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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 129

“Well…that’s a bit…”

Looking at Sajo Aige who suddenly became enthusiastic again, Exia immediately retracted his hand and shrank his neck in embarrassment, but the more he retracted, the more Sajo Aige would move forward— —Until the end he couldn’t shrink in anymore.

(What are you hesitating about, partner? Isn’t it nice to be fed by a woman?)

Drago began to encourage him in his mind.

(This is not a question of whether it is good or bad. I am already sixteen or seventeen. Is it shameful to be fed food at this age?)

“Um…well…Miss Aige, actually I am just – um!”

Just when Alexia made up his mind to refuse, Shajo Aige directly stuffed the fork into his mouth and watched Alexia swallow the bacon before taking it out: “How does it taste? Prince, although I I don’t cook often, but I still have some confidence in my craftsmanship.”

“Hmm…it’s delicious…”

“Then please have another piece. Ah~~~~~”

“No, no need, I have my own hands!”

Seeing that Shajo Aige was preparing to feed herself again, Alexia quickly moved her position and turned her head!

“That’s right! Information – besides Saber and Assassin, are there several other servants? Please tell me their information, Miss Aige!”


Putting down the tableware with some regret, Shajo Aige said sternly.

“For the remaining three servants, let me start with their real names.”

“The lancer’s real name is [Valkyrie]. In Norse mythology, the [Valkyrie] collects the souls of the dead in battle and guides them into the Hall of Valor.”

“Rider’s real name is [Maeve], the Queen of Connaught who appears in Celtic mythology and Ulster legend.”

“Caster’s real name is [Cu Chulainn]. Like Rider, he was born in Celtic mythology. He is the child of Luger, the God of Light, and a disciple of Scathach, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows – he was originally supposed to appear as a Lancer. The suitability is also better, but this time it appeared a step too late, so I can only appear as a druid.”

Valkyrie, Queen Maeve, Cu Chulainn.

Plus King Arthur, Silent Hassan, the goddess Ishtar, and Ixia.

These are the Seven Servants of the Holy Grail War.

13. They are all too weak


——Queen Maeve

——Cu Chulainn

Like King Arthur and the goddess Ishtar, they are some mythical characters that Exia has heard of before.

(As Miss Aige said, the Holy Grail War is a magical ritual that summons heroes from myths, legends and history, and uses them to fight as familiars… even if it is an assassin that I have never heard of , also left its own part in history.)

Taking on the mythical heroes as opponents, and having to fight through them all to obtain the final Holy Grail – imagining the difficulty of this matter, Alexia’s expression became a little serious.

It’s unclear at this stage what the enemy’s combat prowess is, but if the goddess Ishtar I met last night is used as a standard…

“You don’t have to look so gloomy, Prince.”

Seeing the serious look on Alexia’s face, Sajo Aige smiled and said: “I can assure you that the Holy Grail will definitely be in your possession. For the other six servants in this Holy Grail War, I will Help you eliminate them one by one and send them back to the Throne of Heroes.”

“….Miss Aige, from your tone, it sounds like you look down on so-called servants?”

“No, I admire the heroes very much, but in the Holy Grail War, there are too many ways to deal with them, so I really can’t regard them as opponents that need to be taken seriously.” Sajo Aige Explained, “In fact, except for Saber and Caster, and at most Archer, the rest of the Servants pose no threat to us at all.”

In other words – Rider, Assassin and Lancer no longer need to be on guard?


“Because their weaknesses are the most obvious.”

Sajo Aige said as she took a bite of bread covered with jam: “First of all, Rider – her master is a magician from the clock tower, but unfortunately, this magician is summoning Rider. I became a slave to her beauty and body, and now I have basically turned into a magic machine used to supply Rider’s manifestation.”

“In fact, it is okay to treat the rider’s master as if he is dying. You only need to investigate the opponent’s location and then directly deal with the master. The rider who cannot appear alone will naturally withdraw.”

“The same goes for Assassin. She doesn’t even need to deal with the Master. I just need to prepare a magic gift that can be immune to poison. Her biggest weapon will be useless. And a mere assassin will not be able to do anything after his fangs are pulled out.” Nothing to fear.”

Rider and Assassin, the weaknesses of the two groups were exposed by Sajo Aige before the war started.

“As for the lancer… we don’t need to pay too much attention to that group. Whether they are servants or masters, they are not here for the Holy Grail. Treat them as a third party who can’t do anything. Can.”

“…You are really amazing, Miss Aige.”

Listening quietly to Shajo Aige’s explanation, Ixia couldn’t help but sigh: “According to what you said, today is only the second day after the Holy Grail War officially started, right? But you have already figured it out by this time. All the enemy’s intelligence…How on earth is this achieved?”

“Because I can basically do anything – literally [can do anything].” Shajo Aige laughed, “It’s an innate talent, but it’s not very useful in my opinion. Things, life before this was simply not fun at all.”

“However, since the prince thinks that my talent is very powerful, then I will use it more effectively in the future and do more things for you!”

“Yes, yes…”

Listening to these strange reasons, Aixia didn’t know what to answer. She could only nod in agreement: “So, what about Archer? Didn’t you say that she also…”

“Well, at this stage, Archer’s situation is the easiest to deal with. After all, unlike other servants, she is in a very unstable state now. If we want to formally plan tactics, then I suggest Let’s start with Archer first.”

“Archer first…Okay, I’ll just listen to you. I know almost nothing about this world. Since you say you know everything, I’ll listen to you first. Things you need to pay attention to when fighting other servants. Please tell me when the time comes, Miss Aige.”


Faced with Alexia’s words that put a lot of trust in her words, Shajo Aige immediately nodded with joy and agreed!

The prince whom he loves deeply trusts him so much…

(It seems that the next countermeasures for other combinations will be formulated more seriously, hahaha~~~)

But having said that, Shajo Aige has already thought of the best way to deal with it. The only thing left to optimize is the process, and this is not something that can be planned from the beginning. , more still needs to be adaptable.


“By the way, Sir Prince, do you have any plans after breakfast?”

“Eh? That’s not true… No, if you have to say it, there is still something, right?” Ixia thought for a while and said, “If possible, I want to walk around in this city. Since I want to If you want to fight the Holy Grail War here, you have to understand this city.”

You don’t necessarily have to start a battle, you’re not familiar with the local terrain, right?

“In that case, how about I be your guide?” Shajo Aige recommended herself, “I have lived in Fuyuki City for several years, and I know this city fairly well. If the prince doesn’t mind, I can We will take you to various important places. Although one day is not enough to cover the entire city, it is still okay to just visit some landmark buildings.”

“Then I’ll trouble you.”

“I am happy to serve you, my lord prince.”

For a moment, when she heard Shajo Aige’s answer, Alexia thought she was facing Rita. The words she just said were exactly the same as Rita’s tone – the only difference was that Rita was not like Shajo. Like a love song, he looked at himself with such loving eyes.

(Speaking of which…there’s something I still haven’t figured out.)

(Why does Miss Aige like me so much?)

This is really an issue that cannot be ignored.

It’s not that Alexia hates Sajo Aige. Judging from their interactions last night and this morning, Alexia has no dissatisfaction with Sajo Aige. But after all, the two of them had only met not long ago. Exia had always been confused and curious about what it was about him that deserved her to like him so much.


However, looking at the smiling face of Shajo Aige in front of him, Exia was embarrassed to ask directly for a while. There was always a feeling that it was not appropriate to ask here.

(Forget it, let’s find a chance to ask her when we go out to visit some places later.)

14. I am Maeve’s barker

At the same time, Xindu.

The top floor of Fuyuki Hotel.

“Da da da da~~~~”

A brisk pace echoed in the corridor.

Along with the footsteps, a pink-haired girl wearing a very modern black trench coat and a long white brocade hanging around her neck seemed to be counting something, her fingers kept moving. Passed by one door after another.

“Well~~~~It’s not here, and it’s not here… Judging from the feeling, it should be over here, right?”

Arriving at the end of the corridor, she opened the door to the suite on the left. The girl had a cheerful tone and said with a smile as soon as she walked in: “Hi~~~ Did you miss me? My dear Mr. Master? “

“Ugh————! Wuwuwuwuwu————!”

In a dark room without any lights, the girl responded with a hesitant voice.

Putting her hand on the wall and turning on the light, the girl came to the bed and looked at the person on the bed: “Ah la la, it seems that you have to endure it very hard, Master.”


Lying on the bed was a man who was almost naked, his hands and feet were chained to the four legs of the bed, his face was red and he was extremely excited. Judging from his expression and eyes, if his mouth wasn’t blocked by socks, he would be able to speak a lot of words at the top of his voice, right?

Unfortunately, now he has been deprived of even the ability to speak. Even if there is nothing blocking it, he is just a squirming lump of flesh.

The reason was simple. As one of the seven Masters of the Holy Grail War and a magician from the Clock Tower, this man became a slave to his own servant.

From body to spirit, everything has been ravaged and dominated by her followers, and even a little bit of self-consciousness no longer exists.

“Oh~~~ Did you strike too hard at the beginning? I was still thinking that the Master’s appearance was just acceptable, and I wanted to try something new after a long time. I didn’t expect to be so unambitious. A few glasses of mead and one night would not do it. “

The pink-haired girl—Rider Queen Maeve—looked at the man on the bed with a look of pity and helplessness.

She was the one who tied him here. After all, if he wasn’t tied up, it would be more troublesome for Maeve. She didn’t hate being surrounded by a puppy that would lick her all the time, but it seemed that this era was not suitable for doing that. If she left it alone, it would cause all kinds of trouble.

Taking the sock out of the man’s mouth, Maeve manifested a whip in her hand and slapped the man’s stomach: “Okay~~ wake up, Master. I have something to tell you.”

“What are your orders, Your Majesty the Queen?”

I don’t know if he was whipped, but the man looked soberer, his face flushed, and he asked urgently.

He looked like a servant who did Maeve’s bidding.

Maeve smiled and said: “Last night, the last riding servant was summoned, and the Holy Grail War will finally officially begin. Considering your current situation, Master, it is definitely not possible to follow me on the battlefield.”

“What the Queen said is absolutely true!”

“But no matter what, you are also my master… I can’t help you not to do things.”

“Please give me whatever you need! Your Majesty the Queen! I will give everything for you!”

Listening to the man’s immediate answer, Maeve showed a satisfied smile: “Hmm, huh, huh~~ You’re so good, little dog, I like you very much, how about you bark first?”


“Hahaha~~~~It’s very similar!” Maeve couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Actually, I don’t need you to do anything, you just need to work hard to provide me with magic power, and the rest of them will It’s all done. But let me tell you first, my magic power demand is very high, and I might drain you until there’s not even a drop left~~~”

Servants of the Rider class are almost all large consumers of magic power, not to mention servants like Maeve who have multiple Noble Phantasms. If they start a battle with an enemy servant, the consumption of magic power will be extremely intense.

It is not impossible to drain a single magician dry.

“It is an honor for me to dedicate myself to Her Majesty the Queen!”

However, as the master, the man did not hesitate at all and simply accepted Maeve’s request. He has become Maeve’s slave wholeheartedly, and he will not hesitate no matter what Maeve asks now.

In his mind, there was only Queen Maeve.

“It’s really too obedient, but that’s fine.”

Maeve reached out and unbuttoned her collar: “Then, consider it as a reward given to you in advance, Master. I can stay with you all morning.”

“Oh oh oh oh~~~~! My Queen!”

“Be good~~~Don’t get too excited, little dog.”

Seeing her master’s ugly appearance, Maeve couldn’t help but feel a familiar feeling of satisfaction in her heart – this situation was almost the same as before when she was alive. Those kings and warriors who were obsessed with her, no matter how dazzling they were in the past, were In front of him, he will only become a simple man.

Men are really easy to control. Even compared to before, men in this era are simply easy to control. A glass of mead and a nice word are enough to break their spirits and turn them into captives.

In fact, the modern clothes that Maeve is wearing now were given to her by a rich man she met yesterday. If it weren’t for the fact that she felt the magic on the other side of the bridge, Maeve would still be sleeping in his house now.

(It’s so easy to play with men… It seems it’s only a matter of time before I dominate this era, right? Hehehehe~~~)

Although it would be nice to get the Holy Grail, for Maeve, the most important thing is how long it takes to realize her wish.

With the Holy Grail, you directly wish to become the ruler of all men and make all men your servants. If you don’t get it, just spend some time to make yourself feel more realistic about conquering the world.

(But, no matter what, we still have to get rid of caster first.)

A figure of a certain person appeared in her mind. Maeve came to the bed and touched her Master’s cheek.

(Before conquering all men, you still have to conquer him first…)



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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