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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 127

Of course, the Holy Grail could not withstand the arrival of such an ancient mystery, so almost as soon as it was summoned, the goddess Ishtar was forced to leave the scene. The magic power of the world and Rin’s magic power did not even allow her to appear in the world. Less than.

But the goddess Ishtar did a ridiculous thing, that is, she possessed Rin – should it be said that she was more compatible? Or is it that the wavelengths of the two are relatively similar? It ended up being a situation where Rin and the goddess Ishtar became one.

Rin became a servant, and the goddess Ishtar became a human. They were both servants and masters.

For the goddess Ishtar, this situation is not inconvenient. At most, the power of the goddess has been greatly weakened. Originally, she was just out to have fun in response to the call of the Holy Grail, so it would be just right if her power becomes weaker. You can have more fun playing.

But for Rin, that would be tragic – the body used by the goddess Ishtar is her body! All the burdens need to be borne by her! Regardless of the consumption of magic power or physical damage, it will all be attributed to her in the end!

How could a teenage girl like her endure such torture? In less than two days, she felt like her body was falling apart.

Moreover, as time goes by, the degree of this dependence will gradually deepen, until finally Rin completely loses the ability to take back his body and completely transforms into the goddess Ishtar.


Rin held the table and looked at his father.

“Can you give me some of the gems at home?”

“Are you going to… be like this?”

“Well, trouble…”

Facing his own daughter’s request, the middle-aged man didn’t hesitate at all and immediately nodded in agreement.

Although for him, gems are precious tools in every sense, but since his daughter wants to use them, and they are still used in the Holy Grail War, there is no reason for him to refuse.

“It will be ready before dawn tomorrow. You should have a good rest before then.”


After receiving her father’s approval, Rin closed her eyes with relief and fell into a deep sleep.


at the same time.

On the bridge where Exia and Archer fought before.

“Tch, I’m late…but it seems I can still pick up some leftover things.”

A man’s voice appeared on the bridge along with his figure under the streetlight.

Looking at the traces on the ground that had obviously been repaired by someone, and feeling the chill in the air that had not completely dissipated, the man covered in a plush cloak tapped the ground with the wooden stick in his hand, and pondered for a while. Then he laughed and said: “The battle didn’t last long. Is one of the parties… Archer? Only she can use this kind of long-distance attack method.”

“And the other party – Saber? At least it shouldn’t be Lancer and Rider. Caster can’t be… interesting. He can survive under the hands of that Archer. I guess he won’t be some unknown person. Look. Come and look forward to it.”

“You think so? Lancer.”

As the man spoke, he looked up at the sky. Above the bright red bridge, you could clearly see a figure standing there, holding a golden light gun and a golden buckler.

Upon hearing the man’s words, the servant called Lancer responded coldly: “I have no obligation to answer you, Caster.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you’re really cold – okay, it’s almost time for me to leave. I can smell the smell of mead from a long way away. I don’t want to meet that poisonous woman.”


Looking at Caster who disappeared in a burst of blue light below, Lancer was silent for a moment on the top of the bridge, and then also turned into blue light and disappeared in place.

Only the sound of wheels gradually came from the distance.

9. Goal is the Holy Grail

The second floor of Shatiao’s house.

“This is your room, Prince.”

After leading Alexia to the door of a room, Shajo Aige opened the door and said.

Alexia poked her head in and took a look.

It was a very normal room, and it looked like it should have been occupied by a man.

“This room is?”

“This is my father’s room. Please use it as you wish. During the Holy Grail War, my father will not come back for the time being.” Sajo Aige explained, “I will live with my sister. The room is located at the end of this corridor. West side.”

Putting the luggage on the floor, Alexia came to the bed and sat down: “I’m sorry, but I still need you to provide me with accommodation.”

Normally, a follower does not need to sleep, nor does he feel tired or tired. He only needs to release the physical form, and the consumption of magic power in the spiritual state will be reduced to a minimum. For the follower, this is enough. It’s a rest.

But Exia was not a regular Servant, so sleep was necessary.

“It doesn’t matter, Prince. No matter what request you make, I will do my best to satisfy you.”

Shajo Aige said with a smile.

“Actually, I also have my own room. If possible, I would like…”

“Please allow me to refuse if I want to sleep with you, Ms. Shajo.” Exia quickly said, “Today is just the first time we have met. Although you don’t know why you like me so much, I don’t know you at all. ,so–“

“Hehehe~~~~I understand, Mr. Prince.” Shajo Aige chuckled a few times, “I think we will be together for a long time in the future, and before we separate, I will give all my Show it to you in every detail.”

“I will let you know me 100% and respond to my love after that – it’s been a long time since I said it. There shouldn’t be anything related to the Holy Grail War tonight, so please have a good rest. I will come back early tomorrow morning to wake you up.”

“Good night, Prince.”

After saying this, Shajo Aige closed the door.

After listening to the footsteps outside walking away, Exia breathed a sigh of relief: “Haha~~~It’s finally over…”

[I was given birth to a child by a troublesome woman, partner]

Ddraig’s voice came from his left hand.

Alexia raised her left hand: “I think 80% of the reason for this should be attributed to you, right? Ddraig. You said before that the power of dragons will attract the opposite sex – could this be the current situation? Is it caused by some inexplicable theory?”

[Hahaha, who knows? But isn’t that bad? As far as I know, men should all like to be hugged from one side to the other, right? 】

“I’m not…”

[But you should also think it’s pretty good, right? Whether it’s in the world over there or in this world, your heartbeat will speed up when you are touched by a woman]

“That’s a normal reaction!”

What’s more, regardless of the world over there, in this world, a beautiful girl like Shajo Aika suddenly rushed up to hug her, and was confessed to in such a passionate way. It’s not like Alexia was deaf. Once someone of the opposite sex directly expresses his love, it would be strange not to feel his heart beat faster.

[But no matter what, you still have to get used to it, partner. At least during this so-called Holy Grail War, you and her have to live together – the target is the Holy Grail, this is already certain]


Holy Grail.

It is known as the universal wishing machine, but according to Sajo Aika, it is not a real wishing machine, but because the accumulated magic power is too large, it can indeed realize wishes to a certain extent, so it is called It’s far from omnipotent.

Apart from its function of granting wishes and another essential function, the Holy Grail is just a magical container with an incredibly large capacity.

Spiritual veins, dragon veins, earth veins…you can call them whatever you want. In short, they are special paths buried underground that naturally have a large amount of magic power flowing through them. Alexia has actually heard about it in the world over there. For example, places with dragon veins flowing through them are mostly Feng Shui treasures – and so on.

The magic power of the Holy Grail comes from the spiritual veins, and it is the magic power accumulated for sixty years. Both quality and quantity are of the highest standards.

“Using the Holy Grail as my second source of magic should be able to temporarily solve the sequelae of magic, right?”

【Um. It should be able to be used by you for a long time, and then you only need to fully master your own power before the magic power of the Holy Grail is exhausted, and then master the magic.】

“And if you want to get the Holy Grail, you must first win the Holy Grail War…that is, survive to the end in the battle of the Seven Servants.”

Seven Cavalry Servants.

Saber, archer, lancer, rider, assassin, caster, berserker.

Shajo Aige had told him before that all the seven knight servants had been summoned, and he was the last one. The black-haired girl who claimed to be a goddess who fought with him before was Archer, whose real name was Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, love and war in Sumerian mythology.

Its master is a girl from the Tohsaka family, one of the three major magic families in Fuyuki City, named Tosaka Rin.

[The goddess of the Sumerian pantheon…she is also a restless person in my world]

“Do you have one over there too?”

【certainly. However, compared with many myths, because they are not widely circulated, the overall scale of the Sumerian pantheon is not large, and the number of gods is not large]

(In different worlds, there are different gods.)

[But, since that girl can directly tell you the enemy’s information, and you are not a regular servant, we can say that we have some intelligence advantages. Let’s use this as a basis to face the enemy, partner]

“That’s true – if Ms. Shajo is there, I think it should be able to stay in a state of quadrupling constantly, right?”

Sajo Aige said that the power of the servant will change according to the amount of magic power provided by the master, and based on Exia’s current feeling, even without activating the Sekiryuutei’s cage, he can always remain stable at two levels. times, and in battle, once the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand is used, the multiplication will take effect immediately.

(This means that the magic power provided by Sajo Aige is enough to give me such a huge increase in power… Is this the best magician and master in the world? It is indeed not just a random statement. .)

[What are you feeling over there, idiot! Come here quickly! 】

Just when Alexia was amazed by the power of Shajo’s love song, a loud thunder-like sound suddenly exploded in Alexia’s mind! Before Alexia had time to react, her entire consciousness seemed to have been cut off from the rope hanging in the air, and she fell into the depths of her consciousness in an instant!



A world of howling wind and snow replaced the surrounding world.

10. Be mentally prepared for me

field of consciousness.

After adjusting from the initial accident and grabbing Ddraig’s paw, which flew over to catch him at the right time, Exia quickly arrived on the snowy field from the air.

Looking at her other self sitting under the ice tree, Exia asked: “You pulled me here all of a sudden…Is there something super urgent? The other me.”

“That’s right – of course, not only for you, but also for that stinky girl.”

[Exia] crossed her legs and stared at Exia’s body.

“Get out of here, it’s Shajo Aige.”

Shatiao Love Song?

Alexia frowned – this was his realm of consciousness, how could Shajo Aige appear here?

“You’re really sharp.”

However, at the same time that Alexia had this idea, the voice of Sha Tiao’s love song suddenly came out from the shadow under his feet, followed by a wave-like floating in the shadow, It stood upright like wriggling black mud, forming a human shape under his surprised gaze!

It’s Shatiao’s love song.

Without immediately responding to [Exia’s] eyes, Shajo Aige turned around first and bowed deeply to Exia: “We meet again, Prince. I can also see you in person here. good.”

“You…why are you here!”

Alexia can no longer be said to be surprised, but rather a little frightened – this is his realm of consciousness! Shajo Aige can enter here…that means she can enter other people’s consciousness at will! ?

At this moment, countless ways that could be achieved through this method flashed through Alexia’s mind.

“Don’t think too much, idiot.”

[Exia] said coldly.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, after meeting here directly, I understood that she is someone who will never do what you want to you under any circumstances – to exaggerate, even Bianca betrayed you. , she won’t betray you.”

“She loves you hopelessly.”

“You are exaggerating, another prince.” Shajo Aige smiled with a slight blush on his cheeks, “It is an honor for me to be praised so straightforwardly by you.”

“Stop putting so much money on your face, you stinky girl! Say what you have to say!”

[Exia] had no intention of messing around with Sajo Aige, and got straight to the point: “You put some kind of [magic] on that ring that allows you to enter here, don’t you just want to come and meet me?”

“Magic? Ms. Shajo, did you perform magic?”

“Yes, Prince.”

Faced with Alexia’s question, Sajo Aige nodded naturally: “Because I want to understand the prince thoroughly. Although I have basically seen everything [in the past], I still want to formally give it a try. It’s better to say hello, after all, I will always be with the prince from now on. If you don’t know the prince well, then you might do something that is not in your favor.”

“So – the Red Dragon Emperor from another world, Mr. Ddraig. And another existence in the prince’s body, Mr. [Exia Kaslana]. I am Sajo Aige, just an admirer. I am an ordinary girl who cares about the prince, and I ask you to take good care of her in the future.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she looked at [Exia], but her eyes did not stay on him, as if she was looking at another person in another place far away through him.

[Exia] raised her eyebrows, then waved her hand: “Tsk, I know, I know. Is that all? Get out of here if nothing happens.”

“Yes. Then see you tomorrow, Prince.”

After saying that, Sajo Aige disappeared immediately and turned into a shadow again and came under Alexia.

She stepped on the shadow under her feet uneasily, and Alexia couldn’t help but look at her other self and Ddraig: “Is this…is this really okay?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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