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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 126

kiss? kiss?

“You, you must be lying to me, right? Is the circuit connected like this?”

“Yes! Please understand!”

This is a lie.

A circuit can be established at any time as long as Shajo Aige is willing. Right now, she just wants to take advantage of Alexia. After all, Alexia still knows nothing about this world, so this is a good opportunity to take advantage!

After all, Shajo Aige is his only source of information now.


Alexia looked a little confused.

To be honest, he didn’t think that was true. And even if it was true, he and Shajo Aige had only known each other for more than ten minutes, and he still didn’t understand where her love for him came from. Kissing each other like this was really a bit…

Even, to say the least, Alexia hopes that the first girl she kisses is Bianca!

“You…you wait a moment.”

After thinking for a while, Ixia took out the personal terminal from her pocket: “I need to ask my boss for instructions.”

Although Otto said that he can make all decisions about Alexia’s actions in the other world by himself and does not need to report everything to him, but for such an [important] matter, Alexia really cannot make the decision alone!

[Beep, beep, beep~~~Eh? Alexia, why did you call back so soon? 】

Soon, Bianca’s voice rang from the personal terminal.

【Is there something urgent? 】

“Well, it’s quite urgent -“

“Ah, are you the prince’s friend?”

Before Ixia could say anything, Sajo Aige had already come to sit next to him, and came face to face with Bianca in front of the camera.

【Who are you? 】

“First meeting, Prince’s friend. I am Shajo Aige, and I have made a lifelong agreement with Prince to be his lover until the future.”

Alexia: “!”

Bianca: “!”

Rita who happened to be passing by: “!”

(What is this guy talking about!!!!)

7. This human king has no CD?

The [bomb] suddenly thrown by Shajo Aige directly blew up the minds of the three of them.

But soon, after thinking for a moment, Bianca laughed: [Is this a joke? Alexia. 】

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”

Alexia nodded like a ritter.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand. How long has Alexia been in another world? It only takes an hour, how can I get close to a local girl so quickly? Not to mention that in Bianca’s view, he was not a person who would casually make a lifelong agreement with someone.

To sum up, Shajo’s words about Aige can only be a joke.

[You really have met a lady who loves to joke, Lady Axia. ] Rita also stared with a smile.

“It’s not a joke.”

Shajo Aige shook her head, stretched out her hands and hugged Alexia’s arm slightly, and said in the frozen expressions of Rita and Bianca: “Perhaps you two think that I have only known the prince for a short time, and we have just met each other. My words may sound like a joke, but I can assure you that my feelings for the Prince are absolutely not false, and I sincerely want to start dating the Prince on the precondition of marriage.”


“Since the two of you are friends of the prince, I am also willing to regard you two as friends. If possible, I hope that you two can offer blessings and encouragement to the relationship between me and the prince – by the way, considering the prince Your Majesty is from another world, so in the future I will go to his original world to live with him, visit his family, and formally propose…”

“Okay, okay! I sincerely ask you to shut up now!”

Alexia, who couldn’t listen at all, quickly covered Shajo Aige’s mouth, and then pushed her out of the range of the camera!

If she keeps talking, it will be over! With Bianca’s serious character, she will definitely misunderstand her from beginning to end!

“Bianca, Rita, please listen to my explanation first. Ms. Shajo and I are definitely not in the situation she said!”



[Ahem, let me do it, Lord Exia. 】

After moving Bianca, who was stunned, to the sofa aside, Rita sat down in front of the personal terminal again.

[The conversation just now was a bit shocking to Lady Bianca, please understand]

“Don’t talk about you, I can’t calm down now…” Ixia held her forehead, “First I met a willful goddess (self-proclaimed), and then I met someone like Ms. Shajo. …A lady who talks to herself too much makes me regret coming to this world.”

【You have worked hard】

Rita smiled.

[So, continuing the topic just now, why are you contacting us so soon? 】

“Oh, about this… uh… actually it has something to do with Ms. Shajo.” Exia reluctantly tilted the camera towards Shajo Aige, “I’m over here The way it exists is somewhat special, it can be regarded as a [summoned object]. Without the energy supply from the summoner, it would be difficult to even exist in the world.”

“Then, the person who summoned me in the form of a summoned object was Ms. Sandjo. And now I need to establish a conceptual path with her so that she can provide me with energy.”

[That’s it…then what’s the problem? 】

“Here’s the big problem – Ms. Shajo said kissing is needed to establish the circuit.”


The standard smile on Rita’s face froze again. I don’t know if he noticed something, but the corners of Shajo Aige’s mouth raised slightly, and his eyes also showed some changes.

Specifically… bring some aggression.


Rita, who is good at this, immediately realized the meaning in Shajo Aige’s eyes.

(Is this Sajo Aige…seriously trying to take Lady Alexia away from Lady Bianca?)

【…I think this must be a lie, right? Miss Shatiao]

After thinking for a while, Rita asked with a smile.

[I don’t know much about the situation in your world, but from a woman’s perspective, I don’t think it’s appropriate to kiss someone you meet for the first time. This is a little too open-minded. At least Lord Exia probably doesn’t like your fiery personality]

【am I right? Lady Alexia]

“Ah…well, almost. It would be better to say that being too enthusiastic would make me a little scared and wary.”

Very clever answer.

Shajo Aige couldn’t help but praise inwardly.

(Indeed, when Prince Wang and I met for the first time, I didn’t know what kind of girls Prince Prince liked. I just expressed my mood and feelings in the most intuitive way… Is it a little rash?)

(The other person is a friend who has been with the prince for a long time – it is really a skillful way to refute me through the accumulation of [experience] and [emotion].)

After some internal calculations, Sajo Aige put away her outward provocation and turned to face Exia, putting on a somewhat weak and gentle expression.

“So that’s it…I’m really sorry, Mr. Prince. I didn’t mean to cause you any ill feelings, just because I finally met you, I couldn’t hold back my joy… You saw my immature side and I’m sorry.”

“No, I don’t have that much dislike for you – so the statement about wanting to kiss is really a lie?”

Shatiao Aige nodded apologetically: “Yes, I want to take advantage of you a little… It seems that I have acted too hastily. But please don’t misunderstand, I will never treat you badly.” Any adverse actions that occur, everything I do is for me and you.”


Sajo Aige’s overly straightforward expression of love made Alexia not know how to answer the question for a moment. To be honest, this was the first time in nearly seventeen years that he had been confessed to in such an open and honest manner. Compared to the girls before who could only whisper in the distance, it was really a big difference.

Irina simply expressed her gratitude that time, so it doesn’t count.

“So, what’s the real way?”

“Please wear this ring.”

Shajo Aige took out a ring that seemed to be woven with golden branches from his pocket: “Under normal circumstances, when the servant is summoned by the master, he will establish a magic circuit with the master. If it cannot be established, then It’s just a matter of the Master.”

“But your situation is different. You don’t have any magic circuits of your own, so you can only use this prop. Wear it on your finger, and I can provide you with magic power through the ring that is paired with you. ”

While saying this, Sajo Aige shook the ring on her finger.

“Also, if you can…please wear it on your ring finger. That will make me very happy.”

“…Can’t you just wear it on your finger? Can’t you hang it around your neck?”

“Hmm~~~ It’s not impossible, but the efficiency will be much lower. After all, it won’t be in full contact with your body.”

Hearing this, Ixia paused, and then brought the ring to the middle finger of her right hand.

The moment he put it on, he felt a vague connection between himself and Shajo Aige, and a force followed this connection and flowed from Shajo Aige through the ring. Come over.

And with the inflow of power, Ixia can clearly feel that her power has been improved to a certain extent.

“The servants will be strengthened accordingly based on the magic power provided by the master.” Sajo Aige explained with a smile, “The better the master, the greater the improvement the servants can get. And I… It is no exaggeration to say that I am probably the best Master and Magician in the world.”

“If I fight with you, you will definitely win to the end and get the Holy Grail, my lord.”

(Yes, I’ll let you win until the end.)

(It will happen anyway. The final winner…can only be you, the prince.)

8. Followers of gods rely on them

Just when Alexia and Sajo Aige officially connected the circuit.

In another mansion not a short distance away from Shatiao’s house.


Opening the window unceremoniously and flying into the house from the outside, Archer held onto the railing and covered his chest: “Tsk…it’s really troublesome. The integration is not complete enough. I can only do this tonight…for now.” Yet?”


“Okay, remember this for me. Next time you are in danger, let’s see if this goddess can save you!”

As if speaking to someone, after saying such harsh words, Archer closed her eyes on the spot, and then a burst of golden light seemed to be peeled off from her body, and the revealing clothes disappeared and replaced her. She was wearing a red coat, black skirt and stockings, and the crown on her head also disappeared without a trace.

The aura emanating from the whole person seemed to be that of a different person in an instant.


Covering his head and gasping for breath, [Archer] glanced at the red crest with only two strokes left on his right hand: “Finally…have you got your body back? It took one stroke of the Command Seal to do it. Force her back…Really, I really summoned an incredible servant…”

My whole body aches like crazy, my magic circuits are definitely overloaded, and I’m also terribly tired. [Archer] doesn’t even want to move a finger right now.

The next moment, accompanied by a burst of hasty footsteps, the door of the room she was in was suddenly opened.

A middle-aged man wearing a red suit and a beard appeared at the door. When he saw [archer] in the room, he quickly came over to help her: “Are you okay? Rin.”


The girl known as Rin glanced at the man, and with the help of the man, she sat down next to the chair and took a few breaths: “Well, it’s okay… I’m just very tired.”

“Being possessed by a divine servant will put a great burden on your body… I will use healing magic on you later.”


The pain that spread throughout her body made Rin groan again.

Looking at his daughter like this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but sigh: “Oh~~~~ I didn’t expect such an abnormal situation to occur in this Holy Grail War. The possession of a god-level servant… I didn’t want it before. It’s said it happened, but I haven’t even heard of the rumor.”

——The followers of the gods rely on them.

This is what is happening to Rin now.

Generally speaking, the servants summoned during the Holy Grail War are independent individuals and will not rely on others.

But that’s only if the summoned servant is not a god.

No, to be more correct, it is actually impossible for gods to be summoned by the mere Holy Grail. The personality of the Holy Grail is simply not enough to attract the gods in mythology.

However, this time, a girl named Rin summoned a god, whose real name was Ishtar, the goddess of Venus in ancient Mesopotamia.

In terms of divinity, mystery and personality, he is almost the top god.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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