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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 130

“Ah sneeze!”

On the streets of Fuyuki City.

Alexia sneezed hard for no reason.

“What’s going on? Is someone talking about me?” Alexia rubbed her nose and thought in confusion, “By the way, haven’t we arrived yet? Miss Ai Ge.”

“We’re already here. This is our first stop when visiting Fuyuki City.”

Shajo Aige, who was walking in front, stopped and pointed to the hall in front of him: “This is the Civic Hall of Fuyuki City – the place where the Holy Grail descended ten years ago.”

15. Save people, who to save?

The place where the Holy Grail came ten years ago.

Hearing Shajo Aige describe the guild hall in front of her in this way, Exia was a little surprised at first, and then couldn’t help but froze.

“Eh, ten years ago?”

The wrong timing made Exia subconsciously look at Sajo Aige: “Isn’t the Holy Grail War once every sixty years?”

“Normally this is true, but some unexpected situations occurred at the end of the last Holy Grail War.” Sajo Aige explained, “At the end of the last war, the master who survived to the end did not choose to accept Holy Grail, but chose to destroy the Holy Grail.”

“Destroy the Holy Grail? Why?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I have seen through the essence of the Holy Grail. In short, the Holy Grail was destroyed in the end, but it was not completely destroyed. As a result, a lot of the sixty-year-old magic power that should have been used cleanly remained, leading to the current situation. In just ten years, the conditions for convening the Holy Grail War have been met again.”

(Perhaps it is also because of this that many abnormal situations occurred in this Holy Grail War?)

Thinking of this, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but glance at the prince beside him.

It is already a serious abnormal situation for the followers of gods to appear in the world in the form of possession. Originally, those high-ranking gods would not appear in modern times under any circumstances. At most, they would watch the live broadcast from the inside of the world.

But this time not only the One Pillar Goddess appeared in the world, but also people from outside the world came… Even Sajou Aige, who is supposed to know everything, has to worry about what this Holy Grail War will develop in the future. I’m a little curious about what it looks like.

(Well, no matter what, the prince will get the Holy Grail in the end. I will not let go of any opponent who hinders the prince.)

With this thought, Sajo Aige looked at Alexia with more loving eyes: “Compared to this, why don’t you go in and visit? Prince, the decoration inside is quite good.”

“But do you need a ticket to go in?”

After all, it is a venue used for town hall meetings. You cannot enter casually. In addition to buying a ticket, you must also undergo a physical examination.

However, Shajo Aige just smiled mysteriously: “Then please hold my hand, Prince, and remember to interlock your fingers.”

(Fingers intertwined?)

Hearing this, Alexia looked at Shajo Aige, who had already raised it, as if waiting for her [dance partner]’s right hand. Then she looked at her own hand again, pondered for a second or two, then seemed to give up, and used He held it up with his left hand and interlocked it with her fingers.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes…thank you, Prince.”

Feeling the warmth and pressure from her palms, as well as her fingers that seemed to be tightening tighter and tighter, Shajo Aige couldn’t stop the blush on her face and the joy in her heart.

“Then let’s go in, Mr. Prince, remember to be natural.”

“Naturally…but the tickets-“

Before Ixia could finish speaking, Shajo Aige had already held his hand and walked towards the door. The guard standing at the door seemed not to notice the two of them at all, and did not turn his eyes toward them at all. For a moment, the two of them stood up straight and walked in.

Alexia: “——Eh? Miss Aige, this…”

“A little magic.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Have you ever heard of [Hades’ Invisibility Cloak]? I developed a simulated magic based on this legendary treasure. Within a certain range, ordinary people and surveillance cameras without magic circuits are absolutely invisible.” We can’t be found.”

“Is this… considered fare evasion?”

“Because I didn’t bring any money with me when I went out, and Prince-sama probably doesn’t have the currency of our world.” Sajo Aige said as she leaned towards Alexia, “By the way, the effective range of magic is About two meters, please don’t leave me too far.”

About two meters?

Seeing that Shajo Aige’s body was almost completely attached to her arm, Alexia sighed helplessly: “Actually, there is no need to stick so closely, Miss Aige, I will control the distance between myself and you. “

“But it’s the safest way.”

Shajo Aige takes it for granted.

As the two of them continued to move forward, a splendid circular hall soon appeared in their field of vision.

The seats with red as the main color are like rings, distributed in layers around the stage, surrounding the stage in the center of the hall. There are also protruding parts on the walls on both sides that appear to be special seats.

This structure is more like a hall for enjoying musicals than a venue for holding citizen meetings.

“That’s the exact place where the Holy Grail descended.”

Shajo Aige pointed to the stage below.

“There are two prerequisites for the coming of the Holy Grail. One is that a plurality of servants need to withdraw, and the other is that the ceremony must be performed at a place with sufficient spiritual veins. There are only four places in Fuyuki City that have this qualification, and this venue is one of them.”

“In other words, if we win the Holy Grail War in the end, we won’t be able to get the Holy Grail without performing the ritual, right?”

“Yes. But you don’t need to worry about this. I will make all preparations. Prince, just focus on fighting the servants.”

The ritual of bringing down the Holy Grail is just a small matter, and Shajo Aige doesn’t want Alexia to spend her precious energy on such a thing.

Taking Sajo Aige’s hand to the armrest next to the seat, Exia looked at the stage below.


However, when I came here.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but suddenly such a murmur sounded in Alexia’s ears.

“Voice? Who is speaking?”

“Your Majesty Prince?”

Hearing Alexia’s sudden question, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong?”

“It seemed like someone was talking.”

Alexia frowned and looked around.


“here we go again.”

(Is someone talking?)

Shajo Aige also frowned slightly, moved her fingers quickly a few times, and then said: “Did you hear wrongly, Prince? There is no one here except us.”


【Save her…】

Just as Alexia said this, a voice sounded in her ears again. This time, compared to the previous two times, the voice was obviously much clearer, and it even gave him the feeling of speaking right into his ear.

【Save her…save her…】


Are you asking him to save someone?

But who is she?

“Ddraig, can you hear me?”

Exia raised her left hand and asked about the dragon on her body. If it was Ddraig who was of the same mind as her, he should be able to hear it.


[Sorry, partner, I can’t hear it either]

(Neither Ddraig nor Song-chan can hear the sound, but only I can hear it…?)

Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Alexia concentrated on discerning the reassurance that came from the voice.

【Save her…save her…】


Her gaze moved downwards, and at the moment when she looked at the stage below, the scene in Alexia’s eyes suddenly changed drastically – the magnificent hall turned into a ruins lit by flames at some point, as if someone had gone there. It’s like there’s a fire thrown into it.

At the same time, in every corner of the ruins, there is a river-like black mud that is constantly flowing and spreading. Even if there is no contact, just looking at it makes people feel a strong sense of nausea. .

(What is this thing?)

Suppressing the feeling of nausea, Alexia subconsciously looked in the opposite direction of the flow of black mud – and then, on the stage at its origin, Alexia saw a figure shrouded in golden light. .

As if noticing Ixia’s gaze, the figure raised his head, opened his lips and spoke a few words.

[Please…save her…]

【Save my child…】

16. Date all day

Fuyuki City, in a park in the new capital.

“Come, Sir Prince, it should be better if you drink some water.”

“Ah…thank you.”

Taking a can of cold drink from the Sandiao Love Singer, Ixia put it on his forehead. The cold feeling made his brain feel better.

It was already dozens of minutes after leaving the civic venue.

After witnessing the scene turned into ruins by flames and black mud, for some unknown reason, before Exia had time to investigate in detail, she felt dizzy and had no choice but to first Came here with Shajo Aige to take a break.

“Do you feel better? Prince.”

Sitting next to Alexia, Sajo Aige’s face was filled with worry.

“I’m really sorry. If it wasn’t for me to bring you here, you wouldn’t…”

“You think too much, Miss Aige, it’s just my own problem.”

Alexia smiled and comforted: “What’s more, nothing big happened. I’m almost used to my dizziness. I just need to sit down for a while.”

Thanks to magic, Exia is now very adaptable to this kind of mental impact.

“Compared to this, Miss Ai Ge, did you really not see the scene I mentioned?”


Shatiao Aige nodded.

The burning ruin-like scene that Exia saw seemed to be something that he could only see. Neither Sandjo Aige nor Ddraig, who was of the same mind as him, could see it at all. Any similar signs.

From the perspective of the two of them, Exia just stood there in a daze, muttering a few words to herself and then suddenly became dizzy.

(So…what’s going on?)

Putting down the drink can in front of her forehead, Alexia put her hands on her thighs and fell into deep thought.

The burning citizen’s hall, the black mud all over the ruins of the hall, and——

(The most important thing is who is that figure?)

Although she only glanced at it for a few seconds, Alexia could barely tell that it was a woman.

Why would a woman be in the fire in that situation? And why did she tell herself to save people – did she know where she was? And who is the child she is talking about?

“…Ms. Aige, was there ever a fire in the Civic Hall?”

After thinking for a while, Exia directly asked Shajo Aige.

“Well, there was one time ten years ago.”

“Ten years ago…the Holy Grail War?”

Sajo Aige nodded: “Ten years ago, because the Holy Grail came to the citizens’ hall, the last surviving servants and masters gathered together. The battle between the last two riding servants, Saber and Assassin, caused a fire and ignited the venue. In the end, the master of Assassin gave the order with a Command Seal, asking Assassin to carry a large amount of explosives and destroy the Holy Grail with a suicide attack – this was the ending of the Holy Grail War ten years ago.”

(In other words, that was the scene ten years ago, so in this case, that woman is…)

“Who was Saber’s master ten years ago?”

“Einzbern.” Saber said, “The Winter Saint from the Einzbern family, Irisviel von Einzbern. And Saber is the same as this time. It’s all that King Arthur.”

“The same servant was summoned twice in a row?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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