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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 131

“Because the same holy relic is used – ten years ago, in order to ensure victory in the Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family unearthed King Arthur’s legendary scabbard in Cornwall and used it as a catalyst to summon King Arthur. After the war, the scabbard was recovered by the Einzbern family, and it should be reused this time.”

After all, ten years ago, King Arthur was indeed the last servant standing. If it were not for the destruction of the Holy Grail, the Einzbern family would have won.

Therefore, since the candidate is already certain to win, there is no reason not to continue using it this time.

(Then, that woman is Irisviel…)

“Speaking of which, why are you asking these things?” Shajo Aige asked curiously, “Is this related to the illusion you just saw?”

“Well… I guess, I care a little.”

“You don’t need to worry too much about such small things.”

Shajo Aige stood up, came to Alexia, reached out and held his face, and rubbed it gently a few times: “I will solve all your worries, and I will bear all your worries. Prince, you don’t need to worry about any small things, just put all your strength on the next battle.”

“I’ll take care of all the loose ends for you.”

“…That’s right.”

After a few seconds of silence, Ixia held Shatiao Aige’s hand and put it down: “I am not from this world in the first place, and there is no need to care too much about what happened in this world ten years ago – let you do it for me. I’m worried, sorry, Miss Aige.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s my duty and mission to solve your problems. It would be best if you can cheer up!”

Shajo Aige smiled and took a few steps back: “Then, shall we set off to the next stop? Prince.”

“Well, I’ll help you lead the way.”


After that, until the sun began to set in the sky and the dusk dyed the entire sky red, Exia followed Shajo Aige to all the places in Fuyuki City that were more or less related to the Holy Grail War.

For example, the Matou family and the Tohsaka family are one of the three imperial families in the Holy Grail War. Because they are now hostile to each other, they did not get close, but only glanced at each other from a distance.

For example, Mount Enzo is the largest sacred place in Fuyuki City and is said to be home to dragons. Because it is not the season for worshiping yet, there are not many guests at Ryudou Temple on the mountain. This also gave Alexia the first time to experience the Japanese-style worshiping behavior.

Then there are the various famous attractions in Fuyuki City, the port, the bridge, the station in Shinto… In fact, Ixia, who was originally just showing up to get familiar with Fuyuki City, was completely loved by Shajo. Song led him away, so that he didn’t even notice a thing until the end.

That is, the behavior of him and Sajo Aika spending a whole day visiting the city’s scenic spots together is actually no different from dating in the eyes of others – of course, this is also the original intention of Sajo Aika.

Is there anything more joyful than being able to spend a whole day with the prince intimately?

And now…

“Is this the last stop?”

It is still the new capital of Fuyuki City, but its location is at its northernmost point, almost into the mountains.

Looking at the church standing in front of him at dusk, Ixia asked Shajo Aige: “The church… has a rather uncomfortable feeling.”

“Because there is a barrier for spiritual bodies near the church. Although you are not a real follower, the [shell] of a follower will still play some role.”

Shajo Aige said while snapping her fingers.

Suddenly, a feeling of “broken membrane” came into Alexia’s mind, and the uncomfortable feeling immediately disappeared without a trace.

“Miss Aige?”

“I forcibly broke the barrier. Since it is something that will cause you discomfort, there is no need for it to exist.” Shajo Aige said with a smile.

And the next moment——

“Then I can think that you are provoking the Holy Church as the supervisor of the Holy Grail War? Shajo Aige.”

A cold voice came from the church, and then a figure came from far and near in front of Ixia and Shajo Aige.

Short blue hair, sky blue eyes, and a plain expression without much emotion.

It was such a church member who came out.

Looking at the person in front of him, Shajo Aige just smiled: “No. To put it bluntly, in my eyes, the Holy Church is not a target worthy of provocation. Please don’t put too much gold on your face. ,【supervisor】.”

“…What’s the matter?”

The blue-haired girl was silent for a while and then changed the subject.

“Nothing, I just brought the prince to visit. After all, this is also a place related to the Holy Grail War.” Shajo Aige said while introducing Alexia: “Your Majesty, this is the person sent by the Holy Church. The supervisor who came to supervise this Holy Grail War is [Siel].”


The girl—Hier— nodded to Exia coldly.

17. Saber? Bianca!

It is true that the Holy Grail War is a local magical ritual.

But in terms of the scale of the magic ceremony, this is a very large ceremony that can drag the entire city into its sphere of influence. For the inner world that adheres to the rule of concealment and mystery, if the Holy Grail War gets too big, it will easily cause the mystery to be leaked and have an impact on the outside world.

Therefore, there is an overseer in the Holy Grail War.

Supervisors from the Holy Church will monitor each participant according to the rules of the Holy Grail War to ensure that the Holy Grail War is conducted under reasonable and controllable circumstances.

“Originally, the supervisor should have been a priest named Kotomine. But unfortunately, this priest and his father were all killed ten years ago, so now we can only temporarily transfer one person from the Holy Church headquarters. Come over and supervise.” Sajo Aige explained, “However, it is said to be supervision, but it is actually just watching and sheltering the defeated. At most, it also needs to deal with the aftermath, such as using [gas explosion] and other reasons to cover up the Holy Grail War. some type of.”

“It is very troublesome to deal with it afterwards, so if you can, please don’t cause too much impact, Shajo Aige, and this Mr. Servant.”

Hiyer said expressionlessly.

“For example, the situation on the Weiyuan River Bridge last night – it would be great if it could be maintained at that scale.”

“I will try my best.”

“Thank you for your understanding.” Hiyer nodded, “So, is there anything else? If not, please leave. The Holy Grail War has begun. From now on, the church will only accept masters who have lost their followers. Others Master, please do not come near.”

Hearing Hiyer’s eviction order, Shajo Aige smiled and said: “Yeah… that’s right, it’s okay. I just came here to say hello. Okay, let’s go back, Prince. . It’s almost time for dinner.”

After saying this, Shajo Aige took Alexia’s arm and walked down the ramp from where she came.

After watching the two people leave, and until their figures disappeared from sight, Hiyer sighed slightly, squatted down and touched the ground of the church door: “…the damage is still there. It’s really clean. Rather than destroying the barrier, it’s better to say it has completely erased it.”

The eldest daughter of the Shajo family, Shajo loves singing.

It’s not like Hier has never heard of all kinds of rumors about her. The church also gave her information before coming here.

He only trained as a magician for a few years, but during that period he completely mastered several systems of magic. According to the standards of the Clock Tower, he could have been rated as a crown prince, a veritable child prodigy, or a true prodigy. monster.

However, shortly after the end of the last Holy Grail War, she officially gave up her identity as a magician and her practice of magic, and has lived as an ordinary person to this day.

“Give up magic…?”

Hiyer stood up: “This level is also called giving up magic. In comparison, all magicians have never learned magic.”


On the return ramp.

Walking side by side with Shajo Aige, Alexia asked abruptly: “Miss Aige, you actually have something to do with Miss Hiyer, right?”


Shatiao Aige paused.

“It can be said that. The Holy Church is an expert in removing spirits. Originally, I wanted to explain to her the situation at the Citizen’s Hall and then let her remove spirits. After all, judging from your remarks, there are It seems like there is an evil spirit taking over.”

“Then why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because her level is not good.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “I knew the moment I saw her. Miss Hiyer is really weak. She can’t even compare to one of my fingers. Please She might as well go by myself.”

All magicians pale in comparison to Sandjo Aige.

“Of course, saying hello and getting familiar with the place are also one of the reasons. I didn’t simply hope that she would get rid of her spirit and bring you here. But in this case, I have to deal with it at the Citizens’ Hall.”

To be honest, Sajo Aige didn’t care much about the situation at the Citizen’s Hall. Even if there were any evil spirits there, she could get rid of them with just a magic trick. Even if the evil spirit was honest, she wouldn’t bother to care about it.

But now the nature is different.

(You actually dare to have an influence on my prince… You are really brave. This time, you can’t simply eliminate him and be done with it.)

With this thought in mind, Sajo Aige began to mentally prepare a series of magic tricks that she might use.

And at this moment——


As if he noticed something, Shajo Aige suddenly stopped.

“Miss Aige?”

Seeing her standing still, Alexia couldn’t help but asked in confusion: “What’s wrong?”

“…It seems that our dinner time will be moved back a little, Prince.”

“Eh? Why? Didn’t you buy groceries?”

“Hehehe, no, there are a lot of ingredients at home – it’s because something unexpected happened.” Shajo Aige said while looking at the forest next to her, “Originally, I told you that the first one The target that should be solved is Archer, right?”

“…I see, we need to change the target.”

Understanding the meaning of Sajo Aige, Exia also looked at the forest, stood in front of her, and then the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand appeared in her left hand.


[Oh, this breath…]

And almost as soon as he appeared, Ddraig’s somewhat unexpected voice rang out.

【That’s interesting, partner】

“What’s wrong?”

【I feel some dragon aura】


Frowning, Exia stared at the forest, took a deep breath and shouted loudly: “Come out, unknown servant! There is no need to hide! The aura has already been leaked, and there is no point in hiding. !”

“Qiang, Qiang, Qiang…”

The moment the words fell, there were bursts of friction sounds in the forest, which sounded like steel armors colliding with each other, followed by a blue figure walking out of the woods.

That was a girl who looked a few years younger than Sajo Aika, and probably about the same age as Sajo Ayaka. She has the same beautiful and clear golden hair as Bianca, and the blue dress fits the other person’s body, which inexplicably gives people a very suitable feeling.

However, the surface of the dress was covered with a piece of silver armor, and the girl’s arms and legs were also wrapped in steel equipment. A majestic aura was released from the girl’s body. She clearly walked out of a dark forest, but Alexia felt that the other party was walking on the bright road upright.


For a moment, Alexia felt as if she had met another Bianca. Although there was a certain similarity in appearance, the aura exuded by the girl in front of him at this moment really made him feel that he had a high degree of overlap with Bianca.


“Your Majesty the Prince.”


The voice of Shajo Aige coming from behind made Exia tremble for no reason!

“What, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel like you are thinking about something not very good, so I want to remind you.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“After all, facing Saber, who can be said to be the winner of the previous Holy Grail War and the best class, we can’t just think about it.”



Alexia looked at the petite girl in front of her who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old with some surprise.

(She…is Saber?)

18. Holy Sword User vs. Savior

Saber, King Arthur, Arturia Pendragon.

At first, Ixia thought she would be someone with a kingly aura and a huge oppressive force the moment she appeared. I didn’t expect it to be…

(She looks about the same age as me, right? I remember that the Servant was a hero who ascended to heaven before he died…Does that mean she died at the age of fifteen or sixteen?)

Staring at Saber in front of her, Exia pursed her lips: “Are you the one who is spying on us in the dark?”

“It’s not peeping, I just noticed the existence of the two of you and came here to observe for a while.” Saber shook her head and explained, “The instructions given to me by the Master are to avoid fighting as much as possible at this stage. If it is not necessary, I will not proceed. fighting.”

In fact, Saber didn’t plan to come out in the first place. Even if she was discovered, there was no problem in secretly leaving.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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