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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 136

Shajo Aige reached out and stroked Alexia’s cheek.

“From the moment you were born to now, for the entire sixteen years, I read about your sixteen years from the perspective of a bystander in just tens of seconds. And then, this was condensed into tens of seconds. Sixteen years made me fall in love with you in that moment.”

Magicians are all people who will do whatever it takes to reach the source.

But Shajo Aige is different. She is naturally connected to the roots and has no yearning for them. But if the root is not the root, but just an [ultimate goal], then Shajo Aige is just like other magicians.

She will also do whatever it takes to achieve her [ultimate goal (Exia)].

In this respect, she is also a very pure magician.

“I love you, Alexia (Prince).” Shajo Aige stretched out his hand to Alexia, “So, even if you ask me to dedicate everything to you, dedicate my life and existence to you, , all of them, I don’t have any complaints.”

“ichliebedich, Exia.”

26. Rita: It’s broken, something big has happened.

At that time, until the end of dinner time, Ixia did not say another word to Sajo Aige.

The two of them are like friends having a cold war. Even Saber, who is still a stranger to the two of them, can clearly feel the obvious distance between the two, not to mention Sajo Aya, who is the sister of Sajo Aige. fragrant.

And after dinner –

“What are you doing here?”

field of consciousness.

After re-entering here through Ddraig, Exia heard another question from her as soon as her feet landed.

Aikesia looked at [Aikexia] who had her legs crossed: “I’m here…to talk to you.”

“Discuss? Discuss what?”

“Uh…it belongs to Miss Aige…”

“I don’t have time to accompany you for emotional counseling, get out of here.” [Exia] gave the eviction order unceremoniously, “Besides, you still have such leisurely intentions now? You shouldn’t hurry up and kill other servants.” Holy Grail, can you use magic casually to a certain extent? Is it interesting to play sister-brother relationship with a twenty-two-year-old college student here? “

“Who is playing sibling relationship? Besides, Miss Aige is not my sister!”

Alexia retorted angrily and sat down on the snow at the same time: “Tsk, I really shouldn’t have come. I feel offended when I hear you talk. I originally thought you and Ddraig should be able to give me some advice.”

“I can’t give you any advice, after all, I don’t know anything about dating.”

“me too.”

Ddraig landed from the sky behind Exia.

“If you insist on talking, the only advice I can give you is the romantic history of the previous hosts.”

(Ah~~~ Those seniors who sleep on different women’s bellies every night?)

Hearing what Ddraig said, Exia knew that he couldn’t count on him. It would be a waste if a senior who could do those things could give him advice.

“But it’s just that a girl expressed her love. Are you so worried, partner?”

Looking at Alexia who was lost in thought, Ddraig couldn’t help but asked curiously.

It is a dragon and does not quite understand the human concept of love.

“Same as above.” [Axia] echoed, “Just because you confessed your love once, it’s like you were proposed to. Even if it’s a proposal, it’s just that, right? If you don’t want to marry her or don’t like her, just do it. Wouldn’t it be over if you refuse?”

“…I wish I had done this earlier, but it’s because I can’t give an answer so simply that I feel troubled here.”

Alexia sighed.

“Miss Ai Ge…she is serious. There is a strong [consciousness] in her words. I can feel it.”

In the past, in order to protect Lefiya, Alexia had a strong [consciousness] from the bottom of her heart for the first time. And then when facing Kokbol, he also had a similar [enlightenment].

In fact, everyone has this kind of enlightenment, the difference lies in the intensity.

If the intensity of Alexia’s two awakenings is regarded as one hundred, then the words of Shajo Aige, to Alexia’s ears, have an intensity of at least three to four hundred.

She is really serious.

Therefore, Alexia must not give an answer casually and respond to Shajo Aige’s seriousness and awareness with his carelessness and lack of attention.

“I can not stand you.”

[Exia] scratched his head.

“I don’t understand why you have to think so much – why don’t you give me your body and I’ll speak for you.”

“… Just to be on the safe side, let me ask you what you are going to say.”

“[What I like is my childhood sweetheart with blond hair, big waves, and a figure a million times better than yours, with black stockings and long legs. So I’m sorry, I can’t respond to your feelings].”

OK, pass.

Alexia resisted the urge to beat her other self: “It’s impossible to say such a thing no matter how much you think about it! Use your brain, you! You and I are obviously the same person, why do we think differently? So many!”

“Just tell me if I said it right!”

[Axia] asked back: “You like Bianca anyway, right? So is it necessary to respond to other people’s feelings?”

“This is the truth…”

The person he likes is undoubtedly Bianca, not only because of the unusual familiarity between the two when they first met, but also because of the time the two grew up together as childhood sweethearts over the past few years. This relationship with Bianca The childhood they spent together is the root of Alexia’s love for Bianca.

In addition, there are Bianca’s character, Bianca’s smile, Bianca’s various behaviors, Bianca’s thoughts…all of these, together with the roots, constitute the completion of Bianca in Alexia’s heart 【like】.

Therefore, he should actually give a rejection response without any hesitation.

And the reason why he is hiding here now is…

“You don’t know how to reject her, and you don’t know how to face her, right? Partner.”

Ddraig said.

Alexia nodded wordlessly.

This is the first time that Ixia has been confessed to. Faced with such a passionate confession from Sajo Aige, who is older than him, he has absolutely no experience in this area and does not know how to react. His mentality is still the same until now. It hasn’t calmed down yet.

Have you been confessed? what to do? Why should I confess to myself? Would it be better for me to say no?

——Thoughts like this are now filling Exia’s mind.

Regardless of whether he is the youngest [Hero] in destiny, or the last Sekiryuutei who defeated a mythical creature in another world, in the final analysis, Exia is still just a sixteen-year-old adolescent boy, which translates into a person who has not even graduated from high school. Just a young boy who graduated.

That’s why he came here and asked [himself] what to do.

“Then go and ask me.”

[Exia] said this suddenly.

“Instead of letting you and I talk to each other in the mirror here, it’s better to find someone who can give you advice in a real sense – tell Bianca directly about this matter.”

“Huh?” Alexia was stunned, “Tell Bianca directly that I was confessed?”

Isn’t this the right rhythm for something big to happen? !

“Otherwise, you might go to Bishop Otto who is your adoptive father. He is an old man who has lived for five hundred years. He must have some experience in this field, right? In short, don’t come here to find me! This is at odds with yourself. What’s the difference?”

Exia and [Exia] are each other, and asking yourself questions has no meaning other than introspection and self-confirmation.

[Exia] stood up from the throne: “However, no matter what, whether you have to accept it in the end or reject it in the end, the choice is in your hands – you have to make a choice that you will not regret. Come on, [Exia (me)].”

“No matter what choice you make in the end, this four-legged red lizard and I will support you unconditionally – whether we scold you or not is another matter.”

“…Well, I understand.”

Alexia nodded, then closed her eyes and let her consciousness rise, returning from the conscious space to the real world.

After glancing at the ceiling of his room, he took a deep breath and took out his personal terminal.

[Bianca, are you there? 】

[Yes, is something wrong? 】

[I was confessed by Miss Sajo Aige and I don’t know how to respond. I would like to ask for your advice]


At the same time, Tianming Headquarters.

At the Exia house, looking at this message popping up on her personal terminal, Bianca, who came with Rita to accompany Kiana to make up classes, and stayed overnight for dinner, froze in place instantly!

Next to Bianca, Rita, who happened to be passing by, saw her parents suddenly stunned and came over curiously.


“Lady Bianca!”

“Huh? What, what’s wrong, Rita?”

“Please ask Lord Exia to initiate a video call with you immediately!”


Something big happened!

This is the only thought in Rita’s heart now.

27. Bianca’s Thoughts

“——That’s probably what happened.”

Tens of minutes later.

After repeating the previous conversation with Sajo Aige to Rita and Bianca via video call, Alexia kept glancing at Bianca, feeling inexplicably nervous.

Although he likes Bianca, he has never told her about it. If you have to go into detail, the two of them are just good friends and childhood sweethearts.

However, now Alexia was extremely nervous inside, and she felt a strong sense of guilt that she had done something wrong to Bianca behind her back.

On the other side, after listening to Alexia’s description, Bianca and Rita fell silent.

(Did that Sajo Aige… actually say that to Exia?)

Thinking back on what Ixia retold, Bianca suddenly didn’t know what to say, and she wasn’t even sure what feelings and thoughts she should have now.

Alexia is her most important childhood sweetheart, and now that someone has confessed her love for him, logically speaking, Bianca should congratulate him. After all, this is a good thing. If someone likes Alexia, then what will happen to him in the future? There is no need to worry about major life events.

But… maybe it’s an illusion, Bianca has some emotions in her heart that should be close to “reluctance”.

In the more than seven years since childhood, Bianca never thought that Alexia would leave her one day. The two had only confirmed to each other two days ago that they would be together forever.

(If Alexia has a lover, then the time I spend with him…)

[Brother, do you like that sandiao love song? 】

While Bianca was thinking this, Kiana, who had been listening, suddenly asked.

“Uh… I can’t say I like her. I haven’t known her for even two days. Of course I can’t say I hate her… Well, [a big sister who can be talked to] Does it feel like this?”

[That means you don’t like it, so just refuse it]

Kiana’s decisive statement made Exia stunned, and others around her were also stunned.

【Miss Kiana…】

“But it’s not okay to refuse directly? I just want to know how to refuse–“

[This is not something you have to consider, brother. To put it bluntly, brother, you are thinking too much! ] Kiana pushed Bianca away and sat in front of the camera, [Listen up, brother, you think you should take care of that Shajo Aige’s mood, you can’t just refuse to make her sad – but in fact you refused The very fact of killing her will make her sad! How can any girl be happy after being rejected by her sweetheart? 】

[So, since you will be sad no matter what, then the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, just reject her cleanly! 】

It’s really a very Kiana-style perspective.

Alexia held her chin and thought for a moment: “Well…Rita, what do you think?”

[My thoughts…are similar to Miss Kiana. I also know little about emotional matters, so I really can’t give you much useful advice, but I think Miss Kiana’s statement is very reasonable]

[The other thing is – you just need to make it clear whether you like Ms. Shajo Aika]

Are you sure you like it?

“…I know, I will think about it carefully. By the way, is the bishop free now? If possible, can you bring him here too?”

[This probably won’t work]

Rita shook her head.

[Today, all the Catholics are at the Saint 1504 Research Institute. It is said that there has been a breakthrough in the research on divine blood. We cannot contact the Bishop until he gives an order.]


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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