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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 13

For the first time since entering the dungeon twice, Ixia felt this kind of thing.

(What about the important magic?)

Alexia has not forgotten the important point. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of her magic is to face elite enemies and above. So when facing Goliath, this magic should——


Nothing happens.

Alexia: “……”

(Didn’t activate? Was…Goliath not up to par?)

The lv.4 floor master actually doesn’t meet the conditions?


The roar that sounded again awakened Ixia’s spirit, and Goliath’s rock-like punch suddenly fell from the sky! It rushed into Alexia’s eyes!


The whole hall immediately trembled! Thick dust instantly stirred up due to this blow!

Rushing out of the dust, Exia quickly took dozens of steps back, but before he could move, Goliath’s heavy fist had already swept over him! A gully was dug out of the ground, and countless gravels, along with smoke and dust, rushed toward Exia!

Concentrating and holding her breath, Exia stared at the [Storm] coming in front of her, the sword blade in her hand lifted up momentarily, and then——

“Swish, swish, swish—!”

Several arc-shaped sword lights filled the space around Ike Xia. Where they passed, all the gravel and impact seemed to be pushed away, and all of them followed the trajectory of the sword light from Ike Xia. Xia’s body flew apart, but not a single piece hit him!

After pushing aside all the gravel, Ixia raised the sword flat, as if the sword light was condensed into one point, and faced the giant arm that emerged from the impact and gravel like clouds and the sun, stabbing it. A swift sword was released!

Taixu Sword Shape – Transformed Sword·Yuyan.


The impact dissipated in an instant.

The tip of the sword touched Goliath’s arm, and then——


The straight sword blade suddenly shattered, leaving only a section of the sword hilt in Exia’s hand – it was originally only used by level 1 and level 2 adventurers. It was used to deal with level 4 monsters and was scrapped. It’s a given.

After losing the obstacle, of course, Exia was instantly hit by this blow and was directly smashed into the wall behind her!



Seeing this scene from a distance, Finn immediately prepared to go into battle with his gun. There was no need for Exia to explain. He had already seen that the magic had not been activated, so the purpose of fighting Goliath this time had been achieved, and no further entanglement was needed.

What’s more, Exia is the precious newcomer and hope of the family, so nothing can happen here.


“What, that’s it.”

Such a sound came from the wall.

Grabbing the edge and pulling herself out, Alexia moved her body: “I’m sorry, Captain Finn, just keep letting me do it. I can still fight.”

“Exia, are you okay?”

“Of course it’s okay. I took off most of the impact when I was hit – compared to this, let me continue.”

“…Isn’t it too much?”


Alexia spoke up before Tiona and Ace wanted to say anything: “I knew from what I did just now that although it will take a little effort, Goliath is not so strong that I can’t resist it, and it is only stronger than Mi Notaunos is just a little stronger. Please continue to let me deal with him alone.”


“For me, empty-handed and holding a sword are the same thing. Taixu Sword Qi does not mean that it cannot be used without the sword.”

Taking off the armor that was already full of cracks, Exia came back to Goliath.

“Besides, it’s not like I haven’t dealt with big guys that are much stronger than it – even though they are simulated.”

23. Refresh each other’s ability points with integrity

Knock down monsters with your bare hands.

This is a very common thing for high-level adventurers. For example, Tiona often does it. If it were her to deal with Goliath, the difference between using bare hands and holding a weapon would just be the time spent.

But Exia is only at level 1. Even if Finn says that he can at least compete with adventurers at level 3, it would be too much to deal with Goliath with bare hands…


The giant roared again.

Looking at Exia who had taken off all his armor and didn’t even hold a weapon in his hand, Goliath’s irrational eyes seemed to flash with a little anger – maybe he realized that he was being underestimated. .

Monsters have no reason, but they have emotions.

And if it is underestimated, the monster will have only one reaction, and that is anger.


An even more deafening roar resounded through the passage! The completely crazy Goliath is like a rampaging wild beast that is completely out of control! He rushed towards Alexia with great violence, pressing down his huge palm as if he was going to flatten him!

Goliath is not a monster known for its speed – this is a conclusion reached after comparing it with other monsters at level 4. In fact, Goliath’s speed can also be used when facing low-level adventurers. It’s ridiculously fast.

However, Exia is not a [low-level adventurer] in the true sense.


The giant palm smacked down, and the dust stirred up!


Alexia quickly rushed out of the smoke and moved to the side of Goliath’s arm and punched dozens of times in a row! The swift and powerful punches made several dents in Goliath’s arm visible to the naked eye!

This is a form of [Cunxin Fist] – Death Force·Splitting the Sky.

It has the same name as the Taixu sword-shaped Qijian·Likong.

In fact, the two are essentially the same move, and Cunxin Fist is essentially a boxing version modified from Taixu Sword Qi. There are not many significant differences between the two, except for the slightly different moves.

“Bang bang bang bang——————————!”

The fists hit Goliath like raindrops. Compared with when using the sword, Exia hit him more quickly and powerfully at this moment, as if holding the sword limited his strength.


Goliath, who had been beaten continuously, suddenly let out an angry roar and pulled out his arm that was dented everywhere from the ground. Although he received about thirty punches in a row, for the rough-skinned Goliath, , it should only make it feel sore in the arm, right?

That’s probably why it roared.

Goliath raised his hands above his head, and then smashed down his fists together like a mountain!


The earth trembled and even shattered!

The pure power shook the entire passage! A huge pit was visible to the naked eye on the ground where his fists landed! The cracks even extended to the wall!

Even at level 5, it might not be easy to receive this punch head-on, right?

“Where are you fighting?”

Ixia’s voice sounded quietly behind Goliath, and before Goliath could turn around, he felt a series of tingling sensations coming from his ankles!

“Bang bang bang bang!”

It’s still the same deadly force, Sky-Splitting – a series of swift and violent punches like a storm are hitting Goliath’s feet!

“Did Goliath pass through its crotch the moment it raised its hands and move behind it to completely avoid the blow?” Finn explained with a smile, “In that case, most risks Everyone will choose to retreat, right?”

Tiona nodded: “Even I would do this, it was so painful.”

“But, he moved forward.”

Ais stared at the figure that had circled behind Goliath: “It’s amazing.”



The irritable roar erupted again along with the trembling sound. Goliath raised his foot high and stamped on the ground violently. The shock wave spread in an instant and spread in all directions!

This time, Exia couldn’t dodge the attack from one direction, but he couldn’t dodge the all-round attack centered on Goliath.

Her feet left two long traces on the ground. After trying her best to stabilize her body that was knocked flying, Ixia shook her hand: “Tsk, my hand hurts a little. Is it too hard?”

(This time it doesn’t require ordinary effort… Well, there is still a chance.)

Every monster has a magic stone in its body, which is the source of the monster’s life. As long as it is shattered, the monster will die on the spot – the same goes for the floor owner.

(Put power into Goliath’s body and shatter the magic stone – yes, just use the wind and rock to break it)

Among the Taixu Sword Form 21, there is a sword form that does not use pure attack power, but uses a clever way to shatter objects. After all, not everyone can split rock and steel with a sword blade, and not everyone is born with supernatural powers.

(I don’t know how long it will take… Well, let’s keep playing and see, just think of it as——)

With her feet on the ground, Exia charged towards Goliath.

(Brush experience points.)


at the same time.

On the top floor of the Tower of Babel, in the residence of the Freya family.

The goddess Freya, who was able to use part of her divine power through repeated promises, was currently watching the battle of Exia in the dungeon through the [Mirror of God].

“What do you think, Ota?”

Freya asked the fierce man behind her without looking back.


Otta’s answer was only this sentence.

Fighting a lv.1 Goliath with a lv.4 Goliath – this is something that even Orario’s strongest weapon cannot do.

Goddess Freya smiled and said: “Well, it’s simply a miracle… Maybe after this battle, he will be able to upgrade to lv.2 at the fastest speed in history. It will take three days. , actually one only lasts a day and a half, right?”

The light of Alexia’s soul shines extremely brightly, which is destined to make him grow much faster than anyone else, but to complete the upgrade in one and a half days… even the goddess Freya was a little surprised.

And after feeling the surprise, what emerged was an increasingly intense love and intoxication!

It’s looking more and more like I’m going to get him!

This was the only thought in Freya’s mind.

“Ota, is the Divine Meeting coming soon?”

“Yes, four more days.”

“Haha~~~ It seems that when the time comes, we need to have a good communication with Loki.”

24. Cun Jin·Open the sky!

Time passes quickly.

Just as Exia and Goliath were pulling back and forth, a few minutes passed in an instant.

Standing at the entrance and looking at Alexia, who was almost playing Goliath, Finn stared at it for a long time and said: “——Starting to slow down.”

“Well, you mean Exia’s speed, right?”

Tiona also noticed it.

Although it’s not obvious, Exia’s speed has indeed dropped slightly.

“Well, it’s only natural when you think about it. I’ve been playing like this non-stop for ten minutes, plus the previous few hours. No matter how good an iron man is, he should be exhausted, right? – It’s really a shame. He can hold on until now.”

“If he had been given a better weapon, he would have defeated Goliath long ago.” Finn said with a smile, “It seems that I will have to prepare a new weapon for him when I return.”

“I’ll help him.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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