behind her without any decoration. Her pretty face had a bit of cuteness and unique charm. With a soft smile, his blue eyes were staring in the direction of Alexia from the moment they appeared, flashing with different emotions.

“Who are you–“

Exia was about to ask the girl who she was, but the next moment, as if something was connected, a force suddenly surged out from somewhere in her body!


“It seems that the connection was successfully connected, because the distance at the beginning was really too far, and we had to get this distance before we could connect.”

At some point, the girl had arrived in front of Alexia.

“But that’s okay. After all, this way, we can always be together.”

“Are you…who the hell are you?”

“Love song.”

The girl—Sajo Aige—raised the ring finger of her right hand wearing a ring: “Sajo Aige, from now on until the future, I will always be with you.”

“I have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally you are allowed to meet me, my dearest… Prince (berserker)!”

5. The power of Shajo’s love songs

Sajo Aige’s sudden statement made Exia and the black-haired girl stunned for a moment.



“You, you are actually a berserker?!”

The black-haired girl looked at Exia in disbelief – berserker, among the seven classes in the Holy Grail War, is known as the craziest class. Almost all the servants who can be summoned by this class are without exception. He is a person who has experienced madness during his lifetime.

But Alexia…the black-haired girl couldn’t see what was so crazy about this guy? He is obviously a very sensible person.

“Wait, wait, wait, please wait for me first.”

Alexia quickly waved her hands and took a few steps back: “You or this black-haired girl, what have you been talking about since just now? What a servant, what a berserker… I completely listen. I do not know!”

“Oh, I did neglect this point. I’m really sorry, Prince.”

Sajo Aige held Alexia’s hand.

“But don’t worry, come home with me, I will tell you everything you want to know.”

“Going home with you…who are you? Why do you call me Prince when we meet?”

Alexia looked at Shajo Aige with a suspicious look on her face.

Whether it was the black-haired girl or she, they all said words he couldn’t understand. Why did he meet such an inexplicable woman as soon as he came to this world? She attacked him while talking to herself, and mistook him for someone else – what on earth is going on in this world?

Seeing that Alexia showed all her doubts and vigilance towards herself, Shajo Aige was silent for a while, then took two steps back and lifted up her skirt slightly: “I understand… Indeed, I have to let It is a little difficult for you to accept the current situation now, and I also lost some of my calmness because I was too excited. I am really sorry.”

“However, at least please believe that I am your companion and someone who will never betray you no matter what. I am someone who loves you from the bottom of my heart and deeply. Prince.”


Shajo Aige’s words are absolutely not false.

Alexia could tell this no matter how hard she looked, the look in her eyes was definitely not fake.

But he had just met her for the first time, so why did she act like she had known him for a long time?

(The end of this world…)

“Hey! Wait for me!”

Just as Alexia was thinking, the black-haired girl flying in the sky suddenly spoke.

“You actually put this goddess aside and fell into the world of two people on your own… You two really have no respect for God at all! Don’t blame me for being harsh now! Even if I kill you all for this heinous crime of disrespecting God, it won’t be a problem!”

“No, I should say that I should kill you all to atone for my sins!”


As if in response to the girl’s angry words, the round hole of the golden bow gathered an unprecedented amount of powerful magic! Even the surrounding air vibrated under the magic power, and ripples burst out in circles!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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