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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 133

As Alexia spoke, she stretched out her free hand and condensed the frost into a sharp spear with a somewhat gorgeous shape.

“Then, let’s start the second round, Saber – be careful.”


The moment the voice fell, the ice gun slammed on the ground!


A tsunami of ice spurted out from under the earth in an instant! Pressing on Saber with overwhelming momentum!

20.Good night, Illya

Just when Exia and Saber were fighting over there.

Shatiao loves singing here.

“Hmm… this is it, right? As a barrier for concealment, is it really simple and ordinary, a semi-natural and semi-artificial barrier formed to match the terrain?”

Don’t know what happened.

Shatiao Aige had left the slope and came to a mountain forest full of dense woods. In front of her field of vision, as she kept drawing runes one after another out of thin air, a huge… The shadow is also revealed bit by bit.

A huge castle that is incompatible with the mountains and the country of Japan is located in a sparsely populated mountain.

“Is that the castle of the Einzberns? It’s really luxurious.”

Standing not far away and looking at the castle, Shajo Aige also remembered things about this castle.

Of the three Gosaka families who founded the Holy Grail War, only the Tosaka family is a family located in Japan. The Matou family is a surname that was changed after a foreign family moved to Japan. The Einzbern family has always been a family living in seclusion in the mountains of Germany. .

In order to be able to move in Japan and participate in the Holy Grail War, Einzbern built the castle in front of him as his base in Japan.

“If you knock on the door… there won’t be a response.”

As if teleporting over a short distance, Shajo Aige just walked a few steps and arrived at the main entrance of Einzbern not far away. She looked at the closed door in front of her and thought about it for a while. His hand was on the door.

As a magician, this is actually very inappropriate behavior. Einzbern’s castle is actually equivalent to Einzbern’s magic workshop, and a magician’s magic workshop, without exception, is full of [Magic Fortress] with various magics.

Risky contact is tantamount to seeking death.

But Sajo Aige doesn’t care about this. After all, it’s just the rules of magicians. If she wants to make her feel troublesome, even a top-notch magician can’t do it.

“This, this…and then this will be enough. The firepower should be enough.”

After casually drawing a few symbols on the door, Shajo Aige snapped his fingers——


The main entrance of the castle was blasted directly from the front, leaving a big hole! Even the surrounding walls were blown to pieces!

Stepping on the gravel and walking into the castle, Shatiao Aige took a look at the magnificent hall decorated inside.

“Hmm~~~~She’s really beautiful. It would be great if I lived here with the prince. I would feel like a princess.”

A princess and a prince living in a castle in the mountains – it sounds very romantic.

And just when Shajo Aige thought so…



Two ax guns suddenly fell from the sky, and as if to stop her, they plunged straight into the floor in front of Shajo Aige!

Glancing lightly at the second floor, Sajo Aige sighed: “If the master doesn’t come to greet you in person, I’m not interested in artificial humans or anything like that – [Please go to hell].”

A very understatement.

But with just such a word, the two maids of the Einzbern family who were preparing to attack Shajo Aige in the passages on both sides of the second floor were immediately stunned and fell down straight on the spot!

The earliest magic in the world is [seeing], and [language] is the most intuitive way to convey meaning and ideas. As long as the two are combined, magic can be performed in the most natural way.

Sajo Aige just used [Looking] and [Talk] to directly impose an instant death curse on the two maids – if they were left alone, they would die in about three minutes.

After all, they are just artificial humans.

“The only ones in the way are these two…”

As Sajo Aige said this, she walked up the stairs to the second floor. When she came to the corridor, she looked left and right, and then walked into the corridor on the right.

Einzbern’s castle is huge, but in contrast, there are almost no residents here. Except for the two android maids just now, there is only one person who is the master of Saber.

After all, this is just a temporary stronghold, and Einzbern will not send particularly many people here.

“It’s really a waste to only have three people living in such a huge castle.”

Arriving at a room, Shajo Aige put her hand on the door handle, opened the door and walked into the house.

“——If you invite more guests like me to visit, it will be more lively, right?”

“It’s a pity that I don’t want to see such an rude guest like you.”

The only person in the room – a young girl with white hair and red eyes sitting on the bed – looked at Shajo Aige who walked into the room, said with disgust, and at the same time pulled out a few strands of her hair. .

The next moment, the silver hair seemed to be alive, quickly weaving into several silver eagles in the air, circling and flying towards Shatiao Aige. The tip of its pointed beak was like a fort, firing out magic powers one after another. Beam.

“Snap, snap, snap!”

The beams of light were fired at Sajo Aige, but when they were about to hit Sajo Aige, all the beams seemed to be deflected and twisted, and instead shot towards the surrounding walls and ceiling.

Sajou Aige smiled and stretched out her hand to catch one of the eagles: “Is it a special familiar made by using your own hair as a catalyst? It is really an interesting magic, it can generate magic power on its own… …Judging from the standards of the Clock Tower, this is already at the level of a canon or even a sex level.”

“It is indeed the proud work of the Einzbern family. It is the most complete Winter Maiden to date. According to the standards of mages and masters, there is no doubt that everything is of the highest standard.”


Crushing the eagle in his hand, Sajo Aige pulled out a strand of his own hair and quickly braided it under the gaze of the girl on the bed until finally——

“Well, is that okay?”

He holds a golden sword in his right hand and a golden shield in his left hand. He has no lower body and his face seems to be covered by a mask. Looking at this being woven from a strand of his own hair, Sha Tiao Ai Ge said with some dissatisfaction: “This is the first time I have used this kind of alchemy. The completion is a bit rough…but I probably won’t use it too many times in the future, and I don’t strive for perfection.” If necessary, you should be able to master it after just studying for about thirty minutes.”

This special alchemy technique, which was spread enough to be regarded as a secret technique by some magic families, seemed worthless to Sajo Aige.

But this is her, this is Shajo Love Song.

Whether it’s magic or magic, their value to her is just that. Even if they are added together, they can’t compare to Axia’s. At most, it’s just a slightly easier-to-use technique.

The current level is sufficient under the current circumstances.

“Well, although this is just the first time we’ve met, I’m sorry, but I’m going to kill you – but don’t worry, I won’t let your body get hurt. After all, it’s a very important cup, for the sake of the prince. For your purpose, my lord, your body has not yet collapsed.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she controlled the golden knight to come to the girl, and made her raise the knight sword in her hand.

“Good night, [Illya]——”

21. Dig your grave and then the cow comes over

Waves of ice roared and surged through the mountains and forests.

Just like the white snake god who lives in the mountains in the legend is angry, the blue and white extremely cold waves are like a dancing snake god, madly ravaging the land in the mountains!


The ground is frozen, the mountains are frozen.


Vast tracts of woods collapsed and shattered under the impact.

If this scene had been witnessed in ancient times, it would have given rise to myths and legends with different contents.

Stepping on the surface of the ice waves, it was like skiing and moving forward with the waves. Alexia, who was holding an ice gun, looked at Saber who was running in panic below. With a wave of the ice gun, dozens of them were broken up. Ice-edge flying spears shot at Saber one after another.

“Clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Although she was running away, Saber’s movements were not out of shape in any way. Whether she was dodging or counterattacking, none of the flying guns hit her. They were all dodged or shot down by her!

(Really excellent swordsmanship and fighting ability…how about this?)

Alexia waved the ice gun again, and the wave of ice that was originally only one wave split into two smaller tributaries in an instant, turned around and flew straight into the sky, and then turned into countless broken ice and fell from the sky!

“Swish, swish, swish!”

The overwhelming hail fell like a torrential rain.

(It’s time to stop, right?)

Once Saber slows down, Exia can control the ice wave to catch up and deliver a fatal blow.


“Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Saber, however, had no intention of stopping at all. She continued to run at super high speed, and at the same time, she kept waving her sword blade to smash the falling hailstones one after another, as if she was holding up a steel umbrella. Although It was not considered that all the hailstones were blocked and shattered, but under the dance of her sword blade, most of the hailstones could not even touch the skirt of her clothes!

(It can still be like this…)

Exia didn’t know what to think. Faced with this kind of AOE attack, she could still block most of them… With this kind of fighting ability, no wonder Saber became a hero in the Holy Grail War ten years ago. The Servant who survived to the end.

(This is the only way to do it.)


The ground suddenly cracked, and an ice wall suddenly broke through the ground and stood up on the path that Saber must pass!

Saber’s progress suddenly stopped.

(Are you blocking my way… Sure enough, with his ability, he can restrict my movements at any time.)

Without trying to break through the ice wall, Saber held her sword and turned to look at Exia who jumped down from the ice wave: “Is the game of pretending to be a Lancer over? Caster.”

“I’m not pretending. Although I haven’t practiced in particular, I do know how to shoot a gun to a certain extent.” Exia smiled, “But, it seems that it will be a bit troublesome to defeat you just by relying on ability. Sure enough, Without special training, I can’t reach that guy’s level just relying on my current level.”

The other self, [Exia], if it were him, he would definitely be able to easily deal with Saber now, whether relying on pure physical ability or pure ice control ability.

(I’m still far away. Sure enough, the Holy Grail is inevitable.)

Dispersing the ice gun in his hand, he raised his hand to absorb all the Honkai energy around him, turning it into a huge ice sword that was almost as tall as a person. Exia sighed slightly.

The next moment——


Saber, who was still standing on the spot, was directly knocked out on the spot!

And the place where she originally stood has become the place where Ixia is now standing!

(What – this speed……)

Saber, who was flying in the air, couldn’t help but exclaimed inwardly. Although she relied on her intuition to barely defend herself before being hit, the time available for defense was too short, leaving her with no choice. Make the perfect defense!

The caster is actually so fast? Have you never been serious before?


The scene in front of him flashed. In his eyes before he landed, Ikesia’s figure came directly in front of him from a distance. The steel light wings carried behind him were emitting the maximum power of flames!


A powerful roundhouse kick immediately landed on Saber’s chest, breaking several of her ribs! And let her fly a long distance in a further direction!

(Damn…in the air…can’t defend well…)

Gritting her teeth and enduring the severe pain in her chest, Saber looked at Exia who continued to fly towards her at the highest speed, and struggled to raise the holy sword in a defensive posture——

“This way.”

However, Alexia suddenly rose into the air and then turned sharply down. He circled behind her and hit her face with a powerful elbow!

This is the convenience of being able to move freely in the air.

In the past, Exia had been ridiculed for not being able to fly, and the flying enemies he faced took advantage of this, but now it was his turn to use the same stance to deal with Saber.

(It’s really good to be able to fly.)

Exiya, who was feeling this way in her heart, swooped down and once again approached Saber who was knocked away by her. With her right hand, she pulled the huge ice sword over and held it, aiming it at her chest——

(That’s it, Saber. I have no grudge against you, but I need the Holy Grail to be my strength.)

The Servants who come in response to the Holy Grail all have their own wishes.

They participated in the Holy Grail War to realize their wishes, and the same goes for Saber – but this has nothing to do with Exia. He has no interest in Saber’s wish, but her wish hinders his purpose, so he Her wishes must be trampled to pieces.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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