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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 137

(That is to say, Bishop Otto can’t be counted on for the time being…Forget it, let’s leave it at that for now.)

“I understand. Thank you, Rita, Kiana, and Bianca. I will contact you again if something happens, that’s all.”

【Ah, wait——】

Before Bianca could say anything, Alexia hung up the phone. After sitting on the bed for a while, she stood up and walked toward the door as if she had made up her mind.

on the other hand.

Looking at the completely darkened personal terminal in front of her, Bianca paused for a moment while maintaining her opening posture, and then lowered her hands and head helplessly.

She actually had something else she wanted to tell Exia.

“Are you worried about Lady Alexia? Lady Bianca.”

Sensing something strange about the people around her, Rita asked with concern.

Bianca nodded bluntly: “A little bit… just in case Ixia and Shajo love the song…”

What if he accepts Shajo Aige’s feelings?

Thinking of this possibility, Bianca felt an unexplained uneasiness and anxiety in her heart, just like a candidate who had three minutes to go before the exam started and could hear her own heartbeat beating faster and faster.

“It’s okay, Youlandel, bro, she doesn’t like that Shatiao Ai Ge, weren’t you sure that he would reject it just now?” Kiana comforted her with a smile, “What’s more, I don’t think so. I’ll fall in love with someone else.”


These words made Bianca frown: “Kiana, what you said seems to be saying… Alexia already has someone she likes?”

“Um – uh…ah…well…that’s just what I thought!”

Kiana nodded subconsciously, but suddenly remembered what her brother had told her before, and quickly changed her words: “After all, Youlandel, you are so beautiful, and Sister Rita is also very beautiful, Tiantian and you guys How could the brother we live with fall in love with a stranger whom we have only known for less than two days?”

“——Right? Sister Rita!”

“We won’t lighten your workload if you praise us, Miss Kiana.” Rita said with a smile, “However, there is a certain truth…”

(Rita didn’t deny it, which means…)

Bianca looked up at the ceiling.

(Exia likes me?)

The moment such thoughts flashed through her mind, the tension and anxiety in Bianca’s heart were immediately reduced by more than half, replaced by a kind of… joy?

(Eh? Happy? Why do I feel this way?)

Bianca thought doubtfully.

Why does she feel happy when she thinks that [Exia may like herself]? Is this something worth feeling happy about…?

(not understand.)

After thinking hard for a while, Bianca stretched out her hands and sighed as if she had given up: “Huh~~~Forget it, let’s not talk about Alexia for now. Kiana’s class is still here today. It’s not done yet.”


“There’s still a little time until dinner, let’s get on with it, Kiana.”

Looking at Bianca with a kind look on her face, Kiana immediately looked at Rita, but what she got was the same kind eyes.

(It’s over, it’s over! Mei and Bronya have evening self-study today… They’re going to die!)

“Oh yeah, Rita.”

“I am here, Lady Bianca.”

Pursing her lips, Bianca hesitated for a moment and then said: “There are some things I need to discuss with you later, um… Could you please spare some time before going to bed?”


Looking at Bianca who looked a little unusual, Rita thought for a moment, then smiled and said: “Okay, I am happy to serve you, Lady Bianca.”

28. It doesn’t matter if you refuse.

In the corridor.


“Good evening, Prince.”

Just as Alexia walked out of his room, he saw Shajo Aige who also happened to walk out of the room.

After smiling and waving to Alexia, Shajo Aige came to him: “You have something to tell me, right?”

“…Do you know all this?”

“I have some vague feelings. My intuition in this regard is quite accurate.” Shajo Aige said with a smile.

If there is anything that the omniscient and omnipotent Sajo Aige cannot do, it is to speculate on Exia’s actions. It is possible to speculate on a certain degree of behavioral patterns from past memories and experiences.

But now, Shajo Aige didn’t do such tedious things. She just thought that Exia might have something she wanted to tell her, so she walked out.

Leaning against the wall with his hands clasped behind his back, Shajo Aige asked with a smile: “So, what do you want to say to me? Prince.”


After a moment of silence and a deep breath, Ixia looked at Shajo Aige: “About what you said to me in the kitchen before… I’m sorry, Miss Aige, I think now I can’t respond or accept your love for me.”

“Yeah, I know.”


Alexia was just about to continue speaking, but after realizing for a second late the response given by Sajo Aige, she was suddenly startled.

“Miss Aige, you…did you already know that I would reject you?”

“Yes, I’ve known it from the beginning.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “After all, we haven’t known each other for long. Although I really, really like Mr. Prince, it’s hard for Mr. Prince to like him all of a sudden. I’ve been here for less than two days, so that’s still too much.”

“In addition, I also know who the prince likes now.”

The moment Exia came to this world, his “present” became part of this world, and by tracing backward through the “present”, Shajo Aige knew Exia’s “past”.

Exia risked her life for someone.

Exia who tried her best for someone.

Sajo Aige completely experienced Alexia’s past from a third-person perspective. Therefore, she knew everything about Alexia – including her real name, which he still didn’t know, and the fact that he had made it clear The person you like.

“Is it Miss Bianca? The one you like now.”

Alexia likes Bianca.

Sajo Aige knew this from the beginning, and she also knew that if she confessed to the current Alexia, she would undoubtedly be rejected.

“I envy Miss Bianca very much, Prince-sama.” Sajo Aige said, “So, it doesn’t matter if you reject me, Prince-sama – because even if you refuse, I will not give up.”


Alexia was startled: “Uh… not giving up means…”

“It means that I will continue to express my love to you in the future.”

“But I’ve-“

“Yes, the person the prince likes now is Miss Bianca. I know this very well – but the person you like will change, right?”

Shajo Aige stood up straight and raised her head slightly to look at Alexia, who was a head taller than her: “The current prince likes Miss Bianca, but the future prince may not like Miss Bianca, right? Right? No one can predict what will happen in the future.”

“So I will keep working hard, I will fulfill all the prince’s wishes, I will realize all your ideas, and I will stay with you forever. Even if our lives come to an end, I will always be with you in hell and underworld. You’re with me.”

“Of course, I will also make changes. I will change the things you don’t like, and I will try to do better in the things you like. I can start growing the long wavy hair you like, and I can also use magic to make mine Get as plump as Miss Bianca…I will do whatever I can for you.”

“——Until I become the person you like.”

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if Ixia refuses now. Shajo Aige has long been prepared to be rejected countless times.

She can accept her countless failures. Anyway, all she needs is one victory, and it doesn’t matter how many times she fails before that.



Alexia didn’t know what to say, he really didn’t know what to do.

Shajo Aige did not do anything too extreme. She just expressed her thoughts calmly. She even gave the greatest degree of tolerance, the greatest degree of freedom, and the greatest degree of escape and retreat. room.

As the saying goes, sincerity is exchanged for sincerity.

Only by treating others sincerely can others treat you sincerely. This is what Shajo Aige is doing now. She shows her sincerity to Alexia. Therefore, regardless of whether it is possible or not, Alexia can only respond to her sincerely.

“…I give up, Miss Song.”

As if helpless and having no other choice, Alexia smiled bitterly and raised her hands in a gesture of surrender: “Since you said so, then I really…even if I reject you decisively, It will definitely be useless even a hundred times, right?”

“Yes. After that, I will confess to you for the 101st time.”


Shajo Aige is immortal, and the love of Shajo Aige is immortal love.

Alexia now had to admit that he had begun to develop feelings for Sajo Aige, not as a lover, but as an individual. He began to like Sajo Aige as a person.

Whether it’s her character, her behavior, or her spirit and will.

If you are rejected a hundred times, you will do it again a hundred times; if you are rejected a thousand times, you will do it again a thousand times – even if it is ten thousand times, Shajo Aige is willing to do it again.

So, Exia gave up.

(If you do this…then I will feel offended in the future.)

In the current situation, Alexia can only think of one solution – run away as soon as three months is up!

Time can smooth everything. To put it to the extreme, as long as he leaves this world and never comes back, then Shajo Ai Ge can only give up no matter how persevering he is.

But the problem is…

(Miss Ai Ge most likely won’t let me leave.)

Previously, Shajo Aige said that she would become the Great Holy Grail and leave with him. There are still three months before she leaves. Such a long time cannot guarantee her – let alone if she really wants to do that, Ike Xia will also feel a little uncomfortable.

(Can I only make Miss Aige hate me as much as possible in these three months? But how to do it specifically? Should I behave completely opposite to usual? – Let the other me out?)

This idea was passed by Alexia as soon as it came up. If he let another self come out, let alone anything else, just because of his character, Alexia could foresee how much trouble he would cause to her. trouble!

“Ah, by the way, Mr. Prince. There is something I want to confirm.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

“The Great Holy Grail.” Shajo Aige said, “Do you still want the Great Holy Grail?”

29. Destroy the Holy Grail War?

Arturia didn’t sleep all night.

Although Shajo Aige arranged a room for her and Illya after dinner last night, because there was only one bed, Artoria did not sleep. Instead, she knelt down on the floor of the room and meditated. One night.

Anyway, for a Servant, sleep is an unnecessary function.

Of course, Artoria was not just meditating, she was thinking about something – about the Holy Grail War.

Her reason for participating in the Holy Grail War was simple – she wanted to go back to the past, to the day when she drew the sword from the stone and became the King of Britain. Then give up pulling out the sword in the stone and let someone more qualified than yourself become the King of Britain.

Artoria did not think that she was the most suitable King of Britain, because her various actions brought Britain to such a tragic end.

[Perhaps someone else can do it better than myself], [Perhaps Britain can meet the end in a better way]… Artoria thinks so.

Therefore, Artoria needs the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail that can grant any wish.

But yesterday, she heard Sajou Aige’s words and heard the truth about the Holy Grail War she revealed.

A wishing machine that makes all your wishes come true?

That kind of thing doesn’t exist! In the end, the Holy Grail she fought for was actually just an empty promise. The magicians who created the Holy Grail War deceived all the servants and magicians who participated in the war!

So, what are my wishes and the battles I have experienced so far…


The cool morning breeze blew in through the gap in the closed window. Arturia opened her eyes under the morning light and looked at Illya lying on the bed.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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