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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 125

(Didn’t she use her full strength just now?!)

While such thoughts flashed through his mind, Ixia pulled Shajo Aige behind him: “Although I don’t know who you are, you’d better run away quickly. I will find a way to deal with it here. You Go to a safe place first!”


Shajo Aige glanced at her wrist held by Alexia, and two blushes immediately appeared on both sides of her cheeks, as if she was a little girl who had gained her beloved thing, with a look of intoxication on her face.

(The prince took my hand! The prince took the initiative to hold my hand! I talked to the prince. The prince asked me to run first. The prince is caring about me. The prince is caring about me————————)

For a moment, really just a moment, Shajo Aige’s mind was filled with such thoughts.

Then, before Alexia could say anything, she hugged Alexia’s body from behind, as if she wanted to cling to him tightly, pressing her whole body against him.

Alexia: “Hey, you——”

“Please don’t talk, Prince-sama.” Shajo Aige said softly, “Please focus on fighting Archer. I will give you enough strength to fight her.”

“Power, what are you – ugh!”

Before he finished speaking, a force suddenly began to pour into Alexia’s body from her back!

【boost, boost, boost, boost】

The sound of doubling four times in a row came from the cage hand!

[Partner, this is incredible, this girl…]

“Thank you very much for your compliment, Mr. Chiryu.” Shajo Aige said with a sweet smile, “Okay, Prince, next -“


The sound of shooting falling from the sky drowned out Sajo Aige’s voice. The girl whom Sajo Aige called Archer didn’t give the two any time to continue talking, and fired the arrow of light with all her strength the moment the power was charged!

(Quit on the first night, berserker!)

Archer thought so.



Accompanied by a loud noise, the arrow of light was frozen in mid-air by a blast of frost that burst out of thin air!


Archer was a little surprised for a moment.

Then the next moment——


A holy sword burning with flames smashed the frozen arrow of light into pieces! Split it into countless light spots!

Standing among the scattered light spots, Exia stared at Archer, and she was also a little surprised by what she had just done.

(The power of the Sekiryuutei… was forcibly induced?)

Glancing at Sajo Aige from the corner of her eye, Exia couldn’t help but start to think about who she was, who could forcibly draw out the power of the Sekiryuutei… At least she was definitely not the one he thought needed his protection just now. Powerless girl.

“It’s really amazing, Prince.”

Sajo Aige, who had already let go of her hand, said with a smile.

“It’s great that my power can help you.”

“Don’t be too proud!”

Archer once again compared his hands to aiming: “It’s just that I blocked one blow, and then——”

“I advise you not to continue fighting, Archer.” Shajo Aige interrupted Archer, “In your current state, how many rounds can you fire the attack just now? It’s just less than two seconds in the world. Damn it, you haven’t completed [Fusion] yet, right?”

“——It will disappear.”


Hearing Shajo Aige mention this matter, Archer’s expression suddenly changed a few times, and then he gritted his teeth and glared at Alexia angrily: “I remember you, Berserker. This time, you will treat me as my elder brother.” I will spare your life with mercy, but in the following war, you should try your best not to encounter me! Huh!”

After saying this, Archer turned into a stream of light together with the golden bow, quickly flew into the sky and disappeared into the distance.

And watching her leave, Alexia also breathed a sigh of relief.

(It would be best if we don’t start a complete fight. I have just arrived in this world, and I really want to collect information first if possible.)

(Well, one trouble is solved, the other…)

Alexia looked at Sajo Aige: “Thank you very much for your help, Ms. Sajo.”

“You’re welcome, Lord Prince. It’s an honor for me to be able to help you with my power.” Shajo Aige smiled, “However, in this way, Lord Prince should understand that I am not your enemy, right? If you If you still don’t believe it, then I am willing to swear on my soul and name——”

“tell me.”

Alexia interrupted Sajo Aige and put away the cage hand and the holy sword: “Why do you think of me as a prince, what are servants and berserker, and who was that girl just now… ….There are many, many things I want to know now, you should be able to tell me them all, right?”


Shajo Aige nodded vigorously, and then hugged Alexia’s arm: “Thank you for trusting me so much! Prince!”

6. Sha Tiao Love Song: Wang Zha

Tens of minutes later, inside Sha Tiao’s house.

living room.

“Please have some tea, Your Majesty the Prince.”

Holding a pot of freshly brewed scented tea, Shatiao Aige sat in front of Alexia and poured him a full cup.

Looking at the cup in front of her, Alexia paused: “…there is no need for etiquette. Ms. Shajo, please tell me everything about the current situation.”

“Okay, of course no problem.”

Shajo Aige smiled and said: “Let me think about it, where should I start talking about it first… By the way, let’s start with the Holy Grail.”

Holy Grail?

Alexia frowned: “What is that?”

“Did your original world not have the concept of the Holy Grail?”

“Probably not…wait, you-” Alexia’s eyes turned sharply, “you…know that I am not from this world?”


Shajo Aige stretched out his hands: “That may be an exaggeration, but I know almost everything in this world, and I can basically do anything, although it is limited to the human realm.”

“However, I, who am supposed to be omniscient, cannot see anything related to you at all… No, to be more clear, I couldn’t see it before. Before you came to this world, I could only see There is [unknown] about you, and now I can see your [past].”

“And if it is something that I cannot see, then there is only one possibility that I can think of – you are not an original existence in my world, but someone who came from a different world that has nothing to do with our world.”


Shajo Aige is right.

Alexia looked hesitant for a moment, then nodded: “Well, you are right – so does this have something to do with you regarding me as your prince, and the Holy Grail you just mentioned?”

“Yes – you can say that I participated in the Holy Grail War just to meet you.”

Sajo Aige smiled, and then told Exia truthfully all the things about the Holy Grail War, as well as the origin of the Holy Grail War, and the general situation of this Holy Grail War.

The omnipotent wishing machine, the seven magicians and servants, the heroic spirits etched in human history…

And after listening to it——

“I see. I generally understand the situation.”

Alexia held her chin and nodded: “But why am I involved in the Holy Grail War? I am not from your world, and I am not considered a so-called heroic spirit or servant, right?”

“Well… to put it simply, [the world] has put a [shell] on you.” Shajo Aige explained, “This world is actually very timid. Yes, for an outsider like you who carries great power, there is no way you can feel at ease if you don’t impose some restrictions.”

“So, in an existential sense, you are now a [Servant].”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she stared at the data that appeared in her eyes.


Class: berserker

Master: Sajo Ayaka

Real name: Alexia Kaslana (???)

Attributes: Order·Neutral

Ability value–

Strength: c+

Durability: b

Agile: c++

Magic: e

Lucky: d~a

Noble Phantasm: d~a+++

Class skills——

Madness: e~a

A class ability that strengthens abilities at the cost of losing rationality and gives berserker characteristics. Alexia Kaslana cannot actively use this ability, and if she does, she will lose most of her rationality.

Not irrational under certain circumstances

Keep skills——

The will to save the world: a++

? ? ?

Magical Contamination (Ice): a

A variant of magic release. The ability to strengthen oneself and weapons through magic. In the case of Alexia Kaslana, the cold air turned into and adhered to the weapons and body, and at the same time caused a certain degree of pollution to the surroundings. The severity of contamination depends on the power and time

God-killing: e

The ability gained by killing mythical beings slightly increases the damage dealt to enemies with divinity.


A berserker is a crazy warrior. In the previous Holy Grail Wars, the holders of this class were either crazy heroes, or servants whose masters specially added the Madness Spell in order to strengthen weak servants.

At the cost of losing rationality, he greatly increases his power.

However, Exia is different from any other berserker that Sajo Aige has known.

(The ability level is quite good, and it can be explosively strengthened through the power of the dragon… However, it is a surprise that it cannot go crazy independently.)

Shajo Aige rested her chin on her hands.

(But that’s okay. Although I’m looking forward to what the crazy prince will be like, I also like the polite prince he is now.)


Naturally, Alexia didn’t know what Sajo Aige was thinking. After reciting what she just said, she asked, “So, is the situation where I lost my power just now a trait of a Servant?”

“Yeah. Except for some special Servants, the Servants will disappear when they leave the Master and lose their magic power supply. You don’t seem to have the ability to support your own actions, so you don’t have to establish a circuit with the Master. If so, you will disappear little by little.”

Shajo Aige explained.

“Establishing a circuit…Is that why you hugged me just now?”

“No, that’s not establishing a circuit, it’s just giving you part of my magic power.” Shajo Aige’s cheeks were slightly red and her hands were shaking uneasily, “The circuit is an important link and bond between us. If possible, I hope to establish contact with you in a more solemn way…”

“In what way?”



“Kiss…can I trouble you?”

“Cough cough cough cough!”

Hearing what Shajo Aige said, Alexia couldn’t help but cough violently!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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