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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 128

“Ah? Do you have any other questions?”

“No…I mean it’s really okay for her to simply come here and leave again? What if she’s going to do something to this place-“


A ball of snow suddenly hit Alexia’s face.

Throwing another ball of snow in her hand, [Axia] said: “Didn’t I just say it? She really, really, really doesn’t have any malice towards you at all. She loves you to the core of her heart. She loves you. The kind that enters the soul——Although the reason is completely unclear now, there is no doubt that [she is your companion].”

“Even if the whole world leaves you and the whole world stands against you, she will always stand by your side.”

“This is the only thing I can tell you for sure.”

(…First time.)

This should be the first time in my memory that [Exia] has made such a high evaluation of someone other than herself. She has always looked like the proudest person in the world, but she didn’t expect this time How could he trust and affirm Shatiao Aige so much?

“Does Ddraig feel the same way?”

“He’s not so sure.” Ddraig replied, “I can only say that if her performance is all about acting, then she is really too scary. She can even disguise her own consciousness and soul.”

Ddraig also said that there is nothing wrong with Shajo Love Song.

Is it someone you can truly trust?

In the past, Exia felt that this person should be Bianca. Even Bishop Otto, after Exia knew about some of the inhumane experiments he led, he could not be fully trusted. .

Does Shajo Aige’s feelings for him outweigh those two?

“Well, just follow your own pace and get to know her better before trusting her – it’s just a partner. That kind of girl is really good as a companion, but it’s also a [double-edged sword]. “

“Strong emotions can lead to various levels of destruction, you have to remember that.”

“That’s what I want to say, idiot.” [Exia] crossed her hands on her chest, “Although it’s just an intuition, it’s not surprising that a fan like her would do anything outrageous. With her Remember to be more considerate when getting along.”

“…You will also care about me?”

“Nonsense! I don’t want to work so hard every time I come out to save you, only to have you complain about me later! If you don’t want to be saved by me, just pay attention to yourself!”

[Exia] As he said this, he threw the ice cube that had frozen into a ball in his hand at Exia with all his strength.

Turning sideways to avoid the ice ball, Alexia smiled and nodded: “I know. I will try not to let myself rely on your power as much as possible, and you will be mentally prepared to stay here for the rest of your life. “

“Ha! That’s the best! Anyway, as you gradually master your own power, I will become a part of you again. It doesn’t matter to me whether I can get out or not!” [Exia] sneered.

“But you should also be mentally prepared – don’t let me come out to save you when you are beaten half to death again. At that time, I don’t care if I am you or you are me, the first thing I will do is to give you a slap in the face. , and then I’ll scold you until your biological father doesn’t even recognize you!”

“So, if you don’t want to be embarrassed, just hurry up and become stronger, [I (Kaslana)]”

11. Not a master of the same level

The day after the Holy Grail War officially started was also the day after Exia came to this world.

When she woke up from her drowsiness, the first thing that caught Exiya’s eyes was——

“Good morning, Prince. Did you have a good sleep?”

Her figure was shrouded in the sunlight streaming in from the window, like a saint, looking down at her Sajo Aige with a gentle smile.

Straightening up and sitting up from the bed, Alexia stretched her arms and legs: “Well, I slept well…Are you here to wake me up? Ms. Shajo.”

“Yes. Because breakfast has been prepared.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “By the way, Mr. Prince, I originally wanted to say it yesterday – the way you call me is really unfamiliar.”


Alexia was a little surprised that Shajo Aige would mention this aspect: “Do you want me to change the name I call you?”

“Yes. If you can, please call me [Ai Ge]. We are Master and Servant, and we are also people who will live together for a long time in the future. It doesn’t matter if we just call me by name.”

“…I understand, Miss Aige.”

After thinking for a while, Aixia chose a compromise.

Sajo Aige paused: “…Well, that’s okay. Then please change your clothes, Prince. I’ll wait for you in the corridor first.”



It didn’t take much time to change clothes and wash up. About ten minutes later, following Shajo Aige to the restaurant of Shajo’s house, Alexia saw at first sight the sumptuous breakfast on the table.

Sausage, bacon, fried eggs, toast, oatmeal, roasted tomatoes… It’s quite orthodox British style. Alexia has seen Rita prepare it many times before. After all, she is a pure British.

But this portion…

“Miss Aige, are you too prepared?”

Even if it is just a rough estimate, the portion on the table must be enough for five people. Ixia thinks she has a good appetite, but it is still a bit reluctant to eat five people for one breakfast – for Qia Na Lai probably can’t either.

Shajo Aige smiled and said: “I think it’s just right. In fact, in addition to my share for one and your share for three, I also prepared one for my sister.”

“Am I a threesome…eh, your sister?”

Alexia couldn’t help but said in surprise: “Is your sister here too?”

“Yes – ah, here we come.”

Sajo Aige said while looking towards the door not far away: “Ayaka, good morning.”

“Ah…well, good morning, sister.”

A somewhat confused voice came, and Alexia also looked at the door. Standing there was a blond girl who looked roughly like Shajo Aige, but her hair was much shorter.

Seeing Alexia looking at her, the girl – Sajo Ayaka – quickly bent down and bowed: “Hello… Mr. Berserker, I am Sajo Ayaka.”

“Hello, Sajo…well, should I say Miss Ayaka?” Alexia glanced at Sajo Aige vaguely. If the two sisters were both named Sajo, she would continue to call them by their surnames. Not great, easily confused.

When she came to the dining table and picked up her portion of breakfast, Sajo Ayaka turned around and prepared to leave the restaurant without stopping too much.

When Shajo Aige saw this, she shouted: “Won’t you eat with us? Ayaka.”

“Well, no need, I’ll go directly to the workshop. I think my sister would rather eat with Mr. Berserker.”

“Hmm~~~~That’s right. Thank you Ayaka for understanding my sister. Next time, my sister can help you with the homework assigned by your father.”

“No need, my sister’s level is too great, my father will see through it immediately.” Sajo Ayaka shook her head with a smile and refused, then looked at Alexia, “Then, I’ll take my leave first, Mr. Berserker – sister It’s up to you, please take good care of her.”

Seeing Sajo Ayaka leaving like this, Exia couldn’t help but sigh after being silent for a while: “She is really a good sister, Miss Aige.”

(Completely different from Kiana, if I have to say, she is a bit similar to Raiden Mei.)

“Yes, Ayaka is the sister I am most proud of.” Sajo Aige also smiled and said, “Okay, let’s start eating too, Prince. Just in time, I will take advantage of the meal time. Let me explain to you the specific situation of this Holy Grail War. Last night I only explained the basic content of the Holy Grail War to you, but did not explain the participation in this Holy Grail War.”


Alexia pulled up the chair and sat down, and Sajo Aige also sat across from him. While eating, he explained to Alexia the other six [opponents] in this Holy Grail War.

The number of participants in the Holy Grail War is seven.

The first is the quota for Tosaka, Matou, and Einzbern. These three families are the three royal families who created the Holy Grail War. They have always occupied three seats in all previous times, and this time the Holy Grail War is the same.

“The servant summoned by the Tohsaka family is Archer. The one you saw last night, whose real name I also told you, is the goddess Ishtar.”

“The Matou family and the Einzbern family summoned Assassin and Saber respectively. Assassin’s real name is Quiet Hassan, and Saber’s real name is Artoria Pendragon.”

Quiet Hassan? Artoria Pendragon?

Alexia frowned: “My world… doesn’t seem to have the names of these two heroes.”

“After all, our two worlds have different situations. Let’s start with Saber. In fact, compared to a name like Artoria Pendragon, you should be more familiar with [King Arthur].”

King Arthur.

The name Alexia has a deep impression on me. He was a legendary king who was active in the late fifth century AD. He led an organization called the Knights of the Round Table to unify the scattered British Isles at that time and repel the European invaders. Foreign enemies on the mainland and even various monsters living on the British Isles at that time.

Judging from current standards, King Arthur should be a natural stigma awakener, and the so-called Warcraft should be Honkaimon.

“King Arthur, Artoria Pendragon, let’s not mention her previous deeds. If she is used as an enemy, the most important thing to pay attention to is actually her Noble Phantasm. Her real name is [Sword of Oath to Victory] 】, although it was originally a holy sword used to save the world, the power she can exert now is limited to the level of an anti-city treasure phantom at most. With the power of the prince, it can be multiplied to eight times the power of the state. It cancels out.”

The Sword of Promised Victory?

Some similar names made Exia think of the only move she knew: “Oath…the sword of salvation – Artoria Pendragon?”

“Are you interested in Saber? Prince-sama.” Sajo Aige asked with a smile, “If so, then when we face Einzbern, I will try my best to create a relationship between you and Einzbern. She will never let anyone interfere in her one-on-one situation.”

(She should be referring to dealing with the opponent’s Master, right?)

Thinking this, Alexia nodded: “Well…if possible, that would be best, but don’t force yourself.”

“Don’t worry. As I said yesterday, I am the best master and magician in the world. There is no magician who can surpass me, at least for now.”

“That’s good. I’ll leave it to you then.”

Sajo Aige smiled and nodded: “I understand. I will prepare a battle plan against Saber later. In addition, please leave Assassin to me.”

“Assassin? If it’s okay with you, then it’s okay with me. After all, you know the enemy and the world better than I do. But speaking of it, what kind of enemy is the silent Hassan?”

“Well… Sir Prince, do you know the [Old Man of the Mountain]?”

12. Even if my hands and feet are broken, I will still crawl to you

——[Old Man in the Mountains].

Or [Hassan Sabah].

Whether it is the world over there or the world here, there is a character who appeared in “The Travels of Marco Polo”. His true identity is an assassination sect that originated in the eleventh century. leader.

Recruiting seemingly young and promising young people from all over the place, and promising them fine wine, food, and beautiful women, but in exchange, asking those young people to kill an important person – this is such an insidious and cunning existence.

However, it is not correct to say that there is [one] existence.

“Hassan Sabah is the title passed down from generation to generation for the leader of that assassination sect.”

Shajo Aige explained.

“Among the best members of each generation of the Assassination Order, one only needs to pass a certain trial to inherit the name of the Old Man of the Mountain and become a new generation of the Old Man of the Mountain. From the establishment of the order to its final complete elimination, There have been a total of nineteen mountain old men.”

“Because of the nature of their existence and the legends that have been passed down to this day, these nineteen mountain old men have almost become the origin of the word [assassin]. As long as they are summoned through a regular Holy Grail War, those who are summoned no matter what It will only be one of the eighteen people excluding the first generation—of course, if a special catalyst is used, that’s another story.”

“The person summoned in this Holy Grail War is also one of the eighteen mountain old men, also known as [Quiet Hassan]. He was a famous poisoner during his lifetime. He changed his appearance through superb disguise methods, and used his wife, lover, The identity of the lover lurks around the assassination target, and then poisons the other person with the poisonous body cultivated over many years.”

“That’s the so-called [Vicious Woman].”

Shajo Aige described the related abilities of Quiet Hassan in a very brisk tone, and listening to her description, Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little resistant to this Quiet Hassan…or rather Disgusted.

First, become the other person’s important person, and then personally push them into the abyss of despair where they will be betrayed and poisoned… It is too cumbersome and cruel to use the method of killing.

Could the quiet Hassan be a psychopath with special habits?

“It’s really hard for people to like him, the quiet Hassan.”

“If you just look at the inheritance description and legend, it is indeed the case.” Sajo Aige smiled, “So, Prince, please don’t worry. Please leave Assassin and her Master to me. Don’t you want to If I see Assassin, I will never let her appear in front of you.”

“You…can you handle it?”

To be honest, Ixia doesn’t have full trust in Sajo Aige’s self-proclaimed title yet. It’s just a battle between the master and the master. It doesn’t matter, but as a servant… one vs. two. Is Sajou Aige too forced for a young girl?

Seeing Alexia showing concern for her, Shajo Aige’s cheeks blushed slightly, and then she showed a sunny smile: “Thank you very much for caring about me, Prince. But I can really handle it. Come here. I said yesterday that I will always be with you, so no matter what happens, I will never leave you.”

“Even if my feet are broken, my hands are broken, my eyes are poked out, my throat is torn…even if I am no longer me, I will still be I will use all my strength, even if I crawl unsightly, even if I crawl like a crawling crawler, I will return to you.”

“——Don’t say that!”

Alexia couldn’t help but raise her voice a bit, and instinctively held Shajo Aige’s hand!

“Don’t say such dangerous words casually, Miss Aige – although we have only known each other for a short time, you may think that my words are not very convincing, but I can assure you that I will never Let you be so seriously injured!”

This has nothing to do with the length of time they have known each other, or whether they trust each other now.

Just as a human being, Exia would not just watch Sajou Aige get hurt. Even as far as the current relationship between the two is concerned, he is a servant and Sajo Aika is the master. It is also natural for the servant to protect the master.

Feeling the heat in Alexia’s palm that completely wrapped her own palm, the blush on Shajo Aige’s cheeks couldn’t help but become more intense. She uneasily smoothed her hanging hair with her other hand and looked at her face. He nodded shyly: “I…I understand, Mr. Prince…since you said so, please come with me then.”

“If you are watching from the side and watching me from behind, then I think no matter what kind of difficulties and enemies, I can muster up the courage and strength to overcome or even defeat them.”

“Yes, no problem.” Alexia agreed with a smile, “I will go with you even if you don’t tell me. There is no reason for you, a young girl, to go alone.”

After all, Shajo Aige is not Bianca.

If it were Bianca who was speaking now, then Alexia wouldn’t even be worried at all.

Upon hearing Alexia’s response, Shajo Aige immediately beamed with joy. His energy and spirit instantly improved a lot, and he suddenly entered the so-called [radiant] look!

“You really are… My love for you is even stronger now, Prince-sama.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, and at the same time, he picked up a small piece of bacon with his dinner fork and handed it to Ike. In front of Siya, “Then, as a thank you, please let me feed you. Come on, ah~~~~”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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